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curious what people say is unclear about codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/161713 and how i could improve the prompt
@Pavel Trust the compiler. If it can optimize, it will.
It wasn't a performance question, I was just wondering how stuff works
Then gcc -S it.
@GlennSmith Just learn 100 esolangs and you will see why...
sounds like something i can do overnight
@GlennSmith well for one not every language has functions :P nvm
yeah so they don't pass the "must support variadic functions" requirement
O_o any JS longer than 144 chars
The problem isn't that it's not specific, the problem is that whether a calling convention counts as taking several arguments individually or not, is for many languages a property of a description of the language, or of internal details of how it is implemented, not of the visible behavior of the language itself. — Ørjan Johansen 7 hours ago
For Lua, there is even an issue that varargs is just pack (in f(g()), if g returns a pack 1,2, f is called as-if it was called as f(1,2))
@user202729 pack?
Wait.... the Lua submission also count len of argv.
@ASCII-only Try it online!
And then I can argue whether functions take multiple args, or just a pack of args.
@user202729 well, pack != array
if it expands the pack then yeah that's multiple arguments. same deal with cpp parameter packs
as for calling conventions i'm uncertain from inexperience
my opinion is that if you have to manually specify the argument count then it should be invalid; if the language / calling convention specifies the count for you then that it should be valid
But packs are auto expanded, unlike c++.
What about the Brain-Flak/CJam submission?
@GlennSmith wait. is using main as the function allowed
i would say using main is disallowed if it takes arguments in an array like C
@GlennSmith It's not an array, it's a pointer.
>_> nvm not using main is shorter in my case lol
@user202729 basically the C equivalent of an array
Also, main can't be called (in C++ standard at least)
@ASCII-only Array != pointer.
pointer + length is basically the C array
No, C array doesn't need a length. Only if it's passed to another function.
What should I do with this? It's not an answer. It just come up in my LQP queue.
@user202729 It's not an answer
@cairdcoinheringaahing Add++ Hello World is invalid :(
do people think shortest code that can play chess without making any invalid move and beat an example bot in a game might actually be a decent code golf challenge?
@Mego It's at +1. Probably you can convert it to a comment or something?
(the example bot being really basic, to the point where the only nontrivial part of beating it is actually trying to move your pieces properly to get the checkmate)
(so I can't delete)
@DestructibleLemon +1
i was thinking about it earlier for a simpler game or something as something i called a "pseudokoth"
@user202729 It's far too long to be converted to a comment. Useful or not, it's not an answer, so it should be flagged as NAA.
because if it can play chess without invalid moves, it can play against other bots
and then you get interesting naive strategies
@DestructibleLemon What about making it an answer-chaining where each bot beats every previous one?
@user202729 That would be really neat
@user202729 possibly...
the only thing is that, it's not very hard to do that, it's the golfing that is the challenge
if it wasn't based on length, you could just play a game against the example bot and win, then hard code the moves
(because it needs to be deterministic)
@DestructibleLemon Have a hard upper limit to the byte count.
that might make it too hard
and hardcoding plus naivety might be shorter than implementing a smart bot
Try implementing it yourself completely ungolfed, and make the limit 10×your program length.
I am voting to close this challenge as "unclear what you're asking", the issue is pointed out by JDL above, and so far there has been an exploit attempt. — user202729 6 mins ago
@user202729 but if it's not restrictive to the hard coding there's no point
@DestructibleLemon After a while it would get very difficult to hardcode. You would need to implement a smart bot.
oh i missed the every part
major issue: making chess ai is hard for amateurs
Who says challenges must be easy...
@cairdcoinheringaahing pls make lambda names shorter ty. also make lambda numbering detection sane. current system is 1. slow 2. weird 3. hacky
@Dennis how does the Dodos hello world work? (well, mostly what do the numbers do)
@ASCII-only yeah, it only works when counting by chars though, not bytes
@user202729 not sure ai tend to be short
@DestructibleLemon Whenever you think so, think about QFT.
i do think it is a fundamentally different challenge, when it is answer chaining rather than the code golf version
@user202729 what is QFT
quest for tetris
oh yeah
that didn't have a size limit though
@Pavel I looked at it
so is the winner the last person to answer?
or the person posting the most answers?
or even the second last person
i feel like it's better if bots are a slow escalation rather than a quick one
are there any spiders that instinctively make different types of web to optimize for network problems
like maybe they want to be able to protect their eggs in one section, eat stuff in the other, also how connected to make it etc
or is it all rudimentary grid like crap
wait what
i mean ants have some rudimentary knowledge of shitty random walk algorithms by instinct
when looking for food
I don't think there is someone in TNB has specialized knowledge about this... anyone?
wait ewrong room
eh its sorta similar tho
i don't think they consider how connected the things are
which room did you mean to ask in? haha
like it is kind of just a grid
i mean golf code -> coding -> algorithms -> network theory?
and anything on the web is gonna be a trapped insect anyway
look i just made a graph to explain how my stuff is related to graphs
its a path graph
@Ethan What network problem would you expect them to optimise for?
every once in a while a fly breaks a link in the spiders web, the spiders knows the expected value of links that flys will break over some time interval
so he knows in order to ensure his web doesnt fall apart it must be n connected
where n is the expected value
nvm i dont think spiders can comprehend anything of this
they just make a big web
thats lame
also silk is really strong
did you know
spider silk, i mean
@Ethan Your language seems a bit... inappropriate?
vaguely i think from being forced to watch a documentary in chemistry class
during high school
on nanotubes or somthing
@user202729 "lame" is inappropriate?
@H.PWiz the message was deleted
Oh, I see
Wait a minute... does creating unused account increases network rep?
what rep
representation are you using for your network
are you storing in terms of indice matrix
How do the spiders tell each others which areas are good/bad? I thought each spider usually is only on its own web.
@ETHproductions still, 144 bytes O_o
@ASCII-only They implement base 4 "literals". For example, 3 is n->4n+3.
@Dennis ohhh
2 messages moved to Jelly
:| this prints to stderr
CMC: recursively deduplicate: [[1,1,3,5,3],[6,7,[4,5],[4,4,5]],3,6] -> [[1,3,5],[6,7,[4,5]],3,6]
@ASCII-only iirc it just packs 2 ASCII chars into one UTF-8, but the decompression algorithm is short enough that it becomes more efficient after 144. I'll see if I can find it
@ETHproductions :/ only two ASCII chars
No no, each 2 bytes -> 1 char
Editing on mobile is weird
So 144 bytes -> 72 chars, and the decompression takes 72 more
Q: "X marks the trail" - Python 3

