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PyCharm does says it it defined
NameError: name 'String' is not defined
Well, I could just import every class one by one, but I'm kinda lazy to do this
@Soaku are you importing it?
@ASCII-only Yes, using *
@Soaku :|
so, in the importer module, I've got this:
from .scalar import Scalar
from .bool   import Bool
from .int    import Int
from .string import String
Python seems to ignore everything what comes after the current module
inside Bool, both Int and String are undefined, the others are
oh wait
@Soaku of course...
but why?
how do I fix it?
they're lazy loaded
@Soaku you should import int and string in Bool
fine. I hoped there is a cleaner solution
@Soaku but importing them explicitly is cleaner?
@Soaku You could try import * instead?
@H.PWiz thanks, I hadn't noticed that
depends on what you mean... that's basically what I do, except I'm not importing the modules themselves (they collide with builtins)
@Soaku apparently import * (instead of String) doesn't lazy load? idk
so you meant to do from .string import *?
yes. what other way is there :|
I thought u meant to do import * instead of importing importer xD
@Soaku yeah that doesn't work >_>
that's still undefined
woah, something broke. That import doesn't seem to import anything in string, even PyCharm says so
PyCharm now fails to import anything
@Soaku ok yeah so that doesn't worl
@Soaku o.O
hmm... maybe I could reimport it in the function that needs it?
@Soaku bad habit to get in. Always import at the top unless the file is... mssive.
@FreezePhoenix I import it at the top, but it doesn't seem to be imported
ok, that worked
@Soaku @Soaku bad idea to put spaces...
@FreezePhoenix looks way better and cleaner
@Soaku but have you verified it works with spaces?
Why would that change anything? But, I'll try
nope, doesn't work
Activates central thinking
so are those files actually existent and are the methods defined in them and are you sure you are using export syntax
yes, they exist. it works in the function definition
what do you mean by export syntax?
@FreezePhoenix this isn't JS...
@ASCII-only IKR?
most languages have no export syntax
@Soaku Hey, that was message #44922000!
@FreezePhoenix oh
@ASCII-only Mk. The syntax in that case is to declare the functions.
@Neil Hi
@FreezePhoenix :| it's not that amazing, that happens .1% of the time
Dude thats .1% of the time.
May 30 '16 at 14:31, by Lynn
30000002 for real
Thats not 30000000
the previous is 29999999
in Estouro de Pilha, May 30 '16 at 14:31, by Guilherme Nascimento
@joaopaulosantosalmeida O java te contaminou mesmo, é "censura" e não "sensura"? :P (sorry tive que corrigir)
Thats number 30000000
of course not. I'm just saying 1k is nothing worth celebrating.
Final Feedback Request. I would like to post this later today.
Saw the link was SandBoxChallenges. Closes tab immediately.
Otherwise device would crash and die.
@FreezePhoenix There are pagination... only 30 per page
@user202729 Not so sure about that :P
@FreezePhoenix If you use the app, then yes. It will die. If you use browser, then there is pagination.
@FreezePhoenix Try this link.
@user202729 \o/ thanks.
Advice for everyone: Don't post link to sandbox answer, post link to the latest revision.
cc @NewSandboxedPosts. (/revisions/<post id>/<revision id>)
Hi. I am curious : regarding this. is it possible that we use normal IO methods instead of this one ?
The challenge is very old, so you should understand and comply to the cumberstone I/O.
@Mr.Xcoder And that's why we have options to repost.
2 days ago, by DJMcMayhem
What restrictions are there? The original challenge seems well specified to me
@user202729 : So that was a yes or no ?
@user202729 : Yep, that was it
Yes. But they asked whether they can use normal IO instead of that one when submitting a new answer (that's how I understand it). So, the answer is no.
^ :(
Last time you didn't say that the restriction was stdin/stdout.
I didn't notice that.
I didn't stick long enough to say that, I had to go somewhere
If you are planning to repost the challenge with new I/O rules, then sure, but make sure to post it in the sandbox and leave it long enough there.
I'm VTC as unclear because of the issues that Martin brought up. — Mego ♦ Jun 30 '16 at 5:09
Additionally, I'd write a Meta Question asking the community if this is appropriate. But I'd say that it's not needed, as the old challenge seems well enough specified, even if it has cumbersome I/O.
Make enough reasons why reposting is preferred.
@user202729 What was that issue ?
@Mr.Xcoder no... it cumbersome not cumberstone.
@user202729 o_o you replied to a message that existed after you posted... +10!
Oh, I've always misread it
@MuhammadSalman those are normal I/O methods. so no you can't use anything other than what's specified
@ASCII-only "normal"? "default"? That's definitely not default I/O.
@user202729 Hmm. I guess not for golflangs
So now what. 2 votes on yes and 2 votes for no ?
@ASCII-only Golfscript does take input from stdin by default\.
@MuhammadSalman Meta post.
(either repost or you have to comply.)
@user202729 it's not like there's an easy way to make a third stream appear from nowhere, stdin and stdout are taken
@ASCII-only Argument...
Meta post it is.
@user202729 well, sure. but it's not like most golflangs can take input from both argument and stdin
@ConorO'Brien Lies and trickery. My response is easily recognizable due to choice of language. :p
I made a meta post, apologies in advance if it is horrible. Link
^ wrong link…̉?
LOL, Sorry
I made a meta post, apologies in advance if it is horrible. Link
There updated, thanks @Fatalize
Q: Interpret BF (question on repost)

