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I am going to make a constant output golfer in Python for Turing Machine But Way Worse
2 hours later…
Actually nevermind
1 hour later…
Things that grind my gears: when a website for a JS library doesn't have the library loaded so that I can test it out in the console
hi all
Q: Maximizing by swapping

AnushInput An integer n in the range 100 to 10^18 and an integer k in the range 1 to 18, inclusive. The swap operation A swap chooses two digits at different positions and exchanges their positions, as long as the swap does not result in a leading zero. For example if we start with the integer 1234...

4 hours later…
@Anush another guess for why people don't like your challenges - by making the challenges generally just hard to do, the aspect becomes just pointless as for a complicated program there isn't much golfing leeway. they also kind of seem like homework/do-this-for-me questions as you don't show that you even know it's possible (do you?)
what you like are "find a good complicated algorithm" challenges, but the problem is that once there's already an answer, copying the whole algorithm to golf a bit in another language feels pointless, and making a new algorithm is bound to be very hard
@NewMainPosts (okay that challenge might not be that hard, but for it and no explicit input size limit fits pretty well)
also brb making a language that takes 60s to start up so it literally can't compete :p
That's a new one for me
pretty old on SO, actually
Oh, I don't doubt that it's a standard message, just the first time I've seen it
@AdmBorkBork Your challenge doesn't have an objective winning criteria? ;-)
@Adám that's SO...
Q: I'm in your subnets, golfing your code

AdmBorkBorkGiven an IPv4 address in dotted-quad notation, and an IPv4 subnet in CIDR notation, determine if the address is in the subnet. Output a distinct and consistent value if it is in the subnet, and a separate distinct and consistent value if it is not in the subnet. The output values do not necessari...

whoops, notice had a point! :P
@dzaima interesting, thanks
@flawr if you want I can discuss my results so far regarding the dithering with gamma correction
it's a bit of a mess >.<
2 hours later…
removed under severe peer pressure
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SkidsdevCalculate Trinary Complexity We have a lot of binary questions on this site, but not many trinary questions. The Trinary Complexity of a decimal integer is the number of iterations of f(n) required to reach a result < 3, where f(n) is the sum of the digits of the trinary representation of n. E...

ah man I was so close to a decent answer for the digit swapping challenge until i tested 510 and realised my code is doing it in k or fewer swaps, not exactly k swaps
Curse you @Anush
@Riker Space X was so yesterday ^
@orlp I do now understand the problem but I don't know enough to provide anything meaningful:) I have the impression that it is a hard problem and I have a hunch that it is impossible to solve for arbitrary t. Maybe one could find a solution if you restrict it to a certain class of t's but I already failed for t(x) = x^k with n(s,r) = n(r) (independent of s)
@flawr Does that mean that when the russians finally snap we'll have Space Z?
Q: Shantae Dance Matching

BeefsterIn the original Shantae game, there are transformation dances that you have to input in time using the D-Pad, A, and B. If you complete a predefined sequence while dancing, you will transform into the corresponding form (or teleport or heal). Your task is to output the corresponding effect when g...

@Skidsdev I hope we don't :)
@flawr Likewise
@flawr I find that the problem really simplifies if you look at it from the perspective of the quantized values
e.g. instead of studying where quantize(s + n(s, r)) ends up you start with a certain quantized value, e.g. 4 and ask what the chance is that s ends up being 4
I think this is the formulation you used on mathunderflow?
I'll have to look at that again, because I didn't really have an intuition for the quantization process.
yes it is
is there a shorter NodeJS way to check if an array is empty than arr.length?
arr==[] maybe?
nah arrays are ref types in js
same length: a==false
oh wait
an empty array is falsey
or a==1<0?
so I can do if(a)
@Skidsdev sigh
Oh javascript
I wouldn't be surprized if an empty array is falsey from the left side but truthy from the right.
nevermind, an empty array isn't falsey, and I just crashed a browser tab trying to test it
I did a=[1,2,3]while(a)a.pop() in the browser console, now that tab has frozen
RIP in peace
@flawr that seems to work
but 1<0 can be shortened to !1
Q: Make some Prime Squares!

