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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

@Riker why do you appear to have two separate stack exchange accounts
@Riker really the only person that can make it look fun is star and jerma
which says a lot since that's like having to use a nuclear weapon
rounding errors...
not again
stop having gaps!!!
@DJMcMayhem I suggest adding "as the question is off-topic, I suggest deleting it". Or delete it immediately?
@DestructibleLemon What is this?
a 3d thing i'm making
also the bugs seem to have no causal relation to the updates i make and it makes me mad
@DestructibleLemon good job 10/1-
@DestructibleLemon 1. what's with the yellow rectangle 2. the bottom of the red cylinder is the wrong color 3. the rest of the cylinders have no bottom 4. how did you even mess this up >_> <_<
5. why don't you just draw the ellipse in one go
@Mr.Xcoder C (gcc), 26 bytes: f(A,B){A=!(A&B)&!(!A&!B);}
@ASCII-only i have no idea why it's happening
I'm trying to optimise it and then bam everything stops working
@DestructibleLemon ...
I have no idea where the bottom ellipses went
no offense but you must have done something wrong if things break when you're trying to optimize
I removed the checking whether a bottom ellipse should be drawn and it hasn't come back
what the frick
@DestructibleLemon do you draw the bottom ellipse at all
pls gist
@DestructibleLemon in the right place?
wait i figured it out
this wouldn't have happened if i had version control or soemthing idk
@DestructibleLemon yes. >_> please use VCS like a normal person. ty very much.
version control❌ | cmd-z⭕️
@DestructibleLemon ...
bah, I just golfed 3 bytes off codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/156714 but he's deleted it so I can't comment
I used the circle because a tick was not in the emoji button
@ASCII-only i do use version control when using github though
but when it's just on my computer i don't
that reminds me of the time i did rm -rf on my project
@DestructibleLemon Ctrl-Z just pushes nano in the background...
whoops wrong one
ugh more rounding errors
that should be one cylinder
no gaps
why do you do this to me rounding
@DestructibleLemon how do you manage to split that into two rectangles in the first place...
@ASCII-only it's for the painting order
@DestructibleLemon but that doesn't matter unless you have cylinders going through each other?
they're drawn separately, but imo it shouldn't be unwarranted to be annoyed that their values do not match
@ASCII-only no, it definitely matters
@DestructibleLemon when would it
@ASCII-only i made an image of this once

