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@Pavel The religion, or the proposal for it?
The religion was created in protest of the teaching of intelligent design in schools.
"If you're going to teach intelligent design, you might as well also teach about the theory that a giant spaghetti monster subtly alters our perceptions to create the illusion of the scientifically consistent reality that we observe, because both ideas are equally plausible"
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarianism. Pastafarianism (a portmanteau of pasta and Rastafarianism) is a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion and opposes the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. According to adherents, Pastafarianism is a "real, legitimate religion, as much as any other". It is legally recognized as a religion in the Netherlands and New Zealand – where Pastafarian representatives have been authorized to celebrate weddings and where the first legall...
> I think we can all look forward to the time when these three theories are given equal time in our science classrooms across the country, and eventually the world; one third time for Intelligent Design, one third time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, and one third time for logical conjecture based on overwhelming observable evidence.
I already knew that, but I'm still not quite sure.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Reflect the ray Ray comes into the mirror-filled rectangular from the left-top angle. Please show where the ray have past. Input will be two numbers indicating length of two adjancent edges. Output the ray path with /, \, X and (space). Input: 1 2 Output: \/ Input: 2 3 Output: \/\ /\...

not what I expected: doorknob rep-capped before dennis and martin in PPCG history
Is "Doorknob" intended to be Door-knob or Doork-nob?
@user202729 Dork-noob
@Riker ?
@moonheart08 moral of the story: don't manually copypaste 265 tokens...
@moonheart08 why did you even do it manually
@user202729 huh?
@ASCII-only cuz i'm insane, and i had them documented in a libreoffice doc lol
@moonheart08 copy -> paste into text editor -> regex replace
@ASCII-only As it's not a power of 2...
@user202729 and?
@user202729 10bit encoding
and i didn't finish all the symbols
@user202729 Charcoal uses an unfinished codepage too
Hmm would the answers on the text to brain-flak question benefit from better integer golfing?
Of course, yes.
How can you be so sure...
@user202729 dork-noob is teh proper name iirc
Isn't it essentially the same? (this one is "golf multiple integers")
@Riker :| my life is a lie
@user202729 Wouldn't it be 10000000000% golfier if the answers checked for sequences and deltas as well
@Riker ninja'd
I will never look at the starboard the same way again ... >_<
@Zacharý why
I spent ~3 hours ripping stars and glue off of the ceiling of a house we're moving into...
@Zacharý I'd just learn to like them, tbh. But whatever.
If I were a mod (never going to happen) I'd probably be able to spend more time destarring.
@Zacharý *clearing stars
Meh, terminology and jargon
Room owners can clear stars as well.
Or a room owner of a frequently visited room, which isn't going to happen either (most likely(
CMP: DeclarePublicStatic... or DeclareStaticPublic? (Jagony)
Who the hell writes static public
Sorry, wasn't thinking
Now, if only I had as many stars on TNB as I had in that house, it's somewhere around 50 or so ...
0/10 starbait
I'm trying to write a language in python, and I'm attempting to use unicode characters in it, but I have no idea how to identify a string of unicode characters as such.
@ASCII-only I was aware of github.com/primaryobjects/AI-Programmer :) what I intend is to give the next step forward! (not sure it will work though)
there was another one I think that was linked that was more sophisticated
@tfbninja Use python 3.:p
Does too many flag declined cause "flag ban" or something?
I have completed a brainfuck interpreter in C today, it's a start I guess...
I've been thinking of switching to another esoteric language but haven't found anything that quite fits the bill
Still, I doubt it would work. Doesn't sound very feasible, consider that we take a lot of time writing BF programs.
yesterday, by NieDzejkob
@user202729 forth?
my big issue with BF is that it has some inefficient operations
@user202729 Consider that it doesn't involve "variables", and it can be efficient.
like comparing two one-cell integers is painfully slow (~255), and comparing multi-cell is O(n^2), where n is cells
@user202729 do you mean writing the genetic algorithm in brainfuck is infeasible:
? or that it won't be able to modify itself
CMP: Should Jagony's variant type be called Variable or Property?
I think variables and properties are different things
Properties have a getter and setter
Where can I see my total flag count for all se sites?
I'll just name it Property ... seems more object-y...
@Zacharý If it's a member of an object it's a Field
Will anything explode if I fdopen() the same fd twice
@Downgoat Apparantly it's undefined behaviour. In practice it doesn't explode but is stroungly discouraged.
@ngn thanks for the note, I did miss H.PWiz's comment
@Pavel huh ok
I guess I'll dup for VSL STL
What's the method that's called immediately after __init__ in Python? IIRC, there's one that does that
I don't think there is, but there is __new__ which is called before __init__.
dang it...
But why do you need that?
That way I don't have to rewrite the __init__ code for each of my classes for Jagony, guess I'll have to do that... eh, it's only two lines.
... And why do you need to do that?
(have multiple classes with the same __init__)
'coz I totally forgot about OOP when designing an OOP language (esoteric)
Redesign it.
I changed the __init__ methods around. It's fine now
someone tell npm to not uninstall all other modules when i install a new one
how is npm this broken
it's open source and probably millions of people use it
this is nothing compared to the time npm devs pushed out release that bricks all linux machines
you'd think someone would have made it be less crap by now
@Downgoat Yeah I remember
But it feels like npm is constatnly fucking up one way or the other
I can't even run npm at all anymore. It just errors
Well, I fixed it.
But as it turns out, npm i -g npm will break npm if it's also managed by a classic package manager
@Pavel npm devs are pretty out of touch with reality. They closed one PR that resulted in 200ms speed increase per function call as 'that isnt a big speed increase' despite the fact that that one function might be called 100s of times
@Downgoat That is a massive speed increase, even for one call...
someone should write npm but better
Or just fork it
@Pavel It's too much of a terrible monstrosity to fork it
yeah probably
... does __getattr__ stop all the special methods (i.e. operator overloading) from working?
Q: Returning to main menu from another inner menu using c++

