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00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

Question: are the following assumptions safe even with weird IEEE floating point behavior with edge cases like nan, infinity, etc?

    x >= y -> x > y || x == y
    x <= y -> x < y || x == y
    x != y -> !(x == y)
I think so...
@ASCII-only why is tokenizer do this :|
vsl::asts> let issub = 1
Syntax Error: expected identifier after assignment (1:4)

    > 1 | let issub = 1
        |     ^^
because that is "is subclass" operator?
@ASCII-only no
there is only is operator
another example:
vsl::asts> let forgoat = 1
Syntax Error: expected identifier after assignment (1:4)

    > 1 | let forgoat = 1
        |     ^^^
@Downgoat I think NaN is an exception to that last one?
@Downgoat wat.
@quartata Nope
I tried it, NaN !== NaN is true
@ASCII-only pls tell how should fix this problem
@ASCII-only I wouldn't exactly trust JS on that
hmm idk
@quartata I'd trust JS to at least follow IEEE though
gotta go to the standard
@ASCII-only I wouldn't
spotty track record tbh
The thing is NaN isn't equal to itself, but still any pair of numbers is either equal or unequal, not both or neither.
@quartata then trust rust
@quartata I doubt that JS developers reimplement their own number system.
^ they aren't smart enough to do this
@ASCII-only :/ idk how to efficiently fix
@Downgoat what type is it parsing as
@ASCII-only meaning?
vsl::lex> forgoat
[ { value: 'for' }, [ 'goat', 6] ]
6 = identifier
that should not happen
you probably bork
no it should not
@ASCII-only ಠ_ಠ
i unborked
because all word literals are replaced with /\bword\b/
idk if i borked while unboroking
@ASCII-only where does this happen?
@ASCII-only where do i look
link the line?
@ASCII-only that won't work anyway since we support unicode Identifiers
@Downgoat but that is for keyword?
just test for \w+ and add \b at the end
found workaround:
function kw(name) {
    return new RegExp(`${name}(?=$|[^\\p{L}\\d])`, 'u');
that works too
feels really slow though
@ASCII-only slow meaning will take long time to execute
@Downgoat well isn't identifier regex equally slow
it's not matching against 3KB unicode regex
@Downgoat because it is 3kb unicode regex?
at least last time i checked
oh i see what you m ean
Why is 3kb of unicode regex a thing?
@Οurous because JS doesn't support \p{L}
@Downgoat ... Why do you have a 3KB regex...?
babel team is so incompetent they seriously think a 200ms speed slowdown per regex is 'not an important change'
@user202729 ...
Can anyone check my minesweeper implementation for any bugs? I want to solve this challenge, and I'm implementing my own version of the program given.
... I can't implement Tarjan's strongly connected component algorithm correctly ...
@Qwerp-Derp (code-review) [0 for _ in range(x)] is the same as [0]*x because 0 is immutable.
@Qwerp-Derp neighbors looks nasty
and doesn't exclude self.
@ASCII-only It does, I used to have this inside two nested for loops (and I didn't want 4 nested for's), will change into two for loops.
Hmm, man man reports that man seraches through sections in the order 1 1p 8 2 3 3p 4 5 6 7 9 0p n l p o 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x but then goes on to explain that the sections are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.
@Qwerp-Derp no as in you don't need two ranges for 8 cells...
@ASCII-only Writing out the 8 cells would be worse.
@user202729 why?
just store the offsets: [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]
longer but doesn't seem as bad imo
> Exact rendering may vary depending on the output device. For instance, man will usually not be able to render italics when running in a terminal, and will typically use underlined or coloured text instead.
@ASCII-only Fixed it to that instead
When will man not be outputing to a terminal?
If you pipe it into a process or file, it won't be able to do italics there either.
@Pavel when it outputs to a virtual console?
but definitely when outputting to HTML...
Oh actually that's a good point
If you look up the online man pages
@ASCII-only I'm looking at the VSL docs (or at least trying to look at them anyway). Why don't you host this on GitBook or github.io or something like that?
@Qwerp-Derp wait. VSL docs are in markdown?
@ASCII-only IDK, did you guys write the docs in pure HTML+CSS+JS?
@Qwerp-Derp JSDoc
I'm working on a new esolang of mine
@ASCII-only In any case, it would still be better to host the docs on github.io
I can't access the docs on c9
I just spent that last hour trying to write a divisibility test, before realizing that this language is so terrible I can't even get that to work
@Qwerp-Derp huhwhat?
what's the problem
File '/docs/index.html' could not be found
You thought brain-flak was hard to write, just wait until I release this abomination into the world
@DJMcMayhem well it can't be worse than malbolge
@DJMcMayhem Is it minimalistic or just really crazy
The goal is to provide slightly more features than brain-flak (like integer literals, strings, mathematical symbols, etc.) but then make the memory and control-flow as minimalist as possible
sigh Studying for a half-yearly exam right now... the subject is so boring that 10 minutes of studying sucks the soul out of me
And un fortunately the control flow and memory are actually the same thing
@DJMcMayhem So basically BrainFlak + more features + Brian&Chuck (mix of memory and control flow)?
I've never used brian&chuck
@Qwerp-Derp what subject is this O_o
@ASCII-only Information Processes and Technology
why are you even doing it then
@Qwerp-Derp also what do you mean by boring
@ASCII-only Doing it because I've already invested a year into this and because it's a HSC subject
@ASCII-only It's boring because the content is outdated, the subject itself is pretty much counterproductive in the outside world in most cases, and the subject is pretty much just rote memorisation
You can't apply any of the knowledge, it's one of those "mindlessly absorb knowledge and spit it out on a test paper" sort of subjects, except the knowledge is business-y stuff which I don't find engaging at all
As well as that, when I came in to the subject I thought it was going to be a cool programming subject (seeing the "information" and "technology" bit) but instead I got bogged down with stupid business-y stuff
So the disappointment of it all is another reason for me hating the subject I guess
@Qwerp-Derp (another code review) Why do you need (tile[0], tile[1]) while you can write tile?
@user202729 Did not catch that, fixed!
@DJMcMayhem O_o More tarpitish than Brain-Flak?
@ASCII-only goat news: short circut works :DD
@Downgoat :D
VSL should be TC and like nicely TC now not like turing tarpit TC
only problem is you can't print integers/floats Q_Q
not sure how to solve problem, feel free to add to STL though: github.com/vsl-lang/libvsl/blob/master/src/print.vsl#L10
@Downgoat oh yeah qwerp derp can't access docs
@feersum I think that there is a way to crack it without factoring it. After all, there are 4 users who upvoted it, and proving that it's a composite is so easy...
@ASCII-only what docs?
@Downgoat vsl
@user202729 how to prove it's a composite though...
@ASCII-only yeah had to put down server for a little bit while hardware upgrade
@ASCII-only Try it online!
(why is the cops thread get much more upvotes than the robbers thread? Because it's votes)
@ASCII-only should be back up
@ASCII-only should I add if cond: statement syntax
seems like good idea
that way this:;
func factorial(n: Int) -> Int {
    if n == 1 { return 1 }
    else { return factorial(n - 1) * n }
can become:
func factorial(n: Int) -> Int {
    if n == 1: return 1
    else: return factorial(n - 1) * n
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DanTheManI wrote the following question then found this question. Is it similar enough to mine that mine would be considered a duplicate? Recursive Prime Multiplicative Base I've been thinking about this idea for months now, and, as far as I have been able to find, nobody else has thought of it. Please ...

