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Has anybody used CMake here?
@NathanMerrill Me, somewhat
I know what I want, but I think CMake might be the tool I want, but I don't totally understand it
so, I'm working on KotHCommServer
One of the phases of this is that the server is going to download from a git repo your controller
and I need some way for me to build your controller as well as run it
I used to do something very similar with the original KotHComm (download submissions, and run a txt file)
but I'd run into cross-platform issues, and it felt really messy
so, my primary questions are:
1. Can just run a cmake file and have it build a gradle/java or node/npm project?
2. How easy can I make this for people writing a controller?
If you're building submissions on a server, you need to enforce that submissions are buildable/runnable on the server, so cross-platform problems are on the submitter, not you
Also you could just require that submissions include a script to build and run the submission
by submission, you mean controller submissions?
Yeah, both the controllers and the answers
yeah, answers are pretty much solved now. I basically make it so that answers are compiled by the controller itself. I don't build them at all
controllers are the big question now, because I'm back to square one. I've done the script route, and I've had several issues with it
for example, I've had problems where a certain program was "sample", but needed to be "sample.bat" on windows
and often times, I would need to run multiple commands, so I'd split by newline. But the last command would be the command that starts the process?
that all just felt hacky and messy
I've gotten it to work before, I'm sure I could do it again
I was just hoping for a more standardized solution
Having a cmake project for each controller is basically a glorified script
@Pavel Out of curiosity, are you planning on using Attache, or were you just passing by the repo? :)
@ConorO'Brien I mean, I've toyed around with it, but I haven't actually made anything using it.
ah, alright. well, thanks for experimenting with it! tell me if there's anything you'd think would be beneficial to add
Sure thing
@Neil golfier than naive? not atm. not sure if i should add a ternary overload to the current pad operators?
@Neil not really :/ but i could add a PopCommand (like PushOperator) maybe?
1 hour later…
Looks like I've invalidated every answers here.
@user202729 Huh, how?
(point out the inputs where the answer fails)
I think I need to send a PR to github >_>
... that's possible with comments. I can't see any way such that Python code can contains <error>\n'''\n<error>\n"""\n<error>\n.
Not having newline looks good.
It's doable in languages that support nested /* */ or similar comments
true <<'∊⍥F'
Since input is guaranteed to be printable ASCII, it won't close the heredoc
Would also work for Perl/Ruby POD comments
oh yeah languages with heredocs would work. or unicode string delimiters
@Pavel POD comments?
Ruby has a similar syntax
I'm pretty sure there's a way to stick unicode identifiers in there
I've only ever used it once for a polyglot though so IDK
@user202729 But the input is printable ASCII. Newlines aren't printable.
=begin c○mm∊n⊤
=end c○mm∊n⊤
@Dennis Aren't they?
@Dennis (JoKing and DJ already told me that, but thanks)
@Dennis Are spaces? Tabs?
A: What does (printable) ASCII mean?

DennisASCII characters are all Unicode characters with code points from 0x00 to 0x7F (both inclusive). Printable ASCII characters all are Unicode characters with code points from 0x20 to 0x7E (both inclusive). This does not include linefeeds. This is consistent with the definition of printable charac...

Ah, didn't know about that.
@ASCII-only Perl 6 you mean. Totally unrelated language.
@Pavel yeah i know >_> accidentally just said perl
I wonder if it's doable in C
Yes it is. Line comment.
(see the Python submission)
Oh right, because no newlines
Here I was trying to do #if 0 / #endif trickery
(and then you will face the #endif\n#error\n#if 0)
I wasn't done with my line of thinking
Does C let you define unicode symbols?
Actually that wouldn't help
I think no. (just try it)
@user202729 Yeah, not quite sure what's happening here: tio.run/##KyhKLSjKT/7/XzklNS0zL1Uh7dH0biBSSEos4oKy//8HAA
help. is there any way to make the error disappear without using <pre><code>
@ASCII-only Which error?
@user202729 latest commit - unclosed variable
Why Github syntax-check files...
Wait but it is obviously markdown code...
Try 4 spaces indent?
@user202729 GH pages
@user202729 :|| i want to keep things consistent tyvm
Ah it's github io
@ASCII-only It works.
(although I don't know what is liquid)
@user202729 It's what GH pages uses for templating
ughhhhhhhhh i think my laptop bluescreened while i was away. again.
rip unsaved edits
Q: struct coding xyz