RohanI thought of making a sort of Point Of Sales (POS) program. So, as you open the program, a menu (the main menu) would open-up which is a scrolling menu (you can move up & down to select an item in the menu with the arrow keys) and the items in it are like "Start business day", "Stats", "Inventory...

@Zacharý ... no
... kill me
@Zacharý why would it
I keep getting a key error with __coerce__, which I never called once
@ASCII-only yarn is a thing
ive never used it though
@Downgoat I have a little bit.
@Downgoat different registry
It's almost a drop-in replacement for npm as it uses the same package.json
Let's try extending object...
Different, more explanatory error this time
@recursive of course? why would it do something less convenient
@ASCII-only bower is also a package manager, and they found a reason. i dunno.
@Real next step?
@recursive but bower uses npm?
@recursive also bower is for web modules?
afaik it does not use package.json
@recursive well of course? bower is for modules on webpages, not node modules
it's just an example of something that uses something other than package.json
@recursive yeah but we're looking for npm alternatives
Many packages on npm are for web pages.
Anyway, I've used it a little, and yarn seems good. That's all.
@recursive Sure, but not all, and not all web-related packages are on npm...
Not all of anything is on anything. I wasn't trying to say anything controversial.
@recursive yes, I'm just saying bower doesn't have most npm modules so it's not really an alternative to npm
I wasn't promoting it as an npm alternative, but as a javascript package manager that does not use package.json, only to prove that such a thing is possible.
@recursive Of course... but that isn't what we're talking about
ok, then i'm off topic. i'll stop now.
@recursive Also, it doesn't use package.json because the registry is really different
Basically so you can use bower and npm/yarn at the same time
Doesn't yarn use npm under the hood
@Pavel probably not since it's faster?
@Pavel Kinda sorta ish
@ASCII-only what yarn actually does is it downloads every yarn module on your computer so it just needs to copy it locally rather than download iirc
@Downgoat yes. but i'm sure yarn install is faster too
like as in it doesn't spend a million years walking dependency tree
@ASCII-only this is why knowing CS beyond how to install react™ is important
@Downgoat :| would not be surprised if only thing npm devs knew was how to install react
Well I don't
I tried npm i -g react and it failed
@ASCII-only believe it or not, some dont know what a link tag is
because they actually load CSS using react
i wish i was joking
react is the new jquery except this time react knows your ssn
how does that even
and how does it know your ssn
@Pavel because companies like google are passing your ssn around through react
and its 10000 dependencies, 9999 of which are probably run by sketchy npm accounts who can replace a dependency with a malicious one and no one would ever know
17 total deps, including react itself
that is because you haven't loaded babel/babel-polyfill yet
I see
this is one babel module
You know I'm guessing other package managers don't have fancy dependency graph views like npm
Dependency Hell in 5D, Coming several years ago
@Downgoat That is literally worse than the dependency relations between every library Clean has. ftp.cs.ru.nl/Clean/builds/dependencies.png
I'm just going to post my code to bitbucket, NO clue what's wrong with it,
@Pavel this is by someone else not npm
@Pavel do you really think npm devs would be able to do this
What I'm saying is that other package managers don't need one becuase they don't have dependency hell
@Pavel yes they do...
which scripting language package manager doesn't...
the dependency tree for sass doesn't even fit in my browser window: npm.anvaka.com/#/view/2d/node-sass
@ASCII-only vsl :(
well VSL doesn't have a package registry
module system is based off submodules which gives same power but 100x simpler
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 11, in <module>
