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It's on HNQ.
Or was
@FreezePhoenix btw that's an awful implementation of a memo, but I think you can npm install it
@ConorO'Brien Feedback: You memoize function works well, but your curry function does not.
@ConorO'Brien Don't worry :) I'm not implementing it
  XtraUtils.Function.addUtil('memoize', function memoize(){
    // Many thanks to @ConorO'Brien for allowing me to use.
    const func = this
    let mem = new Map();
    return (...n) => {
      return (
        !mem.has(n.join(",")) && mem.set(n.join(","), func(...n)),
Or would you rather your name not be there
Sure, be sure to include a link to my GitHub
Also, you may want to use this for curry:
Stick that in place of where you defined it. its an IIFE that returns a function that uses lodash to curry
(It's really ugly I konw)
(Too ugly)
// Many thanks to @ConorO'Brien for allowing me to use.
// The file this is used from is located here:
// github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/ffuncs/blob/master/backend/…
// github profile located here:
// github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx
in Coding Projects and Factorio Heaven, 11 secs ago, by Duga
[FreezePhoenix/XtraUtils] Unrecognized author pushed commit e9250e6c to master: Thanks to @ConorO'Brien for the memoize function. \o/
@quartata how do you do?
you just do
@FreezePhoenix, it was not valid at 42 bytes though.
@EriktheOutgolfer I decided against changing the wording. f(x) might call f(z), which tries (and fails) to call f(y) because y ≥ x. In that case, f(z) returns z, but f(x) does not return x.
I hate C++
@Zacharý Ok
Well, I give up for now. I screwed myself over by not doing int main
what are you doing
Polyglot challenge
2 hours later…
Q: Getting WA in spoj AMBLE problem

haikhttps://www.spoj.com/problems/AMBLE/ https://ideone.com/A4tpoW I am taking the forward path element before the current place and reverse path element. I am posting my question here after trying for a whole day and I am confident that my approach is correct.

2 hours later…
Q: Optimize my Nullifiers

Troels M. B. JensenI am a big fan of the game Creeper World, and especially the sequel. You don't need to know how this game works to answer the question, I just wanted to mention where my question originated from. In the game, your objective is to destroy the Emitters that are spawning Creeper, using a weapon kno...

