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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

I love how there's still NAND gates even though you don't need them anymore past a certain point
@Zacharý ???
@Zacharý It's obsessively fun.
(Although unfortunately, in nandgame.com in the majority of the challenges the obvious way is the shortest)
The last few are just ... ugh
Dumb question: what do header and footer do on TIO?
@lirtosiast They're prepended/appended to programand execute normally.
@lirtosiast Not add to the byte count
@Quintec Finished it.
I stopped to do productive work. Maybe that was a mistake.
@Quintec Nah. Not a mistake.
@Quintec yeah it was a mistake
go work on a golflang :P
> I stopped to do productive work
also. disappointing, no login
So you're saying it was a mistake to do productive work.
yes :P
Sep 3 '17 at 3:49, by ASCII-only
Aug 7 '15 at 19:05, by Doorknob
room topic changed to The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for http://codegolf.stackexchange.com | abandon all work, ye who enter here —aditsu (no tags)
what I don't like about nandgame is that it golfs for components instead of nand gates
so the latch only needs 5 nand gates but they make you use a component that took 8 gates to build
You could choose to golf the nand Gates and components separately.
@Neil :| it's like a terrible zachlike
A lot of zachtronics games are like that. There are several different metrics to optimize for, and you can choose whichever one you feel like
Eh? Am I missing some reference to culture here?
@Zacharý ?
"zachlike" ... I have no clue what this is referring to.
zachtronics games
it's a great game company
most of his games are "make a solution to this problem"
and it measures your solution
based on speed, # of components, etc
Ah, okay.
speed, cost (based on # and type of components), and number of instructions generally
I think the 3rd one (what you term cost) is drastically different each time
So like TIS-100 and Space Chem
Which you should play
I've only ever played Opus Magnum and Infinifactory, so I didn't realize every game measures solutions like that
They're all the same game with different graphics and slightly new mechanics
Optimize repetitive task
TIS-100 and Schenzen I/O you actually write pseudo-assembly
I mean, by that logic, all programming is the same. Which is technically true: Given inputs, produce outputs
but I think, for example, the 3D in Infinifactory add a lot to the game
No I like this anology
I like programming
C# and Python and Perl are somewhat different, but I like programming in all three of them anyway since It's basically the same activity
@Pavel *Shenzhen
anyone get to instruction decoder in nandgame yet
@Pavel don't forget prolog, lisp, tcl, haskell and c++ :P
@Poke i would start nandgame... if it had saving >_>
Woah there's a new zach out
oh boy manual
hype intensifies
:| did you not know
*how did you not know???
Well, bought it
Trying to solve codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/175152/…; is there a way to convert a list of strings to integers in Jelly without using depth?
:( damnit
why do the first like 10 levels have to be so easy in nandgame
because they're the basics o.O
but you can't skip them
don't all of the levels have a "skip this level" button
ignore me >_> <_<
skips every level
you have completed the game
14 components for the instruction decoder
i'm done with decoder
4 components
idk how you used that many
unless you're optimizing for nands
@Poke 4 components used. (Not counting components like splitter which does not contain any logic.) This is optimal!
and remember there's a hint
i used a lot of ANDs
@Poke yeah check the hint
more spoilery, spoiler @Poke
> 260 nand gates
well i think i have it other than "a"
@Poke a is easy. just or
@Poke how many nands was this btw
oh i just did it in 4 components but used another selector instead of an or
@ASCII-only i don't remember haha
@Poke how many nands now
well that's good for now i guess
i'll think more about it later
16 components used. (Not counting components like splitter which does not contain any logic.) (But it is possible to solve using fewer components.)

