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@ASCII-only I don't see anything that would initialize a Rational from a Real
>_> crap
Also, you should probably add a similar if isinstance(other, Expression): check to the top of Rational's __truediv__ like its __mul__ has
@Οurous :thinking: how though
@ASCII-only Well, I'd start with if isinstance(other, Expression): return other <operator that __truediv__ stands for> self
Just like with the addition and multiplication of Rational
@Οurous that... doesn't work
@ASCII-only no? Expression seems to have a __truediv__ implemented.
@Οurous yes? but a/b != b/a
@ASCII-only Oh. Right. Yes. That.
What if you did other / Rational(denominator=self.numerator, numerator=self.denominator)
@Οurous :O smart
I'm not following the conversation very closely, but are you perhaps looking for __rtruediv__?
@DLosc yes but it's not implemented lol
also yeah i don't know what i did to charcoal while you weren't looking at it
@ASCII-only it looks like Expression does have an __rtrudiv__
yes. but it basically flips it back around
Yeah that wouldn't help.
So wait. Are you trying to implement dividing a Rational by an Expression?
@DLosc Yes
Ok, and it's not possible to have Rational.__truediv__ do the calculation because...?
because the expression has to run before we know what type and precision it is
the expression then passes the precision needed to the Rational in question
Okay, so does that mean you need to return some kind of compound expression maybe, which can be run/evaluated later?
@DLosc Yeah, if you put Expression on the left it will handle that
I.e. if the division calls a member function of Expression instead of a member function of Rational, everything works?
@DLosc yes
So then use Expression.__rtruediv__.
I dunno if you'll have to call it directly, or if you can use NotImplemented or something like that in Rational.__truediv__ to force the operator to use the r version.
@DLosc calling it directly seems like the better option? Python does prefer exceptions, but I'd like to avoid that whenever possible
@ASCII-only It's not an exception, you return it. But the code might be clearer if you called Expression.__rtruediv__ directly. I don't know which is better style.
@DLosc Oh, right. Also I don't know which is better style either :/
I like how we can all have similar issues implementing fundamentally different languages, using fundamentally different languages.
@Οurous similar issues?
@ASCII-only I'm neck-deep rewriting the runtime for Dirty (which was barely working-ish anyway) because of an issue exposed when I tried to run tio.run/##S8ksKqn8/9/QQCFawVDh0drlCroKsf//AwA. That loops over the number 10, decrementing it once each time and then exits. It's fine with 9. It's fine with 2^27 when I build the interpreter to force it to run with that value. It has issues when the loop forces it to evaluate 10.
Which is 1 * 10 + 0
CMP: I have a unary operator pop that removes the first element from a list and returns it, and another unary operator dequeue that removes the last element from a list and returns it. What should I call a binary operator that removes the element at a given index from a list and returns it? (I've decided that overloading pop, as in Python, is not an acceptable option.)
remove perhaps?
@DLosc pick
I think pick is x => x[random(len(x))]?
@DLosc pluck?
@user202729 remove is already in use: it takes an item and a list and returns a new list with all instances of the item removed.
@user202729 That's randomchoice, actually.
removeAt? removeIndex? (you may not like camel case)
@Adám These are good possibilities.
@user202729 I think camel case is RemoveAt?
@user202729 This is lowerCamelCase.
(The full names I'm using here are not actually the real operators, BTW--they're just mnemonics for 2-letter operator names PO, DQ, RM, and RC.)
I call them dromedaryCase and CamelCase.
After renaming it worked. It's... weird.
Hm, SE sites load far slower than usual.
@DLosc popAt / pop_at / select / pick?
@DLosc grab?
I'm fond of my MACRO_CASE. You know. For when JUSTCAPITALCASE isn't good enough because you have too many letters for it to work.
@ASCII-only else test case
oh, huh
Is it just me or all SE sites have been obnoxiously slow for about an hour now? (All the web pages I usually browse load very fast, but SE is terribly slow for me – excluding chat)
Wait, huh:
> We apologize for any inconvenience, but an unexpected error occurred while you were browsing our site. It’s not you, it’s us. This is our fault. Detailed information about this error has automatically been recorded and we have been notified.
@Mr.Xcoder Blazingly fast for me. Should I blame caching? Yes.
Well ^^, it's not me.
@Mr.Xcoder Fine for me, I just hard-refreshed to make sure.
