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6:12 PM
C++ Poll: If I do this:
template <typename T>
T foo(int blah);

template <>
bool foo(int blah) {
//Other specializations
Then is it gross to leave the first function without an implementation?
..Not unless you need a general implementation
I'd still put some sort of "Programmer is a dummy" error message the generic outputs
CMP: What lack of a feature annoys you the most from a given language?
For me, Python not supporting partial application of functions
@cairdcoinheringaahing Vimscript: Sane comparison operators
Recently? C++: yield
@cairdcoinheringaahing from functools import partial
@Mego Yeah, I know it can be done, it just looks horrible whenever I try it
6:20 PM
...i broke my graphics driver so bad my normal terminal (kitty) segfaults.
Oh, also Python: Good regex (IMO import re doesn't count)
JS/Ruby/Perl build it in to the language features itself and have dedicated syntax for it. Python doesn't
@cairdcoinheringaahing Also github.com/kachayev/fn.py
either that or kitty broke during some recent update
@DJMcMayhem Python should have the same kind of string suffix stuff that C++ has, so you could do e.g. R"regex here" for a regex
It doesn't, but it should
6:23 PM
Doesn't it have that for unicode strings?
yeah, r-strings are pretty much useless for other purposes
@Mego you can't do R"stringyloo" in C++. Only "stringyloo"_R. the _ is manditory
I don't remember exactly how encoding works in python, I just remember that it's a pain
Although, Python 3 always returning a generator from every iterable builtin is annoying
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's way better than range returning a list
6:24 PM
@moonheart08 Yeah, but I want it to be a prefix for Python, like r"foo" for verbatim strings
That used to annoy me, now I like it a lot
thats why i use C++. I mean Rust. I mean D. aaaaa no language has a good mix of functionality reeeee
@moonheart08 Haskell is perfection
i can't comprehend haskell :c
@Mego You do C++, right? Do you have much experience with boost?
6:25 PM
((I'd be willing to try it again tho)
@DJMcMayhem A bit. Not a whole lot
To C++ or to boost?
@Mego Haskell is just confusing. Not Prolog level confusing, but confusing nonetheless
@DJMcMayhem a few words: If you can, don't use boost. It likes to eat at your compiletime, and makes the code-build-debug-code cycle very unfun
@DJMcMayhem Python 3: all strings are unicode. You use s.encode() to encode them, and bs.decode() to decode them
6:25 PM
@Mego I would prefer a language where I can code relentlessly
@moonheart08 Oh trust me, I know. We use boost at work a lot, and the project I've been on for a year+ used to take 15 minutes to do a clean build
good lol
Which isn't even that much in the grand scheme of things
boost is poison if you just try and use it for everything
I became intimately acquainted with xkcd.com/303
6:28 PM
I wish there was a C++ like language (Clean, and object oriented without shoving the entire thing in your face) but had a less convoluted template and std lol
but at the same time, not D, because D likes to shove the garbage collector (which you may not want to use) at you
Isn't that what Rust is supposed to be? (disclaimer, I've never used Rust)
Rust isn't object oriented in a traditional sense, which kinda throws me off. (:c)
it's based on applying traits to structs. There is no direct upcasting, either.
or downcasting. whichever. i can't remember the diffrence
yea it's downcasting
you can upcast a struct to a trait it implements all day long
downcasting is useful when you're trying to say "ok, so this is an entity and it's a necromancer. I want to use the necromancer specific functions please" when you have the entity, not the necromancer
RTTI and objects is the only reason i still use C++.
6:58 PM
@moonheart08 You can (at least partially) do that with the Any trait, I believe. But it's a bit tricky.
Trait objects let you have open (i.e. extendable by the user) union functionality, but you generally can only use functions polymorphic on the trait.
In the case you mentioned, I'd use an enum, which allows type-safe matching but has the disadvantage of not being open
The reason open extension + downcasting isn't usually provided is because I get the feeling it's a bad idea most of the time.
For example, in Python you could write a function that asserts that isinstance(arg, list), and then iterates over it, but it's discouraged because somebody might, for example, put in an iterator.
that seems up your alley
on an unrelated note
I'm sad no one posts fastest-code or code-challenges anymore :(
been waiting to try out rust for a while now
but not really getting a chance on PPCG
I'd love to do an entry in a fastest-code, but they've been rather dead
I wonder how a challenge to have your program ""connect"" to IRC would work. IRC is a bit convolted, but such a challenge could be fun
7:19 PM
@orlp I have posted one only recently!!
and thanks for the MO link
@moonheart08 don't forget my challenges :)
Q: Make a simple IRC bot.