J42161217What is a Prime Square? A Prime Square is a square where all four edges are different prime numbers. But which ones? And how do we construct them? Here is an example of a 4x4 Prime Square 1009 0 0 3 0 1021 First we start from the upper left corner. We are working c...

or you could do a!=0
yes I can
that's a shame I was looking forward to doing a!=!1
because !=! is just so comical to me
@flawr well that's 8 bytes golfed, thanks!
or would it be !thanks? :P
@flawr so for a certain value c (I've been using c in my code instead of s*(m-1) for the signal)
there are three possible outcomes after quantization
Round[c], Round[c] - 1, Round[c] + 1, make sense?
@Skidsdev np I'm always happy to abuse JS:)
@orlp 1 moment, I'll have to get the cookies out of the oven
the cookies come first, entirely understandable
well on the topic of abusing JS, is there a golfier way to include a variable in a regex than this: RegExp("^D"+z)
@orlp let me first take one step back: the problem is that you want to dither before you do the transformation, such that it is correct after the transformation?
It can be shorter to:
@flawr there is no before/after
according to this tip
the dither takes in sRGB values (in float 0-1) and outputs sRGB values (in integer [0, m))
it just happens to be that the sum of two sRGB values as we perceive it isn't a + b
it's ti(t(a) + t(b)) where ti = inverse t
and t converts sRGB to a linear space
now the idea behind dithering is that we introduce variance such that the average color is correct
but in an average we sum - meaning we have to take into account t or our dither will be incorrect
@H.PWiz I believe it would still need the closing delimiter, which would make it eval(`/^D${z}/')
which is 2 bytes longer than RegExp("^D"+z)
That's what I meant
I think that tip only works when the variable is within the regex, rather than at the end of it
Well, they also had new in the emaple
I mean, you save 2 bytes by going from RegExp to eval, but lose 2 bytes by adding the /, so I'm not actually sure it saves any bytes overall
yeah, that's either outdated or a slip-up on their part, JS constructors don't need the new keyword
@orlp ah now I see the point, thanks for this excellent explanation!
(click for full-size to defeat moiree)
This property of the triangle distribution is somehow incredible
@flawr as an example the above is 50% white 50% black on the left and on the right (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) sRGB
notice how the 50% white / 50% black is way too bright?
@flawr this part I can reproduce now!
that is, I can already re-invent the triangular distribution
@orlp yeah I see that
>>> (0.5*0 + 0.5*1**(2.4))**(1/2.4)
but to come back
@flawr so for a certain value c (I've been using c in my code instead of s*(m-1) for the signal)
there are three possible outcomes after quantization
Round[c] - 1, Round[c], Round[c] + 1, make sense?
and depending on the distance of c to Round[c] you get different chances for each of those 3 outcomes
yep, the gray closest to c, and one step above and below, right?
you are familiar with mathematica, right?
not terribly, but I think I'll be able to read the most basic things
    x*(Round[c] + 1) + y*(Round[c]) + z*(Round[c] - 1) == c,
    x + y + z == 1,
    x*(c -(Round[c]+1))^2 + y*(c - Round[c])^2 + z*(c - (Round[c]-1))^2 == 1/4
    }, {x, y, z}
this is what I did
we want to know x, y, z which are respectively the chances of quantizing c to Round[c] - 1, Round[c], Round[c] + 1
the first equation states that the average must be c
go on
the second that the probabilities must sum to 1
the last is that the variance must be 1/4
why do we want 1/4?
for Std = 1/2?
@Skidsdev depends on the array's contents e.g. if it contains integers then you can use 1/arr[0] or arr+arr but this doesn't work if the array contains only the empty array.
@flawr I'd expect the error on average to be 1/2
@Neil it's an array of only strings, I went with a!=0 which is 4 bytes shorter than the a.length I was using before
thus I'd expect the variance to be half that
I'm not explaining this well
well note that ["0"]==0
1/4 is just the lowest possible constant variance over the domain
ah now I remember the explanation
(1/2)^2 = 1/4
c - Round[c] is a maximum of 1/2
at least that's how I backsplained it in my head
@flawr I'm cheating here because I found out the 1/4th from measurement of the original triangular distribution
regardless, that solves to:
{{x -> 1/8 (1 + 2 c - 2 Round[c])^2,
  y -> 3/4 - c^2 + 2 c Round[c] - Round[c]^2,
  z -> 1/8 (1 - 2 c + 2 Round[c])^2}}
@Neil good to know, but in this particular case the strings will only ever be /[UDLRAB]+/
in that case 1/a should work, I think
@flawr and this is what we want
in the linear case that is... without t
@orlp What is that?
@Adám a long story about dithering, quantization, the triangular distribution and gamma correction
@orlp No, I meant which application/language.
@Adám wolfram language
@flawr this resulting piecewise function is the same function you'd get by convolving the triangular distribution PDF with the unit box
so a second degree spline basis function it seems?
I'm not familiar with that
I recognize some of those words. ;-)
I'll gladly talk about that another time, but I think it is probably not relevant right now (but it might be:)
why convolve with the unit box?
@Neil oh wait, I factored out one of the arrays, and the other is actually a string (consisting only of /^[UDLRAB.]+$/), 1/a doesn't seem to work for a string
