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@PhiNotPi I was listening to EDM right before you linked this and I'm not sure what I expected but it wasn't that.
You know one thing I wish more people would do is as the person posting a challenge make sure to upvote all answers (that have at least some effort). Makes sure everyone gets some happy rep
I upvote all answers to my challenges
brb answering ur challenges
Go ahead
i will
@DestructibleLemon i literally gave you ten HOURS of feedback
when was that
oh, the video
the mere fact that you say it's 10 hours tells me it's not feedback
it is mic feedback
just applied for a new job
I want a 1 dollar an hour raise and double the hours :P
also I don't have to care about customers
@Christopher is it pretending to be helpful?
@DestructibleLemon dammmmnnnnnnn
in Quarterstaff to BF challenge, 14 secs ago, by Destructible Lemon
Mar 8 at 1:45, by Destructible Lemon
please give feedback
Anyone want to play contact question mark
hey, does anybody here have experience with setting up a microservices site?
new idea for a game like qwop: you are a cube. you have 6 keys that rotate the cube along each face. you must move directions / navigate obstacle courses by rolling your cube along those faces
@Riker so like I am Bread with a cube? :P
i am bread?
never knew that was a thing
I was thinking more like bloxorz with weird controls
but similar and free / online yeah
@Pavel yes that's what I imagining
but not a neat hole, just a small pit to fall into unevenly
(since it's not discrete like that game)
so movement would be more like I am Bread too I assume
no clue but likely yeah
momentum doesn't disappear when you touch the ground and things like that
> online
I was imagining smth like flash
time to write a physics engine from scratch lol
@Riker well clearly Flash is dying :P
actually we can use three.js
whatever is replacing flash I meant
like flash, but not flash
Mar 15 at 19:29, by Poke
@user56656 intervention time. we're here because we care. please change your name back
taking bets this will still be starred in a month
who's going to unstar it? you?
@Riker *on the starboard
@Riker is this pointing to ascii-only's message, or did you post it at about the same time
no it's pointing
@DJMcMayhem What is PII... (or PIl, or PlI, or Pll, I'm not sure)
@Riker It's at the bottom of the starboard already. (assume 6 messages on starboard)
@user202729 Personally Identifiable Information
@Riker you spelt Aqua Kangaroo wrong
What happen if there is <5 VTC/VTRO and nobody vote more?
They eventually expire.
When will they expire?
14 days afaik.
Anyone know how to find the volume of a hole drilled through a cylinder?
@Zacharý sideways?
@Zacharý Why...?
Through the center, all the way through.
Math contest practice problem...
Has it ended?
Any image for illustration?
@Zacharý Volume of the cylinder minus the volume of the cylinder drilled out
@Zacharý then... it's just the volume of the hole?
Sorry, I misphrased that.
I meant to say: drilled out of a SPHERE.
@Zacharý well you could always find the volume of the cylinder + volume of the caps
I know, but the problem is the volume of the caps...
And the length of the cylinder.
Oh this is a classic one.
It is?
yeah. i won't spoil the answer, but it is real cool when you find the answer.
I think of classic as the polar bear spherical geometry question.
One hint is that because of the rotation symmetry of the problem you can easily reduce it to 2D
@Zacharý solid of revolution
wait this is what user56656 is hinting
@ASCII-only ... holy crap that's genius
And I was thinking to myself why this was on the Calculus & AT test, and not the geometry test.
@user56656 I've noticed a few incorrect answers (Lynn's and the assembly one) on "Does it Lead or Follow?" Because the Pyth answer does something slightly different to what the explanation claims. Any idea on how this should be dealt with?
@Potato44 First a comment should be left, then we should backtrack to the last valid answer.
@user56656 I've already left a comment on the Pyth answer, but not the others.
@Riker why is vegan/vegetarian SE called just "Vegetarianism"
@Potato44 I've now left messages on the others.
do BF programs loop around or do they end when the end of program is reached?
is BF brainfuck?
then they terminate at the end
then why is [] an infinite loop, wouldn't in terminate after the [ jumps to end of program?