@Mr.Xcoder no, I'm having the same problems
Now it loads, but they seem to have fixed the issue. That message isn't showing up for nothing.
(not on every page load, but on most of them)
Same here
but yeah now it seems faster again
or not
@Mr.Xcoder I get that on SO, but not on PPCG.
@ASCII-only I was looking at my recent Charcoal answers in case I got any inspiration, but all I found was that I couldn't work out how to write GH✳✳§⟦⟦↑L↓¬⟧⟦↓↓⟧⟦T↓→⟧⟦T→¬⟧⟦↑↑¬↑⟧⟦←↓T⟧⟦T↑L⟧⟦→↓↓⟧⟦+L↓⟧⟦+↓T⟧⟧N³θ in verbose mode
Although it loads (sometimes), the inbox doesn't open at all, I cannot load more comments, I cannot open the reputation tab, etc.
@Neil haha (also what is that? O_o)
@Adám Nah, I cleared the caches before asking
@Mr.Xcoder I figured. But I should blame caching for the fast load.
Ah I see
I'll try to open Meta to see if there's any reaction
sometimes I think I'm good at golf
then I see Sp3000 was already here before me for ><> and he did it in 28 chars
Nope, no report on Meta
@ASCII-only it prints the input digit as ascii art
also, does Charcoal have a Filter function?
@Neil Kinda? see here
oh, and I remember another bug
so, in the body of a while loop, the result of the while expression is saved in a variable, right?
if the while expression includes e.g. map, then the first time it runs, it tries to use that variable, because it hasn't been grabbed by the while loop yet, but the second time, it tries to use the next variable
or have I told you about that one already?
@Neil wait what :/
@ASCII-only relevant quote from revision history: I really want to write W⊖⌈EθLι but unfortunately this doesn't work due to the way while loops and maps consume iterator variables.
@Neil what do you mean by comsume
well the iterator variables are used in turn so if you write for (9) for (9) the outer for uses i and the inner for uses l
@Neil >_> sorry my brain isn't working today. what exactly do you intend to do
well, if I write while (decremented(Maximum(Map(q, Length(i))))) Print(i);
the first time through the loop while hasn't grabbed i yet, so map uses it to iterate over q, but the second time, it has, so map uses k instead
@Neil ah right, well, i've fixed the while problem (kinda hackily), so it should be fine once i figure out what's wrong with if/else. (btw can you write a testcase for that too)
a test case for while? I'm a bit busy right now, so I'll probably forget
What is the proper way to use roslyn with msbuild? (C# compiler)
I created an executable that calls the correct csc and symlink it to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe.
At least it works.
hi all
how is ppcg doing these days?
not exceptionally bad :P
two new mods were elected, DJMcMayhem and Mego, and Alex A. has resigned from his mod position
Alex A. has evolved into Mego
@ASCII-only could you explain that please :)
oh I see
he's referring to stuff people are saying about one bird becoming another...
anyone asking fastest-code questions since I took a break?
you mean ? I don't think so
maybe I should come back :)
the problem is that some people hated a particular type of question I liked
you mean ?
or something else?
"Your program needs finish within 10 seconds on a reasonable machine for any valid input." I would have been killed for that! :)
@EriktheOutgolfer I meant something a little different. I would like to ask, for example, a fastest-code question for computing the permanent of a matrix
now some people will complain that "Is it a question about complex arithmetic or a question about computing the permanent? You shouldn't mix"
that is they want all questions to test exactly one thing
well, multi-part challenges are off-topic for a reason
but, if you use the sandbox first, you are in a less dangerous position :)
it's not multi-part
sorry if I wasn't clear
I don't find the sandbox helpful sadly. The number of people who comment is very limited
yeah, I don't think anybody will blame you for that though :)
it's a good challenge by the way for those who like to get down and dirty with simd :)
@Lembik Me too. That's why I try to review posts in the sandbox as much as possible,
but sometimes most of the time I'm too lazy to read the challenge description.
or who have a language they like which is simd friendly.. if such a thing exists
it's amazing how bad gcc and llvm are at complex arithmetic optimization
you're actually not the first one to "propose" that lol
Oh yes, review the sandbox.
when I review the sandbox, I go by titles first, and if a title grabs my interest I read the description
@DJMcMayhem FYI, this is what we call Tungsten
@user202729 what?
