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@LeakyNun yeah. click "see full text"
>_> i'm an idiot
ok now what
(i still haven't started my own solution though >_>)
oh, you included correlation coefficient
@LeakyNun how are you?
i'm fine
done with exams?
I have two left
went well?
@orlp i made this
let me see
that's some messy code kenny :D
@LeakyNun in my complexity class I learned something that I didn't realize so far
you've heard of NP, NP-hard, NP-complete and such before, right?
@orlp mfw i find out optimization expert is still in Uni (?)
@ASCII-only I'm doing 6 years for a 3 year study :P
health issues
@orlp right
@orlp look at the improvement
@LeakyNun that's a nice improvement :D
@LeakyNun quick refresher on NP: it's the set of problems that given a polynomial-space candidate solution you can verify whether it's correct in polynomial-time
e.g. you can verify a n^2 proposed sudoku solution correct in n^2 time
all these problems have a "non-deterministic polynomial time" algorithm: which is essentially guess and check
nevertheless they're very hard to solve, guess and check on sudoku is going to take you a while
now the part that I didn't realize what it truly meant is NP-hard
@LeakyNun if problem X is NP-hard means that given any NP problem Y, and a polynomial time instance translation T, that X can solve Y after transforming the problem with T
that's the part I didn't realize, and how crazy that is
NP-hard problems are essentially universal computers for any problem that is in NP
e.g. you can use subset-sum to sort an array of numbers
that seemed a bit ridiculous to me at first, but it made sense after reading some more
(and that's why proving P=NP means you can use the solution to that to do any NP-hard (?) problem in polynomial time (i remember reading something like this somewhere) or w/e right?)
@ASCII-only please wait a moment
@LeakyNun the simplest problem to see that is NP-hard is simply "does this turing machine halt"
but that's not very useful
the interesting category of problems is NP-complete
those are the problems that are not only NP-hard, they are in NP themselves
the first problem that was proven to be this way is SAT
by essentially translating a turing machine that runs N steps into a boolean expression
every other problem is most often proved NP-complete by showing that it can solve SAT, and that SAT can solve it
(all again with at most polynomial T translation time)
(or proving it NP-complete by reducing it to a problem already shown NP-complete but most of the time you end up at SAT through a chain of reductions)
@ASCII-only P is the set of problems solvable in polynomial time
straight up
e.g. sort an array
now the crazy part is, if you can solve a problem in NP-complete in polynomial time
you've shown you can solve them ALL in polynomial time
and since they're NP-hard, you've shown you can solve ALL NP problems in polynomial time
in other words, P = NP
which means that if you can check whether an answer is correct in polynomial time you can find a solution in polynomial time as well
I see
@LeakyNun in our exam we had an interesting problem
In graph theory, an independent set or stable set is a set of vertices in a graph, no two of which are adjacent. That is, it is a set S of vertices such that for every two vertices in S, there is no edge connecting the two. Equivalently, each edge in the graph has at most one endpoint in S. The size of an independent set is the number of vertices it contains. Independent sets have also been called internally stable sets. A maximal independent set is either an independent set such that adding any other vertex to the set forces the set to contain an edge or the set of all vertices of the empty graph...
given a graph G = (V, E), does there exist an independent set (without any connections between them) of vertices of size m?
that's as hard as 3SAT (SAT of the form (x1 || x2 || x3) && (x4 || x5 || x6) && ...)
which is as hard as SAT
surely we can just brute force it... :D
we should all just solve the travelling salesman problem in polynomial time
@LeakyNun i think he means "hard" complexity-wise?
@LeakyNun I have an idea for an optimal algorithm, let's see if it's feasible
for what?
A: Block partition a string

Leaky NunPython 3, (0.397 n + 3.58) steps 1000-point polynomial regression by numpy.polyfit. Number of steps for version 1: 0.0546 n² + 2.80 n - 221 Number of steps for version 2: 0.0235 n² + 0.965 n - 74 Number of steps for version 3: 0.00965 n² + 2.35 n - 111 Number of steps for version 4: 1.08 n -...