JiminPTask Make a simple IRC bot which does simple task like greeting user. Detail (You may see this RFC document.) Write a complete program that perform these: The program inputs nickname and realname from the user. All nickname and realname which form is [A-Za-z0-9]+ should be allowed, bu...

what are the simplest rules for two intervals (x,y) intersecting?
so we have (a,b) and (c,d)
7:34 PM
@Lembik a >= c && a <= d || b >= c && b <= d
that's one way
(6,7) intersects with (0,10)
let me see if that is covered
it is
that's the simplest conceptually
but I don't think it's simplest in actual operators
@Lembik also do edge points matter?
(0, 1) and (1, 2) do those intersect?
so d <= a <= c || d>= b >= c
yes they do
7:37 PM
so you actually mean
[0, 1]
and [1, 2] :)
yes.. they were tuples :)
not mathematical intervals
so I have a coding problem that is making my head hurt
I want do the following...
test_data = [(0, 10), (1, 100), (5, 21), (6, 6), (101, 150)]

def intersect(A, B):
if ((A[0] <= B[0] <= A[1]) or (B[0] <= A[0] <= B[1])):
return True
return False

list = []
for pair in test_data:
row = []
for pair_compared in test_data:
if intersect(pair, pair_compared):

print list
the indentation has gone, sorry
c <= b && a <= d
that's simpler
is that enough??
nice :)
let me try it
7:40 PM
also we have a < b and c < d always, right?
that's a nice improvement
but it's not the part hurting my head :)
my code is very inefficient as it compares pairs that could never intersect
how can I change it so it never does that?
test_data will eventually be very long
@Lembik why do so many people write "if x: return True; else return False" instead of just "return x" ...
@Lembik so if I understand correct
you have some large collection of intervals
and want to find all possible combinations that intersect?
@ngn More accurately, it should be return bool(x)
@ngn I find it helpful to be explicit
@orlp basically yes.. I want a list of lists where each list contains all the pairs that intersect with a particular pair
7:47 PM
@Lembik please use interval
as a term
because pair is ambiguous here
maybe it should be a coding challenge :) ?
it does involve a little thought to get right I think
I mean you still didn't specify exactly what you want
@orlp oh sorry what isn't clear still?
@Lembik describe what you want
using the term interval
instead of pair
you have a list of intervals
what do you want with them
@Lembik if you sort them first, you won't have to do so many comparisons
7:54 PM
@ngn they are sorted already
@ngn [(0, 10), (1, 100), (5, 21), (6, 6), (101, 150)]
The problem with my code is, for example, that it checks if (101,150) intersects with (0,5) but by the time we get to looking at pair = (101,150) we already know that the pair before it in the sorted list is (6,6) so there was no need to make that comparison or any of the comparison to the pairs before (6,6) in the list.
this problem happens a lot making it much slower than it should be
@Lembik oh, ok, so why don't you break the second loop the moment they no longer intersect then?
@ngn you have to start it in the right place too
@Lembik right
@ngn so you need to start at the right place and break it at the right place
getting the right is making my head hurt :)
but please describe what you want first
7:57 PM
@orlp I want exactly the output my code above gives
just faster
@Lembik something like for i in range(len(test_data)): for j in range(i, range(len(test_data)): if intersect(test_data[i], test_data[j]): do something; else break
that could work.. what is the do something?
don't reinvent the wheel :)
@Lembik whatever you have in the inner loop body: row.append(...); list.append(...)
@orlp :) I am not sure we need a tree for this.. something like ngn's code should work
8:00 PM
@Lembik this is the simplest way to get good performance
you put all your intervals in the tree
and then query per interval what other intervals overlap with it
thanks but how could it be faster than ngn's idea?
@Lembik because he compares every interval with every other interval
putting it in a tree you don't
@orlp no I hope he doesn't
in the worst case (where everything intersects) you still have to
let me try the interval tree
but I would like to get ngn's code to work too :)
@orlp hmm.. how do you actually add the pairs?
t = IntervalTree()
for pair in test_data:
that code doesn't work
if interval.is_null():
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'is_null'
8:09 PM
CMC: find a use case for > /dev/stdin in a shell script
@Lembik read the documentation...
it's right where I linked you
ctrl+f examples
I know but I don't understand how to add an interval!
it says tree.add(interval)
which is what I am doing
but then later it says Adding intervals - any object works!

