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I'm still in this train-wreck (Trains don't work). >_>
@Zacharý :|
@Zacharý solution: check for FFFFF then FFFF then FFF then FF :P
Yeah, All fail.
@Zacharý ?
@ASCII-only By "trains don't work" I mean evaluating trains is broken. Parsing is perfectly fine
@Zacharý ... how do you manage to fail on the easier part
It was working before, now it's giving me None (this is NOT supposed to happen)
@Zacharý link pls
@Zacharý where are the trains
FFF NFF and FF portions of RAD.py, and they're evaluated there and in StandardizeFunction
@Zacharý ok. what does StandardizeFunction's lambda return
It should return the combined monadic-function + dyadic-function forms, and also allow trains to work.
Never mind, that's a result of ⎕MISMATCH
@user202729 why...
@Zacharý yes i meant what does it return when the lambda is called >_>
:||||||||||| what.
maybe something's wrong with the dya passed to Standardize?
Both functions.
@ASCII-only Then why do you need to do that?
@user202729 to figure out which column i'm on >_>
... what are you trying to do?
You canuse the terminal method last time I told you...
@user202729 yeah but it doesn't work on TIO...
so. looks like the actual easiest way is just to subclass basic_streambuf
@ASCII-only TIO does not use a terminal.
@user202729 exactly
How does your "printing function" works and can you just tell it to print to a string instead?
> For a long time I’ve been aware of corecursion and coinduction as something mysteriously dual to recursion and induction, and related to maximal fixed points and bisimulation … but I’ve never understood what they are or what the duality signified by the “co” means.
I kind of feel the same
would appreciate it if someone can explain to me what it is
> Whereas recursion works analytically, starting on data further from a base case and breaking it down into smaller data and repeating until one reaches a base case, corecursion works synthetically, starting from a base case and building it up, iteratively producing data further removed from a base case.
hmm. wat
recursion is well-defined if the argument gets smaller each time
corecursion is well-defined if the argument gets bigger each time
> $~~~{{\small\mathsf{CountFrom}}}(n)~=~{{\mathsf{cons}}}(n, {{\small\mathsf{CountFrom}}}(n{+}1))$
bsaically Haskell type
Haskell has coinduction
A: What is coinduction?

GillesFirst, to dispel a possible cognitive dissonance: reasoning about infinite structures is not a problem, we do it all the time. As long as the structure is finitely describable, that's not a problem. Here are a few common types of infinite structures: languages (sets of strings over some alphabe...

so, coinduction appears to be something like proving P(n-1) given P(n) (and P(some kind of infinity)? maybe?
I just realized why my code "wasn't working." I originally had UCS2 as a test function, and then reverted it back to its "None" functionality.
I spent a few hours trying to find a bug that didn't exist!
@Zacharý :|
Wait, never mind. 1(⍇+)2 still doesn't work
Yeah, I might just come back to this tomorrow. 1(+-)2 gives 3
Some thought about :
Almost none of the languages have a formal definition of time complexity (only the implementation has)
And so almost none of the answers to is valid.
@HyperNeutrino Or untick 4 answers.
@user202729 ... but a language is defined by its implementation
@ASCII-only And that is the problem.
All implementations are O(1).
And doesn't work for all inputs.
@user202729 but they do...
@ASCII-only Until the machine is out of memory.
@user202729 since when...
Because asymptotic.
@user202729 why?
@user202729 which is why most challenges have an implicit or explicit upper bound...
@ASCII-only Dennis said that.
@ASCII-only But asymptotic.
(seriously. Of course all implementations are O(1) because machines only have finite memory)
@user202729 yes. asymptotic up to that upper bound
@ASCII-only Then it's not asymptotic.
we don't want to be pedantic here
See the problem?
@user202729 sure
I guess.
@ASCII-only I don't want to be pedantic either, but is popcount O(1) or O(log n)?
@user202729 O(1). 1 processor instruction
@user202729 okay. then "the asymptotic complexity of the algorithm(s) used"
@ASCII-only but time complexity is only defined for the implementation
not the algorithm
@ASCII-only That is the problem.
@LeakyNun Algorithm can't define time complexity. Algorithm + machine model can.
Like, if I want to loop from 1 to input. That's O(input). But I will loop from 1 to INT_MAX instead.
@LeakyNun hmm. then "an ideal implementation of the algorithm"
Then it's O(1).
Just like how popcount is O(1). Just with exponentially larger constant factor.
@user202729 oh. this is a good point
Asymptotic doesn't make sense with bounded input. Unbounded input doesn't make sense with actual implementation. No actual implementation doesn't make sense with PPCG.
In other words: Asymptotic implies unbounded input. Unbounded input implies idealized implementation. Idealized implementation contradicts PPCG rule.
Generally we accept answers that only works up to 2^32.
Bigint answers probably only works up to (2^32)^(2^32).
weird 14-char columns work now
Q: Can someone please create a simple java program using the given below?(For Homework)