will add ternary tomorrow very late in #westcoastbestcoast rn
also more good news is that function is very well optimized:
; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone
define i32 @"factorial.$228"(i32) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
  %1 = icmp eq i32 %0, 1
  br i1 %1, label %true, label %else

true:                                             ; preds = %else, %entry
  %accumulator.tr.lcssa = phi i32 [ 1, %entry ], [ %3, %else ]
  ret i32 %accumulator.tr.lcssa

else:                                             ; preds = %entry, %else
  %.tr2 = phi i32 [ %2, %else ], [ %0, %entry ]
  %accumulator.tr1 = phi i32 [ %3, %else ], [ 1, %entry ]
(removed, too)
If your program gets wrong answer on a huge test case, what would you do?
In the recursion challenge I am allowed to use my own created integer series right?
@ManishKundu Yes.
@betseg I couldn't register on firefox, it works on chrome though
CMP: Do you prefer 0-indexing or 1-indexing?
@user202729 forth?
@user202729 1-indexing? What is this heresy?
And what would you do if you need to solve a problem that requires the other?
@user202729 0-indexed, and add or subtract one.
@Οurous Yes I often do that, and it's terrible to debug.
Next question: Then how do you usually debug your program?
@user202729 0-indexing.
(as I often find myself forgetting to "add one before print debug information" or "subtract one when set breakpoint"...)
@user202729 depends, but in most cases, if I can get away with using printf (i. e. not esolang and not assembly), I use printf
... which is sad if you think about it
@Mr.Xcoder >:D
@user202729 Clean: runtime heap / stack inspection, edge-case-triggered abort-and-dump-memory events. Other languages: Whatever the print function is. If it's C# / C++ in VS, the tracing / debug harness.
If it's a nasty one, I'll read over the IL files. If it's really bad then I have a friend who I go over the assembly with.
(sorry nothing, I just didn't notice the "must", my English is bad)
can this be further golfed? tio.run/##K6gsycjPM9ZNBtP//…
[n-1] -> [-1]?
oh yeah just forgot about that :O
52 bytes (but remove the parameter a)
I am dead now :p
@Οurous re: C#/C++, basically the IDE is such a huge overhead that you should use it anyway
@Οurous for JS I use DevTools too
thankfully 52 isnt a problem cuz my non recursive solution is 44 bytes
@ManishKundu Cracked
thankfully i hadnt posted it :P
you are too fast lol
@user202729 Primality tests are much faster than factoring.
@feersum Yes I know. But if you can use math to find a way to check if it is prime, you can probably use math to (find a way to) check if it has a factor === 2 mod 5?
@user202729 maybe you need to consider a larger mod?
@user202729 *possibly
A: List of bounties with no deadline

