@Mego I use Jetbrains for large projects, VSC large projects Jetbrains doesn't have an IDE for (Rust), vim for editing individual files, sublime for editing a couple related files together b/c I can't figure out how to open multiple files in vim
Not a fan of the idea that you should have one favorite editor you use for everything
Unless you're weird and use emacs I guess
I use VS Code for basically everything
For multiple files in vim, you probably want something like nerdtree
CMC: Make an anonymous function in Octave that returns the length of an input string/vector, without using any numbers, functions, loops, conditionals or relying on errors.
@PhiNotPi My friend's dad is really into collecting butterflies... He has visited every remote corner of the world to collect rare butterflies. He created a website in the 90's and maintains it still. It was recently updated with butterflies from North Korea... The fun thing: It looks exactly the same as the one you linked to... With the same beautiful looking menu on the left, fonts, a single image on the front page etc.
I guess that was a standard template back in the 90's, early 2000's...?
I want to add link in my images uploaded on google maps.
Like below.
You can see visit page tag here.
I want to add that on my images in google maps.
Any method? I am trying to find but can't find documentation how to do this.
Count the trees
code-golf natural-language
Given an input consisting of ASCII art of trees such as
0 <
| > @
| @ | 0
| | # | |
| | | | |
count the number of trees present and report th...
Possibly... DreamWeaver was my introduction to html. Wrote a commercial website from scratch, without using any of the GUI. I only used DreamWeaver to look at the site, not design it. I basically used it as a browser...
I didn't even use a template. Started writing basic html and css commands. Hadn't done any programming before. It was a pain!
@Fatalize i don't understand how that's supposed to be a helpful reminder, literally noone never should expect SE to make an exception to the standard 6-8 weeks for anything regardless of what anyone says, especially for ppcg :p
@Fatalize It's not really a lie... the discussion became bigger than just the site design, so we had to step back and think a bit more. :) Apologies for the delay.
It was a dark and stormy night. Detective Havel and Detective Hakimi arrived at the scene of the crime.
Other than the detectives, there were 10 people present. They asked the first person, "out of the 9 other people here, how many had you already met before tonight?" The person answered "5". Th...
Thanos Quine Balance
We all know what a quine is. For those who dont, a quine is a function/program/method which outputs it source code with no input.
We know Thanos, the main antagonist in Avengers infinity war and End Game, and his desire of universe balance by deleting half living creatures ...