muhdProblem Submissions Leaderboard Discussions Write a program that reads a set of consecutive times and then print out the difference in minutes between each consecutive times. Each time will be displayed as hours and minutes. Use struct and array of struct to read the input values first. Then mak...

> Microsoft (R) Build Engine version ( Wed Nov 29 14:56:11 UTC 2017)
That stray space...
you should submit an issue
random thought of the day: BitChanger would have bad connotations if it was capitalized differentley
Q: Quine of orders

l4m2Write a program that, in different languages, output a different permutation(the exact source is counted as one permutation) of the code. Proper quine rule apply. Largest (Language count)^6/(Code length) win. Sample: If your code is AAB and running in several languages return ABA, AAB, AAB, the...

Can someone please try this command (OS doesn't matter): docker pull docker:latest?
The docker image seems to be broken: github.com/docker-library/docker/issues/106 .......
OK, yep docker broke docker. Neat >:(.
Q: The house that Jack built

AJFaradaySo, there's a famous children's rhyme... This is the house that Jack built. This is the malt That lay in the house that Jack built. This is the rat That ate the malt That lay in the house that Jack built. This is the cat That killed the rat That ate the malt That lay in the house that Jac...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenAdd-Subtract-Multiply-Divide Sequence code-golfsequencenumberinteger Input: Integer n which is >=0 or >=1 (f(0) is optional) Output: The n'th number in the sequence below, OR the sequence up to and including the n'th number. Sequence: (0),1,-1,-3,0,5,-1,-7,0,9,-1,-11,0,13,-1,-15,0,17,-1,-1...

@ASCII-only What would naive be? Currently I'm using Split and Join...
probably PadLeft and evalvar("SR", args) (string replace)? (only works sometimes)
otherwise +(*/Mold("filler", -(target, Length(var))), var) or something. I have no idea what you mean by Split and Join but that's probably golfier than anything I can thing of :P
Any thoughts on why this has been downvoted?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LaikoniScoring a Game of Composite Boards code-golf The Game of Composite Boards Given a board size n which must be a composite number, the game is played on m boards in parallel which correspond to the factors of n, excluding 1 and n itself. E.g. if n = 12, we get the following 4 boards, where the s...

ugh, do comments break your edit grace period?
@ASCII-only Join(Split(PadLeft(var, target), " "), "0") has the advantage of not repeating var
Ah, I see
+/*/- does seem to save me a couple of bytes actually
actually, two bytes the second time, because I needed another string operation
Can I have 5 pieces of feedback on this, one for each of the final bullet points?
If you make 0 the program to sum STDIN then it solves 13, 19 and 20
@Neil 19 cannot be a quine (it says in the original challenge, I should edit that it), and does that count as a proper quine? Isn't that just a literal quine?
Q: Return closest to zero

Muhammad SalmanDescription : You are given a string of numbers (positive and negative but not decimals) along with the number of entries like so. Like so 8 '1 2 5 0 7 -9 12 - 8' Task : Your job is to return the number closest to zero be it +ve or -ve. Your input will be separated by spaces only. You are f...