AstikBased on a story about Hansel and Gretel, I need to write a program to help map out the trail. The program should first read in the size of the grid and then read in directions: left, right, up or down. You always start at the top left of your map. After every step, you should print out the trai...

@ØrjanJohansen I didnt know that print did this. — PythonDude29 Mar 12 at 13:40
@moonheart08 :| quark isn't on TIO
(should I star the other one instead? ...)
@cairdcoinheringaahing This one please.
(BTW is it allowed to give bounties that way?)
If you have any app that have custom url protocols (and built on Electron), you want to update them as soon as possible
for example, slack, discord, etc
@user202729 It's my reputation, and it's not voting fraud, so I don't see why it wouldn't be. I'll set the bounty when I get to a computer.
@ASCII-only How so?
@cairdcoinheringaahing functions don't autorun
CMC: Golf this :P
@ConorO'Brien It totally works on Windows, I've tried
@Pavel attache foo?
It's not ambiguous which one to run since Windows won't run files without an extension
@cairdcoinheringaahing also Verbosity HW needs spaces after colons now. and interpreter contains Defination
@cairdcoinheringaahing NotQuiteThere's HW is also broken - change 1 to 0. also "genric" in readme
Q: Sorting Algorithms for Physical Process

RikNot sure if this is the correct community to post this is. But as I see this problem as an interesting puzzle to solve, I'd thought to give it a shot... Problem Statement: Let`s say we have: N collections of parts: A, B,C,D,...etc Each collection consists of n parts: 1,2,3,4,5 ... All these p...