Limelight 2479Create a class named payroll with a method named computepayroll. The computepayroll method will compute the salary of an employee base on the given data below. Given: Rate = 300 Number of days rendered = 5 10 % Tax Create a main method named payroll

@ASCII-only NMP will complain about that.
For such questions I would just use the "no winning criteria" offtopic reason.
Very generic.
I don't think having a "Stack Overflow please" close reason is a good idea.
Because it's better if they figure out it themselves, then it's not our fault if they ask a bad question there.
If we redirect them there and then they ask a bad question, ...
Q: Can someone please create a simple java program using the given below?

Limelight 2479Create a class named payroll with a method named computepayroll. The computepayroll method will compute the salary of an employee base on the given data below. Given: Rate = 300, Number of days rendered = 5 10 % Tax Create a main method named payroll

Q: split a string with two types of groups, ignoring characters in one

Seth DeeganExample inputs and outputs: Input 1 "request.partner" Output 1 [request, partner] Input 2 "request.partner(invite: https://discord.gg, desc: poop).info(stuff)" Output 2 [request, partner, (invite: https://discord.gg, desc: poop), info, (stuff)] Input 3 "request(poop).partner(invite: https://...

WTF do people think this is SO?!
@Zacharý .........
"Be nice applies to off-topic also"
Why the quotes?
@user202729 I just don't see how this place is like SO, or how people get here instead of SO.
Just to be sure.
BTW --
Anyone know how to see people's close reasons after the question had been closed or after you voted to close?
Sure of what?
@Zacharý "programming puzzles"
apparently some people take that to mean "post here if you're puzzled by programming"
"I'm looking for the shortest possible JS answer!", so not TOTALLY clueless.
You can make this a [tips] [code-golf] question, but then you need to have existing code to be golfed. — user202729 3 mins ago
hmm. should this be closed?
it's not a PP or a CG. and it's really hard to read
@user202729 ok sure. but it's still not well defined
I can understand the challenge clearly and unambiguously.
^~~ I often leave such comments on posts having unclear CV but I think should not be close voted.
@ASCII-only Anyway, what do you think is not well-defined?
@NewMainPosts Deletable now.
> Your answer should take be a logical expression of that sort that can just be pasted into python, say, so I can test it. If two people get the same size expression, the code that runs the fastest wins.
The classic "on which machine" thing?
well the thing is. a lot of things have a lot of time variance on the same machine
so you might not be able to say which one is faster
Then they ties...
also then most of it is just making the expression fast...
All fastest code use that.
@user202729 but fastest-code are usually slow enough that there's a decent amount of time difference
It's just bad, not unclear.
At least that part.
They could just not provide the tiebreak.
QFT room is really low-activity.
CMC Given positive integer n, print the last n digits of the 10-adic cube root of 3.
(it is unique and it ends ...87895134587)
maybe I should post it on main
looks like this isn't exactly the peak hour... I'll wait
hang on. i think i can do it the same way i did the last one (well, kinda)
@Zacharý The frontend supports multiple categories. However, there's no esoteric category, only a recreational category, and I consider them mutually exclusive.
@Dennis Okay. But programming can be for recreation in a "practical" language :P. I'll just pick "Practical" whenever it's ready.
@Zacharý it can't be both...
@ASCII-only go ahead
you can use Python for recreation. doesn't mean it's recreational
@Zacharý You can use a shoe to drive in a nail. Doesn't make it a hammer.
@ASCII-only It's a practical language designed to be very good at golfing (i.e. better than APL/J/K)
@Zacharý golfing != recreational...
@Zacharý APL is also "very good at golfing"
@ASCII-only I was basing my example off of Jelly
@Zacharý and depending on how you view it, charcoal could be practical too (for obvious reasons it isn't)
@Zacharý jelly is not at all practical