2 hours later…
@Dennis yeah, very hard to explain really :(
4 hours later…
How do you do?
@FreezePhoenix Good. Currently working on an interpreter for a Brain-Flak derivative
Sounds like fun.
2 hours later…
Some more points about this...
There are infinite way a quine program can behave. But the challenge has an objective validity criteria (the output must be equal to the program)
What makes it different from the Moby Dick challenge or the TC interpreter challenge?
"Simpler criteria"? I don't think so.
"Harder criteria"? I don't think so either. I think that the probability of a random (syntactically valid) program being an interpreter to a TC language is very low.
( @Dennis @CatWizard @ais523 )
The difference is it is less broad
So you're saying that the quine challenge is less broad than the TC interpreter challenge.
Because the task is much more narrow in scope.
That still doesn't convince me.
I will vote to reopen.
@FreezePhoenix, more and more people are answering!
the C answer has some Warnings in it
They're not errors, it's fine
C code on PPCG ALWAYS has warnings.
Now, we just have to wait for them.
@FreezePhoenix What if the language does not support strings, but does has non-alphabetic characters in its name?
Print 0 instead
Hey, does anyone here know objective C?
@Zacharý yes
Nevermind, I found what I needed.
Regarding @CatWizard's comment, would allowing either be okay?
@Zacharý When you have the time, please link to a TIO in each language that your answer follows
@FreezePhoenix That might get ridiculous.
It's only answer 7
I linked to the Vim answer: people can just switch languages for the others.
@DJMcMayhem I'm gonna be making some edits to the answers to keep them consistent in format... If you could help that would be awesome
The newest answer is invalid. When run in Vim, it errors.
Wait maybe wrong language
Essentially what I see is people picking languages that comment out other lines, and simply comment out the rest of the code.
> a partridge in A Pear Tree
LOL that guy has a sense of humor
@ConorO'Brien I have an improvement to be made to your curry function
@FreezePhoenix, we have an guy now...
Oh. One of those 2?
I just finished 9...
Should the polyglot development room be unfrozen?
what's it with impossible over anagol lately...
@Zacharý does your code print a partridge in the language A Pear tree
@FreezePhoenix very funny
number 8 did does
(I'm not sure why they did that, but it's funny)
I thought the frozen room timer was 14 days
The last message was posted 7 days ago. Sorry looked in the wrong place
at least you don't have ≥10k rep and you can't confuse between a deleted room and the wrong place
@EriktheOutgolfer eh?
when you get ≥10k chat rep, things [people sometimes call "flags"] suddenly start appearing, and you get the ability to sneak into deleted rooms which you might just forget open
I think that room should stay open
@EriktheOutgolfer What do you mean by "just forget open," as in the presence of such a user automatically unfreezes the room?
open in a tab
(note: hasn't happened to me yet, since I almost never visit deleted rooms)
(He says that you open a room in a tab, as opposed to viewing the transcript, methinks)
and viewing the transcript undeletes it? hmm...
I should've just started off with APL to torture everybody...
Then I wouldn't like you
Nah, it'd be the same, except maybe without C/ObjC... esolangs and Vim always find a way
@Adám, how hard do you think it would to be to polyglot with APL and another practical language?
@DJMcMayhem ...and I declare any recruiters who deny that a programming language can contain a hell simply totally anaware of how the people they interview perceive the world, and therefore unsuitable for the job
@Zacharý Some trivial things you can polyglot APL with J or K. Otherwise you'd probably have to rely on comments.
@Adám Now... how hard would it be using BYTES instead of Unicode...
@Zacharý Ouch, which languages are even programmable a single byte at a time?
I mean: using ⎕AV for everything instead of ⎕UCS
Hello world in ASCII: H.....W.".., . represents an unprintable
@Zacharý Printable ASCII would give you pqrstuvwxyz¯.⍬0123456789⊢¥$£¢∆ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZý·⍙ÁÂÃÇÈÊËÌÍÎÏÐÒÓ‌​ÔÕÙÚÛÝþãìðòõ{€}⊣ on the APL side. Not a whole lot of primitives to work with.
Adding 13 and 10 for CR and LF, gives you strings and i-beams: '⌶
No. I mean 'Hello, World!' is rendered as the value of ⎕IO←0⋄⎕UCS ⎕AV⍳'''Hello, World!''' when transformed from ⎕AV to ASCII.
@Zacharý So you would be allowed to use any 8-bit byte?
Yeah, but for APL it'd be interpreted in the Classic codepage, and every other language in either ASCII or the cp of that language
> 8-bit byte
lol how many decades in the past are you considering
> practical language
that space isn't optional...
@EriktheOutgolfer Man, we can't even golf our markdown‽
@Adám old as dirt versions of some languages have their own CP I think.
@Adám ...*no*.
@EriktheOutgolfer Odd though, spaces between # and the text is optional (as opposed to GitHub).
@Adám #? are you referring to main?
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeh.
There, @JoKing, I think it's fixed now
Whats the "#?" for
> "#"?
4 mins ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
@Adám #? are you referring to main?
yeah, that's what I mean
yeh. Whats that for
like, "hashtag?"
it's just a question
He's asking if he's referring to #...
@FreezePhoenix On main, you don't need a space after the # to make a heading (as opposed to on GitHub). But for some reason, in chat, we do need a space after > to make a quote.
Best way to get quick rep is
@Zacharý Remove the space
Did my question make it onto HNQ... I'm getting like 4 views every 5 minutes
It's been on there every now and again
fun fact: HNQ is weird
\o/ I see my question on the HNQ list!
hint: the links are two
I love how it links to a .rb file.
I know
btw, anagol has a ≤20k restriction (which I've noticed is lower than 20k...)

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