oooh, a competitor!
well either I destroy the competition
or it doesn't work :P
@LeakyNun (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1)
your solution gives [24, 12, 17, 7, 20, 7, 23, 8, 9, 12, 13]
but misses [6, 5, 6, 9, 10, 7, 8, 10, 11] :)
I'm busy these days
me too :(
it's not feasible though
at least not 500
unless I improve something
@LeakyNun what is the strongest admissable heuristic you can think of for the number of moves needed to solve an instance
admissable means it never overestimates the number of moves
right now I have this:
def h(l):
    """Number of groups of 1 with length <= 3 that come before a zero."""
    h = 0
    num_ones = 0
    for x in l:
        if x == 1:
            num_ones += 1
            while num_ones > 3:
                num_ones -= 3
                h += 1
            if num_ones > 0:
                h += 1
            num_ones = 0

    return h
the stronger I can make this heuristic the faster it will run
so what does my solution turn it to?
@LeakyNun what do you mean?
wait a sec I'm an evil genius I can use your solution to power mine mwuhahaha
you said my solution is wrong right
@LeakyNun no, I said it was suboptimal
@LeakyNun it's not wrong. it's just suboptimal
:| ninja'd
oh... I didn't try to design the optimal algorithm
I'm just using evolution
randomly trying new things until the local optimum is obtained
@LeakyNun you could just bruteforce for smaller n :P
that's true
actually no wait I can't
@LeakyNun so you do you know ways of improving my heuristic?
to get an upper bound on the number of moves needed to solve an instance
right now my logic is that if a group of 1s comes before a zero that requires at least one move to solve
> upper bound
> never overestimates
this doesn't make sense
the highest possible lower bound :P
i'd say you can only obtain a better lower bound by understanding how exactly the optimal solution moves the runs of 0s/1s around
      ^ moved
     ^ moved
      ^ moved
         ^ moved
          ^ moved
       ^ moved
        ^ moved
          ^ moved
           ^ moved
there, clearer
@orlp why don't you decode my code and explain to ASCII-only what my code does lol
@LeakyNun eh it's kind of a mess :P
not sure what it does
ok I see what the optimal code does
it makes groups of three ones
@orlp or a multiple of three
@ASCII-only that's just two groups of three :P
(or more)
ohh I have an idea
it's all about the final suffix of the string
and what you can append to that
so the string 00100 always requires at least two moves to solve if it comes before a 1
@orlp doesn't this require only 1
@orlp that's the tail in my code
sorry I meant in the bigger picture
ok so: i think a better lower bound would involve counting the number of pairs that join to make a run of 3 or something like that. (not sure what to do with pairs that don't do so though) (i.e. this would work fine with a string with n occurrences of 1 and n occurrences of 11, but doesn't work in any other situation)
(unless you consider some of the 11 as 2x1 maybe?)
(and you can join 2x1 together, and exclude a block of length length % 3)
Any final comments on Upper or Lower Wythoff before I post it?
wow @LeakyNun
look at this optimal solution
multiple times it actually splits 111 groups
albeit in a way that makes a new 111 group
is this your solution or my solution?
what does my solution make?
it's optimal
but I'm still curious
only one step more?
although your first two steps are very questionable
make that the first 3 steps
obtw @Downgoat fixed green-on-blue colorscheme to neutral+monochromatic (here)
@orlp make that all the steps
@LeakyNun through mathematical induction
@LeakyNun no that's a different game :P
Q: Upper or Lower Wythoff?

AdmBorkBorkFirst, let's talk about Beatty sequences. Given a positive irrational number r, we can construct an infinite sequence by multiplying the positive integers to r in order and taking the floor of each resulting calculation. For example, If r > 1, we have a special condition. We can form another ir...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RodQuine of Hanoi Objetive Make a program that print a rearranged version of itself Rules Your program will consist of newlines and 3 blocks : A, B and C where each block will have distinct and nonzero lengths, i.e. 0 < length(A) < length(B) < length(C). The output will be based on the order ...

Q: Solutions Using Golfing Languages: Should Decomposition Be Required?

