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Default indentation style?
Other:  8 |'s
0-indexing or 1-indexing?
Other:  -π indexing
@Neil sorry :/ that quine didn't work (see like third last character)
@FreezePhoenix Actually, I've used to indent. My group leader was not amused.
@FreezePhoenix how would this work
@ngn wait really?
@ASCII-only Dude indexing is just relative.
@FreezePhoenix how would you get the second element of a list
@ASCII-only hm, last time I tried copying it it was a space, now it looks empty
@ngn yeah you have to set textarea content using JS (well, it works in TIO at least)
oh it's negative pi
@FrownyFrog Correct.
a[1-π] would be the second one
-1.14 is the 3rd I think
i' mconfus
= -2.14
= -1.14
= -0.14
the first one is just -π
...but the 1st element of a -pi indexed list would be at index -pi = -3.14
the second one is 1 more
i'm not confus
so @FreezePhoenix just exposed their answer should have been 0-indexed :p
when saying "nth" item one is implicitly using 1-indexing -- which is why "1-indexed" is The Right answer :p
I'm a fan of nil-based indexing. that is, popping elements off the back until you get the right one
@JonathanAllan can't nth start at 0 though
@ASCII-only no...
If the index of the Nth item in N
No there is no 0th item
than the first item would be 1
oh. fair enough
first is first, then second
but clearly this is the inferior way of thinking :P
everything should be thought of as sequences :P so you start at a₀
how does that stop a first item being first?
it's still first
but now it's at index 0 :P
First's the worst, second's the best, third's the one with the hairy chest ^^
third's the what
(also, that's a new one, haven't heard that variation before)
most of these have that: uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/…
@ASCII-only "so you start at a₀" - no reason for 0 here
@JonathanAllan well sometimes there is a reason why 0 is better that 1
@ASCII-only Yeah, when what you are "indexing" is a number of repetitions of some action (but it's not really indexing).
@JonathanAllan not just that
clearly 0-indexed is the way to go because C does it
Yeah many will say "but C"
and that comes back to "repetition" as it comes down to incrementing a pointer
I need to increment my pointer 0 times to get the first element
well that's not how I think of it. it's more that a[0] is the element at a + 0, but I guess that's basically the same as repetition
repeated succession, yep
Q: What surrounds my Minesweeper tile?

aoemicacode-golf random Minesweeper is a puzzle game where mines are hidden around a board of nondescript tiles with the goal of identifying the location of all mines. Clicking on a mine loses the game, but clicking on any other tile will reveal a number from 0-8 which signifies how many mines directly...

@Pavel what does your profile picture mean
maybe its a face of some sort...
it's a weapon
I was thinking the +5 is a damage modifier on some video game / RPG weapon
that's what it is
@HyperNeutrino Yeah, nethack
oh ok
oh cool okay. I should play nethack more it's a fun game but I never really get anywhere with anything
:| up to here was fairly easy but i can't golf the last two bytes off
1 hour later…
@EriktheOutgolfer Mendo is first surname, Tomás is second surname, Luis is given name. So it would be Mr. Mendo, or Mr. Mendo Tomás. I know the Spanish naming convention can be confusing to people from other countries :-)
Hello, I've got a question on equivalent output for a question. I have a question that specifies output as a 3x3 array and somebody is asking if a flat 9 element list would work. There's already a couple answers to the question, so I feel like allowing that is changing the rules at this point. Is this sort of thing okay to do or not?
@aoemica You have specified output as a 3x3 array; and a flat 9-array is something different. I would probably not allow that at this point. If you do, just notify the other answers in case they can use the relaxed rule to lower their byte count
@LuisMendo Thank you.
4 hours later…
@ASCII-only oh they added new testcases
also someone got 36 bytes in primes for js (cc @H.PWiz) code-golf.io/scores/prime-numbers/javascript
@LuisMendo blame Duolingo for that...
honestly though, they don't teach me how to call someone (e.g. a CEO) the formal way
I was trying to solve the "What surrounds my Minesweeper tile?" question in J. I came with an initial (long) solution, but cannot make the '?' (deal) verb work as I want inside the finction:
8?8 works fine in the interpeter and gives a different permutation of the list 0-7, but in the function it just remembers the result of the first invokation, for example 5 0 7 3 6 1 4 2 and uses it for each subsequent call to the function.
How can this be fixed?
@GalenIvanov I think you can just replace ?8 with ?8:
Q: What to do with link-duplicate convertor

l4m2This topic was closed as duplicate of the linked question. However, the text there says "If it's also the answer to the linked problem, answer there", so it seems a human user shouldn't do the duplicating judge. So what to do with them?

