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Q: Toasty, Burnt, Brûlée!

Redwolf ProgramsIt turns out that my toaster is a tad broken. It lost WiFi (You know, it's one of those newfangled smart toasters), and its been going bonkers! Since it no longer works, I've been having to hack into my breakfast's source code and run Plate.bread.toastAs(3); every morning. Will you help? My toas...

It's commonly known that sorting takes O(nlog(n)) comparisons
but what if N is super expensive, and you are allowed to cache all comparisons? Can you do better than O(nlog(n))?
@NathanMerrill It's impossible unless the transitive property applies to the comparison function. If so, then maybe, but I need to ponder more.
actually, its guaranteed that no two elements are equal
The scenario I was thinking was this: Let's assume that we're organizing a tournament bracket (for football or whatever)
the actual games are super expensive: on the order of days
Distinctness is not enough. You need to have a comparison function that imposes a well-ordering on the elements
but let's assume that if Team A beats Team B and Team B beats Team C then Team A would beat Team C
I think essentially you just want to be in a situation like sorting integers in [0,k] so you have bucket sort.
@Mego if I understand well-ordered, I think that is true
it basically means I can rank all of them with no ties/loops/etc, right?
yes, but I think Mego meant a total ordering (which is weaker, but equivalent for finite sets)?
@EricTressler Yes, that one, thanks
but yes, that's what it means; every pair of elements is comparable
A comparison sort is a type of sorting algorithm that only reads the list elements through a single abstract comparison operation (often a "less than or equal to" operator or a three-way comparison) that determines which of two elements should occur first in the final sorted list. The only requirement is that the operator obey two of the properties of a total order: if a ≤ b and b ≤ c then a ≤ c (transitivity) for all a and b, either a ≤ b or b ≤ a (totalness or trichotomy).It is possible that both a ≤ b and b ≤ a; in this case either may come first in the sorted list. In a stable sort, the input...
I link that because it states "A comparison sort must have an average-case lower bound of Ω(n log n) comparison operations" and "Non-comparison sorts (such as the examples discussed below) can achieve O(n) performance by using operations other than comparisons"
with references and lots of details
My question is if that is still the case if you allow caching of comparisons
and a skeletal proof is in the link; basically, there are n! different possible orderings, and you can reduce that number by a factor of 2 with each comparison
so to pin down the 1 ordering out of the n! potential ones, you need log_2(n!) comparisons, which is O(n log n)
ah, that's a clever proof.
It's just a small step from the much more obvious proof that you need log n queries to search. Anyway, I'd totally forgotten that proof, so thank you for reminding me.
Yeah I was thinking about the binary search method, but with that method, it feels less obvious to me that caching won't help
Anyways, so that means with 64 teams tournament, they would have to play 384 games, which is just a bit more than the 128 games they already are playing :P
After you let them know what their schedule is, some of them will drop out, and then you'll have a manageable number of games again. Problem solved.
it's not 384 games per team. It'll still average out to around 6 games per team
...actually. That's crazy interesting. The average team plays twice in a single-elimination tournament, no matter the size
I mean, the math works out, but I had never thought about that
I hope you used linearity of expectation and not something ugly to get that
er...no. The number of games in a single elimination is N + n/2 + n/4 + ... which is equal to 2N. Since there are N teams, it means the average number of games is 2N/N
or, that you know exactly n-1 games are played if there are n teams, because after each game you lose 1 team, and you stop when there is 1
and each game gets counted twice, once for each team that plays
each game counting twice actually evens out
because with N players, the first round has N/2 games
so, my terminology above is wrong, but the math is still correct
I think you need to account for the last term being missing
true, it's 2N -1 games.
but that makes the math really messy and the average number of games a decimal number :)
so I ignore it :)
we can just assume there's a consolation game for 3rd place :)
actually, that makes it 2N+1 games
bah, that's lame
With n teams, there are n-1 games, or 2n-2 games if we count each side. So each team plays an average of 2-2/n games.
Now do the math for double-elimination :P
All you need is an infinite league, and then it's 2 :-o
Asymptotically (ignoring the inability for 1 team to play alone), the first situation is "how many times do you expect to flip a coin if you stop after you see tails", and double elimination is "... see tails twice"
but again by linearity of expectation, it's just twice the amount of flips you expect to have until you see tails once, so it's 4 games - {junk}
DE is interesting because the number of games is not constant - you may have 1 more in certain situations (if the loser bracket winner beats the winner bracket winner)
Expectation smooths over all kinds of things
Actually, that's a clever way to think of it: You have 64 dice, all showing "3". A game consists of turning one of them to the next lower number, and keeping another one the same.
So yes, it's possible that the last remaining die has "3" on it or "2" on it
which would affect the number of games, but it's easy to calculate
New goal: devise tournament rules that result in an average of 3 games per team
a different angle to consider: whatever sort you pick, it should be something reatively easy to digest/visualize so people get why which teams are playing. i think merge sort is a good pick in that regard (and is also stable if you do have ties)
I guess you'd just modify double elimination to make a team flip a coin after they lose their first game to see whether they lose 1 or 2 games that game
What if you had a 3-team game?
could that give you 3 games per team?
Actually, can that be a challenge? Write an efficient comparison sort using a tri-comparison function
Is there some standard tri-comparison function? I'm drawing a blank
no. But there are two possibilities I can think of, and both are interesting
The first is if it gives you the full ordering (A < B < C) of the elements, the second is if it only gives you the best element of the three (A < B and A < C)
the former would be a simpler sort
@NathanMerrill So the first one would be from X^3 -> X^2, and the latter would be max (X^3 -> X, could be generalized to X^n -> X)
The latter would be a simpler extension of a normal comparison op
Though it would be trivial to reduce it to a regular 2-element comparison: always use a fixed element for the 3rd element.
Both of them can be easily reduced to 2-element comparison
The key is to use the extra information efficiently
well. its only really a straight reduction if that fixed element is the infimum. which doesnt make much sense for teams. the worst possible team always getting to play a game as part of each comparison
I spent four hours performing every optimzation humanly possible on my code before realizing the reason it was taking several minutes to run was that my cache, meant to expire every day, was never being marked as not expired.
browser cache?
No this runs locally
I have my own cache system
It's supposed to fetch a gigabyte-sized JSON from an API and parse it
And I cache the list I parse out
1 hour later…
That reminds me - does anyone know of a tool that can render a ridiculously large HTML file (~13 GB) into a PDF? I'm not concerned about speed - it just needs to successfully convert the file, without reading the entire file into memory.
Q: Generate some rough numbers

