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about to post this, any feedback?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'BrienSmallest Diversifying Exponent code-golf math A pandigital number is one which contains every digit from 0 to 9 at least once. 1234567890, 1902837465000000, and 9023289761326634265 are all pandigital. A diverse pair of numbers is a pair of numbers \$(a, b)\$ such that \$a^b\$ is pandigital. \$...

He just wants some s-love
Q: please slove this eq in c

Ahmad AlqamWrite a complete program that reads all the integers from a file called ‘file.txt’ and stores them in an array (number of elements is not known). Your program should then remove the duplicated numbers, find and print the sum of all the even numbers in the array as well as the sum of all the odd n...

@DJMcMayhem wasn't actually troubleshooting he doesn't have code to troubleshoot
I know
But it's still worthwhile to point out that he's not going to get help not because it's homework, but because we aren't for code help
@ConorO'Brien Oh, you could possible add a time constraint to your challenge but that's up to you.
@Quintec huh, I also play piano and viola, although possibly not to the standard that I once used to
Wow I would’ve expected many piano + violin but not viola
@Quintec bunch of string hipsters
>this is a bad website – Ahmad Alqam
He's not wrong :^)
@Quintec yeah well my dad and sisters already played violin and cello so I thought I'd finish the quartet
(we actually never played any quartets together)
@Veskah brute force doesn't take that long actually
Hmm, I'm partially tempted to post 'a'..'z' for Arnauld's 1D keyboard challenge
@ConorO'Brien Well then let it rip
Huh, apparently it scores 8+infinity
Oh, needs unique swipe patterns. Blast
Q: Smallest Diversifying Exponent

Conor O'BrienA pandigital number is one which contains every digit from 0 to 9 at least once. 1234567890, 1902837465000000, and 9023289761326634265 are all pandigital. A diverse pair of numbers is a pair of numbers \$(a, b)\$ such that \$a^b\$ is pandigital. \$b\$ is called the diversifying exponent. Challe...

2 hours later…
real-life SQL injection :o
Didn't she mean to say, "I hope you learn to keep backups"
eh, why?
@FlipTack For Symbolic Python, is this program intended behaviour? or is it some bug with globals/locals?
what on earth is symbolic python
@LeakyNun Python without alphanumerics. Think JSFuck with a couple of quirks
all the variables are named different amounts of _s, which doesn't get confusing at all
@feersum SQL injection, so no.
A backup would have solved their problem despite the SQL injection though.
True, true.
Apparently my password manager has set my password to ************ after using it on a website which replaces all typed characters with * instead of using input[type=password]
That's hilarious.
Anyone know what the dice symbols on the edges of a poker chip are for
Betting, I bet.
That's actually a good question; I don't know. They're also arranged such that opposite numbers sum up to 7 just like a real die.
@Pavel entropy
I've tried searching the internet but I can't find anything
Do you prefer the syntax array[0..3] for slicing array from 0 to 3 or array[from: 0, to: 3]
@Downgoat former. although ideally latter would be an overload too
@ASCII-only how would VSL memoization detect is arg set is same. Using binary equality or ==(lhs:rhs:)? Also should it then therefore have a heap store?
@ASCII-only oic yes good idea
@Downgoat yeah. imo former may be more flexible, e.g. if you have 0..10..2 (or array[[1, 2, 3]])
@Downgoat what's the difference between the 2
TIL libc support complex number
@Downgoat complex numbers are pretty primitive as far as non-primitive types go
@ASCII-only meaning should we use memcmp(stack, existingArgStore) or call @ArgTy.staticMethod.==(%lhs, %rhs)
with memcmp we can do smarter sorting and hashing for fast lookups unlike with ==()
there is no Hashable interface ATM working on interfaces rn but they will take time
@ASCII-only hm ok so 4 + 4i I guess for syntax?
@Downgoat possibly imo do that only if there are other number-like literals like that
@ASCII-only example of other?
bignumber in certain languages (C++, JS)
@Downgoat Uncheesed.