caird coinheringaahing50 - 100 rep for Flattening the Cube I posted this challenge in May 2017, and so far my answer is the only one. I'm offering a 50 rep bounty for any answer that outgolfs mine. In addition, I'll raise the amount to 100 rep if your submission is written in either Jelly or Add++, as I've already t...

@cairdcoinheringaahing hmm doesn't seem too hard in Charcoal
Unless I messed something up which I probably did
Is it possible to see who is typing in SE chat?
Yes, there is a userscript called "I am Typing "
And (how) does it work?
@user202729 Why does that matter?
@user202729 new WebSocket("wss://a-ta.co", "typing")
I haven't actually analyzed the jimmy answer, I just assumed it was standard factoring.
@user202729 (you can only see other users of the script type)
@feersum Why doesn't that matter?
If I suppose the puzzle is to find the two prime factors, then I wouldn't care what they are mod 5.
@feersum you need to prove that either there is or there's no factor of the number that is congruent to 2 mod 5 to crack the answer
> there exists a transformation rule if and only if there exists a nontrivial prime factor of X that is congruent to 2 mod 5.
it doesn't matter whether you throw math or computing power at the problem :P
But if there is a factor equal to 2, you're back to square one, right? You still have to know the factor.
> You can do this either by (...) or by proving mathematically that this does, or does not, exist.
@feersum Then you have cracked the answer, as you've proven that there exists a solution.
You're allowed to post answers where the solution does not exist?
@feersum yes...
Huh, interesting.
the challenge is to prove it either way
@feersum ... there had been 2 answers like that.
@NieDzejkob Whichever way that is easier.
yafu factors the smaller number in 2 seconds, but it didn't finish overnight with the larger one
... see? Use math is a better choice.
I'm currently running msieve + ggnfs in the background :P
Also, even if it's possible, probably not before the deadline passed (~a week left?)
reading math.SE to see if I can find anything
If Y mod 5 = Z mod 5 = 1, then Y mod 10 can be either 1 or 6 mod 10, same for Z
Ooh, better check if the number's even!
but the three combinations that have a 6 can't be the solution, because X mod 10 = 1
@NieDzejkob It's odd anyway...
@feersum if it had any factors less than a 1000000, we would know them already
@NieDzejkob links @NieDzejkob to a definition of sarcasm
Yes, some algorithms can detects small prime factors in no time.
@user202729 link pls
@ASCII-only I didn't prove it rigorously but I know it's true (feel free to verify)
@user202729 oh >_> i meant to the submission
@ASCII-only Deleted, on the robbers page.
@ASCII-only here is the cop
@user202729 what's wrong with hyper's robber though
@ASCII-only hyper proves the if part, we might need the only if
Has anyone tried my cop, by the way?
No... <- useless answer, don't read.
I need to build a CPU based on the Mornington Crescent execution model that uses trains for data transfer
I guess I can have some experiment with small semiprimes to see if they has any interesting properties.
hi.. I have my usual problem.. who should I award the bounty to for codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/157049/… ?
the first awesome answer or the one that uses their idea but in C?
@ngn what do you think? :)
@Lembik Definitely the Haskell one imo
Q: Can you say the truth?

Luis felipe De jesus MunozYour task is to create a function that output the truth table of a given expression. The output will be a multidimensional array. Rules Logic symbols to use: implies → if and only if ↔ negation ¬ and ∧ or ∨ First position of array must be the segmented expression Results must be either 1...