 Rubber Duck Debugging

For people who find rubber duck debugging to be a very effecti...
@DestructibleLemon Good point
@Mego I wasn't even referring to that tbh
@DestructibleLemon Well it was a good accidental suggestion
maybe move the ones i was sort of talking about
@DestructibleLemon Eh, since there are more people involved in the cylinders convo, so I'll leave it here
stupid rounding errors
Interesting note: When I try to star Dennis's message saying "Star this", it says "It is too late to undo this operation" even though the star is black and not gold, meaning I don't have it starred. (For context, I starred it and then Dennis cleared the star as a test, and when I tried to re-star, it said "You've already voted but the vote was cleared by a moderator", and now it says I can't "undo the operation" :P)
@HyperNeutrino That means the stars on that message were cleared at some point while you had a star on it.
> For context, I starred it and then Dennis cleared the star as a test
@HyperNeutrino It's well-established that I am bad at reading
I found it interesting that it starts as "you already starred this, can't star again" and then later it becomes "already starred, can't unstar"
@Mego Oh :P Did not know that was an established fact :P
@HyperNeutrino Blame frontend desync
lol okay :P
@DestructibleLemon where
0/10 in Proton 1, return [0] attempts to get the 0th element of return ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino :/
@HyperNeutrino return [0,]?
Oh huh. It works if you remove the semicolon after it, which I didn't include in my previous message.
Semicolons were supposed to be optional in Proton but they seem to cause errors in certain cases when you include them, so........ semicolons are basically timebombs :P
......my code wasn't working earlier and removing all semicolons fixed the whole thing. i don't know how i possibly wrote such a horrible language lol
@HyperNeutrino :|
I wonder when One OEIS After Another will actually die... it's come close a lot of times with close saves by me and user202729 and a few others, but it's never actually died yet :P
@HyperNeutrino Same with the polyglot
I hardly see the two around on the front page but that's because they only need to be active once a week at least.
@ASCII-only That one I'm more surprised about, because firstly it's older, and second, unlike with OEIS, it gets increasingly more difficult the more answers there are (theoretically)
I just spent the longest fucking time trying to get Q# to print Hello World
Also I think my bot account got autodownvoted because I edited it with my main ಠ_ಠ
WTH is that?
@Zacharý quantum .NET language
Well, I wouldn't call it practical
But yeah it's a language based off of F# for doing quantum computing.
DESIGNED to be practical (aka nonesoteric)?
@Zacharý yes
@Pavel well, not yet
What is markdown
@Pavel >_>
@Pavel wrong way
At the very least, it's the only language I've ever encountered where understanding the docs require a physics degree, unless you count Mathematica.
Where are teh dox?
@Zacharý please look it up yourself >_>
@Pavel Well, it is quantum computing
NOPE! Not doing that
Nope. Nope. Nope.
@ASCII-only To be fair, Just Q# doesn't cause anything useful to pop up on any search engine.
Ooh, this looks cool.
plus it's more like an assembly language than a high-level language
@Pavel which is why you search q sharp
@ASCII-only Eh, it's actually a Functional language like F#
time to figure out how to reverse enumerate subsets
@Pavel well, the stdlib is basically low level functions though
Quantifunctional, or dare I say it: Quasifunctional?
@Zacharý It's a superposition of functional and quantum
hi don't mean to unwarrantedly ask for rep but like can a singular person upvote my recent OEIS post? someone/something downvoted my chatbot and now it can't talk :/
I happen to know the guy who designed Q#, I remember him telling me one time that he tried F# and rather liked it. It would seem that this turned out to be a more serious thing than I expected.
(tfw when french)
@HyperNeutrino link pls
@Pavel wait wat.
@ASCII-only There's F#-isms everywhere in Q#
@HyperNeutrino Whoops :p, kinda grew on me somewhat
lol :P or should I say mdr :P
@Pavel no i meant you know the guy that made Q#?!
Oh. Yes I do.
how long do I need to wait before SE realizes my bot account already has 20 rep ಠ_ಠ (shouldiblamecaching.com)
@ASCII-only He has a part-time thing giving high-level math lectures, that I happen to attend.
Coincidences everywhere.
I've known him for what? 6 years?
I've been over at his house a couple times, he and my dad are friends.
TFW Your friend's mom and his brother's godmother are your math and physics teacher next year
@Pavel O_o.
@Pavel ._. ._. ._.
I haven't asked him anything about Q# yet though
@quartata Computing and printing the integers with GMP is actually faster than printing bases and exponents with printf, so I'm doing this.
Maybe Q-you sh(arp)ould!
Making GMP cooperate with Windows will be painful though.
What is GMP?
GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library
Or I could just switch everything to unsigned long.
Can someone come into this room and star the message by NeutrinoBot please tyvm
@Dennis I'm surprised you're supporting windows in FFI in the first place. Building C from the command line on Windows is remarkably annoying.
Windows doesn't just have a /usr/bin/cc, it has the Visual C++ Compiler. The location of which changes depending on your VS version, and isn't preinstalled for most people.
@Pavel I don't actually know if it works on Windows; I haven't tried. gcc should work in more or less the same on Windows though, if present.
Oh! I'm supporting the Windows platform, not its C compiler. I have never used that one.
@Dennis Judging by call(['cc', '-ansi', '-pedantic', '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Wno-unused-variable', '-Werror', '-O2', '-shared', '-fPIC', '-o', so_file.name, c_file.name]) it doesn't, since cc wouldn't be find.
It absolutely has to be run in MinGW or something.
Ah, ok
MinGW is WinGW
(At least for the scrubs known as windows users, because they better scrub their windows clean)
I might be overestimating my script's portability. If you haven't used something (Windows) in 6 years, you start to forget about the differences.
I can totally test it under Mingw
Anyway, having only 32-bit exponents wouldn't make the interpreter unusable, and vastly simplify the generated C code.
I deserved that
@Dennis Doesn't seem to:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Pavel/git/ffi/ffi.py", line 2, in <module>
    from compiler import run
  File "C:\Users\Pavel\git\ffi\compiler.py", line 3, in <module>
    from parser import parse_code, parse_integer
ImportError: cannot import name 'parse_code'
Feb 14 at 4:16, by HyperNeutrino
50 mins ago, by Dennis
@Zacharý Done. Please try to not get banned again.
ಠ_ಠ (assuming that's what you were talking about)
anyway brb o/
OK, while I have compiled C on Windows a couple of times, I actually never used Python.
@Dennis I have no idea why it doesn't work either
I'm using Python 3.6.2
TIO uses 3.6.4, my desktop 3.5.1.
It shoulds work.
I feel like it should.
unsigned long it is.
@Dennis I think I know why:
>>> dir(parser)
['ParserError', 'STType', '__copyright__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', '__version__', '_pickler', 'compilest', 'expr', 'isexpr', 'issuite', 'sequence2st', 'st2list', 'st2tuple', 'suite', 'tuple2st']
Parser is a builtin module
Ah, name conflict. Dang.
On only Windows?
Q: Finding questions to answer

