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@flawr, thanks for making an easy challenge.
@ASCII-only how do I make nearley stop parsing GenericTuple<String>(a: a, b: b) as Identifier < Identifier > Tuple
as in two binary ops :|
I need to get to 1k rep so I can do trivial style edits without needing approval
CMC: produce a list of all possible strings that can be used for the brute-force keyboard walking algorithms in the Walk Across a Keyboard question.
(unless you think it's worthy of sandbox)
@Neil That might be worth a full challenge -- provided it's not a dupe of another graph-related challenge.
(Also, there might be a gazillion paths.)
I mean, it'd be a lap around the keyboard and then all deviations from the route
Granted, It does get a bit weird considering you can have cycles but not if they contain the previous letter
Actually, the wording from the question still fills me with doubt on whether or not you can have cycles
I think you can. But a string used to brute-force the keyboard walking (which is what Neil is talking about) can't have twice the same letter anyway.
yeah, the number of paths might run into 8 digits, which would be awkward
2 hours later…
Opinion needed: tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/… This returns each sub-list but is that good enough for the prefix challenge?
The output is identical on whether or not you actually build it into a single object
@Downgoat :| idk is it updated on c9
@ASCII-only no because C9 does not have llvm/clang
and c9 very hard to insatll thing on
oh :/
how to debug then :/
can you copypaste lexeme(s) (?) for generic?
and ones containing generic
@ASCII-only what is a lexeme?
@Downgoat one parser statement thingy
More terrible things. Unicode modifier characters to modify 2D lang command capabilities. B̬B̭B͔B͕ where B in this case is an arbitrary command. After execution the IP would be rotated to the indicated direction (down, up, left, right respectively)
My parser doesn't have the flexibility to really handle this, but I really want it to now. Even if the byte-size for using these modifiers is awful.
been chewing on a new answer for the irregular game of life question for a while now, finally decided to actually write it
A: Implement the Game of Life on Anything but a Regular Grid

SparrRectangles of width 2row in Python 3, +2 The shape of this grid is as follows: ______________ [______________] [______][______] [__][__][__][__] [][][][][][][][] Coincidentally, each cell in this grid has 8 neighbors, just like the original square tiling of the Game of Life. Unfortunately, ...

discovered the interesting property that patterns can't propagate south
@Sparr interesting how
@Draco18s 1. codepage is a thing 2. what makes it so hard to add the flexibility
@Draco18s also tbh +2 byte for such a powerful feature is good enough for me
@Sparr cmc: given n, generate a grid like that with that (±) many levels
goddamnit off by one errors
also forgetting to start aoc early enough
sponsor: join 10^4 devs
> 14 devs
no thanks this seems like a really small company
@NewMainPosts should i learn some more new languages doing this
doorknob absolutely dominating the AoC leaderboard
@betseg well yeah he's in the global leaderboard after all
hyper would be second if he joined
wait no, first
mfw bash is shorter than lisp :|
bash without builtins :|
:D only three more bytes
the bash tips page is very, very useful here
@Zacharý np :)
@betseg AoC?
axiom of choice, clearly
(art of code, presumably)
@Downgoat advent of code
my message on the starboard is relevant
@Downgoat have you missed every day of advent of code so far
@Downgoat also why are you still up
like, last year you would almost ritualistically leave the chatroom of anti-productivity by midnight
chatroom of anti-productivity
well, not wrong
lisp is only 1st because nobody else has a solution in it yet
:O it's a miracle, i got another 1st
i just improved my bash by one :p
Q: How to add % occurrences in a C program Dice game?

BladeRunnerI am new to Programming, just starting out and for my first task I am working on a Dice Game C program. Almost done with this Dice program the only thing I am unable to do is displaying % of occurrence of each outcome. Kindly help me out by typing out the code for % occurrences this is all I have...