:O i have been lied to
yeah [] is not an infinite loop
@Downgoat because the part after [] is the end, not ]
and [] on its own will not loop because the cell starts as 0
but +[] is an infinite loop
whether [] is an infinite loop or not depends on the cell value at entry, it is infinite for any cell value that is non-zero
I've actually contacted a CM about it, no response yet (other than a "thanks we'll look into it")
4 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ZgarbLimit your numbers by your runs Title subject to change if I have a better idea code-golf decision-problem array-manipulation Self-limiting lists Consider a nonempty list L containing nonnegative integers. A run in L is a contiguous sublist of equal elements, which cannot be made longer. Fo...

@user56656 The problem of the volume of the remainder is the classic one. This is the volume of the hole... although it's easier if you know the remainder of course!
2 hours later…
Cauliflower is starting to seem more and more hacky
Q: Programming Puzzles & Code Golf with 74LSxx

l4m2Make a circuit with 74LSxx (xx mean any number, not necessary to be 2 digit), so that when inputting a 5-bit number k bwtween 1 to 31 (or 0 to 30 if 0-based), output the ASCII of the kth char in Programming Puzzles & Code Golf (31 chars). You don't need to handle the only invalid input. Also you ...

@tsh I fell the problem shouldn't be solved by someone who doesn't know. Ut's too large a group of chips — l4m2 14 mins ago
Huh? Challenges should be self-contained, right?
@LeakyNun Can you tell me what 大道至簡 means?
@FrownyFrog No. For [1,1,1,2,15] the average is 5 and the closest element is 2, but the median is 1.
Why does J on TIO display box with unicode while this book displays ASCII box?
You can configure that somewhere. I forgot how.
oh memset, how i hate you. (why, other devs, why do you use memset for everything. std::fill exists :C)
Because they are C developers?
Precisely. We only recently moved to C++11. Plus no-one has dared maintain the OpenGL renderer
yet it looks so much nicer and is so much faster
also. it turns out the only reason the renderer was crashing was due to a memset. Guess what the memset was for? Clear a rectangle. Guess what was just after it? gl->clearRect
For POD, std::fill should not be slower than memset.
lol just read about a new strain of ransomware found by McAfee that actually downloads GPG.exe
Dudes didn't even bother writing their own cryptography
@J.Sallé You think that's easy? ...
@user202729 Yes, but that's not the point. If you're writing malware, especially ransomware, you should write your own cryptography.
most people don't write their own crypto
I might be biased because I'm into infosec
@J.Sallé Because using GPG would force them to release their source code?
@moonheart08 I checked out TPT multiplayer with a few friends. We have no idea how a lot of the interactions work but we've had a lot of fun :P
@J.Sallé Security != obscurity. Having their own cryptography doesn't mean that it would be strong.
usually we just end up spamming the screen with GoL
@Dennis yes.
That was the whole point of the article.
@user202729 it doesn't necessarily need to be strong, just strong enough as to discourage people from trying to break it.
@J.Sallé GPG is definitely strong enough.
(at least I guess)
I remember Microsoft rendering its Xbox hackable by rolling their own crypto. If they had used a crypto suite, that wouldn't have happened...
@user202729 Your name is back!
@NieDzejkob Wrong ping?
@NieDzejkob I never changed my username.
@user202729 huh?
@Poke heh. There's a lot of interactions and tricks normal users know nothing about. Proof: Subframe electronics (abusing the way the game processes particles to perform large amounts of operations (in the form of ingame electronics) within a single frame. Has been used to build functioning computers that do 1 cycle per tick)
@J.Sallé Seriously though, why? I can only see downsides to writing your own crypto.
@moonheart08 we're nowhere near that advanced, honestly. we tend to like looking at other peoples' creations and then have no idea how they built them
i haven't even determined if there's a way to zoom in/out
but that's probably in the docs somewhere
@Dennis I should have expressed myself better. I didn't mean write their own crypto from scratch. Just don't download goddamn gpg.exe to make your malware usable, ffs
@J.Sallé that makes sense, haha
I mean, you can implement the crypto into your source code, you don't need to download gpg for that.
i guess the writers are true skiddies
Malware with third-part dependencies sounds a bit odd, yes.
inb4 they wrote it with batch or powershell
The article said the bundle of files the malware was embedded in wouldn't even run if they didn't download a bunch of third-party stuff.