Last night I took some sky photos using my phone and a table imgur.com/a/syDAu1w
(cc @flawr @Riker)
@Cowsquack I've seen that, I have no clue how to shorten. There is a chance that it is due to a lack of js knowledge though
I don't even know how you got 39 :P
^^^^ also imgur JPEG'd the moon :/
if this was anagol, we could see the alnum/symbol count which could help determine if the solution is similar or not
@betseg I assume you used the "digital zoom"?
You should get a tracking mount and combine multiple exposures:)
@Adám Yes, indeed! Thank you!
@flawr yes, just stock camera app
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Base 18 & Decimal traffic light Given a number n<180, output the n/10 part and the n%10 part in 7-seg. 7-seg shapes: 000 222 333 555 666 777 888 999 AAA CCC EEE FFF GGG 0 0 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 A A B C ...

Q: Solve 2nd, 3rd and 4th order functions

AzerosChallenge Given the order of the function (2nd, 3rd or 4th) and 3,4 or 5 points on the function, solve for a,b,c(,d)(,e). Example y = ax² + bx + c P(0|1) Q(5|7) R(8|9) Results in the following equations: I: 1 = c II: 7 = 25a + 5b + c III: 9 = 64a + 8b + c Results in: a = -1/15 b = 23...

@Downgoat Just a heads-up in case you didn't notice yet (just ignore me otherwise), your VSL's website certificate seems to have expired 13 days ago (at least that's what Safari mobile tells me).
@Riker better list about swiss food than I could ever make:) (oh and this @betseg :P)
It's ramadan so nobody does that for a month :p
Oh I'm sorry. I'm not gonna tell you about the delicious black forest cake then, that I just had.
I'm atheist so np but I hope there aren't any Muslims in the chat
There's a reason this room is called the nineteenth bite.
> lack of js knowledge
what about those of us who can't even get 39 :P
That is just golfing knowledge
@Cowsquack well actually this doesn't help because you can replace two variables with $ and _ :P
@betseg You don't have to be mulsim to be envy of those who ate that o_O
@Mr.Xcoder Muslims fast in Ramadan so I imagine they'd be more envious
o.O i'm fasting and revising in my kitchen and my flatmate is cooking (no I'm not a muslim)
I mean they literally beat people who smoke/drink water at ramadan daytimes in more conservative parts of turkey so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hmm.. it seems my question may have defeated ppcg :) I am genuinely surprised
@Anush People are just lazy.
Nooooo :)
2 hours later…
Poll: I've got classes A and B, where B is child of A. A has a property x which is private. B redefines it as public (or default). What should happen?
Note: Private property is inaccessible to children
or maybe I should just not use publics and privates
Uhh, sorry for yet another message, that's the last one. strawpoll.me/15824082
@Soaku Let B.property be accessed but not A.propetry.
That's what Swift does. (If you do print(A().a) you get an error)
@Soaku TNB is not too active anyway so a couple of messages shouldn't bee too bad ;)
@Mr.Xcoder uhh... I meant a situation where B is a child of (extends) A
@Soaku B is a child of A. extends X in Php is the same as : X in Swift.
@Mr.Xcoder Well yes. In your example it's not a child. Well, I actually remade my PHP example in Swift and it seems to do it the same way.
CMP: a+++b => a++ + b or a+++b => a + ++b
@HyperNeutrino Error
yeah I guess since it's ambiguous so I might as well enforce not making ambiguous expressions like that
I guess same for a++++b? (which could be a++ + +b or a + + ++b)
a+++b => a++ + b would make more sense since ++ is unary and is parsed first
I'm thinking maybe for a+++++b I could just make it a++ + ++b because that's the only one that would possibly work other than a++ + + +b and a + + + ++b or like a + + + + +b)
@Soaku yeah that's what I was thinking
and then probably for more than 3 since a ++ ++ is an error, just turn the rest into binary addition
maybe for 5 or more make the first and last 2 into unary post- and pre-increment and then all the middle ones become binary add
does a+++b have many applications in golfing? I'm not planning on making Proton particularly useful for golfing but I don't want to force errors on certain things that might prevent golfing with those features
No, make it a+(+(+b)) to troll people
I suggest making it a++ + b because I am pretty sure I've seen it a couple of times when golfing.
Which language is this for?
proton 2.0 (2.0)
1 hour later…
@Zacharý proton 2.0 was a thing but not really because I never got much work done on it so calling this proton 3.0 doesn't make sense because proton 2.0 was never really a thing, so it's proton 2.0 2.0
why not 2.2 ?
Whoever introduced me to modgrammar, THANK YOU
modgrammar is great but writing a custom parser still probably works better
without modgrammar I wouldn't have really figured out how to write parsers though so still 10/10
I used it to quickly write the tokenizer (and the part that evaluates literals), but the rest is hand coded (all for Rankless Apl Derivative)
hm makes sense
anyway gtg o/
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JMigstcode-golf quine string sorting A sort of cyclic program to string together Write a program that sorts a string. However, it does some other things too: When given a non-sorted string (that is not your source code), outputs the string in non-descending ASCII code order, as expected. When give...

