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@Mego I figured it might be familiar to folks here, but it still made me chuckle
Q: How fast can I say your program?

Jo KingI recently decided to download some dictation software, in order to help with my writing. However, it doesn't work very well when I'm coding, since I have to change from saying words to symbols and back again. It's even worse when I'm coding in an esoteric language which is all symbols. In order...

Q: Sing Baby Shark

ReverseCold "Baby Shark" is a children's song about a family of sharks. Having long been popular as a campfire song, it has been popularized since the mid-2000s by social media, online video and radio. - Wikipedia Write program that takes no input, and writes the following text to the standard output or...

11 hours later…
CMS: Who actually uses the numpad? (on a regular full sized keyboard)
somebody who doesn't have another choice regarding the Home, End, Page Up and Page Down buttons...
well if you do have a numpad you probably also have these buttons in the first place
I don't buy keyboards or laptops without a numpad.
So you do use them, I take it.
I do. Only for numbers though, not for navigation.
actually, the numpad is necessary for Alt+xxxx codes... oh wait
what are these for?
very, very clumsy way to enter Unicode chars
also, it doesn't work like that on Linux
I just recently realized how much I have to move my right hand due to swichting from keyboard to mouse and back, and how the numpad just makes it worse.
(And then I realized that I don't really need it and I'd rather have a keyboard without it.)
aren't there keyboards with removable numpads? ...
I considered trying to saw it off.
I'm still wondering whether it would work:)
Only one way to find out.
I've never sawed an electronic device, tbf :P
@EriktheOutgolfer yuck, turns out there aren't many, only gaming ones :/
Right now I actually need it to do some stuff, but if I can get my hands on another one I'll have to try:)
Maybe I could ask the IT guys...
remembers to never give electronics to lizards
hey, it's not like I'm gonna take some stranger's keyboard to try it...
uh... are your IT guys... familiar with sawing numpads off?
and if you are really such a big fan of numpads I'll send you the one I cut off :P
I think not?
Plot twist: the numpad still works, the rest of the keyboard does not.
myth busted
well I'll report back when I've tried:)
usually, the batteries provide energy wherever they are, not anywhere where they aren't ;P
of course, if the batteries are actually under the numpad...
I prefer the good old wired keyboards
oh maybe there are keyboards that include those ibm/lenovo style nipple-mouses
that'd eliminate moving the hand to the mouse alltogether
uh... why? it's not like a nice wireless keyboard will take more space than the wires of "good old" keyboards...
ah I just don't like having to use batteries
yeah... regarding the "nipple-mouses" you're referring to... yiiiiiikes!
I actually like them quite a lot! The do require some getting used to though
but the same is true for trackpads or trackballs
I usually use a mouse
I prefer touchpads. It's harder to do gestures on a pointing stick.
"ThinkPad"? woah, looks like somebody loves really old stuff
what do you use gestures for?
@EriktheOutgolfer they still produce new stuff?
what is that picture of though?
Scrolling, present windows, present desktops, and some browser navigation (reload, history, new tab, close tab).
Mostly the first three, since I'm usually using the keyboard while browsing.
@EriktheOutgolfer "Lenovo ThinkPad USB Keyboard w/ TrackPoint"
Since Superfish, I'm not sure I'd trust them enough to even buy their keyboard.
well... the keyboard's driver might contain... stuff...
Or the actual keyboard.
Or maybe the webcam on your laptop is secretly filming your keystrokes.
oh that's not necessarily the webcam :P
who said that keyboards aren't also watched on like webcams? ;)
I just remembered having a keyboard with a scrollwheel plus some navigation buttons on the left side, but I don't remember what brand
That would explain why manufacturers started to place the webcam below the screen.
> oh hey nice chest muscles bro
2 hours later…
@ASCII-only Also, I put an indefinite bounty on getting a better score for the "Holy Hole In A Donut, Batman!" challenge so add your answer to it and I'll give you a +50 bounty
This is my keyboard: Northgate OmniKey Ultra And I very often use the numpad for entering numbers. Even for entering hexadecimal – the left hand can reach ABCDEF without moving.
Do you use those SF buttons?
But I thought I would when I bought it.
They just act as modifier+Fkey. Default Shift.
here is an algorithms question
@Deadcode ah that makes sense
imagine I give you a series of k increasing integers, e.g. for k = 5 [1,5,10,11,13]. Every time you get a new integer you have to remove the integer from the existing list that minimises the maximum gap between consecutive integers. E.g. say I get 22 as the next integer. I then remove 11
is there a clever data structure to help you find the integer to delete efficiently?
@Anush a priority queue?
@dzaima Hmm.. could be :)
it's how I made this, except that uses a double-ended priority queue because it needs insertion in the largest gaps too
@dzaima I don't think I fully explained what it is that we need to minimize
if you remove 11 you get a gap of 13
so you are trying to minimize the max gap after removing the integer
ah. so priority queue of differences between items with distance 2 and clever management of the state?
that could be it.. I am slightly confused currently :)
@Anush don't I get a gap of 13-10 = 3?
@dzaima yes sorry.. it was a typo
@Anush What if there is multiple ways?
@flawr MouseKeys!
Random question: Adaptive binarization would fail on images with large area of light/dark pixel. Global binarization would fail on images with variable lighting condition.
What binarization algorithm should I choose if my image has both of the properties above?
you want to turn a grayscale image into purely black/white and preserve as much detail as possible?
the problem you're facing is essentially the tone-mapping problem for those "hdr" images, and I don't think there is a "best" solution
an easy way to "interpolate" between the two extremes is unsharp masking and varying the blur filter size.
@ATaco it is a realy pity that you can't :(
^ a simple implementation from the thing i described above (plus some gif artifacts)
1 hour later…
@user202729 Pick an arbitrary one

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