@ASCII-only Yeah, that's supposed to happen. Add the --implicit command line option.
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah but you didn't add that to your links. also 0/10 +11 bytes (space + option) is too ungolfy (although flags no longer count towards bytecount iirc)
@LeakyNun ngn/k, 15 bytes: {$[0>@x;;?o']x}
@ngn nice
@ASCII-only Flags no longer count (and there's a short version -i)
@cairdcoinheringaahing why does implicit flag exist anyway
@ASCII-only It provides an easier interface between inputs, outputs and functions, at least for me.
@cairdcoinheringaahing i meant why not combine with normal mode
I'm not following
@cairdcoinheringaahing can't you just detect if no code is run, then automatically add implicit if that is true
That's what it was doing before, but I decided I'd prefer it to not do anything when just given a function, so I added the flag.
Fair enough
@ASCII-only Lambda names are supposed to be long (I regret adding them, but removing them would break too many Add++ answers). I'm rewriting the whole way code in parsed and executed in Add++, but until then, if it works, why fix it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing why would it break too many? can't you just change to e.g. l1
@dylnan Why did you VTRO ...
@ASCII-only As in removing removing them would break too many answers. I could make them shorter, but I don't like lambdas, as they were added to make Add++ shorter
Q: Should this answer be deleted?
Any final feedback? Thinking about posting later today
I suggest VTC'ing the challenge.
Oh yes, already done.
(although I feel that the VTC/VTRO speed is a bit uncontrollable on PPCG, probably because --->)
@cairdcoinheringaahing IMO yes, negative complexity is impossible
@ASCII-only The challenge is broken. Attempting to exploit the spec to optimize the score should not be penalized.
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, lambdas are supposed to be functions-as-objects anyway, and that's not what you did with them lol
@user202729 But that doesn't make negative complexity possible...
@ASCII-only ಠ_ಠ Just found that typo in 4 other of my repos
@ASCII-only (I will discuss that later)
@user202729 Yes it should; that's what the standard loopholes are for
This situation is similar to the "standard loophole" stuff. If an answer predates a standard loophole it should not be deleted.
Although in this case, s/standard/specific for that challenge/
Then...... I vote to only delete that when the challenge is fixed. Otherwise, deleting the whole challenge may be a better option.
If it provided a complete, working program that actually exploited the problems in the challenge, it might be ok. But it doesn't. It doesn't have any working code, so is therefore Not An Answer
@cairdcoinheringaahing About that too... is the answerer still on the site?
> Last seen Feb 15 at 3:42
@user202729 But it's not a problem with the challenge...
The challenge is flawed, but that answer isn't a valid answer, irregardless of the challenge.
> irregardless
@cairdcoinheringaahing ... no hope that they will fix their answer. So, leave a comment to make it clear the reason why it is invalid (doesn't contain the actual code), and then delete it.
@user202729 That's not the only reason it's invalid... if a negative complexity is possible then please elaborate
@user202729 I have left a comment. 4 months ago (you replied to it as well). casts VTD
wait a minute too many replies
@ASCII-only Yeah, I might fix that in the next update to Add++
CMP: Have you ever deliberately not fully golfed your code, because you prefer the longer technique?
@xnor ok that's legendary 100/10
as with most others, my name is at 38 bytes
sees the star count increase I love that stars are always anonymous :P
@xnor btw you should try 99 bottles of beer, currently I'm 1st with 242 bytes but, uh, very ungolfed code
There is a funny situation here.