Sorry, nothing.
@labela--gotoa The new one (WIP) is just much, much better.
@EriktheOutgolfer Same here
> retried
Yeah that is :P — I no longer participate on SO
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

billpgConvert a number to Golfish Golfish is a completely made up language. Write a program that takes an integer and returns that number in Golfish words. Golfish is a Senary (base 6) system of number with numbers structured in a similar way to English. 0 to 6 Single digit numbers use a single wor...

@NewSandboxedPosts And which language is not made up?
@Mr.Xcoder Be careful with spelling ><> and Gol><> - many battles have been fought against heretics who spelt them fish and Golfish :P
Why exactly o_O?
@Mr.Xcoder Because people had nothing better to do
@Mego I've already advised the OP to make a note because 1) I don't want him to be treated as yet another heretic and 2) honestly though, somebody may be confused thinking it has anything to do with Gol><>
@Mego I would have believed you if planets were parenthesis and spaces were stars...
@Mego That strip is so great
...which is made-up by the way, as every other programming language has ever been, is, and will always be
@Mr.Xcoder Legend has it that the next universe will be coded in Brain-Flak
... or in Actually :P
>_> My German teacher just sent us some additional homework via WhatsApp and some dumb colleagues thanked her...
@Mr.Xcoder I don't want to live in a universe coded in a language I made
Dangit I should have named the challenge Me Go Mayhem Pairs... :P
@Mr.Xcoder yeah that's a bit offensive :P
Completely off-topic CMP (don’t ask why): What’s your favourite type of soup, if any?
chicken tortilla
goes well with anything, like my bland, generic life
@EriktheOutgolfer :O Did you just outgolf Dennis in Jelly in a math challenge... Well done
I don't consider Dennis golfing in Jelly more special than for example Mego golfing in Actually or DJMcMayhem golfing in V or Brain-Flak...
@Mr.Xcoder Onion soup. Specifically the onion soup that my favorite Japanese restaurant serves
the meta game: you get 1 point for every answer you post in the same thread where Dennis submitted an entry and your submission is better than his best entry
@Mr.Xcoder no soup
@Unihedron Just imaginary point, of course.
@Mr.Xcoder green broth. It's a brazillian soup made of potatoes with spinach, collards and sausage.
Yummy those all sound tasty 😋 My personal favourite is Broccoli soup
@EriktheOutgolfer why not
they made those langs so they're more familiar with them
do you think I'm any more familiar with Proton that anyone here?
Terminal-based Minesweeper - improved rendering so it no longer flickers on large grid sizes :D
Dennis made Jelly, Mego made Actually, DJMcMayhem made V and Brain-Flak
@Mr.Xcoder My dad doesn’t even want to hear of that lol :-)
Hi All, I keep looking into trying to do golfing challenges (you might recognise my name I've been in here a couple of times asking for advice) but I've been struggling with solutions in my language (C# .NET Core) and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for a language I could get familiar with to start golfing?
@HyperNeutrino if you wrote it, then yes
pfft. I wrote it and I don't even know how it works
@CJ1992 I like ><> and Gol><>
I was constantly outgolfing Hyper in Proton back in the day :-)
@CJ1992 For getting into actual golfing languages, I'd suggest you start with something that's less impossible to understand such as 05AB1E, or another stack-based language
@CJ1992 for starters 05AB1E is very good
don't start immediately with e.g. Jelly
@CJ1992 I recommend starting with a language that you're familiar with already (so C# for you), and learning the tricks. Reading through codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/173/45941 is a good start
i agree with mego
that's a good idea as well
also what Mego said, don't be afraid to post golfed solutions in your own language!
I primarily got into golfing by learning how to golf in Python, then branching out into esolangs/golflangs
What's wrong with golfing in C#? Nothing.
Thanks! I've only been programming for a year or so, so a lot of the things that people use in their answers baffle me, and there is also mostly (if not all) complex questions
try searching by answers:20
I've been doing that to look for simple questions since I'm also a noob
Keep in mind that you don't need to get the shortest code to have a very good solution with a good ideas. Shortest is really based on the language and the problem, but getting to know your familiar language a lot better can be very advantageous. It's especially helpful to learn tricks in your own language before starting other languages especially because that way you can learn the golfing mindset before learning a whole new language.