nobody understands it
@ASCII-only Verbose mode
@Zacharý well really you could say non-verbose mode is simple to read too. if anything, it's easier to understand for normal people than APL IMO
@LeakyNun can I suggest including some sort of time or complexity restriction? I'd like to see answers that don't just try every possible value
@xnor hmm
the 0741852963 part can obviously be golfed
@xnor for the CMC? I'm guessing brute force is nowhere near the golfiest way here
@LeakyNun yeah definitely
n*n*n is n**3
just wanted to post something working first :P
@LeakyNun yeah. that was me being paranoid about "what if it becomes a float" >_>
and what is it with prec
:| oops
i just copied the previous one for the template >_>
69 bytes
60 bytes with input
53 bytes with a trick
Leaky Nun vs Leaky Nun
with some trivial golfs you should get 54
with some maths you can go from 54 to 53
> trivial golfs
Yay, new CMC!
i'm bad at golfing so those don't exist for me
@LeakyNun So what?
@user202729 and i would also have to modify the challenge
you noticed the trivial golfs :P
and you noticed the math trick :P
CMC: show that it is unique
@LeakyNun with math?
the multiplicative group modulo a power of a prime is cyclic, and the group mod 10^k is the product of those mod 2^k and 5^k
@ASCII-only right
and their orders are both not multiples of 3
(2^4-1)/3 = 5
@LeakyNun there are 2^(k-1) numbers relatively prime to 2^k in the mult group
oh right
and 4*5^(k-1) for 5^k, i.e. 4/5 of them
would you like to hear my proof?
Z_10 is isomorphic to Z_2 x Z_5 as rings
if x in Q_5 such that x^3=1, then 3v(x) = 0, so v(x) = 0
so x is in Z_5
what's v(x)?
the valuation
in the 5-adics?
ah, i see
and then the last digit of x would have to be 1 (this is a finite problem, check by computer)
then by Hensel it is unique
same for Q_2
hensel's lemma is the one that you can keep extending to modulo higher powers of the prime?
and that it is unique
provided that the derivative of the polynomial is not 0 at the root
@xnor would you like another proof
i should sleep actually
hmm. i wonder if there's a proof using the fact that n^3 is an involution mod 10 (disclaimer: i don't know what i'm saying)
@ASCII-only would you like to hear my proof
you mean injection not involution
@LeakyNun why not
we will show that for every n > 0, there is a unique x (mod 10^n) such that x^3 = 3 (mod 10^n)
@LeakyNun wait. injection? how
@ASCII-only oh wait is it an involution
yes it is an involution
so for n = 1, let's use your idea
x^3 = 3 (mod 10)
x = 3^3 (mod 10)
x = 7 (mod 10)
by way of induction hypothesis, let's say that there is a unique x (mod 10^k) such that x^3 = 3 (mod 10^k), where k > 0
if y^3 = 3 (mod 10^(k+1)), then y^3 = 3 (mod 10^k) as well, so x = y (mod 10^k)
so assume y = a * 10^k + x
we want (a * 10^k + x)^3 = 3 (mod 10^(k+1))
binomial expansion gives 3a * 10^k + x^3 = 3 (mod 10^(k+1))
multiply both sides by 7 to give 21a * 10^k + 7x^3 = 21 (mod 10^(k+1))
so a * 10^k + 7x^3 = 21 (mod 10^(k+1))
a * 10^k = 21 - 7x^3 (mod 10^(k+1))
21 - 7x^3 is really a multiple of 10^k [since x^3 = 3 (mod 10^k)]
so a exists and is unique
so y exists and is unique
by the principle of mathematical induction, for every n > 0 there is a unique x (mod 10^n) such that x^3 = 3 (mod 10^n) that extends the previous one
so we're done
@LeakyNun hmm. is there supposed to be an x^2 here
a x^2 10^k = 21 - 7x^3 (mod 10^(k+1))
well x^2 ends in 9 so x^2 is invertible
Help. What do you see as the background color of npmjs.com/package/pnpm ?
@user202729 normal (white)
@user202729 also you should do the most recent CMC with CRT (if it's possible?)
@user202729 also, how does this work
@user202729 white
@ASCII-only I don't think it's anyway easier than directly compute it in 10.
That's weird. I see the background in dark gray. Completely unreadable.
@user202729 easier = shorter?
It fixed itself.
@ASCII-only I just compute 1/2, but easier.
@user202729 sounds like a userscript with a race condition
@user202729 1/2?
I don't have any userscript.
Mod 5^n.
@user202729 ah.
Random question: When should I use i -g with pnpm and when should I not?
Because only one copy is stored anyway.
@user202729 -g for global commands
i.e. CLI programs, not modules
