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Lots of the stuff in jelly looks like it's undocumenteded...
@KittenHugger example?
"Ƭ Like ÐL (alias for ÐĿ). Collects all intermediate results."
I cant find anything that says what ÐĿ does
@KittenHugger well because the documentation for Ƭ already explains what it does?
Yeah, that's the only thing that I could think of either
ÐĿ is right below Ƭ and ÐL is right above
thats ÐL and ÐḶ
oh, right i see
a typo?
typo maybe?
4 hours later…
@FrownyFrog No, the docs of Ƭ already explained ÐĿ.
@Downgoat clearly it is amazon bow made from multiple materials (tendons on the inside, wood on the outside)
@user202729 ninja'd?
4 hours later…
posted on July 31, 2018 by Charlie

Is the encrypted message susceptible to be written in Japanese? code-golf string cryptography Without any specific historical context, we are receiving some encrypted texts and we want to know if the message received was written in romanized Japanese in its original form. We don't know a word of Japanese but we know that a text in Japanese is comprised of: Simple syllables: any free vowe

posted on July 31, 2018 by Kevin Cruijssen

crossed out 44 is still regular 44 ;( code-golfstringdatenumber Introduction On March 24th, 2015 @isaacg golfed his Pyth answer from 44 to 42 bytes. Since a cross out 44 (44) looks a lot like a regular 44, @Optimizer made the following comment: striked out 44 is still normal 44 :( After that, on October 21st, 2015, @Doorknob♦ golfed his Ruby answer from 44 to 40 (and later 38) byt

Q: Bijection: tree-like lists - natural numbers

ngnWe define a tree-like list, or trist for short, as the empty list or a list containing only previously constructed trists. The natural numbers can either include 0 or not, according to your preference. The task is to create a pair of functions or complete programs f and g (they don't have to be...

@H.PWiz @LeakyNun ^
if a challenge doesn't require the function to be named, and in a particular answer the function is recursive, should we count the naming in the byte count?
We should count naming
@ATaco thanks, this meta confirms it too
posted on July 31, 2018 by Beta Decay

Stack Exchange Stock Exchange - V3 king-of-the-hill Challenge Write a program that buys and sells shares on the Stack Exchange Stock Exchange with the aim of making as much money as possible. Gameplay All players will start with 5 shares and $100. The game always starts with a share price of $10. Each game will have 100 rounds. In each round, your program will be supplied three arg

I've no idea what a suitable method of calculating the share price would be
Are answers allowed to assume the OS is a clean install (with the minimum added to run the answer)
@Okx No, it won't be a clean install but the minimum will be installed
What's useful about a clean install?
My bash answer uses the * wildcard to read a file but theoretically you could make a file matching that wild card to mess up the answer
Oh I see
Would an empty folder help?
it refers to an absolute directory
A: Display percent battery remaining

OkxBash, 70 67 50 46 bytes echo Remaining battery is `</*/*/*/*/capac*y`% Reads the file /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/capacity. Tested using Ubuntu 18.04 on a LENOVO ideapad 500. Takes a while (since it searches the entire filesystem) - but it saves a byte!

the folder cannot be empty, the OS makes most of the files in that directory
Well you'll never need to do that unless you want to read the files of the other players
what do you mean?
I'm an idiot
I thought you were talking about the challenge in the sandbox
Yeah, you're allowed to assume a clean install
ok nice
1 hour later…
posted on July 31, 2018 by wnnmaw

Evaluate Words Based on "Rules" (Skeptics.SE Crossover) I came across this picture, which I initially questioned and thought about posting to Skeptics. Then I thought they'll only tell me if this one case is true, but wouldn't it be great to know how true any "rule" really is? Today you're going program a skeptic-bot Challenge Write a program or function which when given a dictionary of v

2 hours later…
Q: Need code in c++ where 2 arguments are given one is the number to be found other is the number of threads to be created range is between 0-10000

sammyinclude include include include include include include using namespace std; struct arg_struct { int m; int n; int range; int count; pthread_t tid; }; struct ret_struct { int r_m; int r_n; int r_range; int r_count; pthread_t tid; }; struc...

@NewMainPosts I swear we just closed one of these the other day for the exact same problem scenario.
Anyone know what "Later" means?
Q: How can you split the array into two separate arrays so that there are the same number of 0s in both arrays?

harvpanChallenge You have an array of single binary digits, 0s or 1s, with 1000 elements in total. (e.g. [1,0,0,0,1,0,...]). You know that there are exactly 100 "0s," but you don’t know their location in the Array. You can “flip” any element from 0 to 1 or vice versa, but you cannot actually check th...

@Pavel Not now.
I've set up my database on website, unicode seems to work and all... But when I insert a lenny face to a message, it becomes ( ?° ?? ?°)...
/me remembers he still needs to install a Kannada font
@Pavel <look-of-disapproval>
I set all my tables to utf8_unicode_ci. I connect with config including 'charset' => 'utf8', 'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',(in Illuminate). using utf8mb4 didn't help either. After connection I query SET NAMES utf8. It still doesn't work
i took a quick nap and the next thing you know i haven't tweeted for 4 days
Turns out SMBF will be LoTM for August. I think we'll soon need more nominations.
self modifying brainfuck
now anyone here can try to win an iPad :p
I don't even see the point of that contest... just a glorified raffle I guess
except this one encourages people to ask on StackOverflow
accumulate members
@JonathanAllan ah, I missed the "you need an account" part
That person has 4.2K rep on SO incidentally
(tfw you look through the transcript and reply to random messages)
Is there an answer somewhere that determines if a unary-represented number is prime using regex?
A: Is this number a prime?