@CJ1992 Start simple. Solve easy challenges (like fib, primality, etc.) without looking at the existing solutions, and then compare and learn
Actually most challenges (especially the HNQ ones) are easy. Only Tetris is hard.
Also take a look through the first 50 or so problems on Project Euler and write golfed solutions
freecell is a bit hard too :P
@CJ1992 I would recommend you to start learning the tips in a practical language you already use, and after you get decently familiar with the golfing practices, you can go ahead and learn a slightly easier to understand golfing language — I have a few recommendations: For beginners, I’d recommend 05ab1e, Pyth or Gaia. After that, you can move on to something slightly harder like Husk or, if you are ambitious, Jelly
@Mego Actually this is an interesting idea. I'd like to see a "Project Euler Golf" github repository.
each dir for a day and each file name for a language, etc
@Unihedron I'm pretty sure there's a few floating around
@Unihedron there is one already
@CJ1992 also, you may have also thought something like but...solutions in my language are like always longer than others! ...so? that's a very common issue people have in here, and sometimes it has made them leave this site because the "golfing languages" are just indigestible for them, but there's no problem in submitting solutions in it. in fact, you're encouraged to do so, your contributions will still be important
... Jelly is the only golfing language I know of. I didn't know it was hard.
@user202729 It's not hard if you have a background in functional programming already. If you don't, then the concepts will be foreign to you, and it's harder to learn.
That's why I recommend learning "practical" functional programming languages like APL, J, and Haskell before Jelly
Q: Assemble an XOISC program

BMORecently I solved this challenge, for which I created XOISC - a very low-level functional language. To compile a program (written in the absurdly high-level lambda calculus programming language) it must first be translated into an expression consisting only of X combinators and from there it can ...

I think I knew Mathematica at that time.
@CJ1992 What Erik said. Maybe even if your answers aren't the 'golfiest', you can still have some insight or a trick people didn't think of
I don't mind having long answers (it's better than my current no answers right? :D ) I just don't want to post an answer that's a really long way around because I didn't know of something that existed
@Mego unfortunately it would still be hard to learn with a functional programming background, the automatic type inferencer is kinda buggy
@NewMainPosts >.< I remember seeing that in the Sandbox but didn't want to read the description. feels bad of myself
@CJ1992 We're also pretty helpful around here. People who are familiar with the language will usually post comments with suggestions to help newcomers.
@CJ1992 but you should. If you notice, most answers have comments from people that improve that answer. You can learn a lot of stuff by posting your solutions and taking a look at the feedback from other people.
Then golf in BF. There are only 8 symbols, it takes a second to learn all of them. Now you don't need to worry about not knowing anything.
I think I shortened my first solution by over half from suggestions alone
@Mego ninja'd ⍨
I guess that's definitely a way to learn new things
@J.Sallé how to find APL programmers 101
We don't bite :) We try to welcome newcomers and help them to keep our community alive and growing
@J.Sallé that looks very Adámish :P
@Mr.Xcoder Nice
(that's selfie symbol in APL if I recalled correctly)
But still, I don't like such menus on mobile :/
They take too much place
@HyperNeutrino @EriktheOutgolfer I learned from the best >.>
@CJ1992 I've seen a couple times answers from experienced users here whose answers got shortened down 2x from others' suggestions, so don't worry about that, especially as you're new to golfing :p
And if someone does bite, we descend upon them with righteous fury and tell them to Be Nice
(now Mego is a mod and can remove not-nice comment immediately)
@Mego you should name your new hammer Mego's Righteous Fury™
but I see MrXCoder in the commit log so I assume it's the one you're talking about
@user202729 Yep. I have a Righteous Fury button that does stuff like putting Lego bricks underneath people's bare feet as they are walking.
@J.Sallé he doesn't need to name it, one should know Mego is a Benevolent Penguin for Life :P
behave nicely, and Mego will never hurt you :)
@Mego that's evil beyond evil.
@EriktheOutgolfer even so, if you're not nice, Mego will descend upon you the Righteous Fury.
@J.Sallé With great power comes great coffee addiction
(and probably ninja some other mods in the process :p)
ban-ninja? (has that ever happened before o_O)
one thing I advise everyone: never. mess. with. the. penguin.