@El'endiaStarman wrong language, this isn't Cheddar :P
@ASCII-only Take it up with the goat itself.
in VSL, Oct 31 at 19:56, by Downgoat
@ASCII-only so for bignum is 123n or 123L better syntax
@ETHproductions foldl / foldr
@Downgoat whatever JS uses whatever is the least unexpected
@primo what's this replying to
asking if julia had a reduce construct
@Downgoat Who uses 123n
@Pavel javascript
ah ninja
L probably makes more sense, although possible ambiguity between "long" fixed precision, and arbitrary precision
J uses x for arbitrary precision
and many others for other purposes, even I didn't know most of these
Let's say you've got a bag of 100 items. Each item has a type, and there are 20 of each type.

What's the chance of getting an identical random sample of 5 items twice (without replacement)?
Another way to ask this question is: We both have a hand of 5 poker cards. What are the chances we have the same suits?
if anyone is not afk here: what esolangs.org language to (try to) add to TIO/implement next
if less people created new languages, and instead contributed to languages they like, the world would be a better place
Yes. Yes it would
I'm dying just from all the BF derivatives there
@ASCII-only Random page gave me this one
@primo I'm responsible for 4 of TIO's 588 entries. All are extensions or interfaces to a language I like :-)
i wonder how popular TIO is outside code golfing circles
it seems to be the most extensive site of its kind at the moment
Oh yeah also *><> has an interpreter too
Forgot that it didn't have to be in JS lol
And ><> v2 (basically) is always a nice thing to have
@Bubbler hmm. worth implementing asap?
Well, i don't think it has looping so it isn't TC.
Dec 13 at 9:06, by Fatalize
"i also cheated with Julia" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@ASCII-only this one looks interesting, but then, good luck writing Hello World in it
@Bubbler not TC, not exactly a language
bounded-storage machines can still be useful
Looks like it not be able to even attempt most challenges
that's a class that includes most practical computers
But 256 is very, very bounded
Trigger has only 256 bits.
256 bytes of memory is easily enough for many programs
I've used processors with 224 bytes of RAM before now
I think, at least (there's a range of them with different sizes and I can't remember if that size is one of the ones I've used)
there's a processor in the same range with only 16 bytes of RAM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Is it a D? Given an image, check if it's a letter D. Here D is defined as: Let pixels labeled \$(x,y)\$ where larger \$x\$ mean at right and larger \$y\$ mean more up. If there exist \$x_0, x_1, f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3\$ such that: \$ (f \rightarrow (x\rightarrow f(x+1)-f(x)))^n (f_i) (x) >0\$ fo...

@ais523 but is it enough to merit being on TIO
well, it's enough to answer many PPCG challenges
Trigger has 256 bits and it's already on TIO, at least someone thought it's worth it
Trigger was used in the polyglot, I think
also, I think Easy is a really interesting language (although the way it was initially marketed was really obnoxious so many people ended up disliking it as a result)
@ais523 Yes.
oh, I was thinking of this one
it's quite a good language for polyglots, though, so not surprising it's happened multiple times
3 hours later…
ಠ_ಠ i have a canvas answer to this but it outputs trailing spaces and i have like no way of removing them
37 bytes might as well just post it here for the curious
@dzaima Have you tried not outputting them? Though I can imagine that Canvas isn't made for removing whitespace
Is the output in Canvas always a rectangle of ascii, or can lines have different length?
