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actually disregard above was albe to test
CMC: write a single-line python "indexOf" function using the algorithm "given a list L and item N pick random indexes until L(I) == N then return I". example, multiline:
def search(l, n):
	while True:
		i = random.randint(0, len(l)-1)
		if (l[i] == n): return i
my best guess so far is using py3.7 new := with l.__getitem__(i:=random.randint(0,len(l)-1))==n
can't get that into a single-line loop inside a function tho, RIP
Vtc, unobservable behavior :P
there's a reason this is a CMC not a main post DJ lol
is it possible to make an infinite list comprehension?
Probably not
yes, yes it is
Maybe an infinite generator instead?
yep using that in an inf list comp should work
@Riker Remind me how := works? It's a 3.8 thing, right?
long story short you can do if (match := pattern.match(data)) and then use match right after
instead of needing to re-call patten.match
I'm using it for i:=random.randint(0,len(l)-1)
which is a horrible line of code lmao
Oh, I just had an idea
Just a sec
Nope, doesn't quite work: Try it online!
Oh wait, does TIO even have 3.8?
sys.vers says 3.7.2
@Dennis py3 on TIO is running 3.7.2 instead of 3.7.3 or even 3.8
should probably be updated to 3.7.3 at least, I'm not sure it matters much though
@Riker It's just a different version on TIO
:= is a godsend for lambdas
@DJMcMayhem can't use := inside a list index
you have to use l.__getitem__
Coffee break NLP project: github.com/turbo/Endering . Maybe something that could be made into a challenge.
but yeah that's what I'm coming up with too @DJMcMayhem
would be nice to make it non-recursive but that works
you can shave a byte by spinning it around tho
It works! Try it online!
@mınxomaτ That's pretty neat. Have a star
if you make it n==l... then you can remove the space after the ending parends, which is already removed with the ==
so you can do )else & if n not n else & if l
@Riker Why is Gamora?
also that's still 2 lines ;p
though I think that might hit sys.recursionlimit
@DJMcMayhem I understood that reference
@mınxomaτ interesting, nice work on that
ah nice
what's the or~+i for?
Because i can be 0, which is falsey
And ~+i is a short way to cast 0 into non-zero that doesn't require a space between it and or
well, do you need +?
Oh true
I'm just used to the short inline +1 trick :P
I get the ~ cast lol I was just confused about ~+
ah I see
and you stole my n==l vs l==n lol
Tuples are truthy :P
oh nice
which has higher precedence, and vs or? and, right?
darn I can't replace else with or
The rule was one line, not one self-contained lambda
yes tha'ts why "spirit"
I wasn't referring to the self-contained bit just the two statements with ;
hm, is there any way to use input() and := to remove something? idts
Not in a way that would save bytes, I think
yeah don't think so
you'd have to use a loop and that's gonna nuke your line anyway
You could use an IIFE but that would definitely not save bytes
Does anybody here see morse code in camel.mp3?
4 hours later…
@H.PWiz perhaps mildly interesting, i just found a new summation for phi
and unlike the taylor series of (1 + 1/4)^(1/2), the terms are all positive
@primo what's the rate of convergence?
not sure actually
let me test it :p
@LeakyNun linear, at about 1.43 terms per digit
1/log(5) terms per digit =~ 1.43068
how to increase the rate of convergence?
of, say, sum 1/n^2 = pi^2/6
oh I may have some idea
should already be super-linear
no, i'm definitely wrong about that :p
still very slow
@primo sum[n>=N] 1/n^2 >= sum[n>=N] 1/n - 1/(n+1) = 1/N
euler's transform doesn't help either, it would need to be an alternating series
100 terms hasn't converged to the second decimal place
@LeakyNun linear convergence @ ~0.3 digits per term
the series doesn't seem factorable, though
@primo how does it work?
Interesting idea (for finite-precision languages)? Given a list of floats that may be very large and/or very small, answer their product (which is guaranteed to be within your float range). E.g. [3E200,4E200,5E-200,6E-200]360
modified euler transform, in effect i discard half of each term
which is why there's a multiplication by two at the end
1 hour later…
@LeakyNun Try it online!
i determined that each term of the series was factorable by the nth harmonic number
slightly better formulation: Try it online!
1 hour later…
@primo Cool. I have it as 70 bytes in Python3 (might be over complicating it). Perhaps it is useful in C (I don't know how hard the division in the other algorithm is to implement)
i think it might reduce C, perhaps also perl
i currently waste a few bytes in perl because integer division and mod of negatives don't agree
i.e. int(a/b)*b + a%b != a
@H.PWiz 67 bytes
i modified the summation slightly, though wolfram alpha
Me too 70
My aim was just to get 1.%d
i'm not actually sure how you hacked in the 1/2
(Same way I get -3 for pi)
i'll have to study this ;)
i recently reduced 67->66 for pi
I saw, presumably with f''
embarrassingly, i didn't know about f'' format strings until 2 days ago <_<
Yeah, I found out about them, after golfing all my solutions below the point at which they are useful
Forgot to inline b. So 64
CMC: Given a list of numbers, reorder the list such that the sum of the absolute deviations from zero of the running total is minimised. E.g. [1,-5,-5,10][-5,10,-5,1]
so like for the answer
the sum of deviations would be 11?
@Maltysen Yes.
@H.PWiz 63
@Adám Pyth, 13 bytes
@Maltysen No speaketh Pyth. How?
.p is premutations
then we take head(h) of sortby(o)
._N is prefixes of the lambda var
then map(M)
sum (sM)
and abs (.aM)
and sum that (s)
@Maltysen Ah, so brute force, and untenable for long lists.
oh yeah lol
I haven't figured out the pattern
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Luis felipe De jesus MunozGravitational Force Between Numbers The gravitational force is a force that attracts any two objects with mass. In this case our objects will be Numbers and their mass will be their value. In this challenge we are going to be trying to simulate this using numbers. TO do so we don't care about t...