    print U._eval()
  File "/home/zachary/Jagony/jagonyObject.py", line 10, in _eval
    return self.__dict__["_fn"]()
  File "/home/zachary/Jagony/jagonyObject.py", line 14, in <lambda>
    return Jagony_Object("$CHAIN", lambda: self._eval() + "\n" + obj._eval())
  File "/home/zachary/Jagony/jagonyObject.py", line 10, in _eval
    return self.__dict__["_fn"]()
  File "/home/zachary/Jagony/jagonyObject.py", line 12, in <lambda>
MCVE please.
(this is not Stack Overflow right?)
What is self.__dict__["_fn"]? What is Jagony_Object?
THe problem is ... I have NO IDEA what's causing the error, you can follow the bitbucket link.
Answer my question ^^ please.
I just want to ask in case I missed something utterly stupid.
self.__dict__["fn"] is the string-function of a Jagony_Object (or anything descended from it). It basically handles transpilation into Python
(as in this case, either the lambda: or the self.__dict__["_fn"] is the problematic one)
Is lambda: self.__dict__["_fn"](p) parsed as (lambda: self.__dict__["_fn"])(p) (obviously an error) or lambda: (self.__dict__["_fn"](p)) in Python?
@Zacharý pls don't use __dict__ as property name...
The latter.
It's accessing the __dict__ directly, it's not the property name
@Zacharý the problem is simple... your lambda doesn't take an argument...
But why not just self._fn?
@Zacharý hmm pls don't
Which lambda?!
(I'm not sure, what does Jagony_Object do with its second argument?)
@user202729 Sets the ._fn property to it.
@ASCII-only I have to (at least sometimes): Jagony_Object creates properties upon reference if they are not available.
@Zacharý but ._fn should always be there...
I thought it would go in an infinite loop.
@Zacharý __getattr__ is only called if the property isn't found...
@Zacharý plus what stops __dict__ from becoming an infinite loop...
... that doesn't fix my problem though...
@ASCII-only ... MAGIC (thx, I'll change that after I get my code to work.)
Just throwing out that this answer needs some attention - at the very least an edit, maybe more - and I do not know where to start
in the duck duck goose challenge, is it okay if i print a text that contains the newline characters?
@TaylorScott @WheatWizard I can just type shutdown now on my machine without the need to prepend sudo. Does it?
like, in my window, they are not printed in separate lines. However, if you copy paste them in notepad or something, then they are shown in different lines
@ManishKundu How can it even work...? How can copy and paste magically add newlines?
@TaylorScott But then, it's obviously invalid.
umm wait i will upload on youtube
@ManishKundu wat.
> Any answers just initiating a reboot or halt will be disqualified.
Anyone know of a way to (possibly) prove that there exists / does not exist a factor = 2 mod 5 of a composite number = 1 mod 5? (for Abstract rewriting CnR)
(apart from factoring?)
7 is a factor of 21
if i understood the question.
is it allowed? it actually prints newline but mirc doesnt interpret it as a line break so output is shown in same line.
I have a feeling I'm going to start over for the second time on my code...
@recursive yeah but how to prove without factoring
Multiply the factor by 3? It's not factoring. It's multiplying!
It kind of sounds like "do X without doing X" to me.
@ManishKundu I don't know. I guess so? Since the newline is there.
@recursive no... the actual number is way too big to factor...
Last 2 days to enter IOCCC 25!
@Real does this have anything to do with what you were trying to do with brainfuck? primaryobjects.com/2013/01/27/…
what would be the equivalent of [[[c]+[0]*n for c in r] for r in m] without using a list comprehension? That is just using a for loop
Q: How to study Data Structures and Algorithms for Programming

Purusharth VermaI am a first year Computer Science Undergrad student.I started competitive programming about five months ago.I have a working knowledge of C,C++ and a bit of a stronghold on Java from the OOP perspective.I have been spending my time on competitive programming sites like Codechef, Hackerearth, Hac...

