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RIP stars, the sky is a bit darker now
Also, since single stars are weighted really low, I'm sure it'll be back to normal in an hour or so
I mean it's not like I really cared to see those other things. Somebody might but I don't
@DJMcMayhem yeah I don't think so
almost done with running the code on /usr/dict/share/words
er, share dict
my horrible APL code gave TROWELLING. Didn't save how it got there though
trowelling -> towelling is the longest chain I can make
I have no idea how it found a chain.
@CatWizard yay so my apl probably works
I'd go with probably not.
Oh trowelling -> towelling -> toweling
@CatWizard if the programs weren't unique would it trivialize the problem?
Not in some languages.
Anyone know how to check if words exist on repl.it
I think it'd be better if you penalized non-unique programs but still allowed them. I don't see this problem being competing in convention langauges
Your probably correct
Pretty sure something like this should find all words if I had a reliable way to check if words existed: repl.it/@Theodorlukin/MeaslyDeliciousTelecommunications
I'll sandbox it and think it over a little more.
maybe "you gain 1 point for each byte, and an extra for each duplicated byte" so "111" is scored 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
@dzaima May we see the code?
we = adam
@ConorO'Brien Wouldn't you want to duplicate bytes then?
since i think anybody else except maybe conor knows apl
code golf
so more points = blergh
Oh well then 1 byte solutions are going to dominate
I mean it's very easy to get 1 byte that errors
maybe "-1 point for each duplicate character" and maximize
Python, 0 bytes:
@Riker I know J and by extension I know how to write almost not awful APL
@EriktheOutgolfer That doesn't error
@Riker And me, I was just polyglotting some more
C, 0 bytes:
it's not like you can remove any substring, is it?
@ConorO'Brien Yeah, or maybe just the number of unique bytes.
that could be nice
@Riker hey EriktheOutgolfer ngn Zacharý Bubbler and LeakyNun are in the room too.
but then that encourages dead code
@EriktheOutgolfer Uh
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/8/../../../../lib64/crt1.o: In function `_start':
(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
it's supposed to error
But Python 0 bytes doesn't error
@ConorO'Brien What exactly do you mean by that?
yeah, that's invalid
@Adám the main thing of finding valid extensions of a word is this, the actual searching I did separately. Warning: ugly & very very slow
Man I hate that I can't edit self deleted questions.
@CatWizard idk, it seems like I'd be able to make a program that errors which has a literal in it and stuff it full of useless characters. I don't have an example so I don't know if its a problem
@ConorO'Brien Well removing any part of the literal would need to make it work.
@Adám just keeping track of who has been in the orchard? :p
@EriktheOutgolfer Not has been in, rather who I've seen writing APL.
I have to think about this for a while
Is there anyway to view the source on a question?
@CatWizard edit
I can't it's deleted
CMP: What are you listening to right now?
@Pavel My housemate practising guitar.
@Pavel "Show Me What I’m Looking For" / Carolina Liar
@Pavel Traffic outside
MDK - Press Start
@Adám Is he good at it? :P
@ConorO'Brien What about number of bytes that appear exactly once?
@CatWizard that could work...
APL and QBasic would trivially score 9 points.
@Pavel He's OK. — Which is why he has decided to take up the clarinet…
this may be a delayed reaction but what the hell is wrong with cat wizard's avatar
It is a cat sneezing.
it looks like a cat imploding
@Adám I meant chatting atm but ok
@Pavel By now, it is only once every few minutes. (He has been at it for a few months.) Quite startling when it happens.
@CatWizard I thought it was the pet cat of the alien from Aliens.
I haven't seen Aliens.
@Pavel Not playing anything right this moment, but I've been listening to this Fernando Ortega album a lot lately and it's still playing in my head. Close enough?
@CatWizard Neither have I.
@DLosc what country isn't that blocked in
because there's a regional restriction in Greece...
Hola doesn't work :/
Neither link works, you mean?
@Pavel Killswitch Engage (specifically This is absolution)
@DLosc but they're just previews, no?