@EriktheOutgolfer Regarding this, I just tried to (re)implement the interpreter in Python and it works as expected. I guess the Javascript interpreter is buggy.
First, having \\n in a regex is almost always wrong. So a \n is converted to a <br> and a newline stays a newline. (...)
Also, the string.replace converts the charreplace to a regex without escaping it (wrong)
Because of all the characters after a -, only * and $ are special as a regex,
Replacing all * by X and $ by @ almost works.
Except that the interpreter has another bug, that is, the &nbsp should be &nbsp;.
Q: Sequence splitting using a functional coding language

Th 0 mÄ sGiven an arbitrary Sequence consisting of 1 and A split this sequence up so that A is at the beginning of each sub sequence. Sequences without a leading A and Sequences without 1 before the next A will be self contained. Example Input 111A11A1111111A1A1AA should result in 111 A11 A1111111 A...

@NewMainPosts isn't this just replace "A" with "\nA"
why doing <test> makes it a tag-like button?
Do you have the code stylizer thing for tampermonkeu
idk, perhaps
but... why...
Stylizing HTML
oh, i see it now... Prettify tags is with class tag which is already used by SE chat, huh?
@betseg Unless the sequence starts with A, in which case you'd have a blank entry at the start, which is presumably not wanted.
You'd want something like "1A" replace with "1\nA"
But A\nA?
@betseg Doesn't it need to be (.)?
Yeah, it's slightly more complicated than it seems at first glance. Not hugely so, but a little bit.
@betseg Hm, that replaces AAA with A\nAA but it should be A\nA\nA, no?
Just need to repeat the transformation until stable.
Does anybody else find the Jelly Tutorial on the wiki hard to follow?
@Adám yup oops
@NieDzejkob tbf, it is talking about Jelly.
@NieDzejkob I did. I gave up on the tutorial and just started experimenting with commands.
@NieDzejkob ... somewhat.
I find myself having missed some parts of tutorial despite reading it. Try reading some of the Jelly programs first (before trying to write one).
Although... unfortunately although it's correct, it does not explain why the rules are like that, which is the most important.

Let <I> be anything that has the same arity as the current link.
(for example `ß`). v = current value, x/y: left/right argument.

{intuitive part}
* monad F: v -> F(v)
* dyad f: v -> v f y
* dyad/nilad pair: (f n) : f n -> v f n, n f -> n f v

{not so intuitive part}
* fork: f I -> v f (x I y)
Also pay attention to the 3-dyad part and the leading nilad chain.
@EriktheOutgolfer <cont.> Also the string is HTML'ified while substitution, so using & as a replacement would break the &nbsp.
Overall, this almost works.
Also the interpreter doesn't escape special characters. Try running the program !<script>alert("Make\x20you\x20annoying")</script>
Perfect for XSS, right?
@NieDzejkob Yep. I only started to understand it after a couple of months of JHT
Is it bad that, even after admitting that my solution doesn't yet work, it still got an upvote here?
@cairdcoinheringaahing as only TIO doesn't work, I see no reason to not upvote a valid answer
Hmm, good point
I think I may be more cynical with my upvotes than you :P
I always entirely forget I can vote
if there were no TIO link, the answer shouldn't not be upvoted, right?
I upvote all answers to my own challenges, but if you didn't count those I'd have more close votes than upvotes I'm betting.
> Upvotes: 609 Votes Cast
Delete: 188 Votes Cast
Close: 188 Votes Cast
Reopen: 36 Votes Cast
I upvote everything I like and every answer to my challenges. I bet if anyone used my language, I'd upvote that too.
Yep, I'm much more cynical when it comes to closing posts :P
I included a list of reasons why I upvote answers in my profile :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Aidan F. PiercePristine and Unique Code Bowling pristine-programming restricted-source code-bowling Your challenge is simple: write as long of a pristine program as possible in the language of your choice using only unique printable ASCII characters. That's right, no strings attached. Your code doesn't have ...