well the unit box centered around x is the domain that gets rounded to x in a sense
I don't know I'm terrible at explaining this stuff
it made sense at some point in my head and it is correct so \o/
hehe we all know that feeling:)
but to get to the point
we now know how to construct our function
so let's try to do it with the transform in mind
@orlp I'm still trying to wwrap my head around what I see here. Can you explain again, what is p?
@flawr p[c, k] is the probability that c quantizes to k
(where k is an integer in the neighbourhood of c)
in the example above we have x = p[c, Round[c] - 1]
y = p[c, Round[c]]
z = p[c, Round[c] + 1]
@flawr for example the purple curve centered around 3
you can see that it's zero at 5
so c = 5 has zero chance of quantizing to 3
same for c = 4.5
but c = 4 has a small chance of quantizing to 3
and c = 3 has the highest chance of quantizing to 3
Ok yes I understand!
This is beautiful:)
this way simplifies the problem immensely
because instead of having to solve integration
we just have 3 functions in the neighbourhood of any c
it really is quite magic that these curves perfectly add up to the y = x curve :D
and their variances to the y = 1/4 curve
alright last JS golf question: Is there a golfier way to remove the first char of a string than d=d.substr(1)?
if it was an array I could use d.shift(), but string doesn't have shift
oh I can use d=d.slice(1), that's a little better
I was just about to say that
But it would be better if you can avoid the assignment entirely.
that was the next logical step
@DJMcMayhem exactly, array.shift() modifies in place, I don't think there's an equivalent for strings
I meant something along the lines of using console.log(d.slice(1)) instead of d=d.slice(1);console.log(d)
oh yeah not sure that's possible here
each "slice" of d is referenced multiple times
so I can't slice it at reference time
also re: earlier discussion on checking array length. Now that I've factored out the actual array and just have the string left, the string on its own is a condition, because empty strings are falsey
@flawr unfortunately the result is a total mess
it's not correct
yes, the probabilities sum to 1
the variance is 1/4
and the average does come to c
but the probabilities aren't in [0, 1]
since the solution is unique (3 variables, 3 equations) and it doesn't work we know that we can't have constant 1/4 variance
and I've tried various (hehe) constant variances but they all are broken
so we need non-constant variance but I have no idea what/how
I should make a language called ES6 just to add confusion to the world
So you've tried transforming these basis functions too but that didn't seem to work out (or only almost)
I don't know what a basis function is
my best result so far
has been to solve the above system of equations under-determined
leaving out the constant variance
giving me y, z in terms of x
meaning I only have to find x
maybe it is worth taking a small detour into b-splines:)
are you familiar with the term basis from linear algebra?
this is what I got from manually fitting a curve
it's definitely workable
but no mathematical justification
it has a small kink
and I have no idea if it's even close to optimal
@flawr I am sort of, a linear combination of basis vectors can make any other vector
@Skidsdev well if you want to know whether a string is empty just use !s
oh you already said that later, nm
@orlp yeah a basis is a bunch of things (linearly independend blablabla) that span the whole space of things
so splines are (roughly) some piecewise polynomial functions (of a certain degree)
and if you take a fixed degree and fixed nodes these form a vector space
and b-splines are just that. you express a spline as a linear combination of basis splines
the piecewise constant splines can be expressed using a basis of box functions (lets call them B)
the piecewise linear splines can be expressed using a basis of triangle functions (that are basically B convolved with B, let us denote this B*B)
the piecewise quadratic splines can be expressed using a basis of B*B*B
... cubic ... B*B*B*B
... quartic ... B*B*B*B*B
I hope the pattern is not too difficult to spot :D
@orlp these bumps seem to be a basis of quadratic splines
the bumps are only a visualization though
they're probabilities
well they all sum to this linear function right?
to make it easy to debug I wrap the entire sum in a ti
they all sum to t[x] which is not linear (but if we wrap the sum in ti it will obviously sum to x)
are you talking about the sRGB case now?
note the ti on the last line
(I was talking about the first case where everything worked out fine.)
alright yeah, then continue
I was now just trying to find out whether we can modify those basis vectors/functions/distributions/bumps/whateveryouwannacallit to exactly represent t[x]
(instead of x)
I mean I think this is exactly what you're trying to do, but I think I was just trying to look at it form a perspective I'm more familiar with:)
wait maybe I can differentiate the variance with respect to c
then set it equal to 0 and solve
1 hour later…
@flawr yeah, I'm not certain why they didn't clue into this earlier
everybody knows space is straight up
space X is just gonna hit china or europe depending on which way they go
1 hour later…
I am getting bored

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