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does anyone know where i can buy steroids for a butterfly, i need it to deploy my wsbsite
the files are too big. i need more Bandwith. anything you know about butterflies helps.nthanks
Uh... they have 4 wings
except for that, I already knew that
means you need 4 times the restraints
They taste with their feet
Have you tried 2 or 3 butterflies?
maybe the solution is breadth not depth
@WW they dont work in parallel.
Tried it
33 secs ago, by FreezePhoenix
They taste with their feet
only solution is to flap faster
Do your butterflies look like fuzzy worms?
@quartata How about keeping one butterfly at the client and sending differences via radio?
what is radio
A line of butterflies
oh. it would take a lot of butterflies
let me do the math
You're right...
What on earth.
Can you add a wing to the side so they can flap like hummingbirds?
@Zacharý What? WHAT?!?!?
This conversation is very strange.
OK so I did the math
And? What does the math tell you?
It would take 7*10^16 butterflies
dont have that many. good idea though
That is a lot of butterflies
Um... Hummingbird assists? Let the hummingbirds carry part of it?
how fast can a hummingbird move
Faster than a butterfly
Although they do need to stop often for a drink...
Can't you just use the butterfly effect instead of actually sending it?
thats what i do
@quartata Have you tried github? They have a lot of butterflies.
but they dont flap fast enough for this
Multiple butterflies in parallel ought to work, maybe you're not sychronizing them correctly.
Or weebly, They also have a lot of butterflies.
a quick google says salt has a good affect. does anyone know what exactly salt is
@quartata I think it's from the ocean. I heard it also know as "snail-bane"
oh that. all right
we have a lot of oceans here.
ok thanks everybody. im going to research a couple things
You're welcome!
if you dont here from me i probably got crushed by an ant while visiting the Oceans
They have a week spot in the joints of their legs - a knife there should work.
@FreezePhoenix legs?
maybe we're talking about different ants
anyways later
@quartata Yeh. Dey got six of them
@quartata Bye!
@Zacharý ... What is it?
@FreezePhoenix ._. this conversation.
What about it?
Hello DJMcMayhem!
Random conversation about butterflies ...
@quartata I know a guy in a parking lot, how much
really all I need is the recipe
i can sign something not to redistribute
shipping here might be tough is all
NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = [][Symbol.iterator];
holy shit this line is genius
wait no it isn't NodeList already has a default iterator ¬_¬
Ok... this one is funny not useful: gist.github.com/rlemon/48a08b1fb7ac288a3d0d
Surprise, surprise, Valve is as bad a place to work as any other game company: pcgamer.com/…
Disappointed but eh. It's an industry problem.
2 hours later…
@Pavel joke is google doesn't like to respect standards, they want everything to be made in their proprietary way
embrace extend extinguish etc etc
1 hour later…
Funky2 is now TC, so that's nice.
4 hours later…
hi all.. I have an edit distance question if anyone likes algo-chat
1 hour later…
when is (-1)^p real? Is it only when p is even and at least 0?
@Anush it doesn't need to be ≥0
@Anush (-1)^p has a real solution when p is an integer or the reciprocal of an odd integer.
I am unconfused now :)
ok here is more coding/algo question
@Anush ...and it doesn't need to be even, (-1)^1 = -1 is real
@Anush if p itself is assumed to be real, you can imagine exponentiation of -1 as going around the unit circle of the complex plane. When p=0, you're at (1,0). When p=1, you've travelled half a circle to the opposite point: (-1,0). When p=1/2, that's the square root, i=sqrt(-1), at (0,1). It's easy to see that you only cross the real line (x) when p is an integer.
@Adám or the reciprocal of an odd integer - that depends... you're assuming -1^(1/3) is -1 as the cubic root of -1, but there are in fact 3 different cubic roots of -1 and the one that calculus considers as -1^(1/3) is a complex one
@ngn I said has a real solution.
@Adám as I said in my comment above, that depends on the definition of -1^(1/3)
the question was "when is (-1)^p real?", so even though p=1/3 is indeed real, it's not a solution, because (-1)^p is not real (according to the calculus definition of exponentiation to a reciprocal)
Is there a faster way to force Windows Server to install all available updates than sconfig > 6 > a > a? It takes many minutes just to check for updates (!)
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayWhere's Blackhat? code-challenge test-battery image-processing Challenge Write code which, given an image of a panel from a random xkcd comic, returns 1 if blackhat is in the comic or 0 if not. Who is Blackhat? Blackhat is the unofficial name given to the character in xkcd comics who wears a...