CMC: Given an integer N, determine the distance from N to the nearest integer divisible by 10. E.g. 7->3, 22->2, -5->5
@Pavel Brachylog, 10 bytes: ;I+%₁₀0∧Iȧ
@Pavel APL 8 bytes: ⌊/10|⊢,-
@H.PWiz Nice!
@Pavel Jelly, 4 bytes: æ%5A
Round to -1 decimal digits, nice.
Thanks! I'm still not quite sure why it works though
@cairdcoinheringaahing Neither am I. That's a Python thing, not a Jelly thing.
@user202729 Adám just edited the tags. The OP edited the question themselves
> ær: Round $x$ to the nearest multiple of $10^{-y}$
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's the most significant thing to be changed. The tag includes the winning criteria, which determines whether the post is on-topic.
Yay, I came up with the same answer as Dennis.
The linked meta says
> Stop editing programming questions to make them on-topic
@user202729 I disagree. If the entire post if perfectly clear and on-topic, but the tags are absolute nonsense, should we vote to close? Of course not, we edit the tags
@cairdcoinheringaahing Matches the description of Python's round. docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#round
Tag edit is an edit, and it makes the post on-topic.
> questions
Not tags
The OP nowhere mentions the winning criteria in the post itself.
@Dennis So if $y$ is -1, then it rounds $x$ to the nearest multiple of 10. Ok, I get it now
@cairdcoinheringaahing Tag edit is an edit.
It gets specialized only until you get the [tag edit privilege].
(or should I post a meta answer so people can vote on it?)
I believe that, in that question, the OP made the necessary modifications to make it on-topic. Adám just made the final few tag edits, which the OP missed. They didn't edit it to make it on-topic, they edited the final few bits to make it clear.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't think revision 2 is on-topic.
Would you consider it to be on topic as it currently is? The winning criteria needs to be explicitly stated, not just included as a tag.
Oh great, I should close it now.
You could've just mentioned that the criteria need be included, then waited a bit for them to edit it in.
Before that, just VTC. When they're edited in the vote can simply be retracted.
That's why votes can be retracted -- when the post is improved. Meta.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I used to include This is so shortest code wins. but I now find it unnecessarily bulky, so for pure code golfs, I rely on the tag.
Meanwhile ~ I believe that ... wait a minute.
> Stop editing programming questions to make them on-topic
In this case, it happens that:
1. It's edited, but no more on-topic
2. People VTRO it
I could sit here and argue with you about what to do regarding that question, but it really doesn't matter, and is just a waste of time. How about we move onto a different topic of conversation?
... yes, it takes time, but what do we get?
People know more about when to VTC/VTRO/edit.. (hopefully)
(not that I like arguing about this but... ^)
Ok, different topic. (I assume I'm right) Can anyone think of a polynomial time algorithm for this?
> The weighted vertex cover problem can be formulated as an Integer Program
Why didn't I realize that...... probably because I was not familiar with LP in general.
I believe that some combination of binary search and weighted vertex cover can solve it.
1 hour later…
Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I forcing myself to write programs in Pepe?
a work of a powerful wizard
@FrownyFrog s/powerful/mad/
Q: Conway's game of life

Muhammad SalmanDescription : Given an array of strings representing a grid of cells With the key : 0 = 'dead cell' 1 = 'live cell' write a function that returns the next iteration following the rules of Conway's Game of Life . Examples : ["111" , "110" , "100"] //input ["101" , "001" , "110"] // o...

A: List of bounties with no deadline

Soaku50 rep for the shortest "Hello, World!" in Pepe If you can beat this, I will pass a 50 bounty for you. Well, my solution uses character constants. They span a bit of place and I bet a shorter solution is possible, even if it's going to be extremely hard. 50 rep is definitely not enough here, bu...

Why I don't see "start bounty" button under questions which aren't mine?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdmBorkBorkRotational Average code-golf number-theory A little bit more simple challenge than usual for me, so please let me know if this is too simple. Given an input integer n >= 10, output the average of all deduplicated rotations of the integer. For example, for input 123, the rotations are 123 ...