Addison CrumpBackground A number n can be described as B-rough if all of the prime factors of n strictly exceed B. The Challenge Given two positive integers B and k, output the first k B-rough numbers. Examples Let f(B, k) be a function which returns the set containing the first k B-rough numbers. > f(1...

@Mego no idea but curious where you get such a large HTML from O.o
Q: Is there any mistakes in this code?

user136782The photo is from the book the c programming language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie 2nd edition I am compiling it using mobile c and decoder and it is showing error.

2 hours later…
@Mr.Xcoder I see, well good luck with everything!
@flawr Thank you very much!
A copy button, in short
@flawr looks like somebody likes Christmas... :P
2 hours later…
@Anush Feature request on meta: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/32625/…
Q: Count the corners, edges and faces of a cut cube

infinitezeroComing from this sandbox post This is inspired from an 8th graders math test Intro We have a cube with following corners A(0, 0, 0) B(1, 0, 0) C(1, 1, 0) D(0, 1, 0) E(0, 0, 1) F(1, 0, 1) G(1, 1, 1) H(0, 1, 1) This cube clearly has 8 corners, 12 edges and 6 faces. If we now cut off corner ...

2 hours later…
Hello everyone
It's a good thing I still remember to check if my challenge ideas have been posted before
Was about to post this one
Largest squarefree number that divides the input
Oh wait no
My idea was to divide out the squares, and then print the resulting integer, which is slightly different
144 after diving out the squares is 1, but the largest squarefree number that divides 144 is 6
Feedback requests: 1, 2
@EriktheOutgolfer For the second one, the rules sort of blend together, I'd recommend separating them (bullet points etc.)
In the final bullet point (right at the end), what do n_5 and n_1 denote?
whoops, should be x_5 and x_1
those are the requirements that must be met so that the ordering is valid
1 hour later…
Q: number of circles in a rectangle

Mohamed Hadaricalculate number of the maximum numbers of circles of radius r that can fit in a rectangle , the rectangle has height of x and width y.the circles touch each other in triangular shape, Write a function that take r , x and y as input and return the number of circles that fit in the rectangle.

@NewMainPosts so... not very good formatting and grammar, but surprisingly good challenge from a newcomer
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Sherlock9Remove all squares! code-golfmath Given an integer n, divide out n's largest square divisor, and return the result. Test cases 1 1 60 15 96 6 125 5 1001 1001 Related challenge Note: Just typing this challenge idea up quickly. Will edit it to look nicer when I have ti...