same reason as -g for normal npm
Actually for normal npm I (ab)use -g to avoid duplication.
Install modules with -g, then all packages can use it.
e.g. sails
@user202729 yeah this doesn't actually really work for everyone
especially since they don't want things to break so they restrict dependency version
So use -g for packages where it has a corresponding cli.
@user202729 yes. basically, packages that are intended as standalone programs, not dependencies (this includes pseudo-package-managers e.g. sails/bower etc)
About Jelly:
I intended to modify the æḟ and æċ in the wiki to note that it doesn't work for negative exponent like this
`æċ`|Ceil **x** to the nearest power of **y**, if **x ≤ y** and **y > 0** returns **y**.
`æḟ`|Floor **x** to the nearest power of **y**, if **x ≤ 1** and **y > 0** returns **1**.
(because .5æċ2 returns 2 while it should return .5)
Too bad I accidentally deleted the Jelly visualizer.
@user202729 you what
Help, in *3_3ọ⁵ƲÞ how far does the Ʋ capture?
LNC is super hard to remember.
Ah, nvm.
Chain rules.
@Dennis would it be possible to add a CLI flag to Jelly to visualise the parse tree (chain tree? idk)
There is a small problem: How should be displayed?
Just duplicate the link?
@user202729 hmmmmm
@user202729 IMO just show the single argument
Just brute force one digit at a time.
:| brutwforcing i guess mine isn't that different
I would like to see an explanation on how your answer works, ascii
@Cowsquack i have absolutely no clue >_>
Probably non-bruteforce is a better idea ...
still D:
well actually, the explanation is simple this time
@Cowsquack there's only one possible digit given the last nonzero digit of the square
since n^3%10 has to be that digit
n^3:10: {1: 1, 2: 8, 3: 7, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 3, 8: 2, 9: 9}
my code just calculates the values using maths. somehow
wait. that's not right
@Cowsquack for some reason i'm calculating digit where digit * 3 % 10 == n
Anybody want to post an answer to my newest challenge ...?
i have no idea how it works, but it's the same thing as last time
@ASCII-only What's the square?
@user202729 *cube
@Cowsquack it kinda makes sense (for numbers very close to 1, n^3 roughly equals 1+(n-1)*3) but it doesn't explain why it works for even the second digit
the thing I'm really confused about is why you're adding to n
@Cowsquack my code calculates the next digit: 7 -> 80+7 -> 500+87
I misread the python so badly
:D making all code, pre {font-family:'Fira Code'} was a good idea
@Cowsquack :|
evil snek
Nice closed form formula, actually...
Now I feel confused too.
@user202729 +1. join everyone else that feels confused
Let me try to write the formula.
So assume p is a power of 10, p > 1.
0 ≤ n < p such that n³ ≡ 3 (mod p).
We want to find n + d × p such that (n + d × p)³ ≡ 3 (mod 10p).
Which is equivalent to n³ + 3n²dp ≡ 3 (mod 10p).
@user202729 yep. this is what Leaky Nun had
he proved it's unique. i guess you could try figuring out which one exactly
What I can't figure out is that why can the be "ignored".
n² ≡ 9 (mod 10).
⇒ n²p ≡ 9p (mod 10p).
⇒ n³ + 7p×d ≡ 3 (mod 10p).
@user202729 how does this follow from the previous thing
3×9pd ≡ 27pd ≡ 7 pd (mod 10p)
because it is mod 10p, 27→7
ah, ok
@user202729 ah. and d = 3-n³÷(7p) (mod 10p) which is basically (well, not that close to actually) what I appear to have used? except for the 3- part?
Because n³ - 3 ≡ 0 (mod p) and p > 3, floor(n³ ÷ p) = (n³ - 3) ÷ p.
@ASCII-only Substitute into the equation in a previous message.
34 mins ago, by user202729
Anybody want to post an answer to my newest challenge ...?
@ASCII-only don't you also do (n³÷p)×7?
Even a O(n²) steps solution should be fine.
@Cowsquack yeah. not divide by 7p. and without 3-.
@user202729 so => -n³÷p÷7 (mod 10p) => -3n³÷p (mod 10p) => 7n³÷p (mod 10p)? i think?
how did you get -3?
@Cowsquack 3 is multiplicative inverse of 7 mod 10 (i think that's allowed here?)
oh right
so it doesn't matter even if it is mod 10p?
@Cowsquack it does. but it's <something>p, remember
which is why i can add 10p as well that last step wait that's more obvious
@Cowsquack you can like factor the p out (probably not allowed in a formal proof though >_>)

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