I mean z = [[[c]+[0]*n for c in r] for r in m]
1 hour later…
I'm not very surprised by the author of the new "Is this a scam?" trending question on Money SE
@Fatalize Link?
Q: Is this broker a scam?

kenorbI was contacted by a 'broker' in January, they said they're based in Switzerland (I'm based in the UK), and they asked to invest some money (as minimum as $1000). They told me that my platform would be connected to the main one, so I will automatically follow the manual trades opened by professi...

@Fatalize why are you not surprised
kenorb is a well-known SE crank, conspirationist, etc. etc.
@Lembik Why, if the list comprehension is shorter better?
@user202729 just out of interest
and to make it easier to translate to another language
Also -- I expect everyone on PPCG with at least 1 answer and at least 1 reputation to be able to solve that.
Still... prepare the array z. Loop over the array m, 2 nested loops. Use append method of list.
but I don't like the use of append
Select all + CtrlK to format please.
that sadly doesn't work for me
Is a.append(b) or a+=[b] better? ... (the former should be faster)
@Lembik Then prepend 4 spaces.
it removes the spaces!
@Lembik Are you using tabs?
I give in :)
you get the point
Are you using the correct newline?
I suppose for me it makes sense to initialize the matrix first to all 0s
(and what's the code?)
but thanks.. I have to try to get some c++ code to run now :)
(try using the sandbox chat room to format things)
good point!
btw for the cops vs robbers challenge, fibonacci series shouldn't be easy to crack..
I believe. Because recursion apparently seems the shortest way possible :P
hmm... codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/157980/9206 always gives me the output 0
@Lembik Try with [[1,1],[1,1]] (should return 1)
right.. it doesn't
I think the problem is in the way I am running it
I am running it with ./miles < matrix.txt
does that look right?
What's there in matrix.txt?
({@}miles Come on, compilers can optimize better than you... why manually unroll loops? Is it really faster?)
@user202729 it is a file I put [[1,1],[1,1]] into
it can't cope with spaces
tr saved the day
anyone knows Roda?
@ManishKundu kinda
1 hour later…
"Every Q&A site has its own theme." cough coughMego 14 hours ago
TBF the anime theme is probably hard to do
But ours on the other hand…
@Fatalize Does anime have a theme other than custom favicon?
@Adám They don't - that's the point. They've been waiting for 5 (6?) years now
Well no but it should
@Mego Seems like they graduated in September 2015?
You can read on their graduation annoucement: "In the coming months, the site will receive a full design from one of our designers" LUL
@Fatalize 2014/02/05, so 4 years. Less than I thought, but still a long time
@Fatalize I was looking at this. Not sure where that 2014 date came from
Maybe they're even worse than for us and it took them a year and a half to just post the announcement on meta
That's entirely possible
Maybe it got pseudo-announced, revoked, and then re-announced
Because 2015 was when SE started design-independent graduation
So 2014 was probably "hey you're eligible for graduation so we'll start working on a design", and then in 2015 they went "screw the design, you guys can just go ahead and graduate"
That might be it
@Adám Translation: "ask your crappy opinion-based questions somewhere else"
@Adám well they only have 3.5k rep
I'm confused about CR's policy on "opinion-based"…
@Adám link pls
@ASCII-only Tour, about 1/3 way down.
@Adám Well, it's not on-topic for Stack Overflow. You can either choose to not asking or asking on a bad forum, whichever way you think is better.
@Adám I think most sites are not customized enough.
@user202729 better worse
hey there are currently 2018 undeleted answers in the Sandbox :D
This should definitely help learning Jelly! Also congratulations on being a sandbox challenge which makes the total number of proposed challenges (not including deleted ones) 2018 in the year 2018. — Weijun Zhou 21 hours ago
Q: Checking a value in c

user466720I want to know how to check a value in a array in C. I used if condition and it didnt work. Int num_array[ 3] ={1,2,3}; for(int i = 0; i<3;i++){ If(num_array[i] == 1){ Printf("yes\n"); } } this the part of the code.why this is not true. If anyone know tell me a way to do this.i am a very new cod...

Q: Vote delegations

DorianVote delegations Based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delegative_democracy. Problem So you have in input a tree of delegations and votes for products, e.g. 5 A B C D E 3 A -> B B -> C D -> C 3 A +1 C -1 E +1 And you output should be the number of votes for the product: -1 A votes +1, s...

Some sandbox feedback please? Preferably if you don't know Jelly.
Q: Solve the busy beaver

l4m2Given a number n, solve BB(n) (the maximum number of 1s finally on the tape, among all halting 2-symbol n-state Turing machines with tape of zeros). To solve the problem, you are given an extra function, which solves the halting problem in your language. However, there can't be any I/O operation...