@user202729 Yeah, I've seen. I agree with Stewie, if your code doesn't match an xxd/base64/whatever, you should say so in your answer
Apparently in this case the 4th answerer didn't know about that...
Let's ignore that who's wrong, but now, what should be done with the challenge?
>.< I constantly have too many tabs opened
Have you asked the OP? They get first say
(unrelated: Is the review icon on SO brighter on all other sites?)
@EriktheOutgolfer Preposterous! Having a unicode diamond next to your username on a website on the internet should give you super powers, and if SE doesn't live up to that, I'll have to move to PPCG v2! :P
According to codegolf.stackexchange.com/revisions/… there are no &#127; between }&#247;&lt;.
@EriktheOutgolfer thanks! i'm not feeling like optimizing a compression challenge, especially because the site allows UTF-8 characters as one byte which allows ridiculous packing
at least in my solution, I think that the bytes it takes to unpack the strings would be more than the bytes saved by "packing" :P
ah, now it's 241 bytes
another thing you might get surprised about when you find it is how we manage to get 58 bytes on, e.g., Happy Numbers
looks like you have 59 bytes there right now
yeah, i thought about that for a bit
i'm basically just doing a raw string of characters
i should look at if there's a better way to do escaping for null bytes etc
> Print all the happy numbers from >> 1 << to 200 inclusive, each on their own line.
looks like you have already found it
also, don't be sad if you can't outgolf Constructor7
oh, I think that you're eventually going to have trouble with null bytes, I still haven't found how to insert them via JavaScript!
that is, if you want to go outside Python 3 which doesn't support them of course
Is there something shorter that n=a\nwhile n<b:(...);n+=1 in Python 3 in general?
for n in range(a,b):(...)?
Is that shorter?
or even something like this
@H.PWiz sometimes the n+=1 must be on its own line...
oh, and it's sure shorter if you're already at an indentation level
Right, how about a way to increment n while doing something else? e.g print(n+=1)
either n+=1;print(n) or print(n);n+=1, depending on what you want to be printed, since assignments aren't expressions in Python
Understood, thanks
So raw &#127; characters can be put in the post on answer, but not on edit.
n+=print(n)!=0 is possible but longer
using print inside an expression is something I have often done on code-golf.io, and it's very yucky :/
Should we have a meta notice regarding unprintable Unicode?
@user202729 Why would we need a meta notice?
Something like... wait, probably Meta.SE would suits it better.
Anyway... I think our site are the only one which often use printable characters in posts.
But we need to do something to prevent such problems in the future?
What problems?
People not knowing that SE handles raw unprintable ASCII, so mis-format their post.
@EriktheOutgolfer I submitted a bottles of beer answer, but I still expect using compression would blow it out of the water, and I don't feel like golfing compression
at least you beat me by 22 bytes :)
if you use a lot of string at once then yes
i think even a generic python program of that length can be packed and executed shorter
hm, maybe, but I haven't tried doing that to any of my solutions yet :)
then I would suggest trying the morse encoder and decoder
note: where it says "7 units" it should say "10 units" instead
Can I get some final feedback on this, especially regarding the bullet points in the Meta section?
@xnor I matched you on e
> alexander-liao 1,011
I think Hyper may have just hardcoded :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Same with JRaspass' lisp solutions. and probably most of his other ones
@xnor nobody likes golfing compression :P
Arnauld does by the look of their answers :P
0/10 Arnauld :/ why did you do this
i should really get back to golfing lisp sometime, golfing lisp is really fun
Q: Digit Occurrences