@Pavel uh...nothing, although there are a few songs I often listen to, e.g. Darude - Sandstorm
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Cat WizardA pristine program is a program \$S\$ that when run does not error, however it will error whenever a continuous substring of size \$n\$, where \$1<n\leq \left|S\right|\$, is removed. A filthy program is the opposite, it is a program \$S\$ that when run does error however whenever a continuous su...

@DLosc Hey, I used to listen to Fernando Ortega all the time as a kid!
@DJMcMayhem That sounds exactly like what my mom told me not to listen to :P
That's my favorite kind of thing to listen to :P
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, yeah. Of course Amazon and iTunes expect you to buy the album in order to listen to it. :P I expect that's why the (free) YouTube versions are blocked. Frankly, I'm still surprised there's so many albums available for free on YouTube (in the US, anyway).
it's theoretically illegal to download YouTube videos like that, but everybody does it :P
I pretty much only listen to electro. Although recently I discovered I sometimes like listening to AC/DC.
@Pavel Whatever shows up in my playlist. Titanium at the moment
@EriktheOutgolfer I don't know how to download a YouTube video, but when I want music at work I just open a YouTube tab. Finding Nemo soundtrack is one of my top choices. ^_^
yeah...it's not like I should mention how here :P
@DJMcMayhem I was always more of a Steven Curtis Chapman guy, but lately I've been finding Ortega more relaxing--good when life is stressful.
@EriktheOutgolfer Don't most people just use the countless websites that do it for you? That's what I do
I use free spotify because it doesn't let me listen to the same song thousands of times, which I'd otherwise do :P
@Mr.Xcoder Just create a playlist with a single song and play on repeat
Yeah but the point is not to do that :P
I pay for spotify because I'm 16, make 15$/hour, come from an affluent family, and have nothing better to spend my money on.
I get my parents to pay for a family account, which only me and my sister use
That's what you get... for playing PUBG and golfing Jelly at the same time
Best feeling in the world: Defeating the Pokemon League and Champion when your last pokemon only has 1 HP left. Nothing else comes close :P
@Pavel A little late but I'm listening to People who can eat people are the luckiest people in the world. Which is excellent if you have not heard it before.
TFW everyone else around you seems to know how to write polyglots and quines :P
@Mr.Xcoder u wot?
I don't think I have the mental capacity to do either one of those things, much less both at the same time
@CatWizard I'm going to have to disagree with you there
That is decidedly not excellent
It's... odd, but not terrible
Quines are actually not very tricky
@DJMcMayhem Well I've failed miserably at Jelly but at least I got the Winner Winner Chicken Dinner \o/ :P
Neither are polyglots... depending on how insane they are
@Pavel It's definitely in my top two favorite albums.
Polyglots are difficult for me, if only because it takes a lot of trial and error
> Rejoice. Your hair smells like burning hair
@quartata yeah, you never know what language they'll be speaking in
That's a very weird reaction to burning hair
I don't like writing code where how your code looks matters
That includes golfing actually
I just write ungolfed code then grudgingly remove whitespace
@Mr.Xcoder I'm doing that while I can: I'm no stasoid nor chance!
@quartata @Zacharý >____> That doesn't really make me feel better :(
@cairdcoinheringaahing makes sense to me..if yuor hair is on fire then clearly something prety cool is happening
it;s all in The How...
@quartata I fail to see how that means something cool is happening
This is why I follow quartata on twitter
oh he has followers now? neat
Compared to @stasoid and @Chance, I am nothing
I see :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing things involving fire ⊂ cool things
(I know it won't ping them, or otherwise I wouldn't have said that)
@Pavel Wut are the other "cool things"?
@Pavel Only if I'm not in or attached to that fire :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing im pretty sure this sort of thing is covered under the "cops can gas your house with Radon'""' laws i was talking about earlier
being semantic about the word cool...
@Zacharý Lots of stuff
Most things, actually.
@Zacharý Blowing things up
@Pavel Was just making sure that S⊂S is false to you.
S is a subset of S
@Mr.Xcoder the secret to quines is getting the quote marks in the string you see
Aha, everything is crystal clear now :P
I guess I'll just stick to golfing...