ATMunnI joined PPCG a while ago, and made a few posts, but didn't do much. I find that I have an interesting question that doesn't already have several answers. If I go to the "active" section, most of the questions that show up already have many answers, but if I go to the "unanswered" section, most q...

Never said kicked :p
@Pavel I've made a module called parser and run into this problem before. Twice. Rather annoying.
@NewMetaPosts The #1 reason my rep chart no longer looks exponential but more a sigmoid almost
@Pavel I don't seem to have the package.
Could you try again?
@DestructibleLemon for ppcg and veg.se?
all my accounts are hidden for reasons unrelated to my specific actions on SE, it's an IRL thing
@Riker yeah
@Riker i don't understand
it's kinda personal but tl;dr; it's not anything I do/did, it's some other jerk being annoying across anything he can find me on
@quartata oh god I have completely forgotten about them
@Dennis Docs say it's a builtin. On that note:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Pavel/git/ffi/ffi.py", line 74, in <module>
  File "C:/Users/Pavel/git/ffi/ffi.py", line 70, in ffi
    print_exp = args.print_exp,
  File "C:\Users\Pavel\git\ffi\lib\compiler.py", line 64, in run
    '-O2', '-shared', '-fPIC', '-o', so_file.name, c_file.name
  File "C:\Program Files\Python36\lib\subprocess.py", line 267, in call
    with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as p:
  File "C:\Program Files\Python36\lib\subprocess.py", line 707, in __init__
didn't star or jerma or at least one of them give up on TF2
looks like jerma's semiactive at least?
@Dennis MINGW doesn't come with GCC and I thought MINGW came with GCC. Oops.
Or at least, one of the versions I have
I can't go further than that since I'm not sure how to install GCC on MinGW.
Wouldn't it just be easier to install Windows Subsystem for Linux and your distro of choice?
@Οurous That's not the point. I have Linux, I'm expllicitely testing for Windows
Status update: The other version of MINGW I have installed has gcc as cc but not Python
@Pavel Ahh.
:/ I just realized my custom number types don't have comparison yet
after so many months
@Dennis Wherever you're outputing the generated C file, it's only readable by Admin in Windows
Ugh, I used the tempfile module precisely to avoid these issues.
Actually, not even readable by admin. Permission Denied either way
> Whether the name can be used to open the file a second time, while the named temporary file is still open, varies across platforms (it can be so used on Unix; it cannot on Windows NT or later).
Which is a fairly stupid Windows "Feature", not letting certain files be readable by admin
I want to say that it was literally easier to install the Linux subsystem for Windows than to configure MinGW to be able to "see" Python and GCC at the same time, and that's with already having MinGW installed.
Could you switch to the windows branch and try again?
@Dennis Yes, and no:
cc1.exe: fatal error: C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\tmped8bo9oy.c: Permission denied
compilation terminated.
Right, I have to do the same for the other file.
(I can't get this mingw instance to see git, so I have two completely seperate mingw's running right now)
Again, please?
Getting closer!
C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2lezhn4b.c: In function 'run':
C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2lezhn4b.c:20:9: error: 'SIGPIPE' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'SIGFPE'?
  signal(SIGPIPE, quit);
C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2lezhn4b.c:20:9: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2lezhn4b.c:39:9: error: ISO C does not support the 'I64' ms_printf length modifier [-Werror=format=]
What on Earth does ISO C have to do with ms_printf?
Again, please?
The second error went away
C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9f3vn0kl.c: In function 'run':
C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9f3vn0kl.c:20:9: error: 'SIGPIPE' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'SIGFPE'?
  signal(SIGPIPE, quit);
C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9f3vn0kl.c:20:9: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
Ah, didn't see that one.
Apparantly windows doesn't have a SIGPIPE.
Looks like they do not.
Could you try again?
Back to Python Tracebacks:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/users/Pavel/git/ffi/ffi.py", line 74, in <module>
  File "C:/users/Pavel/git/ffi/ffi.py", line 70, in ffi
    print_exp = args.print_exp,
  File "C:\users\Pavel\git\ffi\lib\compiler.py", line 72, in run
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:\\Users\\Pavel\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpjwb6_dq4.so'
But did it print anything useful?
Output before the traceback, I mean.
That's the only output.
What did you run?
The HW you have on TIO
./ffi code -e3 '2^14 * 3^28' where code is 3/2.
Right, I'm removing before I run.
One last attempt?
Warning: Could not remove temporary file 'C:\\Users\\Pavel\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp9zgq7_81.so'.
o/ \o
.oO ( That looked like angry face instead of high five. )
Really, I didn't do anything. I just happened to have MinGW installed.
It feels like I did though
You you check if it still works? The warning should go away.
Q: Language of the Month for March 2018: Brachylog

