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I want it to be something i can modify when the challange is ongoing for adjustments
What's the best compiled golfing language?
why not just run the program and communicate with it by a pipe or files?
err one sec
@NieDzejkob Speed reasons. The 'update' will be called multiple times per tick, one for each 'robot'
Some solutions could make hundreds of the things
@moonheart08 Is this some sort of long-term KOTH?
Longterm, as in mostly indefinite.
Ever heard of screeps?
someone got super short brainfuck
@PhiNotPi Congratulations, you figured out what i'm modeling it after.
I bought the game. It's quite fun
I think it'd be a awesome experiment, and KoTH, to have a similarly styled challange.
Have you heard about the KOTH Server project?
I'll look into it tho
Well there's a couple of people (me included) that are interested in building a website to host KOTHs.
Q: Introducing a KOTH server!

PhiNotPiNote: Due to changes with RedHat's hosting service, the website is currently down. There are some (very) early-stage plans to create a bigger, better version. That being said, if you want to see a new KOTH server be built, please voice your support so that we can gauge demand / tailor it to th...

I'd be glad to help. I have a server I could lend in. (But be warned, it also runs a game server, so you can't use all the CPU)
quote of teh day:
> (If you can't see the animation, then please upgrade to not Internet Explorer.)
We already have hosting with Azure.
Oh, neat
But the website itself is in the planning stages.
So, perl and Java are the supported KoTH languages?
No, that's gonna change.
You have a list
Add rust \o/
We had a list
Also, give each controller it's own user, maybe?
Automating user creation and management isn't too hard
The new website is gonna be .NET-based, and should support Python, Java, etc
But yea, my project is to work on a screeps like KoTH, but more suitable for PPCG (Less randomization, balancing, support for things not javascript)
Screeps' server itself is opensource, but it's not suitable for these modifications.
a template arbiter base would be very helpful for removing redundant work between different models
You mean a template program?
Anyways, we'd love to have you on the project. As mentioned, we're basically starting from scratch right now, but I think it would be perfect for this kind of KOTH.
Mk. One problem: I don't know any .Net languages
I mean, a framework for general compiled programs i could make and use
Also, have you considered using Usermode Linux for sandboxing?
It's an obscure function of the kernel that lets you run linux as a usermode program
Works quite well
It supports things like memory limits, blocking networking, and quite a bit more (anything the kernel can do by default). Only issue is that it's tough to set up, and it's obscure :P
I've used it before, and getting 4.12 to compile can be a bit of a pain. I don't know if later versions actually work
So it's an option, but not the best one
Plus, i have no idea how it fares against Spectre and Meltdown
Probably fails at spectre, with meltdown fixed for programs that mess around the UML to try and access higher processes
I mean, it is proven to work (See #esoteric's hackego bot)
Lets take this to the chatroom :P
C# isn't too different than Java. (I am pretty new to C# too)
I know enough java to know it's horrible. :P
@moonheart08 C# is less horrible Java
Really? That'd be awesome
(or more horrible if you hate microsoft as much as anyone should)
(I hate microsoft. :P)
Oh well >.>
(Mono, however, has become somewhat of a savior for me, so many games use it i couldn't play some of my favorites without it)
Jokes aside, C# is just like Java with some more stuff
A lot more stuff
C# is awesome
I hated java's syntax.
so uh,
Yeah the syntax is basically the same
I'll stick with Rust
throws a crab at C#
@moonheart08 Mono is still Microsoft, you know.
Good point
What's wrong with Java's syntax, anyway? It's basically C syntax.
everything is an object
it gets annoying
why not use SELinux instead of user mode Linux?
Good point
@moonheart08 May I introduce you to my friend F# in that case
looks it up
Maybe i can actually learn F#, unlike haskell lul
(Haskell just confuses me :P)
@moonheart08 Unlike Haskell, F# isn't pure, so you can still do imperative things like loops and mutable variables.
Selfpings today: 1
You can write F# without defining a class for the Main method, or as a script without a main method at all, more like python.
You can still go full C#-style OOP though
@NieDzejkob How might that be done?
I've never used SELinux :P
Isn't F# copyrighted to Apple?
@J.Sallé Wat
I might be mixing languages up
F# is a .NET language made my Microsoft
That's Swift, isn't it? :P
Oh, it might be Swift
Definitely swift
Yeah it's Swift. I think I read somewhere that people were devving iOS apps in F#, that might've been it
Swift and Objective-C are Apple’s.
Wait I lied, Objective-C is used for Apple products, but it’s not made be Apple
@J.Sallé Probably those who attempt to use F# in Xamarin...
@Mr.Xcoder maybe. It was a while ago in my college's newsletter, iirc
@Mr.Xcoder Stop hoping:
Q: Split on first unique

AdámSplit on first unique Related. Given a printable ASCII string, split it into a list of non-empty strings with a new sub-string beginning every time a character, which has not previously been seen, occurs. Examples "mississippi" → ["m","i","ssissi","ppi"] 'P P & C G' → ["P"," P ","& ","C ","G...