@ConorO'Brien very few make the cut unfortunatelly., it takes extreme loyalty
Quartata is actually super smart but you can never tell if he's saying something serious
@Mr.Xcoder Why the "à"
Hehe, watching the Pokemon credits at the end of the game are great. You get about 100 Japanese names, then one "John Smith" at the end of each development team :P
@Pavel im serious about the quines
think about it
@Pavel not a proper subset though ;)
thats why you use %r in the python quine
Good thing ⊂ means subset and not proper subset
@EriktheOutgolfer exactly...
How can we be sure that he's being serious when they say they're serious tho /mindblown
you get the quote marks
@Pavel It's like 0∊N
@Pavel uh, it means proper subset
@Mr.Xcoder because i have proof
@EriktheOutgolfer It's like 0 being a natural number: sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't...
@EriktheOutgolfer The unicode charater is called SUBSET OF.
@quartata ah
@Pavel Unicode also f**ked up directions, so I wouldn't trust it
0 is not positive by definition, and ⊂ is defined as strict subset.
it is known, for instance, that Pavel would let me eat his own eardrum if i was on my deathbed
Oh actually yeah I'm bad
thats the level of commitment that is needed
@quartata Huh? I may need some backstory for that...
@Adám, and THAT is why I don't want ⊂⊆⊃⊇ to have their set functionalities in RAD
@cairdcoinheringaahing its pretty much as simple as it says
@Zacharý What's why?
i need to know what it tsates like...
@quartata Why did @Pavel agree to that?
@Adám Debate about S⊂S v. S⊆S
@cairdcoinheringaahing beats me
@Zacharý Sorry, wasn't following it. Will read now.
Do what leaky does and use \subsetneq () then :P
my followers are like golden retrievers...we sacrifice intelligence for mre loyalty
@cairdcoinheringaahing I didn't read the small print that came with the terms and conditions for following quartata
So can quartata eat all of his followers' eardrums on his deathbed?
That said I'm pretty sure EA already owns my soul so it's not so bad
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, that makes sense, actually
thats pretty much just how it works yeah
@Mr.Xcoder Same thing with N_0 and N_1
Q: Find the minimum cost matching between arrays of integers

AnushConsider two sorted arrays of integers \$X\$ and \$Y\$ of size \$m\$ and \$n\$ respectively with \$m < n\$. For example \$ X = (1,4)\$, \$Y = (2,10,11)\$. We say that a matching is some way of pairing each element of \$X\$ with an element of \$Y\$ in such a way that no two elements of \$X\$ are...

ha, reusing your Math SE question I see
Oh god, that's weird
@quartata nope... I killed that :)
@ConorO'Brien Do you know where that comes from originally?
I am always temped to put a complexity restriction on but this code-golf question has no such restrictions! :)
You could have done
@Anush why?
@ConorO'Brien ughhh..... it's using transparency
oh that's weird
I can't view it in Chrome in a separate tab, because the background is black
I just use mspaint lol
Everything that is white in that picture is actually transparent
@quartata yes but I don't really understand how to pose questions. I mean it seems you need good test data and to run everyone's code
pretty much, yeah
what could suitable test data be for this question?
You should have some test data for code-golf anyways
I would love to make a fastest code version
sure but the test data for code-golf can be tiny
@quartata If I follow you on twitter can you give me your word you will try not to die? I need my eardrums.
whereas for fastest code it has to be big
@Anush A bit of advice: A few posts are fine, but making every single one of your posts into restricted complexity means that less people will compete in all of them. Pure code golf is much preferred.
same is true for me as well ^^^
@CatWizard well i can't actually die, its just hypothetical
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's what I just did!
@Anush I know, just telling you my personal opinion
@Anush just needs to be big enough to drown out any CPU noise in the timing
CMC: Find the weirdest word in German that is very simple and nice in other languages.
so, just pick like length 100 or something
depends on the task
@cairdcoinheringaahing thanks..I suppose I take a slightly different view that there are enough people on ppcg that each person doesn't need to please everyone
so long as the sum of all questioners pleases everyone
@Mr.Xcoder Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
@cairdcoinheringaahing i beg to differ
I hope you try my new completely unrestricted questions!
