Self-Identifying Coordinates
Given an integer n, construct an array with n dimensions of n length, where each element is an identifier of its own coordinates. (todo: make this clearer)
For example:
["11", "12"],
["21", "22"]
Right now I just feel like browsing reddit, listening to music on youtube, contemplating my finite place in this infinite universe... you know, the usual.
In number theory, Lochs's theorem is a theorem concerning the rate of convergence of the continued fraction expansion of a typical real number. A proof of the theorem was published by Gustav Lochs in 1964.
The theorem states that for almost all real numbers in the interval (0,1), the number of terms m of the number's continued fraction expansion that are required to determine the first n places of the number's decimal expansion behaves asymptotically as follows:
You can "measure" irrationality by looking at how close an approximation is vs. length of continued fraction. By that measurement, phi is the most irrational. This basically means that phi has the worst tradeoff between size of denominator and accuracy of the fraction.
@ASCII-only No, it's a simple CS olympiad problem which is designed to be very annoyingly simple in nornal languages (eg Python) but you're forced to compete in C(++) :DD:
It was about finding the level of similarity between two DNA samples (strings), according to some definitions, and then finding the largest submatrix of neighbors that all have similarity over some treshold to some given sample.
I don't have my Jelly code anymore, though, I could have shown it to you
@BoraCalim as long as you have pop and duplicate (or commands that do something equivalent), because with those you can have the exact same loop either way
Hey guys, anyone having trouble with github today? I'm trying to fetch a repository and fetching through https says the repo doesn't exist, while fetching through ssl says the host is unknown. Never had that problem before...
Given a sequence of numbers, create a function which returns the sequence steps.
Assume a sequence will be N >= 3
Sequence will repeat it steps at least once
Sequence will only contain natural numbers
Input: [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15]
Output: [1, 1, 2]