im not sure if greedy would work
Maybe would make a good Main challenge if I can somehow prevent brute force.
u can just say
that it has to do the test cases <10 s
or something
or even an hour
and give a list with n=20
so people can do stupid golf stuff
but not brute force
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Galen IvanovA word ladder Given a string consisting only of lowercase letters and spaces, use each space to alternate the direction of writing to the right, then to the left relatively to the initial direction from left to right. hello world hello w o r l d Here we start writing he...

@Adám do you have a non-bruteforce solution?
@ngn No, you?
@Adám no, i'm trying to think of one
@ngn I have a feeling that an O(n²) solution is possible rather than the naive O(n!)
@Adám this problem is a wolf in sheep's clothing
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/185734/78849 I'm not sure what's counted in Scala. Did this new guy chip out too much into the header?
@Veskah don't know Scala, but val f:Int=>Unit = feels analogous to Consumer<Integer> f = in java, which is allowed
Ah, makes sense
@Adám I've been trying to come up with an example where interleaving the smallest element and largest elements isn't the solution. I.e, sort the array, then take the first, then the last, then the second, etc. Or am I not understanding the challenge?
@AdmBorkBork [1,2,3]
Oh, I see. The examples I've fiddled with have had negative numbers as well. Didn't think of an only-positive example. Haha.
2 hours later…
@Dennis @DJMcMayhem @Doorknob @Mego could you grant chat.stackexchange.com/users/390618/feeb write access to chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/90748/the-k-tree please?
is a matrix maze of 0 and 1 considered a complete graph?
@Rick in what sense? the usual?
correct the usual
@Rick if the vertices are the matrix cells and the edges are pairs of neighbouring cells, then obviously it's not a complete graph (except for a few trivial cases of 1×1, 2×1, etc)
then what is it?
an adjacency list?
and how do you calculate the time complexity of traversing from one vertex to another
@Rick depends on what property of the graph you want to draw attention to, e.g. it could be a bounded-degree graph - each vertex has ≤4 edges (or ≤8 if you allow diagonals)
@Rick an adjacency list is a way to represent a graph, not a property of the graph as a mathematical object
@Rick is that homework? :)
The degree will vary from one vertex to the other. I just want to be able to explain maze traversal in graph theory terms. And I want to be able to explain the time complexity associated with traversing from one point to another point in the maze.
that fact that it's a maze is throwing me off
Not homework, I just want to make sure I understand what a maze is in concrete terms.
@ngn I just found something that says Dijkstra can run on dense graphs which are complete graphs. This is so confusing
When I read about Dijkstra it talks about the graph as a weighted graph and it is only in terms of the path it traverses. Never in terms of the overall matrix that path is a part of, why is this?
@ngn done
Q: Warped chessboard

Luis MendoThis challenge is about building a chessboard in which the square size, instead of being constant across the board, follows a certain non-decreasing sequence, as described below. The board is drfined iteratively. A board of size n×n is extended to size n+k×n+k by extending it down and to the rig...