Muhammad SalmanInterpret BrainF**K : This is usually a very common challenge on a lot of sites and on PPCG we also have this Interpret BF. I wanted to know if we could make a repost of that question or if we could relax the rules a bit. The rule that I wanted relaxed / reason for repost it : The program ...

1 hour later…
CMC: Find the sequence rule: 10, 20, 34, 40, 50, 68, 74, 80, 106, 100
Obviously it's the 10 10 14 6 10 18 6 6 26 -6 rule
More terms 200, 364, 400, 540, 728, 836, 800, 900, 1080, 2160
@HatWizard 836 before 800?
Does it have anything to do with modular arithmetic?
@HatWizard Those terms directly follow the ones above?
@H.PWiz They do
@Fatalize Maybe? It might be a stretch
Why does it suddely grow that fast...
I'd have thought that it would go 100, ?, 136 ...
@H.PWiz If it did that question mark would probably be 114.
Hi. So I posted this BF interpreter
Q: BrainF**k Interpreter

Muhammad SalmanBrainF**k : BrainF**k is an esoteric programming langauge designed in the 90s. It reached its fame for the fact that understanding anything that is over 10 characters in the language is super hard. Example program : >++++++++[<++++++++>-]<++++++++++++++++.[-] Guess what this does. Comman...

@MuhammadSalman That was quick
wrong reply...
Nope, I think it was posted quite quickly (two total votes on the answers to the meta question)
@H.PWiz : :)
@EriktheOutgolfer : Was that meant for me ?
Oh well, we will see how it goes
@MuhammadSalman It will be hammered as a duplicate within 15 minutes
Okay, I guess I will remove it then
Having a meta discussion was the right thing to do. Ignoring the answers was the wrong response to that discussion
@HatWizard Any hint?
I am deleting it. Instead posting in sand box
@Fatalize Sure, It is dependent on base 10.
(why do people keep star for accept? It's not likely that people want to see it)
@HatWizard 0- or 1-based indexing?
@user202729 My guess: It's a good piece of advice, if I do say so myself. It applies to most meta discussions, if not all
@EriktheOutgolfer Those aren't very meaningful terms, for this sequence.
like, does it start with a₀ or a₁?
There is no way to tell. Both interpretations make equal sense.
@HatWizard What is that even supposed to mean?
not HW, but I think that means something is up and the answer is something trivial we didn't think of...
@Fatalize The sequence uses numbers base 10 representations.
Well if that was a base bigger than 10 that would have just been cheap
and it's obviously at least 10 since we saw 10 digits
Ok perhaps that hint was already self apparent.
It also uses base 2 representations.
Okie dokie posted in sandbox.
What are you trying to solve ?
39 mins ago, by Hat Wizard
CMC: Find the sequence rule: 10, 20, 34, 40, 50, 68, 74, 80, 106, 100
There are more terms just under that.
Here are the base-10 and base-2 representations, if someone can figure out a pattern from that.
I was just about to do the same in Pyth
My formatting is prettier :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Muhammad SalmanReason for posting : This is in sandbox to check whether or not to repost the brainF**k interpreter challenge. The links have been given in credits. Also any other improvements are welcome code-golf interpreter BrainF**k : BrainF**k is an esoteric programming langauge designed in the 90s. It ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

wastlRememebere tehe voweles! code-golf string Input A string of printable ASCII characters, for example: This is an example string. Output For every consonant (BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz) that is not followed by a vowel (AEIOUaeiou) by the last vowel before it, in lowercase. Co...