@maxb there is no way for me to convert a canvas object (think 2D char matrix) to the lines without doing crazy things with the map function
@maxb lines can be of different length, but canvas objects are forced to same-length lines
Canvas could probably use a trim function that works in canvas objects by replacing spaces with empty strings or something like that then
@Emigna yeah a thing for that would be useful (though it'd have to be implemented as converting to an array of strings)
Convert Canvas -> stringArray sounds like it could be useful in general
@Emigna agreed, I've had times before i've wanted that
really if i weren't lazy i could make the output not add trailing spaces (since there's a difference between a space and nothing/background)
The issue is remembering to write it down once you come across it and not assuming you'll remember it the next time you work on the lang ;)
@dzaima oh right that'd mean that it wouldn't output trailing chars if i changed the background to something other than space, and special-casing that feels wrong
I have a TODO-list in MathGolf, where I just add new features that I'm not going to work on right now, a bunch of times I've said "oh right, that thing was a neat idea that I totally forgot about"
@maxb yeah i really should make an actual todo list instead of always referencing my ever-growing non-existent infinitely long todo list :p
@dzaima One thing that really helped me with development is adding user tests. Basically every answer that I can find in MathGolf I save as a test with expected input and output. Then before pushing to master, I just run all the tests, check that all operators behave as expected, and that I don't break any answer posted by another user on PPCG. No more worries about breaking anything existing
@maxb i deliberately have broken things and have a version saved in the permalink though. I do however use my examples as tests
Performing 243 tests...
All unit tests passed!
Total untested characters: (20/255) &,:|¢ÑÖÜéüΩ‼₧≈≡═╝╬█☺
I will also have to break things soon, having both space and non-breaking space as characters in the language is just a hassle.
@dzaima lol charcoal has had that for a long, long time. And it's basically never used
@maxb eh, I just test (almost) every feature I add, plus a selection of answers from PPCG
@maxb you could do what jelly did with \n and - make an alias for nbsp, not breaking anything but making future code more readable
@dzaima Oh that's smart. Since I do compilation to an intermediary file anyway, I can just have two characters mapping to the same byte. Thanks!
@ASCII-only I guess as your language gets more popular, you can't add every script ever made in your language. I think it's difficult to test new features, mainly because there are a lot of implicit handling and combinations of operators that might behave wonky
@FlipTack Who did you listen to?
@Adám is this also your native language?
@maxb it's still possible for Charcoal, since Neil's the only one using it = not a while lot of posts Neil posts way too much :/
That said, I should finish vectorization, damnit
@maxb implicit handling?
@flawr Yiddish is mostly spoken by orthodox Jewish people, but I don't think it's considered a "native" language. Not really sure though.
Pretty sure Adám's first language is Danish though.
are there unorthodox Jewish people?
@ASCII-only Depending on if a string/int/float/list is on the stack, each operator which consumes one item from the stack can have more than 4 outcomes (more for lists of lists/strings/ints etc), and operators that consume 2-3 things from the stack are even worse. So even if you have a test for an operator, you might not have covered every possible case.
@LeakyNun non-orthodox, I'd say.
so are there?
@LeakyNun From my understanding, orthodox Judaism is a way of life in addition to being a religion. So if you are more secularized, you aren't labeled as orthodox. Though according to his PPCG description, @Adám is the right person to ask about this. I should clarify that I'm not Jewish
@dzaima ironically Charcoal does have a "no trailing spaces" option but anything interesting seems to disable it @ASCII-only
@LeakyNun Sure, just like Catholicism, there are multiple branches of Judaism (at least to my knowledge). Some of my family is Jewish, but they're not strictly orthodox.
@H.PWiz how did i miss that <_<
@J.Sallé I think @Adám uses yiddish to talk to his children, so I would expect that it is a native language for them.
@flawr yeah, that's true. I was thinking of 'native' as referring to a country/land rather than people.
@primo Did you have a newline? :)
I only just found big
i actually have no idea why it isn't necessary
i found it after dsloc posted the 44
Nor me. I'm currently thinking about Conway's constant. There isn't a cheap way to compute it, right?
i'm evaluating the polynomial and its derivative
Oh, wow. I didn't think that was viable.
in some languages, hardcoding is likely shorter
@Zacharý whoosh
js, julia, python and ruby all actually solve for the root, i'm sure ton's perl6 is also
@dzaima actually that's auto-deverbosified code, I think one of the Ms might be unnecessary @ASCII-only
@feersum Why'd you whoosh me?
The point went over your head.
Oh. Why'd you wait so long?
I don't know, maybe I should hire someone to be 24/7 oncall for my chat replies.
(I remember you being here before, but guess I was wrong)
@Neil hmm. Looks like I'll need to change how empty spaces work, and add some delete commands
@Neil which one(s)
Oh wait
what I don't understand is why the spaces are getting added, it works if you only draw one line...