Another one from that conference?
@Adám Done
@DJMcMayhem Thank you.
@Zacharý I advertised the Orchard on the last day. Kai is Mr. APLWiki
Is it getting close to that time o' year?
@EriktheOutgolfer Since halloween isn't really a thing here (or at lest has not been, it is getting more popular each time) some stores already have their christmas decorations out for about 4 weeks:)
@flawr Jumbo stores in Greece always have Christmas products up way before Ohi Day (that is, 10/28) :P
I remember going to the one in my area this year (obviously, not for toys) and seeing, in this order, 1) Christmas products, starting from the top floor 2) Halloween products, starting from the first point of the bottom floor (of Jumbo, not the whole building), and then some more Christmas products 3) Ohi Day (October 28th) products, then more Christmas products...you can see the marketing here, as well as the focus on Christmas ;-)
"Oxi" means"no" right?
hehe, well I do have the impression that they are starting earlier every year
yeah, it's "ochi" (όχι), actually, but Ohi Day isn't Ochi Day
I'm surprized they do not sell any chocolate easter bunnies yet.
nope, they don't, that would be a giant overkill :P
what is Ohi day?
and... easter?!
Wait ... what's the difference?
@flawr October 28th, 1944, the day we want to think Ioannis Metaxas said a huge ΟΧΙ to Benito Mussolini and his Italian forces which tried to "peacefully occupy a few strategic locations in Greece"
Ah thanks. Are there any special traditions for celebrating that?
@Zacharý the chocolate is in the shape of Santa Claus during Christmas
yeah, there are parades
it's one of the most important national anniversaries
also, many people put up Greek flags... some roads too :P
@EriktheOutgolfer 1940, duh
why do I always confuse that with October 12th, 1944...
I'm very bad when it comes to specific dates in history.
well... it might be that the latter is when peace came, i.e. good, while the former is when war came ;-P
Q: Find the nth root

FireCubezIntroduction The n-th root of a number, \$x\$, often expressed as \$\sqrt[n]{x}\$ can be multiplied by itself \$n\$ times to equal \$x\$. In other words: $$(\sqrt[n]{x})^n = x$$ Challenge Given \$n > 1\$ and \$x > 0\$, your challenge is to calculate \$\sqrt[n]{x}\$, or the n-th root of \$x\$...

@Mr.Xcoder recently suggested me (in a specific challenge proposal) to make a CW answer for all trivial answers. Is this something we already did frequently, or do we have some sort of relevant meta post?
the relevant meta post is what we call "xnor's proposal"
A: Should we combine answers where the same code works in many different languages?

xnorCombine equivalent trivial answers I think the idea is right, but needs to specifically target the problem case of built-in-does-it answers. Trivial challenges invite many trivial answers that are just a built-in. There is an overwhelming temptation to get loads of rep and attention with an ans...

@EriktheOutgolfer thanks a lot!
Q: Ryley's Theorem

flawrS. Ryley proved following theorem in 1825: Every rational number can be expressed as a sum of three rational cubes. Challenge Given some rational number \$r \in \mathbb Q \$ find three rational numbers \$a,b,c \in \mathbb Q\$ such that $$r= a^3+b^3+c^3.$$ Details Your submission should ...

@flawr nice hat
snek hats are good
@Riker thanks!
@Riker you should subscribe to snake discovery
(the videos include captions of the snakes thoughts, but is otherwise quite educational)
damn spelling
@Riker you know the most influential author among the reptiles? It's William Snakespeare
(Among his works there is a famous series about Harry the Lizard.)
I just walked outside. A neighbour has a lit image of Mr. Claus in their window.
Q: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Code

MichaelIn the absurdist play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, the two main characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern(or are they?) are always mixing up which of them is who—or sometimes which of their own body parts is which—because of a perceived lack of individual identity. Wouldn't it be absurd i...