Haha, nice. :D
Hi, any one good with BrainF**k here ?
divisor similarity between adjacent terms of the sequence. No idea if it says anything at all (really I'm just playing around here :p) but the similarity amount seems interesting
@MuhammadSalman What's your problem?
@user202729 Trying to learn BF, sadly can't seem to figure out why >++++++. or ++++++. doesn't write anything ?
They do, you probably just can't see it with your font
It does write.
Should it write G ? it seems to write  ?
@MuhammadSalman you're printing the 6th character in ASCII
Okay, Ah so that's what's happening, I thought it was printing 6 char in alphabet, how do I print 6th in alphabet
71 for uppercase
@MuhammadSalman 71 or 103 +es depending on case
@MuhammadSalman Lookup ASCII and find the value.
(asciitable.com for example)
(annoyingly it has some ads)
Easy to remember domain name is really a thing. Everyone uses it.
um hold on so I have to write 71 + just to write that. surely there is a shorter way ?
@MuhammadSalman Multiply 8 by 9 and subtract 1.
Thanks Both of you
@MuhammadSalman you know, there's a reason that golfing in brainfuck isn't easy :p
Reading Brainfuck is equally bad as far as i see.
The best I can do so far is this ,[+.,]
Obviously BF is not as bad as a big cat SPL.
Atleast SPL has more arithmetic operations.
^ :)\
Also how do you take multiple inputs in BF
@MuhammadSalman Just use multiple ,...
@MuhammadSalman ^ and parse separators yourself (or take as byte values if that's viable)
@MuhammadSalman There a very few select things where BF has a chance.
Why does this print 1, and 1,2. LINK
There are plenty of BF visualizer and debugger...
and what?
^ Could you tell one kindly
Why the "and" there?
You use , twice and . twice. 2 bytes are printed.
Oops. meant it print 1, and not 1,2
@MuhammadSalman fatiherikli.github.io/brainfuck-visualizer/… (check the ! for automatically taking the input from after !)
@MuhammadSalman you have 2 .s there so 2 chars are outputted
@Mr.Xcoder wheres a visualizer there?
You can use xxd to visualize the output like this .
"View Memory" and "View Generated Code" are really helpful
Thanks for it guys, Also but what ?
@MuhammadSalman there's also EsotericIDE if you have Windows
@EriktheOutgolfer Also compilable on Linux with some modifications.
yeah, but not a quick solution in that case
(I have a working fork.)
hi.. does @miles ever come here?
May 7 at 17:40, by miles
I see.] now about the evolutionary scoring. Thanks for explaining
(just search using SE search works)
What do you think about myvector.end()[-1]? (C++)
Someone should pin ^?
I don't think those are generally pinned...
instead, they get
Also, @ConorO'Brien: Google Docs forms are ridiculous. Your poll just told me that π isn't a number. :P
@DLosc Ha I just tried the same thing
More data to skew this thing to heck.
Q: Language of the Month for June 2018: QBasic

DLoscIn accordance with our meta agreement to have a Language of the Month, and since the list of nominations had a single highest-voted entry at the beginning of June, we have a new featured language! Throughout June 2018, our Language of the Month, nominated by DLosc, will be: QBasic What's a ...

Skewness = 1.497
@DLosc Actually I thought you wrote n, not <pi>. I tried to write n.
3**27... best number
NGN, infinity, lol. (It's plain as day it's you: APL + K)
Q: Array-of-array string conversion to and from matrix

ngmMatrix challenges are popular. There's an issue of how to provide test cases. A common method is the row-wise array-of-arrays representation, such as: [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] -> a 3 by 2 matrix This is good with vertical space, but there's always the task of converting the test cases into somethin...