@Neil one?
Pretty sure it's from reflectmirror
The more complicated canvas modifying commands currently sometimes use hacks, like turning the canvas info a rectangle
Anyway, I should probably implement vectorization properly first, then start on fixing that, then possibly some more fancy stuff (more fancy being relative of course)
Maybe it's time for a complete rewrite
@maxb ez, coverage testing is a thing
actually what is coverage?
@LeakyNun finds out which lines are/aren't covered by unit tests
and how does travis do that?
@Neil wait, actually which I've mightn't be necessary?
@LeakyNun basically some kind of code injection (well, I'm assuming so at least)
@ASCII-only The M betwen the ⸿ and the ↑
will code injection cause autism?
@LeakyNun ???
@ASCII-only yeah, but I tried something simpler, sec
@Neil but if it isn't there won't it be parsed as print(up, map(...))
@flawr my first language and "father-tongue" is Danish. Yiddish was the last language I learned. My mother-tongue in the literal sense is modern hebrew. I mostly communicate in English though due to work
@ASCII-only oh, right, sorry I forgot it was a Map and not a For
@Adám well I hear a lot of Yiddish in your home
@LeakyNun for interpreted languages probably the same way profilers work, which are either VM hooks or possibly modifying then evaluating the code
@ASCII-only UT↑χ↘χ two lines - no trim
@Neil huh, I'll need to really look into that later then :/
@LeakyNun there are non-orthodox Jews. They do not keep Jewish law as traditionally understood.
@Adám what do they call themselves?
Jewish religious movements, sometimes called "denominations" or "branches", include different groups which have developed among Jews from ancient times. Today, the main division is between the Orthodox, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Reform movements, with several smaller movements alongside them. This denominational structure is mainly present in the United States, while in Israel, the fault lines are between the Orthodox and the non-religious. The movements differ in their views on various issues. These issues include the level of observance, the methodology for interpreting and understanding...
@J.Sallé actually, orthodox Judaism isn't split in mutually exclusive factions. The groups are purely cultural, and regard each other as equally valid.
@LeakyNun yes, I'd definitely call my wife a native Yiddish speaker in that her Yiddish is far superior to her second language, and she grew up speaking and reading only yiddish. My kids are truly bilingual as they claim to be equally comfortable in english.
@ASCII-only I know, it's just that my makeshift unit testing is not suited for that at all, but I guess I could do a rework of it
@primo For Conway's constant in Bash, I found the last byte-save entirely by accident, and could not have guessed that it would work. What a coincidence!
@maxb makeshift?
@Mego While I'm fairly sure this one is Pavel's fault, I naturally assume my memory is at fault. So yeah, I'll take the blame
@El'endiaStarman @Zacharý IIRC assonance is for vowels, but they don't have to be at the start of a word? So a bit different
are we still not over assonance and alliteration?
Assonance is for asses. Alliteration is for all.
@Adám this is very cool. I'd like my kids to grow up bilingual and hopefully I'll manage that.
Maybe even trilingual? :p
it is obvious
no one would dare to doubt it
haikus are better
@flawr depends how people pronounce obvious
@ASCII-only how, if not like this ^ ?
There once was a flawr in the room,
who said that he likes a haiku.
One said it depends,
on how one's tongue bends,
so what, now, does that say of you?
I thought they are expected to have punch lines? :D
> ...almost always humorous and frequently rude...
I'm trying hard not to be offensive :D
@Geobits There once was a flawr in the roux*
I was concerned with that rhyme, but figured a near-rhyme that made sense in context was better than one that didn't as much
No, but flour, roux, it fits perfectly xD
Agreed, if he were in one ;)
Depends on how you pronouce @flawr i guess
well I have no idea how to pronounce flawr
Oh. I've always head-pronounced it just like flower
There once was a man
from Cork, who got limericks
and haikus confused
That would be quite hard
To do, so maybe discard
Is this a haiku?
Or is this poem untrue?