>>> t[1:2] = "1-2"
>>> tree = intervaltree.IntervalTree()
>>> interval = intervaltree.Interval(2, 10)
>>> tree.add(interval)
@Lembik works just fine
which I don't understand
oh you have to convert it to an interval first
let me see
@Lembik keep in mind that these intervals are half-open integers
so [6, 6) is empty
8:15 PM
@Pavel here's a use case: to win a CMC :)
you can add one to the end of each interval though
if all your intervals have integer boundaries
the code is driving me crazy currently
ok something is working
now trying to work out how to find all the overlapping pairs
>>> from intervaltree import IntervalTree, Interval
>>> test_data = [(0, 10), (1, 100), (5, 21), (6, 6), (101, 150)]
>>> intervals = [Interval(start, stop + 1) for start, stop in test_data]
>>> for iv in intervals: tree.add(iv)
>>> for iv in intervals: print(iv, "overlaps with", tree[iv])
Interval(0, 11) overlaps with {Interval(6, 7), Interval(1, 100), Interval(1, 101), Interval(0, 11), Interval(0, 10), Interval(5, 21), Interval(5, 22)}
Interval(1, 101) overlaps with {Interval(6, 7), Interval(1, 100), Interval(1, 101), Interval(0, 11), Interval(0, 10), Interval(5, 21), Interval(5, 22)}
it's not that complicated
@Pavel if stdout is redirected or closed, /dev/stdin can act as a replacement for the original stdout?
8:19 PM
@Lembik do you see how easy this is with an interval tree already implemented for you :)
@ngn For that you would use /dev/tty
@orlp Thanks! Now I just need to make a sparse matrix out of the output :)
@Lembik but that's a different problem :(
that's why I asked what you needed
how big is N here?
@orlp about 100,000
do you have a special sparse matrix data structure?
8:27 PM
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix ?
or will you simply set a 100,000x100,000 matrix to zeroes
coo_matrix looks good for this
alright then you do have a sparse matrix data structure
where each entry is the index of an interval in the original sorted list
I'm kinda curious
8:28 PM
I want a sparse adjacency matrix in the end really
adjacency of what?
each row is an element of the original list
also let me know how big the total number of overlaps are
I suspect that it will have about 10 million non-zero entries in the end
@Lembik oh you mean just a boolean matrix
8:29 PM
yes but sparse
where a_ij = overlaps(intervals[i], intervals[j])
sparse is an implementation detail :)
exactly that :)
eh I can recommend one little tip in that case
8:30 PM
go on...
since you want to know the index of the interval in the original array
>>> test_data = [(0, 10), (1, 100), (5, 21), (6, 6), (101, 150)]
>>> tree = IntervalTree()
>>> for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(test_data): tree[start:stop+1] = i
>>> for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(test_data): print(tree[start:stop+1])
{Interval(1, 101, 1), Interval(0, 11, 0), Interval(6, 7, 3), Interval(5, 22, 2)}
{Interval(1, 101, 1), Interval(0, 11, 0), Interval(6, 7, 3), Interval(5, 22, 2)}
{Interval(1, 101, 1), Interval(0, 11, 0), Interval(6, 7, 3), Interval(5, 22, 2)}
{Interval(6, 7, 3), Interval(1, 101, 1), Interval(0, 11, 0), Interval(5, 22, 2)}
you can store extra data with the interval
in your case it's very useful to store the original index i
@Lynn I don't think Haskell has been updated on anagolf
@orlp interesting
so it should be pretty simple now I think with that trick @orlp
@Lembik once you have the Interval from the query
just iv.data gives you back the original index
so this looks good now
8:36 PM
>>> test_data = [(0, 10), (1, 100), (5, 21), (6, 6), (101, 150)]
>>> M = [[0 for _ in test_data] for _ in test_data] # matrix
>>> tree = IntervalTree()
>>> for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(test_data): tree[start:stop+1] = i
>>> for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(test_data):
...     for iv in tree[start:stop+1]:
...         j = iv.data
...         M[i][j] = 1
>>> M
[[1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]
@Lembik obviously you'd replace M with your sparse matrix
very nice!
I am intrigued to see how fast the IntervalTree is in reality
then try it :)
it very much depends on how many 1s are in your output
I will! I don't have the real data here
thanks so much.. this has been a lot of fun
@Lembik why do you want this matrix anyway?
@orlp it's so that I can process a large data set more efficiently
the rows help me cut down a search space
8:39 PM
doing what exactly?
because that's the beauty of an interval tree
once you've built it
queries are quick
I have a hunch
go on? :)
that instead of that adjacency matrix you can use the interval tree directly
(I have to go in a moment)
oh! that might work
thanks for all this.. bye for now
8:55 PM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stephen LeppikIntron Adder Quine code-golf quine In the context of quines, an intron is a part of a quine that serves no purpose in producing output, but is still included in the data section. For example: function quine() { const data = "function quine() {\n const data=\"@\";\n // Arr! This be ...