-,+ and enter are all on the right of my numpad, easy to be accidently nudged
@Zacharý it was too tempting to abuse form validation :)
I assume you're in your 40's, based upon my response about which line Adám was?
@Zacharý 37
my fav ascii char was meant to be '\0' but the google form replaced it with a space
@ngn Derp! Wrong line.
Q: 2 Cats in a Quine

BeefsterChallenge Make two programs, A and B, which are both cat programs in the same language. When concatenated, AB (also in the same language) should be a quine. For example, suppose hello and world are both cat programs in language XYZ. If helloworld is a quine in said language, then your solution ...

@ngn Yay! Us old farts have to band together to keep up with these young'uns
It's weird that I reckon I can correctly identify 3/4 of the users based on their responses to the poll
@AdmBorkBork I'm a "kid" by APL standards :)
> PowerShell | PowerShell
@ngn What would that make people like most of TNB, and Douglas Patz then?
Hmm, that's got me stumped :P
@Zacharý newborns, I guess :)
@ngn Douglas, yes. Me, probably toddler in this frame of reference.
Is it weird that I know how to program APL, Dartmouth BASIC, FORTRAN, and Forth?
What's Dartmouth?
Original BASIC.
4 hours ago, by AdmBorkBork
@ConorO'Brien Lies and trickery. My response is easily recognizable due to choice of language. :p
@AdmBorkBork The age was a bit of a giveaway as well :P
Indexing as well, at least for Adám
For some reason (heresy, I know), I don't know most people's indentation preferences :P
Well, you know mine, now.
And mine.
I lied (simplified the truth) about mine - sometimes I use 1 space.
ngn/apl does that, right?
@Zacharý no, it uses 2, js feels too verbose for 1
What do you use 1 for? APL? K?
@Zacharý when I write incunabulum-style C, 1 space seems more appropriate
"Incunabulum" wtf is that
Nutjob J coders
OK, I read that page. Still don't know wtf an "Incunabulum" is.
Apparently, it's an "early printed book, esp. before 1501."
@Zacharý that's Arthur Whitney, who later created A+ and k
Still though
It looks like codegolfing done wrong
I bothered to try, and can confidently put names to 22 of the 32 entries (not counting me)
@Pavel a QA engineer walks into a bar and gets a beer, then 2 beers, -3.5 beers, Infinity beers, "\0" beers, NaN beers
not gets
@FrownyFrog fair point :)
Q: Classify a region by its slope

Mr. XcoderDefinitions The kth ring of a square matrix of size N, where 1 ≤ k ≤ ceiling(N/2) is the list formed by the elements of the kth and (N-k+1)th rows and columns, but without the first and last k-1 elements. Example: Matrix: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Delimited in rings:...

@quartata You're welcome :P
Any time
Q: Mass gaining of Dice Template

SquareootChallenge: You should write a program that calculates the mass gaining of a dice template. Look at the images: You see, the input is an integer[1-100]. It is the width of the dice template. Your program then outputs how many squares the template gained since the width input - 1. Winnin...