@Adám The "recommendations are opinion-based" rule of SO is dumb as hell anyway
When I ask how to implement X, it's also opinion-based as you find multiple different answers to the same problem, and all of them say they are the best one
@Potato44 yes thanks, I'm working on an extension of that idea, although I'm writing it from scratch. I should contact the author sometime... i still don't know if what I'm doing will work anyway
> all of them say they are the best one
They don't really "say" so...
I forgot how awful chat.SE is without userscripts...
No problem, OP removed.
Is this ready for VTRO? (there are some formatting problem, for example (4n+4)2n)
Can anyone who knows how to computer security take a look at the conversation starting at chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/43377374#43377374
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pfgYour task is to create a program which outputs a program... which outputs the input to the original program. The first program should take an alphabetical input (/^[A-Za-z]+$/) and return something that can be run in another programming language to either output another program or output the stri...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Magic Octopus UrnNumbers are Based in Words Given one of the following bases b (as a string): Binary | (2) | [0-1] Ternary | (3) | [0-2] Quaternary | (4) | [0-3] Quinary | (5) | [0-4] Senary | (6) | [0-5] Octal | (8) | [0-7] Decimal | (10) | [0-9] Duodecimal |...

I just have to reboot computer to Windows just to copy a file to an android...
I made a simple script compressor for Pepe some time ago, but it has a lot of repeating characters. Pepe uses a separator for commands and it is required in the compressed code, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to differentiate them. Any ideas how can I improve it? ex. REeE REeE RE REEEEE Reee is compressed to ZdZdZ3Z1sZ8. You can see the amount of "Z" in the compressed string... ._.
Also note that there are two different separators: R and r, which are compressed into Z and z.
What are you currently doing?
That's too vague to even try to suggest how to improve.
(Arithmetic encoding? Base95?)
@Soaku Do you have a target character set? printable ascii? SBCS? letters?
@recursive Printable ASCII that are valid in URL
what are languages that claim to be really fast other than c/c++/nim/fortran and rust?
thanks :)
@moonheart08 use triple -
it would be really great to get some more answers to
Q: Calculate the Hafnian as quickly as possible

LembikThe challenge is to write the fastest code possible for computing the Hafnian of a matrix. The Hafnian of a symmetric 2n-by-2n matrix A is defined as: Here S2n represents the set of all permutations of the integers from 1 to 2n, that is [1, 2n]. The wikipedia link also gives a different loo...

I think assembly would be hard...but feel free to give it a go
I suppose one could take compiled C and tweak the assembly by hand
or just implement a function in assembly and call it from C
oh god. a site i help run is in the crossfire of routing problems. This'll be fun.
Every command is an R or r followed by string of E's and e. Right now, I'm splitting the string on r's, with them in the result (REErEE is REE and rEE). Every R/r is changed into Z/z. E's are changed into binary. (E = 1, e = 0) and converted into base 35. This way commands cannot collide and every character in [0-9a-z] is used. I could make use of uppercase letters too, but what with the numbers?
You can try putting random code into the text box on soaku.github.io/Pepe and see what is the result.
updated question with a call
there must be other fast languages
the R16K1S60 is fast. Grand total of 60 clock cycles per second!!!1!!1!11
I am disappointed pypy + python is so much slower than haskell
I'm impressed with repl.it. The site now supports multiple files as well as image output, and libraries like matplotlib
@Mr.Xcoder Hi
@mbomb007 Though it’s still utterly unresponsive on mobile...
Yeah, it's pretty slow
Also I kinda dislike their permalink system.
Gtg now o/
@mbomb007 -1, doesn't have Jelly :(
Meh. Who cares about Jelly
@mbomb007 -1 has literally about 15 times fewer languages thatn TIO
TIO doesn't support infinite input
On any of them
But it does support SNOBOL
It has 5 "esoteric" languages?
God bless at least TIO is compatible with Python’s STDIN
Why wouldn't it be
> Python3: A dynamic language emphasizing readability.
Sounds about right
@cairdcoinheringaahing clearly they have no idea what code golfing is.
@Pavel PyCharm PE isn’t, for example
Hmm, I'm not sure they've ever been here, Python is never clear on PPCG :P
It is dynamic and it isn't perl
@cairdcoinheringaahing "Beautiful is better than ugly." - Zen of Python
ಠ_ಠ Also, it doesn't have Prolog
Two prologs > No prologs
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