@DJMcMayhem thanks
@Rick you can consider all edges in a maze to have weight 1
@Rick i'm not sure i understand the rest of your question. could you give a quote from or a link to what you read?
wikipedia has a nice animation of Dijkstra's algorithm working on a maze graph en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm#Algorithm
@Arnauld @flawr Thanks for the edits! (I couldn't see what @flawr's edit was, though)
flawr's was most likely a whitespace removal
@ngn Dijkstra can be run on many different graphs, it can also be run on a directed edge graph. I'm just confused about why no one ever talks about the path with respect to the larger structure that path resides in.
Felt like I was taking crazy pills when I scrolled so far through the pwaS challenge and didn't see regex answers. They were all at the bottom
I also only thought of it after mucking about with swapping the actual letters
@Rick i don't know. technically, the algorithm doesn't compute paths, only distances
(though the paths could be reconstructed from the distances after the algorithm has finished)
@ngn Dijkstra computes the path, the paths are the nodes that form the distances.
how do you think it gets to the target without visiting all the nodes in the matrix
@Rick ok, with a small modification, the algorithm can find the paths (without computing all distances first): at the step when we choose an edge that crosses the cut line, we could remember that we arrived at the new (right-hand side) node from the old (left-hand side) node
then it's easy to follow the paths backwards
this is at no extra complexity cost
@EriktheOutgolfer @LuisMendo It wasn't, I did the exact same edits as @Arnauld and it now seem to have saved it as a new revision without any changes
oh, that too! :P
@LuisMendo Would you mind if I latexified it?
yeah, maybe the system slipped a bit, because normally it doesn't really consider non-changes as changes
I was surpized too, but maybe it is some caching issue
@ngn so it turns out that a binary matrix (maze) is an adjacency matrix en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjacency_matrix
@Rick no! the cells of a maze matrix represent vertices. the cells of an adjacency matrix represent edges
@flawr pretty sure it's just the leeway the servers allow to reduce conflicts
@ngn so what is a binary maze then
@Rick if i understand you correctly, 0 represent walkable areas and 1 represent walls (or vice versa). each cell is considered a vertex in a graph, and there's an edge between two cells iff they are neighbours and neither of them is a wall
vice versa, 0 is wall 1 is cell
Q: How to convert a maze to a Graph?

Salih ErikciI am trying to convert a maze data structure into a graph. The maze is like a grid and some walls between cells. maze[8][8][4] is how the maze is represented. If maze[i][j][0] = 1 it means you can't go up from (i,j) if maze[i][j][1] = 1 it means you can't go down from (i,j) // and so on I want...