Python surpasses C# in popularity
On the one hand, I'm glad that one of my favorite languages is becoming more popular, but on the other hand, my other favorite language dropped a rank
I feel very conflicted
React dropped below Angular, and .NET Core has become super popular
MySQL is stil the most popular SQL, to everyone's dismay
The most hated language this year are: VB6, Cobol, CoffeeScript, VB.NET, VBA, Matlab, ASM, Perl
People really hate on VB
Most like are Rust, Kotlin, Python, TypeScript, Go, Swift, JS, C#, F#, Clojure, Bash
My one experience with VB was pretty terrible
So I'm not surprised
It's pretty bad
JavaScript, to everyone's surprise, appears nowhere on the list of 20 or so most hated langs
and it's my most hated language
Ditto, but after PHP
@Pavel WOOHOO!
the two languages with the greatest usefulness/hate ratio for me: vimscript and js
Redis, Postgre, Azure, Amazon reported to be the most like SQL sdervers
@Pavel where is PHP,,,
@Zacharý A bit lower
Way lower, actually
Like, 15th
Wait but those results were published quite a while ago, weren't they?
No, just recently
Yesterday, actually
Linux is still everyone's favorite development platform, no surprise there
But as it turns out, no one really hates on Windows either
Ah yeah, I remembered the Qs because I completed the survey too xD D'oh.
@Pavel ಠ__ಠ
Right, the interesting bit. Favorite text editors.
Windows would be ok if it wasn't this bugged
And this ugly, unsafe and slow.
VS Code, VS, N++, Sublime, Vim, IntelliJ, Eclipse, Atom, XCode, Netbeans, IPython, Emacs
Various other JetBrains IDEs omitted
@ngn I'm right up there with you
Vimscript is pretty awful
Favorite text editors for sysadmins are the same except vim moves to the top of the list
as a sysadmin, sublime is 2nd after vim
@Mr.Xcoder Well, Win10 on my PC works pretty fast. But comparing to other OS like Linux or Haiku... well, I guess it might be slow.
Operating Systems: Windows 50%, Mac 27%, Linux 23%
and N++ is way lower
Oh yeah
Highest paying languages:
For people hating VB they sure like VS
VS = C#
F#, OCaml, Clojure, Groovy, Perl, Rust
not VB :P
I mean you can use it for VB too of course, but the most popular uses of VS by far are C# and C++
Lowest paying jobs: CSS/HTML/JS, SQL, Python, Lua, R, Objective-C
Js and Python: High demand, low reward
F# and Rust: Low demand, high reward
That's your highlights from the technology section for this year
Glad I know F#
Highest paying languages isn't the best statistic. It's more about the employer than the language
@Pavel Thanks! Interesting stats
@H.PWiz right but if multiple employers are consistently paying higher for Rust jobs than they are for JS jobs, that says somethng about the language, or at least the applied uses of the language
@Mayube Don't forget Visual J#
@AdmBorkBork Not anymore you can't
@AdmBorkBork is... is that a thing?
VS from a decade ago, sure
@Mayube Used to be. Java running on the .NET platform.
Jesus please no
@Mayube I mean to say that only certain kinds of employers are looking for OCAML develepoers
wait isn't that just... unstable C#
@H.PWiz that's valid
@Mayube Why do you think it doesn't exist anymore
@H.PWiz F#, for example, is used a lot by Microsoft Research
Especially Quarc (Quantum Architectures & Computation)
@Pavel I must admit I haven't kept up on my VS knowledge, since it's overkill for what I do with PowerShell.
I remember pirating VS6 way back when because I was working with a partially open source game engine written in VB6 and the only IDE that could compile it was officially deprecated and no longer available from microsoft
Dang. C(++) doesn't make the list of well paying languages
Kinda surprising actually
Specialty languages will always top the charts
Pascal, COBOL and Fortran devs get huge paychecks too
it's because those languages are very good at what they do, and people who both know and are willing to work in those languages are very rare, relatively speeking
I'm somewhat surprised to see F# up there though
Learning COBOL: I hate my life, but I sure love money!
@Mayube At the very top, too. Yeah.
NASA pay a fortune for COBOL devs
because they have a lot of very legacy code from the 60s that needs to be maintained
And no one wants to rewrite it b/c it provides job security
cracks knuckles PowerShell's time has arrived!
and also because there's a lot of it
@AdmBorkBork Maybe one day
Can you imagine the next mission to the ISS running on PowerShell? lol
@AdmBorkBork Do you actually use PS at work, or do you use a different language and only use PS in a hobbyist capacity?
Petition to switch NASA to brain-flak
Get-HabitatModule -Identity ISS | Sleep
@Pavel I'm an Exchange admin, so I'm constantly using PowerShell
usually just snippets in a REPL, though, and not full-fledged coding
$mbxs|?{$_.primarysmtpaddress-like'xx*'}|%{get-mailbox -Identity $_.identity}|select name,alias,primarysmtpaddress
An example command I've run recently
And... Erlang is the highest paying tech in the US? :O
@DJMcMayhem its first implementation is in Python, which is implemented in C, which is implemented in who knows what...
@EriktheOutgolfer C
Assembly (PDP-7)
@Mr.Xcoder Erlang is king of telecoms
@DJMcMayhem not if you use the original C compiler, which was written in B

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