Just please disregard
@Quintec oh god what is this abomination
@flawr ` \flɔːɹ\ ` is how I read it. goddamnit markdown
There once was a man called Doc Seuss,
whose rhyming and timing were loose.
But we love the green eggs,
and ham from pig-legs,
so much that his books reproduced :D
@ASCII-only Yeah... oh well
@J.Sallé so just like floor?
Offtopic: weird how both haikus and 4-komas have such strict structures
kind of, yeah
Maybe the O sound is not as long as in floor
flaw + r?
That's closer, yeah
A canner incredibly canny,
One morning said to his granny,
"A canner can can anything that he can,
But a canner can't can a can, can he?"
although \flɑːvɾ\ would also be a valid pronunciation in German
Pfft. I put boxes in boxes all the time. Why can't a canner can a can?
(and sockses on foxes on boxes)
A tutor who tooted a flute,
Once tried to tutor two Tudors to toot.
Said the two to the tutor,
"Is it tougher to toot,
or to tutor two Tudors to toot?"
@AdmBorkBork you're pretty good at that
@J.Sallé That one is not made by him
I've known all three of those for decades. Don't know who originally authored them.
My limerick knowledge is not that extensive as you can guess :p
Bork bork bork bork bork bork borkbork,
bork bork bork bork bork bork borkbork.
Bork bork bork bork bork,
bork bork bork bork bork,
bork bork bork bork bork bork borkbork!
Bork bork bork bork bork
Bork borkbork bork bork borkbork
Bork bork bork bork bork
Poor Marky :(
@ASCII-only My unit tests for MathGolf is basically just a bunch of scripts that are run with expected inputs and outputs, and a check to see which characters are used in the scripts. To get code coverage in there would require major modifications.
I have a tendancy to go a bit "over the top" with my explanations on NodeJS golfing answers I post lately
@Skidsdev Good gode is self-documenting, even more so for golfed code.
@maxb Oh I'm sure at least the ungolfed version of the answer is perfectly readable to anybody who knows basic JS or other similar languages, I just go into a lot of possibly unnecessary detail
I can golf my code, but I can't golf my explanations
@maxb I don't think well golfed code is self documenting
Here is my code. It does stuff, then outputs the right answer.
Which can even be golfed further to "Here's code. It does stuff."
@Skidsdev I have gotten so lazy with explanations in MathGolf ever since I implemented automatic explanation generating... I should probably be more like you with my explanations
The best answers are completely unintelligible without an explanation.
@maxb I dunno, I wrote 4 paragraphs of explanation (and then some) for 113 bytes of JS that was really just basic Regex string manipulation
@flawr I might have to start using /s tags soon
@maxb they also do not seem to be self documenting, as I have no idea what they do
@flawr /s at the end of a message indicates sarcasm
For example:
I'm going to build my website entirely in Malbolge /s
Is this TNB specific or are other people using it?
I believe it originated on reddit
@flawr I have seen it a lot on Reddit, but I don't know the origin
Sarcasm is best left ambiguous
I use it on reddit, SE and Discord, and generally people understand it's meaning
and the s/***/*** is something similar ?
I wish more people would know/use Twitch (and its memes) so I could just use Kappa everywhere.
Everyone knows Kappa
@flawr that's search and replace
@J.Sallé That happened before. It didn't go well.
Kappa is a dead meme
Kappa will never die.
@Dennis I can imagine.
What is dead may never die
No one uses fucking Kappa
Not even Twitch
@flawr that's a little more unique to programming oriented communities, it refers to common regex search/replace syntax, commonly associated with Vim's find/replace function or the sed commandline tool
I think I saw a monkaS not too long ago?
Twitch emotes in general are pretty dead outside of twitch these days (thank god)
@Pavel also a great meme.
I found it so cringy when somebody would end a Discord message in Kappa or pogchamp
Everybody uses Kappa on twitch wtf
occasionally, yeah
but honestly a lot of the other emotes are more popular
Maybe, idk.
I've been using twitch since like 2011 when they spun off of JTV
Maybe that's why I like my Kappas.
@Geobits Can't tell if sarcastic or ...