@ASCII-only there you go, i beat your lisp by one
you're welcome
@primo :| what is this insanity
@primo i'm assuming i'm missing an optimization that can be applied for basically every language for leap years then
or that i'm using the wrong one out of the million looping constructs lisp has
@ASCII-only there's two methods, depending on the language
i'm assuming perl 6 is the second method :P
perl, perl6, and bash
<<< still trying to figure out how to output an number in lisp with a trailing newline
format, really? >_<
no choice but to use format, sadly
at least afaict. you can try your luck at the lisp tips post
basically empty
oh yeah. i said this a few days ago, but it's hilarious how lisp is so insanely verbose that the shortest solutions to the sequence problems are generally converting from char codes
tbf, a lot of the python ones are like that too
wait. what
dammnit jraspass
make the sequence ones longer pls
@primo hmm. the perl6 solution i have is way different to all other solutions though
Oh yes, make it harder to spot which elements are wrong
@JoKing eh, just use a diff viewer
any of the million or so js diff viewers available
> primo 3,397 (34 holes)
> Jo King 3,203 (34 holes)
currently working on improving JS scores, don't think i'll be able to unseat romancortes though
wow, so many users that are on ppcg too, ton hospel is 3rd and i don't think he's touched it in a few months, 4, 5, and 7 too in the top 10
hmm. i wonder what i should work on next. should i continue on leap years? the digit generation ones maybe?
what's your language of choice?
seems pretty spread at the moment
wow, primo is only 3 points away from a perfect score
well i started off with js, then went back on to the site to learn perl because it looked nice (also partly not really to practice lisp. i just used char-code cheating)
sometimes i do try easier challenges in multiple languages
emirp, pangram and pascal's triangle are the 2nds
i quite often improve a score while working on the same challenge in a different language
hmm actually maybe i should start learning j. after i cheat with python for sequence challenges ofc
i'm interested in what AlexDaniel's pangram grep solution is... Especially as no-one's tied it
I wonder if it was done when the test cases were more abusable
wait i thought scores are instantly invalidated?
the solution is disqualified
<- still stuck on 34 byte pangram grep
mine did
oh yeah
@JoKing i thought his solution was flapping, but it survived three rounds of purges, so I don't think so
interesting what the purges catch
my perl 6 brainfuck solution was disqualified, but when I tried it I couldn't find any inputs that broke
and my sudoku and poker solutions are definitely only partial
blame jraspass :P
oh yeah the error messages in code-golf.io are terrible
newlines aren't there, color formatting is retained (or was color formatting retained from TIO)
hmm. i'm sure python had some kind of pack+unpack hackery for hamming weight (popcount)
bin(i).count('1') ?
Q: Bracket checking

Wais KamalConsider a string like: a.push(c.push("a",["ad","bd",2,{"ard",duo}]).pop().replace(2,"tg").enc([3,{2,adf},"atr"],5) Write a program that will verify whether a string is correctly bracketed. A correctly bracketed string can be defined as one in which all brackets are terminated (closed), and th...

1 hour later…
my EFI boot partition is sda1 and my root LVM volume is on sda4, and this bothers me more than it should
should i risk losing the partition table and change it to sda2
if you're losing sleep worrying about it? maybe
Is anyone here familiar with pytorch?
Q: Satisfying Rounding

QuintecSatisfying Rounding You know when you're in science class, and asked to round to 2 sig figs, but your answer is 5.2501...? You should round to 5.3, but that's just so unsatisfying! By rounding to 5.3, you're off by a whole 0.05, which is a large amount compared to 0.1 (the place value you're rou...

@betseg Why is that a problem?
@ASCII-only The hard thing is that the parser wasn't built in such a way that makes this easy to add. When the parser reads the string the modifier character (effectively) takes up a grid space, so I've go to essentially read the character and add an offset, or strip the modifiers, read all the basic stuff, then add the modifiers back in. They also mess with the code that determines program's width (again, counting as a full character).
Also yeah, +2 bytes for the feature is worth it (as for custom code pages, I could, but I have no idea how to set those up and don't really care that much).
@user202729 dunno, it just is
@Arnauld I like how you've gone from 101 to 100 to 99 to 100 again :-) 1 off, 1 off, 1 on...
I predict the next fix will bump it up to 101...? ;-)
Nah, I think the 100-byte version is OK. :) But I need to have this 100th byte golfed again...
oh, then I predict 99 will be final
visualizes bouncing ball dropped from a height of 101 - 99
unless it's a golf course, in which case it depends on how many units deep the hole is (and that will be final)
well... not accounting for deceleration, that is (considering zero atmospheric resistance and flat ground)
Right now, I'm one point above par. So that's a bogey...
not sure...
it depends on what we consider the unit to be
if it's less than 101.6 mm, then it's not a bogey
heh, bouncing ball philosophy worked
now, let's see if the golf ball philosophy also works
if it does, then we have two cases:
a) the bouncing ball philosophy still works: that means our unit is > 101.6 mm
b) the bouncing ball philosophy doesn't: that means our unit is <= 101.6 mm, so you can golf more
@Arnauld done? :P
Done for now. :)
101 - O
100 -   O   O
 99 -     O   O
---------------\ /-
 98 -          |O|
@Arnauld I suspect something like this... although you can always take a hammer... ;-)
Is that golf or pinball? ;)
um... pinball doesn't usually have a concept of height... ;-)
Well, it does make use of gravity as well, though.
you can analyze the gravitational force into components, where one of them is the tilt of the pinball board
so, if we call this tilt the x component, then we can suppose a force w_x is constantly pulling the ball
no height at all
Unless you're playing the multi-ball on an 'Addams Family' machine and you have to deal with a magnetic field in addition to that.
yeah, there's no magnetism in normal pinball...
Do AoC problems get progressively harder or is it like GCJ lite
they do
first part of day 1 is literally "sum all integers in this list" and for day 5 i made a doubly linked list (a normal list wouldve worked too but i wanted it to run faster and a linked list makes for a better argument)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FlipTackNote to Frequency I'll begin writing the body of this challenge later, for now I'm just noting down the idea. All musical notes can be written in the format <note><octave>, for example, C4 (often called 'middle C'), or D#6. The challenge would be to take input in this format, and print the fre...