We are sorry, EncryptAllUrFilez has an unmet dependency.
@Poke press 'z' to open the zoom window. use the same keys ([ and ], or the scroll wheel) that you use to resize to cursor to resize the zoom
@moonheart08 that even seems intuitive. i just haven't hit all the buttons yet
@Poke check the game's github. it has a list of the controls there in the readme
yeah i noticed that last time i was perusing
kinda just dove in after i finally got multiplayer working
@NieDzejkob What did you want to say?
@user202729 I thought user56656 was you...
@NieDzejkob I don't think that's true
@NieDzejkob That was Wheat Wizard.
oh hey i found the brainflak brain i.sstatic.net/57Nh8.png?s=128&g=1
Java announces that the next version will have type inference for local variables. I'm glad it's joining us in this decade.
@user202729 neat
@Pavel You'd think they'd have that since, say, 5 years ago
Thank you!
plz send teh codes
@Pavel java has had the "diamond operator" which kinda does that already. what are they adding?
@Poke var x=expression?
I believe it'll be a generic type inference now?
that's one thing that i really dislike about c#, honestly
Nah, they're turning java into a functional programming language and removing mutable variables permanently.
i like the static typing
@Poke It's still statically typed
But you don't have to type out long class names as much
I like static typing too
i'm guessing i won't use it that much
Like, var x = "foo"; x = 42; doesn't work. x is of type String, not a dynamic type.
yeah you're right
It's only for local fields anyway. For anything with a class scope you'll still need the full type name, to prevent accidentally changing it.
And java having absurdly long class names is kinda a meme
@Pavel That'll still be very nice though
@Pavel JVM has stopped with error MemeNotFoundException
@J.Sallé Right?
Unfortunately brain-flak is out for the challenge :(
The following characters can only be used five times in total: !"#$.[\]
That means no decrementing, which makes nearly impossible
@DJMcMayhem I think it means that each character can only be used 5 times (cc: your comment on #20)
I thought that too
I'm sorry, but no. It will fail on answer number 10 if I increase the limit. Also, it's 5 times in total, not 5 times per character, so it's even stricter then you assumed. Sorry! — Stewie Griffin 2 hours ago
Oof, that makes it really difficult then
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, it's also a really awkward phrasing
CMC: Given an array of integers, determine if any value in the array equals it's own index (0 or 1 based, please specify)\
Brain-Flak, 48 bytes (1-based): (()){{}([]){{}(<(<>({}())<>[{}])>)}{}}([]<><{}>)
@DJMcMayhem Is truthy/falsy okay?
@DJMcMayhem PowerShell, 21 bytes -- $args[0]|?{$_-eq$i++} Try it online! 0-based. Returns nothing (a falsey value) or a non-empty array (a truthy value).
Pyt, 5 bytes: ĐŁř=Ʃ 1-based. Returns 0 (falsey) or a positive integer (truthy)
@DJMcMayhem APL, 1 indexed: {+/⍺-⍵}
@Pavel why does this take 2 inputs?
@DJMcMayhem I've got 14 bytes in Dyalog APL, 1-indexed. {∨/a=⍵[a←⍳≢⍵]}
@DJMcMayhem Jelly, probably =JẸ (1-based)
@J.Sallé NVM I did it wrong
I have 37 in Python, won't post it just yet to encourage competition
@DJMcMayhem MATL, 5 bytes, 1-based: tn:=a
lambda l:any(lambda m,n:m==n,enumerate(l)) How much is that? Nope, doesn't work.
@user202729 42
@J.Sallé {+/⍵-⍳≢⍵}
Pro-tip: you could do all instead of any, and then switch m==n to m-n
@user202729 I think you want: lambda l:any(m==n for m,n in enumerate(l))
@Downgoat yeah I figured it's probably since they're too busy with the new site designs things
@J.Sallé Hold on. I'm not sure why it's not working.
@DJMcMayhem Canvas, 6 bytes. Returns a zero length string for falsy, and some vertical bars for truthy. 1-based
Much ping
@DJMcMayhem it didn't show me that I edited the d back so I did again :p
@J.Sallé OIC I accidentally typed + and not × ._.
f←{×/⍵-⍳≢⍵} works
0 for truthy, else for falsy
@Pavel ah, I see
Question: Is there a plain "Is the input a palindrome" challenge?