DLoscIn accordance with our meta agreement to have a Language of the Month, and since the list of nominations has a single highest-voted entry as February nears its end, I am pleased to announce the very first featured language! Throughout March 2018, our Language of the Month, proposed by Fatalize, w...

@NewMetaPosts TFW you're so excited about starting this new event that you conveniently forget March doesn't start for another 24 hours :P
@Pavel No matter how much effort it was, it was immensely helpful to me.
@Dennis Well, technically, that particular warning did in fact go away.
$ ./ffi code -e3 '2^14 * 3^28'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\users\Pavel\git\ffi\lib\compiler.py", line 75, in run
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'C:\\Users\\Pavel\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp7vppoeyr.so'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/users/Pavel/git/ffi/ffi.py", line 74, in <module>
  File "C:/users/Pavel/git/ffi/ffi.py", line 70, in ffi
    print_exp = args.print_exp,
Whoops. I can't exactly test that here...
Try again, please?
@Dennis Everything worked flawlessly this time.
$ ./ffi code -e3 '2^14 * 3^28'
\o/ Thanks again!
o/ \o
Does MinGW have head?
Is it 42 because that's the meaning of life and Fractran can't output more than a single integer?
@Dennis Yes, all the coreutils
FRACTRAN can output lots of integers, but FFI does't have a character option yet.
@Pavel Sweet. Does ./ffi -p10 -e10 examples/primes09.frac 100 | head work? The removed SIGPIPE was supposed to handle this.
@Dennis It prints 10 values then hangs
Right. :/
And if you remove head and press Ctrl-C?
Then it interrupts normally
Out of curiosity: does it still work?
I'll stop after this, I promise. :P
Yep, just like before
OK, thanks.
No idea how to fix the pipe issue though, so Windows will remain a separate branch for now.
@Dennis nearest thing I know about is WSAECONNRESET but that's windows sockets.
@Dennis Why on earth are you using ctypes.cdll instead of just running the code in a subprocess?
Question: How do I install command-line commands in a Docker container, such as javac or g++, etc?
owat it's "apt-get" not "dnf"? ಠ_ಠ
I know this isn't theHomeworkhelpByte but can someone help me solve: $\tan(2x)=2\cos(x)$ it's a simple problem but since I don't have Pro, wolfram alpha isn't being helpful and can't find any other resources on interwebs :
Seems like there should be a better way than using quadratic formula to further factor
tan(2x) = 2tan(x) / (1-tan^2 x)
if you do that things get really ugly though
tan(x)/(1-(tan x)^2) = cos(x)
oh okay. :P first approach lol
ok my docker container takes like 8 years to build ಠ_ಠ
Q: Halting Problem for Simplified Hexagony

Weijun ZhouIntroduction Decide whether a Hexagony program composed solely of the characters .()_|\/><@ will halt using least bytes. Challenge Hexagony is a language developed by Martin Enders in which the source code is presented in the form of a hexagon. It has been extensively used in PPCG and there ha...