@HyperNeutrino There have been times when mods race to hit the nuke button on spammers
Ok, I really need to get to work :P
@HyperNeutrino it happens fairly often in Twitch chats I mod (although admittedly it's not the same kind of modding)
@Mego you mean raise the holy flag ;)
@Mego Wait, what? PPCG is your workplace!
the nuke button isn't only for spammers
@Adám no, it's not, mods aren't employed by and don't represent SE in any way
@Adám PPCG is your workplace :p
> I acknowledge and agree that I am an independent volunteer moderator to Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange and I am not an employee, agent or representative of Stack Exchange Inc., and I have no authority to bind Stack Exchange Inc. in any manner.
@dzaima Nah, it's the place where I work, not my workplace.
@EriktheOutgolfer pretty sure it was a joke
You guys do realise that I do more for Dyalog than just code-golf, right?
@Adám The webinars are a clear example of that
@J.Sallé Yes, with user meeting presentations and workshops. But I also do customer support and help develop tools (both internal and external). Oh, and I'm pretty active in language design and development too. Not to mention QA/testing.
@MartinEnder How could you generate the green text on the edges (edge names)?
[Hexagony, Esoteric IDE]
@Adám I meant that as a joke :p I know you do a lot of stuff. I actually thought you were exclusively a language designer from the things you tell us about v17.0
@user202729 oh, I see what you mean
I thought you were wondering about the green specifically, but that seems to be the default colour
while running the program, when the MP is on the edge you want to annotate, go to Memory visualisation -> annotate current edge
Thanks! (the menu is to the right of the Help menu so I did't notice it)
@J.Sallé I'm the only APLer at HQ, so I get to try out the bleeding edges… Ouch. I actually have 17.0 as admin mapped to a keyboard shortcut (bypasses UAC prompt) so I can restart it every time it crashes.
@Adám which is not often, I hope?
@Adám wait, your coworkers have no idea of APL? o_o
@Adám What is HQ?
@NewMainPosts Don't post please.
Q: further refine a SASS mixin for a font-awesome before/after usage

HollerTrainIn my SASS I use font-awesome declarations all over the place. I'm in love with it. I've created a SASS mixin for the usage I started with the following: @mixin font-awesome-icon($type, $unicode, $size, $margin, $color, $weight) { @if $type == 'after'{ &:after { content:$unicode; ...

@user202729 Dyalog Headquarters in Bramley.
CMP Do you think that having low privileges limit is good or bad?
bad, bad, bad, bad, bad
I'm going to go with bad.
safe choice
I succumb to peer pressure easily. It's why I golf in PowerShell and not Python.
@user202729 Answerers for this CMP are in strictly decreasing reputation order.
Anyway... can you explain your choice?
Reputation is gained really fast here at PPCG, especially compared to other places. Combine that with low limits and you get people with more privilege than experience.
... I can see who casts reopen votes on challenges that shouldn't be reopened
(when the reopen doesn't go through, I mean)
bad. I can't imagine the damage I could have done as a well-meaning but inexperienced user of the site. Limited by the mods, of course but when there's more than one inexperienced user like me....
@MartinEnder Is there a way to copy the memory watch image from Esoteric IDE?
"Save memory as PNG"
to the right of the Help menu again
Bad. I can assure you I got privileges too early to understand how to use them correctly and responsibly :/
@AdmBorkBork Who peer pressured you into using PowerShell. The opposite sounds more likely.
And if I'm honest, it was Microsoft that "peer pressured" me into PowerShell, with the introduction of Exchange 2007 ten-ish years ago.
We were never meant to be in this situation in the first place. The current low rep threshold are for new sites that would have no members with moderation privileges if the usual thresholds applied. That hasn't been true for PPCG in years.
I'm going to go insane.
I replaced four memcpys in The Powder Toy's implementation of air with a pointer swap. Now i have to go through almost every file in the codebase and patch everything up to dereference the air map
@AdmBorkBork Isn't Exchange just the mail program
however, i just saved a bunch of CPU time, so yay? (these memcpys were ran once a frame)
how big were the memcpys?
940032 bytes, or nearly a MB
PPCG has an unnaturally high amount of people with a ton of privileges so like basically everyone can just instantly edit everything and see deleted things that normally less than 90% of active users would be able to do.
Use C++ (at least 11) and std::move instead.
holy shit!
air map is a 384x612 array of floats, for each of the 4 values
Is it too problematic?