2 hours later…
I got APL to successfully call some more D code: turns out I just needed to initialize the D runtime.
My cat's name is apparently an invalid name for a pet (setting up security questions for a new CC).
@mınxomaτ I would ask what the name is, but…
@mınxomaτ wow.
that must hurt.
say I have two arrays of integers(which I will call points) X and Y. I can define a measure of distance between X and Y as follows. We can insert a point into X, delete a point from X or move a point in to one in Y. Say the cost of moving a point is the distance you move it and everything else costs 1
you can work out the minimum distance between X and Y via a simplish dynamic programming solution
I've had worse form validation experiences. One of them ended with me ranting at every person at the support line until I was put through to the development lead and he confirmed the bug (and fixed it a few weeks later).
that is d(i,j) = min(d(i-1, j)+1, d(i, j-1)+1, abs(X[i]-Y[i]))
this takes O(n^2) time if X and Y have n points
so... if anyone is interested I have a generalization to ask about :)
@mınxomaτ What's CC in this instance?
credit card
This is the greatest Spotify playlist: open.spotify.com/user/markusa380/playlist/…
(pls contribute)
@Adám If it's invalid, then there's no harm in asking!
10 internet points to whoever can find a song named APL
@Zacharý Sure, but maybe it is just due to a diacritic, and it will be trivial to guess what was used instead.
@Pavel *whoever, and are you sure it exists?!
@Adám on Spotify?
@Pavel What?
6 mins ago, by Pavel
This is the greatest Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/markusa380/playlist/4MeDCsVwDe1GeEN9UqaAjy?si=oIPB‌​oqJlQm2RZju0qtHfwg
@Pavel Can't view that. I get a login screen.
@Adám will send screenshot one sec
@Adám ^
@Pavel ⍨
@Adám Try now, I made it public
@Pavel No, still requires login. Does it have APL on it? I just Googled "APL song".
Does now
@Pavel I get this:
@Adám I guess you need an account. It's free if you don't mind ads though.
@Pavel I don't even know what Spotify is for.
Music streaming
@DJMcMayhem I barely ever listen to music – other than what my housemate plays.
Music is good tho
Yeah, I love listening to music. I'm not sure why I don't. I used to play the violin myself.
@DJMcMayhem You can see the playlist, right?
Yeah, but I have an account
Just making sure
Cobol is actually my favorite song on the list
Guess what 1i * 1 gives in RAD's rewrite?
@Zacharý 0j1?
6.12323e¯17 + 1i (or 6.12323e¯17j1 in APL notation)
@Zacharý Looks like you need to introduce fuzz.
Yeah, I know.
@Zacharý Either you made your own floating point implementation or D's is horrible. Not sure which one of those is better
@dzaima D's is horrible (at least when it comes to Complex)
I remember seeing something like that on my calculator, but that was when the exponent was like 100 or something
@Zacharý with high exponents tiny errors are expected, but with 1? I'd just throw out Complex and make/get some other implementation
The error is only 6.12323 * 10^-17, it's fine. I'll add a variable to fix that eventually.
@Zacharý Name suggestion: ⎕CT
@Adám Yeah, that seems fine.
@Zacharý how would that decide that 1e¯20+1i × 1 should not be 0 though?
@ConorO'Brien did you see the new b4nny video
I thought it was all fun and games, just a hatless pub heavy
then that demo kritz happened on Granary
"Fritata27" literally better than habib and it warms my heart lmao
@quartata XD yeah I did, pretty funny
I hope b4nny added them to friends
@quartata site when?
@Pavel having git problems
Anyone here with Firefox and a good pair of headphones?
@Downgoat I believe you were the one interested in seeing this part: github.com/quartata/quartata.github.io/blob/site/frontend/…
Huh I’m surprised emscripten can correctly do opengl
That's kinda the selling point
the result: quartata.github.io
> Heroku | Welcome to your new app!
This is pretty neat, a breadboard fused with an UNO: stemtera.com
yeah I haven't deployed there yet
heroku is being very mean to me actually
heroic is very vicious with charging credit card
I tried setting up PR apps for Axtell
no actually it's because it installed a shihtty version of libpq
ended up $15 more poor at end of day :(
compiled with ldap support so I have to link it...
Welp, I had my first instance of having to delete then reclone for the RAD rewrite.
Hrmm turns out WOFF2 browser support is pretty bad
But the fonts are so much smaller
@quartata browsers load font files lazily in most cases so you should be able to do WOFF2 with fallback to OTF or something
In this case it's inlined
Because I wanted it to block rendering until the font was loaded actually
The page is 52K currently and I really would rather it not be bigger
The image, not the fonts, are the main contributors
@Downgoat what browser are you on? Can you test something for me
@quartata Safari 11
Do you have headphones
can you hear the sound on the page
does it attenuate when you move your mouse
check your console?
only console items are 502 from heroku and 404 from favicon
no audio seems to have been downloaded
wait no there's a murmur.pcm that was
yes that's it
it's huge so it might not play right away if it wasn't cached
(it's also quiet)
it is cached but no safari isn't reporting any audio playing
        document.body.innerHTML += "<audio autoplay loop><source src='assets/murmur_fallback.m4a'><source src='assets/murmur_fallback.ogg'></audio>"
is never run
@Downgoat oh no that's a fallback
if you don't have WebAudio
Also does the image change color when you hover over it
OK cool. That one needs a prefix in Safari I think
Stumped about the audio if there's no error...
what line should i look for
One second let me look at the emscripten output
oh it works in normal safari but on in safari technoloy preview
I was going to say look for _alcOpenDevice
Does it attenuate? Move your mouse from left to right
Safari 11 might use the fallback or something while TP runs newer code whiwch doens't work perhaps?
If it used the fallback, it would say in the console
@quartata I think so? I can't really tell (I'm assuming you're referring to audio)
Oh, actually... Did you have your mouse at the center of the screen? :P
it has been moving around
It rotates behind you when that happens and you can't hear it
@Downgoat yeah the attenuation isn't great because OpenAL doesn't have head transfer function but you should notice a change
well good enough for now
If you're interested, I have some of the best error messages ever created in that file
Give it a scroll
Mostly in initGL
They're very informative
You're being non-twitter-quartata? Hooray
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AmphibologicalThe Traveling Toothbrush code-golf SANDBOX: any other tags? Introduction Today's challenge is all about teeth. Specifically, how long it takes to brush from one tooth to another. Your challenge is, given the locations of two teeth, output the shortest amount of time possible to brush from the...

