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This code feels very yucky for some reason
I sort of hacked it together with execs and formats
If this program works...
7 hours later…
@Anush Find array with max average is easy as well. Binary search for the result, then for each candidate subtract every element by it and check if there's any subarray with positive sum.
@user202729 Hi.. Sorry I am not sure exactly which puzzle you are replying to
@user202729 the one that is foxing me is the following. We are given an array of integers and we want to output max sum(subarray)/sqrt(length of subarray)
@user202729 can we solve it in subquadratic time?
@user202729 if you just want to max average you only need to find the largest element.
2 hours later…
Q: Map values to any multidimensional array

Jack HalesCodegolf challenge - mapping values in a multidimensional array [ [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0] ] This 2D array is sick of being so false, and wants to find the truth about life, once and for all. Your task is to write a map function that takes any multidimensional array and creates a ...

Whoa, I just noticed SO has an asking wizard. This would be perfect (heavily customised, of course) for PPCG.
@Adám wow, it would. I wonder if the mods could talk to SE about that posibility
Imagine if those sections had the main parts of a good PPCG challenge: Brief task description and wining criteria, Exact rules and restrictions (if any), Walked-through example case, Test cases…
PPCG Askng Wzrd: "Just make another quine variant, bro"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MatthewWords Everywhere Given a list of words, output a square grid of characters, so that all the words can be read from the grid, by moving horizontally, vertically, or diagonally between characters, without reusing characters in the same word. Example B A D R E T E Y E The above grid contains th...

1 hour later…
@Adám Absolutely
That was my thought when I saw it too
@bb94 yeah, it happens every now and then. no idea what causes it
2 hours later…
@Skidsdev Posting it as a request/suggestion on meta would probably be the most effective way to propose it
A few days ago, i had a rather silly idea: A self hosting JIT VM. The VM first sets up the initial version of itself while running on a interpreter, jumping into the JIT compiled version of itself once done, which handles executing the user code.

Now i wanna implement it. This means I need to roll my own programming language to write the VM in in the first place. Anyone know a good, preferrably free, book/site on language design?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BeefsterWord Changer Reachability code-golf string decision-problem Word changer is a game where you are trying to turn one word into another via single-character edits, with each step being its own word. For this challenge, edits may be replacements, insertions, or deletions. For example, WINNER → L...

@moonheart08 then the JIT compiled version of itself JIT compiles itself and jumps into that
Also can't you just pick a language that has both interpreted and JIT options? Like Lua?
@Skidsdev The goal of the idea is to get rid of the call barrier between the JIT/VM and the code it's executing. So the JIT/VM executes itself. The interpreter is simply used to bootstrap everything, by allowing the JIT/VM to make an initial JIT compilation of itself.
also it'll never end up running itself recursively, the version of the JIT/VM that's been compiled is given all the pointers/data/etc needed to handle executing itself without another layer.
it's given all the data about itself, i.e. pointers to the buffers containing the JIT'd code, type data, etc, when it's called.
from there the VM just treats itself like any other code, optimizing it using profiling data as necessary, inlining things, etc.
due to the design, it's allow the JIT/VM to also optimize calls between the user code and itself, as it treats them identically.
it has no distinction between it's own code and the user code.
And of course, due to the requirement of being able to manipulate native types, Lua isn't really an option. (I don't like Lua anyways.)
1 hour later…
Q: All ASCII characters with a given bit count

ElPedro(Title with thanks to @ChasBrown) Sandbox The Background This challenge is inspired by a question that I recently posted on Puzzling Stack Exchange. Please feel free to follow the link if you are interested in the original question. If not then I won't bore you with the details here. The Fac...

1 hour later…
@JoKing I can't access it at all
oh wait, now I can access it
Golf language popularity over time:
user image
Maybe "answers per month" is a little too fine-grained / noisy
The most interesting trend is how "answers per month" has gone down in every language.
The methodology isn't perfect; I think it fails to capture a lot of the old GolfScript answers that don't follow the now-classic <h1>GolfScript, 23 bytes</h1> format (which is what I based the SEDE query on)
select Name, year(p.CreationDate) as Year, month(p.CreationDate) as Month, count(*)
  from Posts p cross join (values
  ) as Language(Name)
  where (p.Body like '<h1%>' + Name + '[<,]%')
  group by Name, year(p.CreationDate), month(p.CreationDate)
2 hours later…
@Lynn Jelly will rule!
I think you should include answers like #ProgLang, n bytes
And things like # [Python 3.8 (pre-release)], 2754 bytes
because that's the format for TIO
Because I'm guessing that spike in Jelly is because one user used Jelly a lot in that specific format
It would be cool if it included every language that had that format
@Blue The graph would look like noise
As a answer percentage thing it could look interesting
@Blue Maybe
And most languages would be near 0
Do you know SQL
*SE Querying
Then you can make it yourself
A bit of SQL?
Well yeah
Yeah I guess so
I think there's already an image out there that was done a while back
@Blue We need more recent results
And compare them to old results
Well the languages used has definitely changed a bit
That's what I'm doing
select Name, year(p.CreationDate) as Year, month(p.CreationDate) as Month, count(*)
  from Posts p cross join (values
  ) as Language(Name)
  where (SUBSTRING(p.Body,0,CHARINDEX(char(10),p.Body)) like '%'+Name+'%')
  group by Name, year(p.CreationDate), month(p.CreationDate)
I updated the query so it doesn't allow C++ to be included while searching for C

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