158 nand gates in total.
@Poke i guessed as much. selectors are very, very expensive
oh neat
@Poke it's really easy btw: <value of a when bit 15 is 0> OR <value of a when bit 15 is 1>
still have to use a selector tho bc they don't have a reverse splitter for whatever reason
this was my most recent i.imgur.com/qunvFuH.png
@Poke you do know you can just inv bit 15 directly instead of feeding it as s right
hmm? if bit 15 is a 1, then you need to use the value of bit 5
otherwise you use 1
am i missing something
@Poke yes?
@Poke but remember. you have two splitters
and one of them only has a value at all if bit 15 is a 1
well not really
@Poke got it yet? :P
So many lines ...
@Zacharý :P
yeah silicon zeroes organizes them waaaaaaaaaay better
Is this another game like this?
> The makers of Manufactoria return with a new open-ended puzzle game.
so. it's by a company on par with zachtronics
Darn, it's not free
of course not
most zachlikes aren't free :P
maybe we should make a free one that's better than nandgame :P
euclidea is kinda like a zachlike i guess? and it's free
zach's older games are free too
same with the guy that made silicon zeroes
@ASCII-only yeah had to drive home
260 nands now
@ASCII-only am poor :(
Lol creating our own would be fun
This could be kinda zach-like:
Q: Google's Hopping Bunny

El'endia StarmanOn December 4, 2017, the Google Doodle was a graphical programming game featuring a bunny. The later levels were nicely non-trivial and they seemed like a great candidate for an atomic-golf challenge. Details Game There are four available moves: hop forward, turn left, turn right, and loop. E...

Any feedback before I post?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

lirtosiastUn-minify Pyth code-golf string parsing Pyth is perhaps the most successful general-purpose golfing language. Though it is somewhat in decline as a result of newer languages, from 2014 to 2016 Pyth's concise syntax, constant updates, overloading, and (for its era) many builtins made it a favori...

lmao that thailand stuff came out again
@lirtosiast hey youre back
Oh hey @quartata
@Poke great :P should be optimal
@Quintec clearly we should make a modular zachlike
I know other people actually try to optimize the solutions in zachtronics games but I just kinda solve the puzzles and move on
Q: Why do while loop is not used in python?

Sana AsgharIn our today's class we started the topic of python. Our professor was teaching us about loops and there were no Do-While loop. But when we learned about c++ Do-While loop holds a very important role in loops of C++. The question is why? Please give a detailed answer.

@Pavel :|
I play zachtronics games for the story fite me
/s about playing for the story? :P
I think my favorite story was TIS-100's
in PPCG-gaming, Nov 2 at 18:38, by DJMcSpookem
Honestly, the puzzles are kinda boring, but the rewards from your corporate overlords, and the food pellets you occasionally get make up for it :P
My opinion on Infinifactory
@DJMcMayhem what about the story (recordings)?
I actually didn't get that far, so I don't know if there's a story beyond "Bad green dudes steal people"
It was hard to play after the dog, I'll be honset
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerClassify arity of verbs inside trains in J code-golf parsing j Related: Clearly parenthesize APL trains Background J is an APL-family language. While it inherits the basic train syntax from APL (take a look at the linked challenge above), J is more versatile with the introduction of [:, & and ...

4 hours later…
the changes to the SI base units have been accepted by unanimous vote
The mole even more alone than before
kelvin was the loneliest, now mole is
Yeah a physicist friend of mine had his pants on fire over the SI units vote
also if you want to watch the public session of the CGPM, with the voting at the end youtu.be/qA67T7FPBME
Why don't we just use powers of ten of the actual constants? Time should be measured in tera/giga-caesium-vibrations (about 1.5 mins and a tenth of a second). Length in light-caesium-vibrations (about 3 cm). Etc.
Actually, we could just use vary large powers of 10 of Planck units and be over with it.
it would be too hard™ to switch
@betseg Only for the Americans. They still haven't gone metric.
@Adám Why powers of ten though? :p
@Fatalize Too hard™ to switch to base 8.
not sure if this kind of revolution could ever succeed...
Fun fact: if you bend your fingers independently, you can count to 1023 on your hands.
Unfortunately 4 is obscene.
132 is worse
@betseg Yeah, I was lost there.
@Adám yeah... and 2 is painful
as well as 256
even worse, 258
Although 4, 128, and 132 being obscene is just cultural. I have often seen people who don't know about those numbers being undignified use their middle finger to point and indicate with.
Two CS students get in a fight:
Student 1: 4U.
Student 2: 132!
It's going to be hard to do 132! with your fingers...
tfw you actually expected some sort of factorial message
@Fatalize i never understood mole in school. if it's just the number of something, why is it a physical unit?
@Dennis Can't even count to that using all particles in your body
@Adám I recently found out that showing the index and middle fingers (with your palm pointing towards your body) to an Irish person means f-off.
@ngn or candela
@betseg the candela is more complicated, it doesn't seem dimensionless
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenExecute Triangularity Move code-golfarray-manipulationrubiks-cube Introduction: Yesterday puzzle designer Raphaël Mouflin revealed his Trangularity puzzle. Here is a picture of that puzzle: As you can see the shape is a 3-sided (4-faced) pyramid (a.k.a. tetrahedron), and it has six pieces per...