@betseg huh interesting
1 hour later…
Sonic hedgehog is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SHH ("sonic hedgehog") gene. Both the gene and the protein may also be found notated alternatively as "Shh". Sonic hedgehog is one of three proteins in the mammalian signaling pathway family called hedgehog, the others being desert hedgehog (DHH) and Indian hedgehog (IHH). SHH is the best studied ligand of the hedgehog signaling pathway. It plays a key role in regulating vertebrate organogenesis, such as in the growth of digits on limbs and organization of the brain. Sonic hedgehog is the best established example of a morphogen as defined...
@Neil I just got 10+20=31 rep ⍨
Nobody cares about the ones.
an answer you downvoted got removed?
or some developer made a +1 mistake, as they always do
Q: Doubled-letter steganography

jkpateSteganography hides a given message inside a given carrier, producing a package that does not look suspicious. For this challenge, you will write a program that takes an ASCII message and an ASCII carrier as input, and return or print a package that is identical to the carrier except characters c...

@Adám Most likely what betseg said
@Adám maybe they are using javascript
@Adám Perhaps you downvoted a post recently and it was deleted?
yeah... the only way you could get +1 rep is an answer you downvoted being deleted
(of course, it doesn't say which post it is, SE isn't there to help you stalk deleted posts)
1 hour later…
CMP: Is it acceptable to score submissions to a challenge with a hidden test-case, but not decide on how big that test case will be until after submissions come in?
I don't really know how long a competitive solution should take, so I'm thinking that would allow me to tweak the size of the test cases to take generally the right amount of time (up to a few minutes for a slow solution down to 10-20 seconds for a fast one?)
@DJMcMayhem I'd say yes, so long as you state that is going to happen, and use the same test case for all solutions
@DJMcMayhem suggested scoring method: try input sizes until runtime is bigger than some specific amount. score is the input length
That's a decent approach in general, but I don't think that would work for this challenge. Input is a jagged array
@DJMcMayhem You can still count the number of elements. As long as you use the same (set of) size-n arrays for all competitors, that should work.
The complexity is probably based on the total number of elements
The minimized jaggedness will occur with each of the arrays being a subset from the overall flattened and sorted array
Oh hey, that's a good point
Not just the total (the problem is trivial if there is a single array with n elements or n singletons), but if the arrays are generated pseudo-randomly, total is probably a good approximation in general.
If there is a single array with n elements you still need to sort the array though
Again, any fixed sequence of test cases, with submissions eliminated on first fail, should do. The test cases have to get more difficult eventually, but it doesn't matter if a few test cases are easier than the previous ones.
@fəˈnɛtɪk Oh, it's only absolute differences of consecutive elements? I didn't get that at first.
How else would it be?
(also, only consecutive elements in a given subarray)
@DJMcMayhem I meant if it is a single subarray with all n elements
yeah, I was asking Dennis
Personally I am finding that the time complexity is k!+nlogn where n is the number of elements and k is the number of subarrays
Sort the flattened array then try dividing into each arrangement of the subarray lengths
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrMatch Roman Numerals code-golfromannumbersstringregex Given some input string, return a truthy value if it represents a correct roman numeral betwee 1 (=I) and 3999 (=MMMCMXCIX), and a falsey value otherwise. Details We use only following symbols: Symbol I V X L C D M Value 1...

This can be reduced by only dividing into unique arrangements of the subarray lengths
Q: String Inversions - Print string moving first character to the end, and continuing inversion

I_P_EdwardsThe challenge here is to take a string: "john", for example And print all possible inversions of it, until the characters are in their original order, as shown below: john ohnj hnjo njoh john Shortest answer wins!

2 hours later…
@Draco18s uh... literally swap from 0-128 codepoint to unicode and back
@Draco18s eh, adding an offset is easy enough. plus, a lot of languages provide an easy way to get rid of modifier characters
@betseg @Downgoat they do not. a doubly linked list isn't particularly hard to implement. especially if you make sure to have common datatypes defined already because you should be prepared...

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