@DJMcMayhem Add++, 16 bytes, 1 indexed: D,f,@~,LRBCBcºb=
@mbomb007 Aside from the one where your program must also be palindromic, no
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can you link to it?
Here's my python solution: lambda l:all(l.index(x)-x for x in l)
@J.Sallé No need to index , as X[⍳≢X] is always X, so {∨/⍵=⍳≢⍵]} is enough?
@Pavel Any particular reason you use ×/- instead of ∨/=?
@DJMcMayhem APL (Dyalog Unicode), 6 bytes ∨/⊢=⍳∘≢ (0 or 1 based depending on what user currently has active)
Q: Shortest code to determine if a string is a palindrome

Andrew GrayA palindrome is some string that is spelled the same way both backwards and forwards. For instance, 'Eva, can I stab bats in a cave?' is a palindrome (EVACANISTAB | BATSINACAVE) For this code golf, using the language of your choice, determine if a given string is a palindrome or not. Edge Case...

@AdmBorkBork That's not a very good one
> Punctuation is not counted towards palindrominess.
Control characters are not counted towards palindrominess.
Whitespace is not counted towards palindrominess.
Case in this challenge is not counted towards palindrominess.
That's how usual real-world palindromes are handled. Like the example sentence in the opening paragraph.
Nope. That's an awful challenge.
I was looking for a plain, looks at the entire input, palindrome checker.
@mbomb007 It would be trivial otherwise, no? Is X=X.reverse() or something.
Trivial in some languages, not in others.
@mbomb007 3 bytes in Dyalog APL…
Let's look at the lowest voted challenges.
At least one of those challenges is mine hangs head in shame
@Adám I did not know = was elementwise
@Adám obviously, duh. I seem to forget the most obvious stuff some times >.>
@Adám ⌽≡⊢?
@Pavel Interestingly, a lot of people seem to misunderstand APL's =. It is exactly like its brethren <≤≥>≠. It is not assignment () neither is it equivalence ().
@J.Sallé Yes.
@Pavel Actually, it is not just element-wise, (that'd be ≡¨) it is scalar, so it penetrates all the way through nested structures, just like + and -.
Oh btw @Adám, the TAO Webinar is this next Thursday, right?
@Adám I didn't know <≤≥> were scalar either
I thought they performed lexicographic comparison
@Pavel what'd you expect them to be for arrays?
@J.Sallé This Thursday, the 22nd, in two days.
@Pavel That'd be et al. is to what < is to =.
@Pavel SucceedsOrEquivalentTo←{(,⊂⍺)⍸⊂⍵}
ಠ_ಠ Area 51 is so buggy. It auto-logs me on to Area51.meta, but not the main site
@Adám yeah that's what I meant. I'll try to catch it live if possible :D
Anyone know of a good resource on pressurized fluid/air simulation? (Just simulating pressure and velocity) I'm going to, as a secondary project (because it makes sense, i'm already working on finishing the game's unfinished OpenGL renderer (to replace the old software renderer)) try and replace TPT's air sim with a GPU computed one as a optional feature.
@Adám so rank 0
@quartata No f⍤0 and just applies f to each scalar in the argument(s), but so called scalar functions (mainly the arithmetic ones) apply all the way down at the leaf nodes of the argument(s) while extending scalars as needed.
Ah I see
I'm trying to devise a good catalog challenge, and I hit upon one: multiplication over the galois field GF(2^256)
I wouldn't recommending posting as a 'catalog' challenge, just as a normal
Most code golfs don't have an accepted answer, and any language can be used, no matter when it was made, without being non-competing now
I wanted to target being able to work with large integers and doing manual bit operations (very few languages have carryless multiplication, and many can only do carryless modulo with fixed dividends for CRC)
Okay, I wrote an explanation of finite field arithmetic, and a task section. What other sections should I put in?
Also, I want to encourage people to figure out means of concisely doing this in all languages, not just ones where bignums and finite field operations exist
isn't a finite field just mod?