1 hour later…
I started learning Brain-Flak by trying to program the basic arithmetic opeartions by myself.
Maybe it is well-known for the experinced Brain-Flak coders, but I came up it a short multiplication (positive only) program:
@GalenIvanov you can't make only part of a message a code block
@EriktheOutgolfer Sorry, I need to learn the formatting...
@GalenIvanov That's really cool. It's shorter than the one given on github. Neither is stack clean though
The stack clean one they give is ({}<>)({<({}[()])><>({})<>}{}<><{}>)
@H.PWiz Yes, I realized it's not stack clean
It also does not work if b (second input) is negative
> positive only
> positive only
Oh, that doesn't show up on my phone cause code blocks don't scroll/wrap... :/
That sounds like a personal problem.
2 hours later…
Q: Unminify a Pythlike String

lirtosiastcode-golf string parsing Pyth is perhaps the most successful general-purpose golfing language. Though it is somewhat in decline as a result of newer languages, from 2014 to 2016 Pyth's concise syntax, constant updates, overloading, and (for its era) many builtins made it a favorite for the major...

@lirtosiast welcome back, you and your challenge! :-) nice
@J.Sallé Not just Irish, we use it in England sometimes, as like a "no so bad" version of a middle finger
@EriktheOutgolfer Thanks! I'm probably going to post or delete all my sandboxed challenges within the next few days
@lirtosiast btw, the statement about trailing Qs isn't exactly true, the trailing components added are based on the commands that are left with too few arguments after the program ends
for example, ms is msdQ, not msQQ ;-)
Q: Write a program that receives a list of doubles through its command line, and finds the maximum double number

AmanI missed a few classes this week due to illness and am completely lost on this assignment. Requirements: The program needs to check each input. After validation, it reports incorrect inputs to the user. Each correct input must be converted into a Double object using Double wrapper class. Afte...

What's the record for downvotes before New Main Posts sees a question?
@flawr Came for the the simple boolean logic problems, stayed to double my knowledge about the basics of computer engineering :-)
Probably higher than you'd think. I bet there's a -10 floating around somewhere.
-7: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
-8: 1
ah, of course: the record goes to Test if two numbers are equal at -11
Oh yeah
Q: Print first 10000 lexicographically increasing numbers

Varun PatroAn increasing number is an integer whose digits are in strictly increasing order. Print all increasing numbers under 10000. I'm interested in the python solution. Here are first few lines of the expected output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 24

@Poke I'm not that far yet :)
@Quintec and counting hehehe :)
@flawr i'm up to control unit now :] ascii only helped me out a little
been busy today though
@Poke is there anything more important than some nerdy computer games?
@ETHproductions sure, I also learned a lot just in the first few levels!
unfortunately work >.<
@flawr facepalms hahaha I've gotten past that part though :P
@Quintec =P
right now I'm working on the flipflop
@flawr That seems like a really interesting question that I won't have anywhere near the time or smarts to answer. :)
@AdmBorkBork the dirichlet convolution?
it really isn't that complicated!
you basically just have to implement a sum
Q: Dirichlet Convolution

flawrThe Dirichlet convolution is a special kind of convolution that appears as a very useful tool in number theory. It operates on the set of arithmetic functions. Challenge Given two arithmetic functions \$f,g\$ (i.e. functions \$f,g: \mathbb N \to \mathbb R\$) compute the Dirichlet convolution \$...