^ this is slightly different, as the walls are between cells, but you get the gist...
@ngn this leads me back to my problem, which is, the graph path is looked at in isolation from the rest of the structure. Meaning, unless that cell is connected to the path it is not considered.
we just simply throw it out
and don't consider it in the space complexity or even the struct of the problem which is puzzling to me
@LuisMendo I missed of its reflected of rotated versions, btw :-)
and that becomes more problematic when Dijkstra itself will determine the relevant parts of the maze using its greedy approach.
sorry that last part is not correct it will visit all paths reachable from the source
@Rick the complexity depends on how the graph is represented. i think in that paper they are assuming neighbour lists, not adjacency matrix
i'm not sure
@ngn I have a better understanding, although it's a maze not all of it is relevant to the problem
yeah, graph theory doesn't care how we lay out the vertices visually, only the relationships between them matter :)
shouldn't O(V^2 + E) be the same as O(V^2), by the way?
correct constants are thrown out
Oh i see what you did there
lol :)
the number of edges (E) is never greater than the square of the number of vertices (V^2)
so V^2 should always be the dominant term in the polynomial
But the problem isn't given to you like that, they give you a maze they don't cut out the irrelevant part for you they add them
@Rick i didn't find the word "maze" there
if you were given a maze, and you were told to find the shortest path if one exists. how would you quantify that Time complexity when you only know the dimensions including the irrelevant parts
@Rick if the maze is m×n, then substitute V=m×n and E≤2×m×n
why 2xmxn?
Oh I got it
for the total number of edges
@flawr Sure, go ahead. I don’t usually do it in case LaTeX support is removed, but that won’t probably happen
@Rick in a maze each vertex has at most 4 attached edges (so, ×4), and each edge is shared between two vertices (so, div 2)
@LuisMendo edited that in for you :P
@ngn sorry my brain is fogged up today, you are a genius thanks this helped a lot! :)
@Rick not at all
@LuisMendo I don't think they are gonna remove it again
but you really have to say if you don't want me to!
@AdmBorkBork whats wrong with oboes?
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh, I hadn't seen that, but thanks! I've put it in the list of options below
looks like you don't have quick notifications enabled in chat... ;)
(you should've still gotten a "question edited" notification)
also... it looks like you put that in the output section
@flawr No, it's ok. It will look much better :-)
@Arnauld Edited :-)
@flawr It looks great. Specially the square root
I like how he kept the wording intact to not make the challenge confusing... :P nice job
I think I undid some edit that was done while I was editing it
why don't they have a proper merge protocol:/
you normally get an orange notification at the top, but it might be delayed
can confirm, you undid the "of" → "or" spelling fix
@EriktheOutgolfer Thanks for noticing! I'll (re-)do it, @flawr
oh cancels edit
Aw. Sorry. What a mess :-)
@EriktheOutgolfer I had that after I went through the whole post, but what else are you supposed to do?
it has a link, click it to see what got changed and change it too
(not sure if it does, it's been a long time since I've last seen it...)
hm... let's see how long this discussion about these seemingly little errors has been so far...
@Arnauld I'm afraid a matrix doesn't qualify as ASCII art (because of spaces in between... unless there's consensus otherwise that I'm not aware of). Is that what you are fixing?
I upvoted too hastily :-P
@LuisMendo Well, an array of strings is usually accepted, but maybe not a matrix of characters. I'm not sure either, tbh. (The fix was unrelated. My original version failed for k>9.)
Q: Golf a number bigger than Loader's number

PyRulezAs a follow up to Shortest terminating program whose output size exceeds Graham's number and Golf a number bigger than TREE(3), I present a new challenge. Loader's number is a very large number, that is kind of hard to explain (since it was itself the result of a code golfing exercise with a fle...

@LuisMendo Should I update it to output a single string?
I saw this question today, and wanted to see whether it's possible to get a reasonably sized non-trivial number bigger than Loader's number (likely using an implementation of finite promise games or greedy clique sequences. Would anyone be interesting in trying to figure out an algorithm for one of these functions?
@LuisMendo I think conosensus is that challenges are a bit stricter unless otherwise specified
hm... or no
Q: ASCII Art Output Rules

James HoldernessI know there's a desire on PPCG for challenges to be flexible in terms of what they allow for input and output. However, I think there is an argument to be made that ascii-art is a special case, and should be stricter about the permitted output formats. As a case in point, there was a recent asc...

looks like a matrix wins by an ever-so-slight one vote currently, but eh
maybe the challenge should be clarified a bit
@Arnauld A matrix of characters is fine if it is displayed as such. Right now there are extraneous spaces between those characters
I mean, the point of ASCII art (or my idea in this challenge, sorry if I wasn't clear) is that it has to be displayed as required in the challenge
@LuisMendo I actually added a space on purpose because I thought it was looking better. :p But I see your point.
@Arnauld I see. Now it qualifies as ASCII-art :-)
@Arnauld I've added this. I hope it clarifies:
Output may be through STDOUT or an argument returned by a function. In this case it may be a string with newlines, a 2D character array or an array of strings
@EriktheOutgolfer ^
@LuisMendo Sounds good. IMO, it could have been tagged as binary-matrix rather than ascii-art just as well. (But both work.)
@Arnauld Good point. I didn't remember that tag / challenge-category. I'll keep it in mind for future challenges. Anyway, that feels more appropriate for when you have to operate on a binary matrix (perhaps taken as an input), as opposed to simply creating it

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