@flawr LOL
request: snake hissing asmr
@NewMainPosts @flawr Was that in the Sandbox for a long time? I feel like I've seen that same post, by flawr
yep it has been there for a while
@flawr the only flaw I can find in that challenge is that we're required to support every possible input beyond the language's limits
otherwise, nice challenge (even though I will most likely brute-force it >:D)
@EriktheOutgolfer I decided to do that because for rather simple input, the outputs can be exploding (or maybe have exploding intermediate values)
regarding "exploding intermediate values": if you use a suitable ordering of \mathbb Z (e.g. [0, 1, -1, 2, -2, ...]), and a "little" bit of brute force, that shouldn't be a problem :P
@EriktheOutgolfer I know at least one proof that more or less directly constructs the solutions. I'm trying to implement that right now, and I think it might be competitive with bruteforcing solutions.
I think I have a 70 byte Haskell solution.
I know what language I'm trying first... :P
I'm curious to see if anyone actually finds this proof and uses it in their golf.
I assume we can't use Google to find that, right?
haven't tried so far:)
you can find at least one
except that I'm not going to read 5 pages of proof, thanks
actually it is just a little more than 2 pages that are actually relevant
and more than 90% of those pages is actually white, so there cannot possibly be that much to read
definitely not referring to this, eh?
that is the one I linked
ah, didn't notice the edit
hah, Delfad0r posted a brute-force solution in Haskell... in 95 bytes
if we assume that to be optimal for brute-force... goodbye brute-force, then :P
I'm not quite sure if I have to include imports in my solution
if I do, it will be 88 bytes :)
I suspect you do
still, 7 bytes ahead :P
this is kind of a special case: you can define the function without using any imports
but you need the import to generate a rational number
I know that we can expect the input to our answers be of the correct type.
But I'm not sure how this particular case should be handled.
but... can the function make the output without the imports?
it will only return rational numbers if you input a rational numbers
otherwise it uses floating poitn numbers
Q: Byte count for imports (or other things) not needed for definition, but for execution

nimiWhen we define a function that needs an import, we have to add it to the byte count. So far, so good. What about cases where the definition itself doesn't need the import, but when you want to call/execute the function you need it, for example to construct parameters? Examples can be found here ...

but the challenge says that the input consist of a rationl number
the challenge spec is to be translated per-language, and, if that means imports, imports it is
@Dennis thanks!
also, if you're using operators that act differently on an imported type, it's pretty likely that the import is what defines the behavior of the operators in this case (especially since that's very easy to do in Haskell, methinks)
as I understand it, @Mego's answer to that meta would say in this case I do not have to count the import
reads below top answer
yeah, looks like you've got a pretty 70 bytes over there
(if it works)
Q: Tips for Big-O notation beginners

guest271314A beginner's guide to Big O notation by Rob Bell explains Big-O notation for beginners. Explain Big-O notation to beginners reading and writing algorithms, code, questions and answers for the fastest-algorithm tag at Programming Puzzles & Code Golf.

Q: Fastest algorithm to output array containing all integers in range excluding duplicate digits

guest271314Given input a single minimum integer 12 and a maximum integer 123456789 (9!), output a single array containing the input integer and all integers between input and input digits in reverse order (21; 987654321) including minimum and maximum in ascending or descending numeric values, where each dig...

too bad they didn't explicitly answer the Haskell case
@EriktheOutgolfer it seems those two answers contradict?
Mego's is the winner there
that was a reference to sorting answers Dennis-style (i.e. by "active")
is there any other number I should add as an example?
@flawr I just watched that channel's bullsnake thingy
from not-yet-laid to incubating to opening to babby reveal
I just learned so much about snakes even though I've hardly ever seen one in person :)
@flawr Last time in was in Switzerland (summer mountain hiking), a grass snake scared my dog and fascinated my dad :P
caird where do you live agian?
@cairdcoinheringaahing how cool! (just had to look up "grass snake", they have a completely different name in german)
@flawr My dad loved catching snakes as a kid, and was disappointed that he couldn't bring the snake back to where we were staying :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing what kind of dog do you have?:)
@flawr Lab/springer spaniel cross (he was my last profile picture)
oh what a cute little guy :D
you should take it back as profile pic!!!
IIRC caird had some GCSEs to do before putting it back as a profile pic or something
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah, then I left for a while and sort of forgot about my PP
How's that?
wait, do you have a lizard? looks like people are impatient for Christmas...
@EriktheOutgolfer We have no other holiday between now and Christmas here (no Thanksgiving, for example) and I've always liked Christmas :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing yay:)
@flawr Using the MSE post linked earlier, a 52 byte answer is possible. Better answers are likely though
@H.PWiz feel free to post!!
I'm curious to see that.
yeah, if you have spent effort, it shouldn't go wasted
Well, it was already 58 without introducing new variables, and with n=1
Q: Captcha Capture

NO_BOOT_DEVICECaptchas aren't meant to be machine-readable, and that's terrible. It is time to end this obvious bout of unfounded hatred for machines just trying to let you know about great deals on ṗḧ@ṛḿ4ćëüẗ1ċäḷṡ ƻđȺɏ. Note: All captchas were made by using a library that has been modified so that it mostly ...

@H.PWiz Are you gonna post it?
Maybe later, once I've though more
@H.PWiz I got my solution down to 69, but I'd be very interested to see yours. Please consider posting it :)
@Delfad0r I based mine on a construction I found in a popular number theory book.

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