@NieDzejkob just for fields of prime order (if you mean Z/pZ = GF(p))
+1 For writing your own language just to win a code golf — Thomas Ahle Jan 16 '13 at 1:39
Oh no, office dog chewed up the DigitalOcean mascot. I wonder if I can request a new one.
You have an office dog? Sounds like a nice place to work
Oh apparently DO sells them now for $3. Well I'll get a new one for me and one for the dog.
anyone know how to install python (CLI) but not idle?
os x is insisting on using idle to open my .py files instead of literally any other editor
and god knows idle is not the best
@Riker If you're on OS X, you should already have it by default
can you just change the file association
it only comes with py2 I think
@Poke it resets to idle for some stupid reason
oh dear god now it's opening in netbeans
that installs idle, it's what I used originally
@Riker just give up and use ed
then why don't you rm idle :D
I can't figure out where it hid it
and its' obviously not the cellar copy since rm -rf that didn't work
@DJMcMayhem that's stuck on 2.7.10, not even 2.7.11/12/13/14
@Cowsquack He's not Dwwngoat, not all problems are solved with rm :P
but if you click on a .py file info through finder, you should be able to change the default program for the filetype
@cairdcoinheringaahing sudo uninstall KERNEL ; rm -rf ./
2 mins ago, by Riker
@Poke it resets to idle for some stupid reason
it looks like it takes roughly 5 minutes
now i'ts stuck on netbeans :(
@Riker find idle doesn't work, I assume?
cd /;find . -iname 'idle'
oh I've been ninja'd again
lol, I've done that with netbeans and nuked that so far
waiting to see if it resets (also rebuilding my plists)
Or just find /
have you tried which too?
I believe locate also works
And it works like 1000x faster than find / -name
ok after uninstalingl xcode (editor), and rm -rf netbeans, idle, and atom, it seems to be working now
Doesn't Apple complain when you code with not xcode
TFW you spend 2 hours debugging code, only to find that you mistyped a symbol in the text file you're reading from and your code was working fine ಠ_ಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing That always happens to me after I ask someone for help
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's even better when you automatically add accents and tildes to your code's comments because you're used to doing it and Jenkins doesn't build it.
project management thingy
@Riker that
The company I work for uses Jenkins to automatically build and deploy docker images to our clients
Even worse: the 'bug' was due to my attempt at a PPCG challenge, and I misread the test cases, which is why I thought it wasn't working facefloor
I'm starting to get concerned for the well-being of your floor
But not my face?
Fun fact is that Jenkins tries to parse the comments on the code and it doesn't accept any of áéíóúâêôãõç
@cairdcoinheringaahing Judging by these trivial mistakes you're making your face deserved it :P
TIL dnf update is deprecated for dnf upgrade
of course that's a thing
I need suggestions for simple source restrictions for the answer chain
It's not easy to compare all of the answers at the moment to see what I can add that they don't already have
@user56656 Just do blurry pictures of memes
@cairdcoinheringaahing For a second, I thought you were saying your username was going to be "facefloor"
@mbomb007 How about every pair of two characters occurs exactly twice.
I'm programming in a BF-like language. So if it's difficult to program in BF, it may not be worth the effort.
Is it possible for unicode to have a null byte in it's data at ALL?
besides the actual NULL character
unicode doesn't define the bytes
if you are doing something like UTF-32, then absolutely
the null byte is 8 zeros, and with UTF-32, every character has 4 bytes, many of them with tons of zeros
Working with UTF-8
@Riker ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I'm going to suspect that the answer is yes, but I don't know of an example
@flawr at this point just link to the actual post. sheesh
A: Can UTF-8 contain zero byte?

paxdiabloYes, the zero byte in UTF8 is code point 0, NUL. There is no other Unicode code point that will be encoded in UTF8 with a zero byte anywhere within it. The possible code points and their UTF8 encoding are: Range Encoding Binary value ----------------- -------- ------------------...

Ok, good.
That means that i can encode any string within the string delmiter that has no NULL. (Working on a thing)
@Poke too late:/
@user56656 oh god why
@flawr ^ lol
@mbomb007 With the stupid mistakes I'm making at the moment, it might as well be
@user56656 Excuse me while I wash my eyes out with bleach
@user56656 Stop it. Get some help.
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