@totallyhuman how is your language going? Also, I recommend basing it off of another language, such as downloading the source code for python 3.6 and modifying some stuff.
9:10 PM
Welcome to WorldDestroying.SE
Q: How to completely burn down a city, without leaving clues for humanity 4,000 years later?

Rolf ツBackground I want to burn down a city completely. Nothing must remain, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Even though I'm a supernatural being, I want this to happen in a natural way. I also want the destruction to not leave any traces that can be used by humanity 4,000 years later to identify what e...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BradCDate Multiplying Challenge (Inspired by this week's riddler on FiveThirtyEight.com) Given a year between 2001 and 2099, calculate and return the number of days during that calendar year where dd * mm = yy (where yy is the 2-digit year). 2018, for example, has 5 days: 1/18/18, 2/9/18, 3/6/18, ...

@DJMcMayhem Why do you even need the first function?
I thought it was necessary. I guess I could be wrong though
9:40 PM
@user56656 do you have a bunch of test cases for what you call intersection? (I'm calling it schema deduction atm :P)
@mbomb007 I totally disagree with the premise of that question. Half the fun of destroying a city is people knowing that it was you :D
@orlp Sorry I don't.
I should make some though
1 hour later…
11:20 PM
I found the weirdest probability distribution ever ...
@DJMcMayhem for the last example on that page, if you really want an overload with a const char* argument, then just overload it: CF(const char* p) {}. No template <> necessary.
1/x^2 on [1,infty).
What's odd about it
Unless I'm mistaken: the mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis are all infinite.
I'm pretty sure the mean is indeterminate
11:27 PM
I'm pretty sure it's infinity, as the integral diverges towards infinity.
Since the entire distribution falls between 1 and 0, it certaintly can't be infinite.
> [1,infty)
The pdf of the distribution being 1/x^2
That being the probability density.
I meant to say x on [1,infty)
I'm starting to suspect that AP Statistics didn't actually teach me anything
11:30 PM
I'm just looking into it on my own time
Oh nevermind I just misunderstood
"Algebra-based X" is equivalent to saying "Watered down X. in fact so watered down X: it's basically water"
@Neil I get errors in my code if I remove the standard template
I could post a snippet of it later if you're interested
Templates work in mysterious ways
minimal test case, yes?
11:36 PM
Would the standard deviation of 1/x^2 be undefined?
Or would it be infinite?
@Zacharý if the mean is infinite, whence standard deviation (from the mean)?
@LeakyNun So, it would be infinite?
i would rather leave it undefined
I like it. It's so bizarre of a probability distribution.
I learned about infinite parameters when examining t-distribution w/ degrees of freedom being 2 or 1.
@Zacharý how can one pick a (uniformly distributed?) random number from an infinite interval?
11:45 PM
@ngn The probability density function is p(x)=1/x^2, for all x>=1, and 0 for all x<1.
@Zacharý that way it makes sense
I didn't know how to describe it, okay?
I'm doing it in Visual C++, I don't know if the compiler makes a difference
Well, Visual C++ is dumb
11:48 PM
@DJMcMayhem afaik there's no reason to make it a template function, just drop the template <> like I said earlier
@Zacharý my fault, I didn't realise 1/x^2 is density
mu=sigma=skewness=kappa=infinity... man that's weird
@Neil Well, it does need to be a template because Try it online! is ambiguous
But Try it online! is not
@DJMcMayhem ah, well personally I'd think that's an odd way of choosing which function you want
How would you do it? I do need them to have the same name/arguments
11:54 PM
@Zacharý is it the inverse of the uniform distribution on (0,1]?
by inverse i mean reciprocal
Yes, actually, I think it is/
then it's weird
A: What is the new probability density function by generating a random number by taking the reciprocal of a uniformly random number between 0 and 1?

Kenny LauLet the old probability density function be $f_1(x)$, and the new one be $f_2(x)$. We have:$$ \int_1^af_2(x)\mathrm dx=\int_\frac1a^1f_1(x)\mathrm dx $$where $a>1$. We also know that $f_1(x)$ is uniform, and spans from $0$ to $1$. Therefore, $f_1(x)=1$ in that interval. Therefore:$$ \int_1^af_...

that's right, I asked it two years ago and solved it myself, as my first ever question on math.SE, lol
Whoops ... it's not.
I don't think.
Whoops, it is.
My brain is fried.
Are all inverse probability distributions weird?
11:59 PM
no idea
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