Kevin CruijssenInput: A list of integers (which will never contain a zero) Output: A list of the same size with counts based on the following: If the current item is negative: Look at all items before this item, and count how many times the digits occurred in those other numbers If the current item is posi...

Q: C++ assignments

NanaCoderYou work in an office, as the Team Leader, with 3 other staff members. One of them is retiring. The remaining team (including you) wants to contribute to buy a gift for the leaving team member. You requested your remaining team members to contribute any amount they want for the gift, provided it ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LeoTrabb Pardo–Knuth algorithm code-golf The TPK algorithm is an algorithm created by Luis Trabb Pardo and Donald Knuth in 1977 to show the evolution of programming languages. In the book The Early Development of Programming Languages they implemented this algorithm in various languages and showed...

@NewMainPosts Perhaps we retire ? It just seems to confuse new users
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's their fault to not read the help center.
Definitely not our fault. They would do anything to get their notquestion posted anyway.
Just dropped by to say, if someone has a spare Watson image they can boot up and train to golf then we are all soon in trouble.
(what's our consensus on completely off-topic questions?)
@user202729 That's a bit hostile. 99% of off-topic posts are people trying to get help.
@user202729 Close, then VTD when they show up in the tools queues
@cairdcoinheringaahing No that's not. They should read the help center.
@user202729 What people should do and what they actually do are two very different hings
"They're not being disrespectful by not reading thru help, faq, and top meta posts, they're being practical" They're asking people to spend time helping them, but they're not willing to spend any time making sure that they can be helped. That sounds disrespectful to me. If they're not willing to read anything that's written to make them write better questions, why should we believe they'll read comments and take action on them? Just how much effort do we have to put in before they put any in? Downvoting bad questions so that the site maintains good quality? That sounds practical. — Jon Skeet May 2 '14 at 7:15
Ok, your point being? We should downvote, close and delete off topic posts, which we do. What we shouldn't do is blame them, be rude and abrupt. That's not what SE is about. Its core principle, Be Nice, applies to off topic posts as well.
@cairdcoinheringaahing If the entirety of the post is a copy-paste of their homework problem, they're not trying to get help. They're just asking
Oh... I doubt I could get 5 bytes off mine
Just out of interest, if a homework problem could be framed as golf then it would not be off-topic?
Yes, it's on topic if framed as a golf, or any other coding challenge, but it has to be clear and meet the other criteria (objective winner etc.)
@H.PWiz be proud that you outgolfed Constructor7
Why do you percieve Constructor7 at such a legend?
because I think he had more 1st places in Python than anybody else
They're 3rd in the Python leaderboard, after xnor and Psyb0rg7
xnor wasn't always there :P
@EriktheOutgolfer xnor has as many Python 1st places as Constructor's done challenges (18)
and I've outgolfed Psyb0rg7 a few times, and I don't think that Python leaderboard positions correlate to the number of first places
of course xnor is the new legend
No, they correlate to the total number of points you have (100 for every first place). Just out of interest, xnor's averaging 99.05 per hole
@xnor I've got 58
@xnor update: I think compression is actually impossible over code-golf.io, at least the zlib and zipfile modules miss required libraries
@EriktheOutgolfer interesting, i'd noticed before that numpy wasn't importable either
Ok, posting this in a bit. Any last thoughts?
@xnor numpy isn't in the standard library :P
oh, right
I'm a little tired of challenges worded with "twists" or "catches". Please vote this proposal as you see fit
A: Things to avoid when writing challenges

Luis MendoFormulating the challenge as something and then including a twist that completely changes the task Don't hide information from the reader. Don't enounce the challenge as something that later on it will turn out not to be. To ellaborate, consider the following formulation: Do < task A, usual...

@Willtech We have a meta about it...
Q: Distance between the Sun and the nth planet

mdahmouneChallenge Predict the distance between the Sun and the nth planet when using any formula that gives the same result as the Titius–Bode law: d=(3*2^n+4)/10. BUT WAIT... there is one restriction: Your source code can not include any of the Titius–Bode law's digits So, your program can not cont...