Jeff ZeitlinThere are a number of programming languages that seem to be specifically designed for solving code-golf problems (05AB1E and Jelly immediately come to mind). Should providing a "decomposed" explanation be required, or at least strongly encouraged, as part of the answer? By '"decomposed" explanati...

@EsolangingFruit Thanks for the edit!
At my school, the firewall keeps switching between blocking gmail and blocking hotmail, but never both at the same time.
@orlp Guess I have to quickly finish my answer.....
... you already finished it?
@Pavel RIP
Is there a golfing language out there with list support that doesn't support sublists?
What is sublist?
taking a list, and returning only a part of it
[0,2,3,4,5].sublist(1,3) -> [2,3,4]
CJam supports e[:n] and e[n:] but not both at the same time
Same for Jelly.
fair enough
that's still a sublist operation
There was a list of golfing languages hosted somewhere on GitHub, but I can't find it
@user202729 cough cough cough cough cough
yo, quick easy question but I'm a noob with regex... Can someone write a string that matches ^abc\bd? I'm wondering why abc d is not matched...
@EriktheOutgolfer Ah...
well, it's still not quite the same thing, but eh
@GabrielRomon \b is zero width.
@EriktheOutgolfer But... if you have a list you should be able to somehow decompose it.
\b is word boundary
"decompose it" is subjective
@EriktheOutgolfer Hm...
Right. You can have index and not sublist and it's still very functional.
@NathanMerrill Seems like Arcyóu doesn't. It's a Lisp, so it obviously supports lists, but afaict it has no "sublist" operator
@user202729 no my idea isn't feasible
for larger strings
@orlp What's its asymptotic complexity?
@user202729 exponential
Well at least I had some motivation to quickly finish my solution...
@user202729 so there's no string that could match ^abc\bd, right ?
@GabrielRomon correct.
hmmm, it appears that that code is unused?
@user202729 my algorithm is optimal though
@user202729 thx
@orlp "exponential but not too bad"?
@user202729 that was the hope
CMC: Given an input integer, bubble-sort its binary representation, outputting every number generated along the way. Example: Input 12 0b1100, output 12, 10 (0b1010), 9 (0b1001), 5 (0b0101), 3 (0b0011)
VTC: unclear
> bubble-sort
Bubble sort is a well-known sorting algorithm
but why do I need to bubble-sort and not just sort
Because you're outputing the result of each step
oh wait now I see
To get the right numbers in between
very much so
then shouldn't the output be 12, 10, 9, 5, 3, 3?
Yeah, could be.
or do we bubble-sort in a different sense?
that would be the output if we don't consider how many iterations of bubble-sort we have already done
and, tbf, that couldn't be the output either
well, it would, if we do take the iterations into account
if we don't, then the output would be 12, 10, 9, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
but your given output is surely invalid
*output every unique number generated along the way
anaother example?
Uh, sure. I rolled that one by hand so let me create another.
@user202729 and your idea?
My idea?
I think I will post an answer first...
I mean is it optimal?
I don't think so.
@Cowsquack input: 21, output: 21 (0b10101), 13 (0b1101), 11 (0b1011), 7 (0b111)
does output have to include the first number?
No, I don't suppose so
bash, 44 bytes, Try it online!
still clunky
-2 bytes if the last number can be repeated (by removing ;d)
and another 2 if the sed version is ≤4.2.2 by removing labels
What's with the close- and down-votes on the NMP? Tips for golfing a specific question are on-topic.
it's very unclear, and it looks a bit effortless too
"Here's some code. Any tips for golfing this code?" How in the world is that unclear? I can see your second point (effortless), but I can't understand how it's unclear.
what is the code for?
can't know for sure, maybe it's a case of the XY problem
@AdmBorkBork Explained in a comment.
What I can say: The whitespaces looks very weird, especially consider that OP use 1-character for every variable name (except the function name?)
on codefights whitespace doesn't count
@FrownyFrog If it's true that needs clarification.
solutions often use tabs and spaces for functional code
@AdmBorkBork We can only deduce what the code does, not what it is supposed to do.
I don't know how exactly
@FrownyFrog does Whitespace count? ;)
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh. That's a good point, I hadn't considered that.
@EriktheOutgolfer there's a list of languages you can use
cuz automated tests
good thing, because history tends to repeat itself
Q: Any golfing architect in c#?