there is a step by step example at the very bottom
feel free to ask if anything is unclear!
@AdmBorkBork in short: take two functions and some integer. find all pairs (i,j) such that i*j=n. evaluate the product g(i)*f(j) for every such pair. then output the sum of those
@flawr hm, something just came to mind: must d be positive?
oh good question, yes d is a natural number. let me add that!
similarly for i and j
@flawr When I read it in the Sandbox, I was convinced that I'd be completely lost if I tried to answer, but the step by step example makes it much clearer
negative numbers don't exist
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm glad it helps:)
(btw, d | n doesn't quite mean that anymore, although you can redefine it... :P)
I have been summoned
@EriktheOutgolfer yeah but in number theory it is usually implicitly over the natural numbers:)
Nov 11 at 20:44, by Leaky Nun
@EriktheOutgolfer I have been summoned
> @EriktheOutgolfer I have been summed
Seems to be Leaky's greeting whenever someone's talking maths :P
Leaky's call, you mean? ;-)
@flawr Yeah, I understand the basic gist of the challenge, it's just more complicated than I can have time to program.
@AdmBorkBork I could try to do it for you =P
he probably wants to do it in... wait for it... Powershell
btw, I think that it's very simple in Jelly, probably already completed the solution
@DJMcMayhem Oof, 63 bytes vs 42 bytes? That doesn't seem right.
@AdmBorkBork check out the existing answers now and I'm sure you can program it in <42s.
@flawr Really cool challenge. Just to confirm: input is 2 functions, and output is one function, right? I’m a tad confused
@EriktheOutgolfer Why do you need the trailing Ʋ in your Jelly answer?
Ñ€'s argument is ÆD's result
@Quintec yup, alternatively you can take 2functions + 1integer as input, and output one value
Oh, that seems easier in APL :P
find the divisors in APL first ;-)
There was a cool trick on how to do that I don’t remember anymore
@cairdcoinheringaahing is that a new atom?
@Quintec ∪⍵∨⍳⍵ (with ⎕io←1)
@LeakyNun No, its a four-atom long version of $
@LeakyNun Ʋ's like $ but for 4 links
Ha! For once, I ninja'd someone!
lol :)
let me put it in a different way: my answer is essentially ÆDµṚÇ€ḋÑ€, but I like how I made it more
He comes.
Well I have to board a flight now, looks like I wasn’t able to finish in time :P
I'm sure the plane can wait.
pretty sure he has to turn off all of his devices while taking off
@AdmBorkBork To make it even worse, I'm pretty sure that V will end up longer than powershell... :/
hey, don't be sad
@EriktheOutgolfer do people actually do that?
Be sad? All the time.
no, V is a language based on vim
there isn't even an addition operator in V
Vim viminey, vim viminey, vim vim varoo ...
@EriktheOutgolfer There is in vimscript
46 byte abomination I don't know if I even want to post it
um... what challenge?
Wait... I forgot about regex shortcuts... Just a sec
@flawr If I can be bothered to remember
Q: Print all lexicographically increasing numbers under 10000

Varun PatroA lexicographically increasing number is an integer whose digits are in strictly increasing order. Print all lexicographically increasing numbers under 10000. Here are lines of the expected output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 34 35 36 37 38 39 45 46 47 48 4...

oh, looks like you're not going for what Adm was going... :P
I was responding to this:
13 mins ago, by AdmBorkBork
@DJMcMayhem Oof, 63 bytes vs 42 bytes? That doesn't seem right.
I have a 63 byte python answer, he has a 42 byte powershell answer
@flawr Could you a couple of examples for the convolution where n is also taken as an input?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm not sure what you would want to see?
Eitehr you take f and g and return f*g, or alternatively, take f,g,n, and return (f*g)(n)
well... you can't return (f*g) in Jelly
(also, it would be longer anyway)
@flawr Yeah, some examples of (f*g)(n) would be helpful
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah, you want me to explicitly add those to the challenge?
@flawr If you wouldn't mind
This means I'd just list the first few OEIS entries for each one.
That shouldn't be difficult
let me see
Flight delayed. Must. Go. Faster.
I told you the plane can wait.
> the flight attendants never hate
who strut around with their fast step
remember, planes will always wait
so never schedule without prep
flawr is controlling my plane o.0 spooky
I hope you don't know what plane related things I was associated with a while ago here in tnb.
Tfw you golf 20 bytes just by switching to a lambda :|
@flawr Thanks, and sorry for any hassle :(
@flawr Hahaha, I remember that!
@cairdcoinheringaahing no problem at all, thanks for your improvement suggestion!
@flawr Oh dear. Quintec, I hope your life insurance is up to date...
Aug 3 '16 at 13:09, by flawr
I just like plane and plane-related stuff. (e.g. the euclidean plane, the projective plane e.t.c)
adds correction after 2.25 years
I think I’ll just drive
A: Dirichlet Convolution

MegoHaskell, 58 bytes f!g= \n->sum$map(((*).f.div n)<*>g)[i|i<-[1..n],mod n i<1] Try it online!