hi... more OT... when I open a pdf file in chromium it is in "continuous" mode which means you see lots of pages on one page. Is there some way to get it to be one page at at time?
Q: Language name in 3D ASCII

Muhammad SalmanChallenge : Display / Write / print the name of your language using ASCII art and make it look 3D. Input : You are not allowed to take any input, Output : The name of language in 3D using ASCII art. Example : The example is given for C (it is easy to right and is small). _____ /_...

^ So subjective, even more so than Adám's CMC
@Zacharý You mean the no built-ins one?
@Adám What other one?
@Zacharý Hey it was a CMC for a reason, and was welldefined for APL.
Question: how should ? vectorize in RAD? Monadic is obvious, should it vectorize just like + and the like?
@Zacharý Is dyadic like APL's?
Yeah, (I'm referencing dyadic functions)
Unless I'm missing something
@Zacharý Are you familiar with the concept of function rank depth?
Yeah, that's pretty much what I call "vectorization," at least I think
@Zacharý OK, so ? has rank depth 0 0 0.
I am getting a bunch of "length errors," but I'm just going to go with {0} and {0 0} (how RAD notates it)
@Zacharý Although note that dyadic ? increases the overall rank depth by 1.
@Zacharý Well, J would fill, but since your arrays are ragged, there's no need.
@Zacharý It should be completely equivalent to (?¨) in APL.
Okay, I think I get it now, thanks!
CMC: given a list of nested lists of integers, return the first element at each depth, sorted by their depth. E.g. [4, [[2], 9], [5, [-1, [0]]]] -> [4, 9, 2, 0]
@Anush zoom :|
:O prolog has nested comments
@dylnan Can we assume there's at least one element at each depth
@ASCII-only D does as well: /+ ... +/
@Zacharý yeah. all the good languages do (since if a language lacks it then it isn't good :P)
@ASCII-only <sarcasm> The converse isn't true though ... as you mentioned, PROLOG </sarcasm>
@Zacharý 0/10 just use /s it's like 9x golfier
@ASCII-only Could say the same about prolog /s
also prolog is actually amazing. it's declarative, i.e. you say what you want and prolog just does it (well, as long as you say it correctly) :P
@ASCII-only Charcoal's nilary Random always seems to return 0. Bug?
@Neil :/ oops
also, should MapCommand(PeekMoore()...) work on a blank canvas e.g. Try it online!
@Neil Oops. What should it default to? NUL?
@ASCII-only No, you can't
@betseg nice!
@dylnan :| what to return if there isn't
You can assume there is at least one integer and that there will be no empty lists
So [1, [[4, 5]]] should give [1, 4]
@flawr CH = Cheese & cHocolate
holy crap y'all love both of thos
@dylnan Hmm. Are we allowed to return (pseudo-)symbolic values? so e.g. [1, <internal id of variable without a value here>, 4]
What do you mean?
Sorry, no. It's just a CMC though, so any attempt at all is fine!
hacky but it works :P the way it works is because it tries to delete a string. so variables without a value unify (i.e. their value is set to it since the variables can take on any value) with "", and are deleted. since values are guaranteed to be integers, we're fine with using a string here
(also somehow it's shorter)
Even shorter than the last one
note (partly to self): anything but a number is fine to delete, so empty list [] and empty list of chars `` would work fine here
@ASCII-only this is MapCommand, so the problem is writing, not reading
@Neil oh. hmm.

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