A law about the supervision of the labelling of beef
>>> len("Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz")
>>> len("cattle marking and beef labeling supervision duties delegation law")
checkmate, americanos
@quartata How dare you! I'm from England! :P
thats not a real country?
I think that's Rinderkennzeichnungs- und Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
For this insult, I challenge you to a duel. Winner takes the losers eardrums.
@Mr.Xcoder Ich weiss nicht genug Deutsch, also ich hab' kein antwort.
@quartata consider yourself followed. I don't have a twitter account, because they wanted personal info like a username, but I'll keep a tab open in firefox and reload it every 4 minutes from now till the end of time.
@Mr.Xcoder My favourite one (as in, very common yet strange to pronounce) is Krankenwagen
sommes-nous ne parlons pas en angalis? :o
I've seen that many times. There's also Schmetterling
@ConorO'Brien non, nous ne parlons que americano
theres only like six countries i remember from geography
@Mr.Xcoder We got shown it really early in our German lessons and people kept repeating words from the video for the next year ಠ_ಠ
turkmenistan and west america are the two most important ones
thats where americano comes from
oh shit, i just violated my own canon...
peer pressure made me say the word English in a tweet...
throwback to our earlier conversation
gnostology -> nostology -> nosology -> noology -> oology -> ology -> logy -> log -> lo -> o
I think 10 is the max
@Riker do I get points for actually knowing that word
and I did verify, all of those are words
@quartata no
Oh, and btw, some think that the capital of England is Russia lol (You won't understand it because it's Romanian but still)
@Mr.Xcoder some people think london is country
is "agnostology" a word
@ConorO'Brien that's pretty much what my twitter is: the study of not learning
No, but agnotology is
@quartata That checks out. A well-known poem from my youth speaks of London in parallel with France. Clearly that means both are countries.
The person in your video is Einstein compared to ^
@DLosc I mean, when you really think about it, England is pretty much just London and not-London and nobody cares about the not-London parts so yeah you're pretty much good to go
Not to mention the prime minister of Romania thinks Iran is in the EU
Yorkshire gave us pudding I guess
@quartata And fun accents. ^_^
@quartata About 60 million people beg to differ :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Literally dying :)))
@cairdcoinheringaahing thats basically 0
at least compared to the 5 billion in turkmenistan who would agree with me...
@quartata its 1/5 of America
That's like, twice the number of Trump voters
obviously not
words to live bye....
now i write pretty big so thats a smaller upper limit than you might think
i probably couldnt fit 5 billion on a blackboard
@quartata That's like 0,78604% of the entire population
@Riker Obviously. I was just making a political joke
so you admit its statistically insignificant
come back when its 5%....
:| no i'm not saying that
@Mr.Xcoder I think your math is at off. It's at least 0;79%
can i eat the carrot on your nose
@quartata The US is only ~4.2%
@cairdcoinheringaahing im not saying theyre significant either
@CatWizard that reads like quartata tweet
although i think they prefer to be called west america since their civil war
@Riker I think everything quartata has said in the last hour or so is basically one of their tweets
in a good mood since im having to move my bank accounts
tends to put one in a very good mood
@CatWizard How? ~(60*10^6)/(7633193254)*100 ≈ 0.78604
How does one move a bank account? Aren't they, like, metaphysical?
@Mr.Xcoder When you added the % sign you divided by 100.
@CatWizard Withdraw the money from account X, and deposit it all in Y.
Oh like changing a bank account.
no, to a different bank
Ok so one bank takes the account and gives it to the other but keeps the money?
No, the money is transferred
With or without the account?
they keep my money marked and in a special quarantine, its got norovirus on it
so they have to physically move it... its kinda complicated
So, a new account is opened in bank B and the money in the account in bank A is moved into the new account AFAIK
And what do they do with the old account? Do they just throw it away?