Hm, YT full screen is now scrollable.
yeah, annoying
it doesn't even keep the video on top of the page, making it essentially some kind of F11
(or in a mini player)
@Mego addes some suggestions:)
pretty sure Mego already got 'em in his inbox... ;-)
but you can't see the inbox when you're in chat =/
@flawr Maybe you can't :P
I'm still surprised that Add++ is second
@EriktheOutgolfer my reaction :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing well then
@Mego O_O can you?
Jinxed myself :/
A: Dirichlet Convolution

Leaky NunLean, 108 bytes import data.list.basic def d(f g:_->int)(n):=((list.range$n+1).map(fun d,if n%d=0then f d*g(n/d)else 0)).sum Try it online! More testcases with all of the functions.

@flawr No :P
@EriktheOutgolfer only 2 tampermonkey scripts‽ :p
@EriktheOutgolfer what is this
@Mego I thought maybe you have some blue antarctic super goggles that let you see them.
actually I should try proving the correctness instead of checking the first 12 inputs :P
@dzaima 26 actually, but only 2 of them are active in TNB :P
@flawr Nah just multiple tabs
@dzaima Oh no ... it's spreading.
@EriktheOutgolfer I have 6 active on TNB :p (but only 10 total)
but that would be too much work
:/ I have 11 for TNB
@LeakyNun hehe, I was just looking into lean=)
What do you do with 11 tabs for TNB????
Not tabs, tampermonkey scripts
oh :)
actually, one of those 2 of mine is useless for TNB...
Although, with 11 TNB tabs, you can read 11 times the number of messages as normal people :D
and the pings will sound... frrrrrrrrt!
@flawr man, I don't really want to waste my time proving the correctness of your 12 examples lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing And 18 total
@LeakyNun proof: OEIS says so :P
Ok, now I have 11 TNB tabs
@LeakyNun you could try to do it for the dirichlet convolution in general (as the application when multiplying the corresponding series)
@EriktheOutgolfer 1, 2, extrapolate from there
@flawr what do you mean?
@LeakyNun check out the last line under definition here, this is basically where the dirichlet convolution comes from
@EriktheOutgolfer IIRC the ping sound is the same no matter how many tabs you have open
I feel like this exact same conversation has happened before :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing what if you use different browser?
@EriktheOutgolfer what browser are you using?
@flawr No idea, I only use Chrome
or do you have a custom tapermonkey script that staggeres the pings? =P
That ping just came through as 1 ping
I have 26 userscripts, no thanks
wait, caird really opened 11 tabs?
4 mins ago, by caird coinheringaahing
Ok, now I have 11 TNB tabs
And, as of ^ message, each tab has 11 unread messages :D
CMC: Implement μ(n).
sounds like a dupe
just a cmc
@Mr.Xcoder Whispers v2, 28 bytes Try It Online!
Yay for super-long builtins!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Is that: line 1: take. Line 2: apply μ to the result of line 1 and line 3: output the result on line 2??
How many languages do you have now?
@Mr.Xcoder Exactly right
@Zacharý On TIO, 15
Counting Whispers v1 and v2 as different languages
@cairdcoinheringaahing O_O.
That's about 13 more than I have :P
Exactly the same ^
and 15 more than I have... ;P
@Zacharý Some aren't very interesting though
MY (garbage), and RAD, to be specific
I only really use Whispers and Add++, and sometimes Rutger
@cairdcoinheringaahing And we used to use Deorst before you did whatever you did and changed everything :))
@Mr.Xcoder Yep :P Deorst is usable, but not as much as the others :P
v2 was just a disaster though
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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