@Soaku Check under "add a comment"
@cairdcoinheringaahing nope.
It's not there
@Soaku Is the question new?
Ok, I get it now
^^^ If it's less than 2 days old, it can't be bountied
Yeah, that's why I'm asking
I'm not sure if I like caret reply or not
I know, my mistake
Anyone mind if we finally do this? It's been 7 months and the tag still exists
Ooh, I wonder if that's something I can use superpowers mod tools for
> Moderators cannot remove a tag except by renaming it.
Apparently not :(
@cairdcoinheringaahing I just manually edited all 6 out.
Took like 30 seconds
There is that :P
Best superpower ever
@DJMcMayhem (also known as) :P
That would be a fun idea (deleted, >2k rep needed)
@cairdcoinheringaahing 404
Hold on a second, I'll get a screenshot
Might be some way to turn that into a CnR
What is this, a screenshot for ants?
@Soaku Is that MtG?
Which is a pretty fun game, but doesn't seem as intricate as MtG.
I know nothing about either one.
But I know Valve is working on a game in that vein (which is exciting that they're making games again even though I won't play it)
Is it anything like Yu-Gi-Oh (or however it's spelt)? That's the only game similar to those I know of
Something something ninja
@DJMcMayhem Artifact: The DOTA Card Game
TBF, the only card game I played (not counting poker/blackjack games) as a kid was Pokémon :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing which game does it refer to?
@Cowsquack I know diddly squat about either, so you choose :P
@AdmBorkBork Am I correct in thinking that Hearthstone/MtG are both like dominion except that you end up building your deck through buying individual cards for real money?
@DJMcMayhem They share some similar themes. In the case of Hearthstone, at least, you can earn cards simply by playing the game and not need to spend any money. Similar to how you can unlock skins in Overwatch without spending any money.
OK. But the general theme is a deck-builder but each players deck is persistent and unique?
@DJMcMayhem MtG is much more complex gamewise(?)
Is that a question? I've never played either one so I don't know
@J.Sallé yes, especially because hearthstone was made to be quick and easy to play
I don't know if gamewise is a word
I've been playing magic for over 15 years now >.>
yugioh is an simpler version of mtg, but I guess it is most relatable to hearthstone
Is it bad that I don't know what MtG stands for?
Also mtg has more play formats. Hearthstone has Standard, Wild, Brawl (if you consider that a format) and Arena, which is basically a draft
@cairdcoinheringaahing Magic: the Gathering
Also mtg has a slight lead on those games since its completing 25 years this year.
@DJMcMayhem Rather than having a set selection of cards that everyone builds their deck from, each player has their own personal collection of cards and builds their own personal deck from that collection, then they play that deck.
What BorkBork said.
@J.Sallé yeah hearthstone is really new, but yugioh is pretty old too, 1999 according to wikipedia
Also magic has some formats in which specific cards are banned from play.
Nominally, the personal collections are similar-ish enough that the outcome of any game is down to tactics, but in practice you can "buy" your way to victory with MtG and not really with deckbuilding games.
@J.Sallé do you mean like hearthstone's wild vs classic?
@Cowsquack Yeah, but I think YGO has had a much more linear development over the years. Magic just went all over the place
@Cowsquack Kind of. For example, Magic has a "Legacy" format in which you can technically play with every card ever printed, but there's also a banlist of cards that you cannot play regardless.
MtG thankfully has its Type-II format (is it still even called Type-II?) that helps prevent power creep and keeps the game fresh.
@AdmBorkBork it's called standard nowadays, but it's the same thing.
what is that?
Shows how long ago I last played.
@Cowsquack Standard is a format in which only the 3 latest blocks are legal for playing
block being set of cards?
Each block usually contains 3 sets (or expansions)
Or two, more recently.
Each with about 160-260 cards, it depends. So the card pool is somewhere around 700-900 cards
@AdmBorkBork yes, but that's been changed again back to the old rotation because players were complaining a lot
Also, the last 2 or 3 standard rotations have been pretty bad. Wizards had to ban some cards that were just too good.
Ugh, I haven't posted a challenge in over 2 months
So get posting :p
I have this, which I'm thinking about posting tomorrow, but every time I've asked for feedback I've basically been ignored, so I'm not sure if it's good to post
I think you should describe Bugle
Uh, no?
Bugle's point is to be made by random people submitting answers, not described
@Cowsquack I'm providing a complete spec of Bugle in the first answer, along with the interpreter. I feel as though including it might take up space in the post, and will get out of date quite fast
oh okay, that makes sense
other than that, I think it is fine
Ok then. I'll probably post it tomorrow then. Thanks :P
Yay, you went with my name suggestion. :)
:P I couldn't think of a better one, and thought that it should be named by someone from the community that wasn't me :P
I like it, and you obviously have a good fanbase with +19/-1 on the sandbox post. That's probably the highest I've seen a sandbox post get.
@AdmBorkBork I'm curious about the -1, but honestly don't have the effort to post a comment, which the downvoter won't see, asking them why. sighs
With 20+ comments, it might have already been addressed, too.
Welp, I'm ready for a snowpocalypse tomorrow/Saturday. Weather forecasting is predicting between 3" and 24" of snow, depending upon what time the temperature gets cold enough for snowfall rather than rain.
Snow, in the middle of April? That's unusual
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't know about you (or Adm) but at least round here in Colorado, it seems like there's more snow in March/April then the rest of the winter
In the UK, we're lucky to get an inch of snow total in the winter. Really depressing for a skier :/
@DJMcMayhem MtG?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, it's been an unusually cold April so far.
@Soaku Hmm?
What about it?
46 mins ago, by DJMcMayhem
@Soaku Is that MtG?
It's Hearthstone
Oh, I get your question now. You should have replied :P
@AdmBorkBork Yeah, it's most likely the only time for me where it's faster to search by votes than by active :D
MtG is Magic the Gathering. I don't know anything about MtG or Hearthstone, so I was asking if it was from MtG
Ah, makes sense
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CAD97This is an ascii-art CC-BY-SA problem from CCSC Mid-South Programming Contest 2018, that I found enjoyable. I think there are probably a good deal of code-golf optimization opportunities available as well. The original statement used MathJax for math rendering, so any suggestions on how to refor...