@Riker There are a lot of things that are technically true in /r/technicallythetruth/
@quartata I think you should use humming birds
@FreezePhoenix And ... we're back to this.
my CSS is broken please do not make fun of it
Sometimes you just have to let go of it. NOT "let it go" but "let go of it"
One could say the same about your conversation.
Let's be nice, everyone

Stange conversation

21 hours ago, 45 minutes total – 61 messages, 5 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 19 secs ago by Adám

Is storing RAD's variables and scopes in a Value[dstring][] (an array of mappings from strings to values) hacky?
@Zacharý what do you mean by "variables and scopes"? the two are pretty different to have same structures
@dzaima A scope is represented by Value[dstring], and all the variables are stored in a scope.
I'm horrible at explaining things
why an array of maps? is that a global list of all scopes everywhere?
@dzaima Yeah, scopes are (will be) destroyed after the dfn/dop returns a value. Basically, every scope will correspond to either the main program, or a dfn/dop within the program. The scopes nest as well.
Like I said, I'm horrible at explaining.
I'm guessing that the array would be utilized as a stack (and you're not using native recursion for dfn calling)?
if you are using recursion though I'd suggest what I did for my apl thing - have a scope class that can point to a parent scope
I think I have something like that in one of my functions.
@Zacharý then why have an array of all the scopes?
@dzaima Never mind. I was thinking of getVariable which looks through the scopes in reverse for a name.
with an array for scopes comes the negative that closures (aka function returning) & yields become impossible
@dzaima I think I might have a way around closures being impossible.
@Zacharý is there a reason you couldn't do the recursive scope thing?
@dzaima No, not really.
CSS is fxied now. no further questions
Holy shit the background actually works on my crummy phone. WebGL is awesome.

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