@cairdcoinheringaahing They don't read the help center? Most likely yes. The behavior is problematic? Yes. Then how is my message "hostile"?
The phrasing is a bit hostile, but the core point is accurate. It's frustrating when users don't bother to read the help center before writing questions, because those questions are often low-quality. However, we must Be Nice even to frustrating new users. Downvoting, close voting, and delete voting aren't rude - no more than a janitor mopping a floor is rude.
The line is crossed when people leave comments that attack or belittle the user for not reading before posting.
FYI: assume no one reads the help center
because in reality almost no one does
Q: How old are you?

DIDIx13Write a program who calculate your age and output: I'm [age] years old. The Rules No hardcoded like: print (I'm 18 years old.) Your age should be true (or over 10 at least if you wanna keep your age private.) Only years are counted, neither the months nor the days need to be taken into account...

Whee, new record! At least until xnor comes along...
Ha, just found a way to save even a bit more...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DIDIx13Write a program who return your age and output: I'm [age] years old. The Rules No hardcoded like: print (I'm 18 years old.) Your age should be true (or over 10 at least if you wanna keep your age private.) Only years are counted, neither the months nor the days need to be taken into account Th...

> answered 12 mins ago
> show 12 more comments
Good news everyone! (Python 2 Deprecation)
Looks like the message has been formatted so that it makes sense on the starboard. i.e., not a bare link.
@ATaco When did a-ta.co lapse? tnb.a-ta.co broke D:
@ASCII-only not my fault. Plus i'm not updating that old version of QUARK anymore. Working on a redo
> There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. --Zen of Python
> There's More Than One Way To Do It --Perl motto
@Pavel I lost it the other day, and I'm not in the financial position to re-secure the domain as of yet.
let's start a $30 gofundme for our favorite taco
How expensive is a-ta.co, I wonder
What's actually the use of Python's super arguments? I've never have seen them in other use than with super(<class>, self)
It was like, $16 a year
Now it's just under $30, thanks Namecheap
How is Jelly going to get v2 when it doesn't even have v1?
Good news, I managed to renew a-ta.co
what an invisible renewal
Might take ~30 minutes for it to take effect
But in due time, tnb.a-ta.co will correctly redirect to TnB
It doesn't.
I said, "In due time"
In the mean time, Namecheap camped my domain with ads, so yay.
@ATaco Hooray
Talking with Customer Service to see how long it'll stay parked for...
"it might take 24-48 hours for your website to go back online" It's not looking good.
So "Due Time" now consists of one or two days, but fear not, it shall return eventually.
what website?
oh, a redirect.
I have a really funny 38 on code-golf.io/scores/fibonacci
but I shouldn't share it until I'm absolutely sure it doesn't lead to a 37...
Despite that, a-ta.co is now up and running again, enjoy the redirect @Pavel
So what is this code-golf.io? Did someone here make it?
I found this article on HN, and I thought it was super interesting: The Talent Myth
Is the keynote available somewhere?
I have no idea
Who would think there is a U-shaped curve of ability? Seems like a silly straw man to me.
@feersum GitHub user JRaspass made it, but I'm not sure if that's anybody of us
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AJFaradayReally skirting bit of sandboxing here (I haven't taken the time to develop the question): I'd like to do a 2-d variant of this one. Two lasers between two mirrors The input would be an ascii maze, with a marker for the laser starting point, e.g.: +---+------+ |* | | | | | | | ...

how do I install pypy3 using just command line
fetch the latest from mercurial
@ATaco What does your "chat commands" plugin do?
@quartata not sure how exactly to do that
I only have the command line which should be fine
what commands
@feersum I don't think people believe that when it's stated so explicitly. But I've definitely noticed a mentality of "Crappy programmers" and "super programmers" without anything in the middle
o_O I almost never use SO and I've gotten +105 since yesterday.
I don't ask or answer here too. But I keep editing stuff
@Soaku Allows you to type /shrug and have it be replaced with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Pavel That makes sense.
There's also ones for /o_o (ಠ_ಠ), /tableflip, and a few others.
I always use my in-browser replace plugin, but it doesn't work always. This seems to work better tho.
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