I just spent 10 minutes trying to log into my PC. Turns out I accidentally left my keyboard in APL mode.
I do that all the time
In Python we can do "len, 3 bytes", because f=len would define f as len, can we do the same in C with "strlen: 6 bytes"? I'm asking this because f=len and size_t(*f)(const char*)=&strlen; are just too different.
@betseg I'd argue it would be 7 bytes, &strlen
Q: Reverse Code Golf: Write the Longest "Hello, World!" Program Possible

StackstuckInspired by yesterday's xkcd (https://xkcd.com/1960/), I challenge you to make the longest Hello, World program possible! To keep things actually interesting, variables/programmer-defined identifiers (class names, etc.) must be the shortest available character sequence for counting purposes, and...

Note that is not off-topic if you impose restrictions on the source code.
I just swapped my docker container parent from python3 to fedora26 and then I didn't add a 3 to the end of the python command and now I have to rebuild the whole thing ಠ_ಠ
@Mr.Xcoder Hm. I guess I should've specified to the OP that it only works if you have strict restrictions on what's allowed.
I personally really like problems.
That works too
What's the difference between the two?
requires the answers to have a certain structure, while usually forbids using certain (classes of) characters.
@DestructibleLemon u0i is the shortest I found :)
any password that's been entered into that site should return as pwned in future requests of the same password :P
@betseg strlen should be fine, since &strlen and strlen have equivalent type
If we assume f is implicitly declared as size_t (*f)(const char*), then we can always do f=strlen without any warning (TIO), then it just looks like Python's case
I woke up this morning and a half of my window was covered in snow :) (and I live on the 3rd floor)
Q: Alphabet cannon

ngnA cannonball is fired so that in the first eyeblink of its flight it ascends by N treetops, during the second eyeblink by N-1 treetops, etc until it reaches the highest point of its trajectory. Then it starts falling by 1, 2, etc treetops per eyeblink until it hits the ground. At the same time th...

Q: How to print in the below format using java

Amal SwainI have given an integer N I have to print the N number of rows. If N= 4 Output Wil 1*2*3*4 9*10*11*12 13*14*15*16 5*6*7*8 If N= 5 Output will 1*2*3*4*5 11*12*13*14*15 21*22*23*24*25 16*17*18*19*20 6*7*8*9*10

^^ Could actually be a challenge, if posted as one...
Opens up for a lot of different approaches and golfing opportunities.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stewie GriffinThis challenge is inspired by this. Take a positive integer N as input, and output a matrix with the numbers 1 - N^2 that follows this pattern: N = 1 1 N = 2 1 2 3 4 N = 3 1 2 3 7 8 9 4 5 6 N = 4 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 N = 5 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 2...

@DLosc Should I refrain from immediatly answering new challenges in Brachylog this month so as to not discourage people from trying it?
Q: Calculate best days to take vacation in shifting work shedule

Nick van HeertumIntro So my gf works in healthcare and has shifting work hours, in fact a fixed set of 4 weeks which repeats after eachother. This makes the she has 4 days of in one week and only 2 the other. Due to that planning vacation is a hassle because we want to have her have most free days in a row with ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

K3v1nIntroduction A new xkcd comic came out recently, seemed to be a fun challenge and a change from the usual code golfing. So I set out on making this challenge! Challenge Make a short snippet of code in any language which, when read out, sounds like normal English literature (for example, Mob...