Martin EnderRetina, 16 bytes ^(?!(..+)\1+$).. Try it online! Let's start with a classic: detecting primes with a regex. Input should be given in unary, using any repeated printable character. The test suite includes a conversion from decimal to unary for convenience. A Retina program consisting of a sin...

Incidentally, that's the same (shortest) code that my PowerShell answer uses, since it's way shorter than trial division or something with [math] calls.
cool thanks
@Zacharý I don't know, but I inferred from your message that it mus have been at some point - which was probably wrong:)
@EriktheOutgolfer is math now considered unfair in CG? D:
it=the challenge
I just hope I didn't give @WW any ideas for a
are the rep requirement changes happening
and if so, when?
Yes, in 6-8 weeks
that's also when we're getting the redesign and all of the ppcg-specific features
and a built in sandbox
is apl actually fun?
@Mendeleev I asked a CM recently. They said they'll look into it, but they don't have any timeframe
@Mendeleev Yes
@DJMcMayhem ok. i honestly don't like the rep changes but i was just wondering when it was happening
@WW Meredith's axiom.
We probably do not have to wait a lot longer, I've heard that the rep changes will come just after we get the design.
@Mendeleev Yes.
bah, can't wait until November 1...
@Zacharý ???
SMBF - Interpreter update: I updated the Python interpreter to include an option to set the EOF value. I left it defaulting to 0 in the original, because I didn't want to break any existing programs. I created 2 forks. One uses None for no change (Interpreter), and the other uses -1 (Interpreter).
Hopefully this makes SMBF more marketable for Language of the Month
Yes I know. I don't get your first message
You're the sole poster of , and Meredith's axiom seems troubling to deal with in any proof.
Never mind, then.
posted on July 31, 2018 by ngm

Order times fully written out in English, alphabetically A 12h format time of day can be fully written out in English according to the following rules: a word from one to twelve; a space; optionally a word from one to fifty-nine followed by a space; the "word" AM or PM. Examples: 1:31 AM => "one thirty-one AM" 11:12 PM => "eleven twelve PM" 4:00 AM => "four AM" Chal

user image
the irony
Guys what can I do, the following happened: Someone asked me whether a trailing negative number is allowed as part of the output, I answered that I'll allow it if it marks the bottom of the output and now they changed their question to sth. else...
I feel intrigued now to disallow it at all.. For reference comment
@OMᗺ you can delete your comment and write a new one
@ngn: But that's kind of the same sneaky way ^^
@OMᗺ I wouldn't call it sneaky. People do that often, to avoid clutter.
@OMᗺ For reference, their original question wasn't that different:
> Is a terminating character allowed for the output? For example, could the output end with -1, which is guaranteed to not be part of the stack?
@DJMcMayhem: I know what it said, it is quite different since I allow negative numbers to delimit EOF on input.
Then I would just delete your comment, write a new one and point out that their question changed
idea for challenge: reverse a string
I'd expect that to go over just as well as this did
but that was because of the initial rigid input format
@Downgoat ... and music, interupted every 10s with "your http request is important to us, please hold the tcp connection"
And because it's a horribly trivial and boring task
Something like Reverse a string with a constant memory algorithm would be sooo much more interesting.
it would go about as well as "Add two numbers"
@DJMcMayhem lol
next challenge: Increment a number
oh hi mendeleev
@Mendeleev I really hope you're joking
@DJMcMayhem I am, yes
@HyperNeutrino Hello
posted on July 31, 2018 by Amphibological

Is this number evil? code-golfnumber Introduction In number theory, a number is considered evil if there are an even number of 1's in it's binary representation. In today's challenge, you will be identifying whether or not a given number is evil. The aim of this question is to become a catalogue of the shortest answers to this question, somewhat like the other catalogues we have. Challe

@NewSandboxedPosts this doesn't seem to exist on the sandbox
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AmphibologicalIs this number evil? code-golfnumber Introduction In number theory, a number is considered evil if there are an even number of 1's in it's binary representation. In today's challenge, you will be identifying whether or not a given number is evil. The aim of this question is to become a catalog...

the link didn't work and ctrl+f for "evil" didn't find anything
Did you have it sorted by votes?
sandbox links are broken
@Mendeleev it fails to link to the page/active tab when it glitches out like that
@DJMcMayhem I'm not sure, I just clicked the link
@Mendeleev pretty sure that means it was deleted
@HyperNeutrino no, it still exists, @DJMcMayhem just linked to it
@Mendeleev maybe it was posted, deleted, bot-linked, undeleted, and then manually linked
seems unlikely
@HyperNeutrino Or the sandbox feed is borken
that too
@HyperNeutrino that happens like every other time lately, and I'm pretty sure that it's not that everyone's deleting their answers
@dzaima oh in that case never mind
1 hour later…
is there a mod that could possibly unfreeze this
inb4 DJ pops in
The penguin is always watching
I'm pretty sure the penguin is not alone
Q: When the input is a list and the language doesn't support that: what to do?

VisckmartI'll use this challenge as an example. It says "Input will be a list of [...]" and I would like to code that challenge in Lua. The problem here is, Lua doesn't accept lists as input, only strings (and maybe numbers since it has implicit coercion). There are two solutions: I can write the list ...

Q: Beware of the matrix tornado!

ibrahim mahrirThe matrix tornado is just like any other tornado: it consists of things rotating around a center. In this case, elements of the matrix instead of air. Here is an example of a matrix tornado: First we start by sectioning the matrix into square rings, each section consists of elements that are...

um, I think you kinda got the breed wrong
wait, i did?
I'm pretty sure Mego's forehead and face are white
not really sure if you got the species wrong or it's just an unfortunate breed though :P

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