Beniamin Zamfirint z, c; int distance(int[] t, int e) => t.Max(x => e < 0 ? 0 * (e += t[z++]-x) : ++c); Any tips for golfing this?

CMP Which font do you use for terminal?
(don't tell me that you don't use a terminal :/)
obvious answer: Ubuntu Mono
Lucida Console
@user202729 cmd.exe: DejaVu Sans Mono; PuTTY: APL385 Unicode.
@AdmBorkBork terminal ≠ cmd
wait, do you use that for a terminal
PowerShell ISE
it's the closest equivalent
(that I use)
@user202729 Define "terminal".
@user202729 menlo
Whatever font the terminal uses
@user202729 For APL2: Courier APL2 Unicode
@user202729 For APL\360: apl360i
@user202729 DejaVu Sans Mono, same as TIO.
@EriktheOutgolfer I use Ubuntu for everything else, but I need better Unicode support in the terminal.
hands @Dennis a better Unicode-compliant font and a profile that configures the terminal to be UTF-8
less the terminal not supporting UTF-8, but your locale and terminal fonts not supporting it :P
@LeakyNun Ok, my solution gives 239 moves. I lose.
@user202729 still, you improved a lot
does anyone here know jinja2
I want to know if there's a directive to force a block to re-render
although I doubt that's possible because it's all rendered at the start
My solution: (I can't post it right now, see line 65) (very slow too, probably O(n³) or something)
This can be improved.
My observation:
Every move operation does not change the position of each block modulo 3.
(spoiler ^)
TIL you can dynamically modify the stylesheet of a site by doing something like element.href = "something" (where element is likely document.getElementsByTagName("link")[0])
@user202729 AFAICT, it means "Given a number being the product of two primes, decompose it into the two primes in polynomial time".
the latter bits of the thing tell you "I don't know if this is solvable"
it definitely falls under off-topic for that reason.
@user202729 Andale Mono 13pt
you're assuming his "assumption" part, which doesn't really work. plus, I don't think OP has a solid grasp on what exactly he's asking for
@Cowsquack when does school end for you wut
i've been out for like 3 wks, local HS just got done yesterday
I'm out next Thursday
We had snow days so it was supposed to end today
@LeakyNun you know what's kinda cool about my solution?
(although it's infeasible)
@orlp what
it can produce not only the optimal solution
it can produce the lexicographically first one
''''''''''  '''''^''''''
''''' ' ''  '' ' '' '^
''''''''''  ^''''''
''^'' ' '     ''
'''^''     ''
^''     ''
 '   '     '    '   ^
 '   '     '    ^
 '   '     ^
 '   ^
' mean it considered that position
^ means it chose that position
I see
in this case it's lexicographically biggest
Why you posting that big thing
to talk about it
user image
@orlp Its a big thing. How are you going to talk about it all in one day?
uh, it's not very kind to confront people just because they're talking
:P It was a big block
still, you don't have to comment on how people talk...they just talk, and, if you're not really interested in a part of their discussion and just make comments about it, that contributes next to nothing in here, and is unnecessary and unkind
@Riker oh not in that sense, I meant finish 12th grade
4 messages moved to Trash
The CMC widget doesn't work at all anymore >___>
@Mr.Xcoder because a-ta.co hosted it AFAIK (and ataco lost the code for it)
Ugh :(
I will uninstall it, then.
@Mr.Xcoder It doesn't work for a while already
the same goes for "I'm typing"
CMC: Given a string that is the unary representation of an integer (negative integers have a - at the start), return the number it represents. You can choose the repeating char ##### => 5, -111 => -3, !!!!!!!!!! => 10, <empty string> => 0
note, this is essentially the reverse of chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/240?m=45066277#45066277
@Cowsquack Painfully long, but V, 12 bytes

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