Should it be a "rule" that applies to creators of selected languages?
Whoa, the feedbots are taking over.
@recursive The Stax interpreter doesn't seem to work at all in Safari: Permalinks don't load any code, the buttons basically do nothing and it is overall unresponsive.
@NewSandboxedPosts This is the 5555th answer of the sandbox.
@Adám Woooohoo I managed to get your formula on OEIS: oeis.org/A173635
@Mr.Xcoder I vaguely remember something about that…
Yeah it took a while lol
But still
Jan 9 at 15:15, by Adám
@totallyhuman Dyalog APL, 13 bytes, pure arithmetic: 7|×⍨1+⌊2÷⍨5|⎕ (0 origin)
It was for a CMC from January...
@Potato44 I don't have that issue — my keyboard is always in APL mode. Can you give me an example of a character that's changed by the APL mode?
@Mr.Xcoder Heh.
@LeakyNun :P See above
@Mr.Xcoder So, can you explain to me what happened on Jan 12? You submitted my formula, and then Iain Fox noticed and submitted another formula and two "PROG" formulas, one for the cyclic selection, one for my formula and one for his?
@Adám I just submitted your formula... I have no idea why its timeline is Jan 12, it should be Jan 9
@Mr.Xcoder I woke up this morning and couldn't go out, it was (and still is) like a river
Hold on, brb there’s a mini-tornado just in front of my window O_o
I've always wanted to live in Venice :p
You know, canals and stuff, now after the rain I don't need Venice :p
Oh lol you were talking about the river in front of your house :)
@Fatalize and regular users too IMO
@Mr.Xcoder That's... a very boring sequence
@ASCII-only Adam came up with a formula and I submitted it to OEIS /shrug
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

beirtipolFirst attempt at a code-golf question, appreciate some feedback before I chuck it up on the main page. ID generator with no matching contiguous pairs Given 2 inputs (l=length of digits in the id, n=number of ids), generate a list of ids made up of the digits 0-9 where no 2 contiguous numbers ar...

> Welcome to PPCG and thanks for using the sandbox!
I was just going to say that.
(side note) PPCG is obviously more friendly for new users than SO.
@zappy Why am I seems to only see people say "Welcome to Stack Overflow" followed by "Please see How to Ask and take the tour ..."? — user202729 yesterday
(Q: What's a "migration rejected"?)
(no problem just found a Meta Stack Exchange question)
Can someone try visiting to see if the site is dead or if it's just my school board wifi?
@HyperNeutrino Works for me.
ok so my school board is just EXTREMELY stupid
they blocked my IP (somehow?), I'm not even tunneling it through ngrok
@HyperNeutrino solution: route through .tk domain
Not sure if that will actually work though
hm could try that
but like
@HyperNeutrino 10/10 for internal server error
why does my school board hate everything that requires a brain
@ASCII-only where
like last year I was able to run servers fine and this year they're like "NOPE NOT ALLOWED TO DO IT BECAUSE WE HATE YOU"
@HyperNeutrino /problem/*
oh hm? weird
@HyperNeutrino Maybe they just block anything that's a raw IP
that's a possibility ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Possibly partly to prevent you from accessing their modem
there has to be a better way of doing that than blocking all raw IPs ಠ_ಠ
@Mego I was interacting with the run function in previous (unpublished) versions of the interpreter, which was a lot easier in the same thread. Aside from the Windows issues I didn't anticipate, is there a problem with this?
@HyperNeutrino did you try HTTPS?
if you encrypt, it's indistinguishable from accessing, say, google with a cached DNS
(apart from whitelisting IPs, which would be dumb^2)
tried, doesn't help
oh BTW, saying C++ 7.2.1 is extremely ambigous
oh ok
Try /problem/* again?
I switched the active contest
@HyperNeutrino still broken
oh ;-;
it was working last night
or maybe not. oh well, I'll just keep delaying this until it's too late to use it ಠ_ಠ thanks, stupid board things
anyway gtg o/
@HyperNeutrino is it possible to explain the problems in 1 sentence
@Dennis Just mainly the Windows issues. By compiling the shared library, then linking it with a runner program, the Windows issues should disappear
Good morning everyone o/
@Neil Just a note (warning?), the next version of Charcoal will add separators after every command, should I just improve the golfer?
wait >_> that's like the most rhetorical question to ask right
@ASCII-only Yes, and yes.
Best bad idea (doesn't work yet because missing package)
@Mego so... one character Actually programs?
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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