@AdmBorkBork If only there was a way to convey sarcasm in text
@primo that's what I've been using, was hoping there was another shorter one though
@Geobits are you seriously still using flash?
I don't have much to do with any of those extensions nowadays. Maybe mpg every now and then, but...
Hah, I read the middle bit as "wtf" instead of swf/tif
Oh, and tif on this one old scanner
I know of, but I've never actually seen a .tif file
@Geobits I do all my work in csv, it's fully cross-compatible in the sense that's it's equally frustrating no matter the platform
Using ASCII 007 for the delimiter it makes it even more fun
@ETHproductions for conway?
@J.Sallé Unless you do photo editing/graphical work, you don't really bump into that format
@J.Sallé A scanner at work has only tif and pdf options, but for some reason the pdfs all turn out embarrassingly terrible.
@Geobits that would interfere with my regular screaming during the workday, so I'd have to use headphones
@primo oh, apparently for conway I'm still just compressing it into a string of codepoints and printing each codepoint
I should port the JS solution
oh, about the reduce
sum(list) = +(list...)
feels like reduce(f, list) should = f.(list)
but it doesn't
hmm, yeah, for binary operators/methods that would be quite useful
btw, does your solution for tau involve printing 2big(π) within a setprecision call?
oh, I couldn't figure out how to do setprecision(n) instead of setprecision(f,n)
that saves 4 bytes, I wonder where the other two come from
ok, I am officially an idiot
I was using println instead of print >_<
@ETHproductions been there, done that.
I think I just died a little drupal.org/project/coder/issues/3021632
the ideologues are everywhere
>user or userin
@Poke but, i suspect very strongly that if the "gendered language" had been "she" instead, there wouldn't have been an issue
stunning, brave, progressive!
possibly worse is the fact that it was filed as an issue 4 years ago
but somehow got prioritized today
koala tea software
@primo so sorry to keep bothering you, but may I ask for a hint on Pangram Grep?
are you checking that each letter is in the sentence, using some sort of regex, etc.
I've really got to stop clicking the 'show comments' button on news stories
@Geobits The comments are the best part
It feels great knowing just how many people there are that are definitely dumber than you
There's always that. But then it also makes me a bit sad for the world itself
@AdmBorkBork This makes less sense on the starboard where there are no linebreaks
CMC: Show linebreaks in sidebar
(not simply client-side edits)
There was a young man from Japan,
Whose limericks all rambled and ran
When told it was so,
He replied "Oh, I know!"
But it's because I try to fit as many syllables into the last line as ever I possibly can.
@Geobits JS: 47 bytes
No, no. I mean post something that will show up in the sidebar once starred, complete with line breaks
Or at least something that appears to have linebreaks
Zalgo does not count at all. Just don't do it.
@ETHproductions No way you can replace 2*x with 2x! I just saved another byte. :)
@ETHproductions for julia?
@primo yes, though I'm stuck with JS as well
CMC: Given n, print an estimation of Pi using n iterations of any Monte Carlo algorithm
@H.PWiz how does that even?
@ETHproductions it's nearly identical to perl6, but that's the only clue i'll give you
What do you mean?
the 39 for tau
I don't know how you don't have it. It uses pretty much the same method as e and pi, except for setprecision instead of BigFloat
@primo I'm sorry to say I have no idea what the perl6 answer is, or even what method it would use :/
i just got it now ;) but very surpised that it works
what??? that's cool!
Hmm, I wonder what you do different from me on the other ones
julia and perl6 have something in common that none of the other language do
The use of unicode for code?
and that's the hint i'm giving for pangram
@H.PWiz if it is this, I'm aware of already
and most of the various other unicode operators
that's only one of many
maybe not all of them actually
I found the list of valid operators, but I have no idea how many are already defined
Huh. The military has been called in to Gatwick airport to deal with drones over the runway closing everything down :/
I'd like a doc like this for julia
wow, ok, I had no idea that would work
WTF with that last byte-saving trick?!? That's insanely cool!
this was about the point last night when i starting liking julia
kinda feel bad for DLosc, though
missing out on the conversation
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