Hmm, I'm about to pass Alex on the overall rep board.
Pass him in TNB stars :P
cracks knuckles Let's do this.
@DJMcMayhem I am in the top 15 and only 3010 stars behind him. That's not insurmountable.
I just need to more than double the amount of stars I currently have.
@EriktheOutgolfer I was literally going to post a link to the sandbox. You beat me by like 6 seconds. ಠ_ಠ
and I opened chat the same tenth of a second you pinged me
24 messages moved to Jelly
1 hour later…
This is amazing!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ScroobleMake a Walsh Matrix code-golf math matrix A Walsh matrix is a special kind of square matrix with applications in quantum computing (and probably elsewhere, but I only care about quantum computing). Properties of Walsh matrices The dimensions are the same power of 2. Therefore, we can refer to...

Linus Torvalds_IRL
@LuisMendo If that's what websites looked like in the 90's, I'm glad I'm a Millennial shudders
@LuisMendo bay12forums.com/smf/index.php doesn't even need that. It already is stuck in the 1990s anyways :D
Complete with support for WAP2
Hands up if you've ever seen this meta post. O_o
@moonheart08 WAP? Oh my
@cairdcoinheringaahing Heh, well, some of them anyway
Q: Is the program 32 or 64 bits?

sergiolAssignment is simple to explain: write the shortest code you need to determine whether an executable binary program supplied as parameter is 32 or 64 bits. If there is a different kind of bitness, you can also do for it, but is not mandatory. What I really don't want is telling me you support o...

@cairdcoinheringaahing A lot of the time they looked much worse
^ Claims to be the worst one ever but it really isn't by a long shot
My oven just caught on fire and that was way more excitement than I wanted for today
That sounds interesting
The license for Arimaa says the game is patented, but i thought you couldn't patent game mechanics
@Pavel It doesn't even use Comic Sans, it doesn't deserve that title
My point exactly

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