Presumably they close it down
in this case they have to burn it because fof the contagion...
I guess they could probably reuse it.
i trust they know how to do that safely
But they would have to clean it first.
Accounts are electronic, there'd be no issue with destroying it
Yeah, don't we have recycling facilities these days?
2 mins ago, by quartata
they keep my money marked and in a special quarantine, its got norovirus on it
@cairdcoinheringaahing Have you ever been to an ewaste site electronics don't just go away.
@quartata You can't be serious
You can't play around with norovirus
they have to keep track of it
if they gave it to someone else theyd get sick and I"d be on the hook
> The virus is usually spread by the fecal–oral route
What do you do with your money?
Its the account not he money, the money is clean
ever heard of """scrooge mcduck'
@CatWizard Now I'm even more confused. How does an account get norovirus?
1 min ago, by caird coinheringaahing
> The virus is usually spread by the fecal–oral route
it can actually live a really long time
OK I had QFT work to do before all this...
So you're sh*tting in your bank account? Or just licking the walls? Also, is this a physical account (e.g. Swiss bank account), or just a number on a computer?
QFT = Quest for Tetris?
@CatWizard yes
I thought that was finished?
What is still be to done?
well we want to do Pong someday
and we have a lot of things to add
Ah cool.
How would you control the ponger?
Previously you would write to RAM
Oh yeah.
which can be done by turning cells on/off
but we might also have something different
Just don't break it.
is there a shorter way of expression a+b-1 using ~ that I'm missing
Oh wait that's a+b+1
yeah wrong way
@Zacharý That's what version control is for--you can break stuff and then unbreak it.
sorry *a-b+1
I don't think so
usually there's no shorter way to represent -x-y, so how would a shorter representation of -~a-b look like?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AmphibologicalConcatenating n with n + 1 code-golfsequence Introduction OEIS sequence A127421 is the sequence of numbers whose decimal expansion is a concatenation of 2 consecutive increasing non-negative numbers. Put simply, every number in the sequence is formed by putting together n with n+1 for some non...

yeah -~a-b works but it's not usually going to be shohrter
and it even has binary -, which is the same priority as binary +
oh, yeah
doesnt help then
Alternately, I think a-~-b should amount to the same thing.
the first - is binary -
a - ~-b
I know.
You can't write an expression in two variables using only unary operators. [citation needed]
what about (a, b)? it doesn't even have operators...
in Haskell pretty much every operator is unary
That's more like currying, isn't it?
and those which only contain symbols can simply be parenthesized
@Zacharý No, I literally just used the words unary and operators to represent the variables.
It's really dumb
Didn't see the top part
Why are these errors so bad...
Q#> function wat;;
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\t-pabrag\AppData\Local\Temp\HiWbGOeUFt\__QSI\wat.qs(4,10): error QS0001: Badly formatted operation or function signature [C:\Users\t-pabrag\AppData\Local\Temp\HiWbGOeUFt\__QSI\__QSI.csproj]
C:\Users\t-pabrag\.nuget\packages\microsoft.quantum.development.kit\0.2.1806.2802-preview\build\Microsoft.Quantum.Development.Kit.targets(17,5): error MSB3073: The command "dotnet C:\Users\t-pabrag\.nuget\packages\microsoft.quantum.development.kit\0.2.1806.
(Where the first line is the actual code)
Does Bash remove null bytes from strings?
^Anyone here good at bash?
@Zacharý It's a bit weird but basically yes.
pavel@PavelLaptop:~> foo="$(echo -e "\0")"                                                                              -bash: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input                                                        pavel@PavelLaptop:~> if [[ "$foo" -eq "" ]]; then echo equal; fi                                                        equal
Is there anyway to avoid it?
No. Bash strings can never contain null bytes, since program arguments can't contain null bytes.
That's the other thing, even if you could put null bytes in bash strings there would be no point.
@FreezePhoenix: regarding the comment of NieDzejkob ("are trailing newlines allowed"), I would say yes, as there are languages that cannot output without the trailing newline, and the Vim answer all the way back at #6 has had a trailing newline.

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