@NewMainPosts Deleted...?
CMS: I heard there kind of batteries are not very well known in the US, is that true? (They used to be quite ubiquitous in europe as flash light batteries.)
I remember those. Powered many of my DIY projects. They also lasted about 0.3s.
yes, they were great for tinkering:)
@Mr.Xcoder @Lembik I agree, the Haskell answer deserves it more than mine. Understanding the Swedish paper was the hardest part and I would have probably given up without working code to look at.
The Pyth interpreter seems down :(
@Mr.Xcoder Fixed, someone was probably messing around with it
Probably isaacg :P
I dont't think so
Clicking run n times produces the same result though — Nathanael C. 4 mins ago
Can anyone reproduce this?
ಠ_ಠ We had an extra week of winter break due to snow (yay) and now they want to hold additional classes to "recover the lost courses"... And they scheduled all of them from 7 to 8 and from 14 to 15... So I have to wake up at 5:30 AM and stay 8 hours in school tomorrow :/
that sucks
@Dennis It always produces It is certain for me.
@Dennis It works for me (random values) (The TIO link, not the GO playground one)
@Mr.Xcoder Just checking: the TIO link?
No, the Go Playground
And to make things worse... They scheduled German and Romanian classes, which we already had tomorrow... So 3 Romanian classes and 2 German :( yuck
Hey, German is nothing to yuck at. :P
2 German lessons would be great for me :P
Yeah but having 2 of a kind... 4 days in a row does suck
We're going to have 8 German classes instead of 4 this week.
And even worse... On Tuesday we have History...
I think I'll just boycott that class
And lol I just noticed we have Romanian and Maths scheduled at the same time on Wednesday haha
@Dennis Can't reproduce.
Anyone up for a game of Spyfall?
Reading the rules take time... I won't.
@user202729 Come on :)... We can wait.
I don't think we have a choice anyway
In fact, we really need more people
Q: Can you understand what this code does? (Or should do)
@cairdcoinheringaahing But it's your language...
@user202729 What's your point?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't
Where can I find the source code of the TIO interpreters? (some TIO language links go to esolangs page)
So... a git clone is executed every time someone run something? ...
Sounds terribly inefficient...
No, those are setup scripts.
They're executed when the server is built or when a language needs to be updated.
What does the sss (a function in Jelly source) stand for?
I think it was Short String Shortener.
Q: Make a hammer animation

PythonDude29The Goal Is To Make A Two Frame Animation With ASCII Art of a hammer Smashing something. Lowest Byte Count Wins For Each Language!

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fəˈnɛtɪkDrunkard's Journey Home In this challenge you are to write a program which simulates a drunkard stumbling his way home from the bar. Input: The input will be an adjacency matrix (representing a directed graph) which represents paths the drunkard can take. At each location, the drunkard will ch...

Q: Fibbonaci Sequence

sirtomato999This challenge is simple. Write a program that prints out the fibbonaci sequence, each number separated by newlines. Shortest answer for each language wins. Ex. Output: 1 1 3 5 8 ...

Q: Can you retract a reopen vote? If so, how?
The stackexchange app can't open long pages, or the sandbox. That kinda sucks
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stefan OctavianThe Ascii Labyrinth Challange: Given a map of a Labyrinth consisting of the characters '+', '-', '|' , ';', ' ', '\n' and '>' only (see description bellow), write a program that finds the starting position, prints "I", then walks through the labyrinth until he finds the exit, printing all the di...

Q: Should I add a 'version select' flag in a language (like Perl's -M<version>)?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Make it only support versions without bugs
> version without bugs
> without bugs
nice one
@Riker That was a nice way of saying: No :P
@Mr.Xcoder They're not bugs, they're features :P
Does anyone here know how to use Python's argparse module?
Q: Decompose Polynomials

flawrGiven an integral polynomial of degree strictly greater than one, completely decompose it into a composition of integral polynomials of degree strictly greater than one. Details An integral polynomial is a polynomial with only integers as coefficients. Given two polynomials p and q the composi...

@cairdcoinheringaahing yes
what do you need help with?
Is there a way to specify the 'value' of a flag e.g. --version=10? The examples say stuff like --flag value but that doesn't really look as nice
@cairdcoinheringaahing: Looking at some old code of mine, I think .add_argument('-v','--version',metavar='VERSION',type=int,help='specify version of foo') should work.
This could be used as ./main.py -v 10 or ./main.py --version=10..
@BMO Yep, that worked like a charm. Thanks!
No worries, glad I could help
1 hour later…
@cairdcoinheringaahing sorry, left before you responded :/
(still afk)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Erik the OutgolferSplit the wagons! code-golf parsing In some variants of APL, a tacit function, or a train, consists of several functions next to each other. Your task is, given a train, to separate the different functions it consists of. The symbols you will be given and their meanings are: F: Function O: Dy...

"afk": at f<insert whatever here> keyboard
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes Charcoal is 100% argparse (not really but CLI is)
@Zacharý "at friend's keyboard"

 Jagony Development

Development for the Object-Oriented-Esoteric Language Jagony: ...
meant to use the sandbox to convert imgur to stack.imgur, wrong tab
00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

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