@Pavel Yes, it's the email server. With 2007, Microsoft made a major code change so that almost everything can be done with PowerShell commands rather than a GUI. In fact, the GUI is just executing the PowerShell commands in the background (it even shows you what command you're going to run when you click "OK"). PowerShell was essentially foisted onto Exchange admins, and it was either learn it or find a different job.
velocity x, velocity y, pressure, and ambient heat
i'm going through and threading it as well
(openmp <3)
worried Have I done anything wrong?
Debate right now in my office: strawpoll.me/15133903
I don't need to write coordinates.
what does std::move do? Would it let me 'swap' the pointers without going through and derefing them everywhere? :P
I copy the string google maps gives me
Given a lvalue y, x = std::move(y) call operator=(T&&) on x, so x is free to steal whatever there is in y. If it can.
(in particular std::array doesn't have efficient move constructor/assignment)
TPT is a large codebase, so not having to redo everything would be amazing
If you're using C there would be no std::move.
they're using C++
TPT was moved to C++ a while ago
... and memcpy in C++
@NieDzejkob the air code is old, ok? :P
(plus most of the other devs are used to C, not C++, but still)
Then why memcpy?
Is it even possible to reasonably mix STL with C code?
Some STL containers have some C-safe guarantee (std::vector::data())
On that note, we also want maximum performance, so thanks for telling me about std::move @user202729
literal blessing
it's mostly dependent on the logic of the code. If you have a heavy variable that is move-able and you don't need anymore just move it.
(I don't know if compilers optimize that, but I doubt it)
(not everything are efficiently move-able, although most C++ containers can)
There is also the old std::swap from C++03.
would swap move the entire mb of array, or does it do something special?
we use it in a few places already, but i personally don't understand it (i'm a little rusty)
Depends on whether the struct is move-able.
its a float[384][612]
For example std::swap two std::vector is O(1) but doing the same for two std::array is O(n)
Then... no, sorry.
so i have to do the magic manually? rip
For example if you can wrap it into a struct, then you can just edit the code of that struct to support efficient move.
(but changing code everywhere from array -> struct may potentially take a long time)
it'll be faster just to make everything do the deref
Even if i do have to read these awful errors.
src/gui/game/Tool.cpp:139:77: error: invalid operands of types ‘float [612]’ and ‘float’ to binary ‘operator+’
sim->vx[(position1.Y+(y-radiusY))/CELL][(position1.X+(x-radiusX))/CELL] += (position2.X-position1.X)*strength;
You will eventually get used to finding C++ errors.
actually, that error's not that bad.
@moonheart08 I understand that. You're trying to add an array of floats and a single float
i know
it's because it's not derefed due to my codebase change
Here is a actual evil error
/usr/include/c++/7.3.0/bits/stl_algobase.h:324:18: error: cannot convert ‘float [612]’ to ‘float’ in assignment
In file included from /usr/include/c++/7.3.0/vector:62:0,
from generated/ElementClasses.h:6,
from src/simulation/Elements.h:72,
from src/simulation/Simulation.cpp:11:
/usr/include/c++/7.3.0/bits/stl_construct.h: In instantiation of ‘void std::_Construct(_T1*, _Args&& ...) [with _T1 = float; _Args = {float (&)[612]}]’:
/usr/include/c++/7.3.0/bits/stl_uninitialized.h:83:18: required from ‘static _ForwardIterator std::__uninitialized_copy<_TrivialValueTypes>::__uninit_copy(_InputIt
i get the jist, but isn't that a bit much? :P
That literally takes up my entire screen
that's why there's that "(show more)" button :P
And only the last line is important.
(or, "(show less)" if you will)
But there is no (show less).
the game has 200~ elements. maybe 2/3 of them use one of the variables related to air. RIP me
It won't be that bad if you used a struct in the first place.
(and then you only need to change the struct code)
wait. wow, i am dumb
only sim, the renderer, and the script interface actually need changes
the rest was just excess work for a verry tiny speed gain (or maybe even loss)
Trying to learn Prolog, and while I don't understand how the hell can I make something that actually does stuff, it's very fun :D (though I thought the same while learning APL)
@DJMcMayhem Just like PowerShell errors.
hey it builds! (Altho it doesn't work, i'm not finished yet lol)
instant bluescreen (TPT has it's own error handler) on run lol
of course i forgot to tell the build to not strip symbols (it strips by default for some reason)
forgot to initalize the buffers. oops

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