@Mr.Xcoder it was originally not created by apple but NeXT got the rights IIRC and put their own guy to work on it
Yeah I relises that a bit later
@Dennis hey, you commented after the answerer rightfully deleted their answer! :D
One second after. :/
Stupid mod powers. :P
powers getting uncontrollably heavy
Who would want them? :P
@moonheart08 TIO uses SELinux and it's open source, look there :P
@DJMcMayhem says the mod election candidate
Thanks @NieDzejkob
One (1) count of moderatorial unfairness against Dennis (12012)...
saw that already
Is it just me, or is there something wrong with the user-script?
@Adám You have to refresh.
@Adám the latter (widely known)
no, refreshing won't solve the issue
@Mr.Xcoder Hard (no-cache) refresh didn't solve it.
It does solve the issue for me.
Never mind. Now it did.
Aww ninja'd. And I am sure I was on the page before it was posted, refreshed and the problem was solved.
@EriktheOutgolfer what's the problem?
is there a technical reason in teh userscript?
it takes too much time to reflect new winners
that's... not a coding issue
that's just caching
13 mins ago, by Adám
@Mr.Xcoder Hard (no-cache) refresh didn't solve it.
and I've experienced it too
waiting did
cache != cookies
iirc the userscript uses #2 for most things
it shouldn't?
I feel like cookies would be inefficient for that
I think it just uses cookies for everything, from settings to winners
for settings that's good, for winners no
maybe it does it so that it doesn't fetch from all the pages every time?
Feb 12 at 19:01, by mınxomaτ
Since I just bought one, the remarkable tablet is $100 off today (it's a digital e-ink notebook that runs linux and open source software).
It arrived today (3 days from HK to Germany, not bad). Aaaand ... it's flippin awesome. It actually does feel like paper, but more like Biro pen on paper, not pencil.
@Riker I sincerely hope you mean local storage.
oh looks like it does use ^
@mınxomaτ Kindle-like? Sounds awesome.
@EriktheOutgolfer Yep XD
@Riker Care to explain your edit?
@Adám it looks nicer?
and the bottom thing had a weird linebreak, I think you used a tab instead of a space
Only 1 challenge is currently featured, and it ends tomorrow. This sounds like a good time to start handing out the bounties for Best of
how many at a time?
all of them
@Riker VTC as subjective.
@Adám this is why instant edits are a thing /shrug
I guess we want to hand out 2 at a time, come over and we'll discuss it there (we already did but haven't really reached a consensus)
if you feel it looks actually worse feel free to roll back
@Riker instant edits?
@Adám vs edits needing approval
@Riker Sure, if you're fixing issues etc. But just stylistic changes?
@Adám again, if it looks nicer to me I'm likely gonna edit it
does it really matter, on the grand scale of things? not really
(for either way, whether I edit or don't)
sometimes such edits are important...
I felt it was worth a quick edit
@Riker But if all followed your principle then we'd end up with style-edit wars.
if you feel it's worth rolling back because you think it made teh post worse, go for it
@Adám do you think it looks worse though
or are you complaining about the matter on principle?
SE kinda assumes people are mature and aren't going to do stupid edit wars /shrug
@Riker I'm asking about the principle. You may notice that that format is one I often use.
@Adám yep
Personally, I would align those arrows now that they're in a single block. IMO it's the best compromise between readability and ease of usage
@Riker So every time you see one of my questions you'd want to edit the examples' format.
on that note: can you not use the unicode arrow? it doesn't format right on my older mobile phone
which post?
@Adám that is also correct
I generally don't tho
hm, in defense of Adám, you're actually supposed to edit as little as possible
/shrug I felt it was worth editing
I'd also not really use unicode arrows because... fonts... but that's your preference
I was already there fixing something else (tab did a weird lack-of-linebreak)
so I edited the codeblock while I was there
it's honestly not that huge of a deal, it's not like I'm going through every question you've posted and 'fixing' them all
@Riker Yes, I'll try to remember to use > instead of and refrain from   in my challenges. (I'll still use them in my answers, though. If your device can't render widely supported Unicode, you'll have trouble reading APL anyway.)
@Adám emsp?
CMP: Which is the least active SE site? Which is the least active beta SE site?
oh, emphasis space? TIL taht's a thing
@Mr.Xcoder well tech writers isn't making it past private beta
that may take the cake right now
@Adám it doesn't do APL, nope, jelly is a 50/50 shot too :p
@Riker No, M-space. A space with the width of a capital letter M.
I find Vegetarianism remarkably inactive (I am not talking about those that will get closed into account)
@Riker SE apparently treats tabs as four spaces, so you can use leading tabs to markdown code. So I use  s to create indentation.
is that the case anymore?
@EriktheOutgolfer Please ping.
@Adám wasn't directed specifically to you...
@EriktheOutgolfer I meant "please ping what you're responding to".
hehe i'm using the forall character for a foreach loop
@Adám not everybody appreciates that in here...
@EriktheOutgolfer They surely do when it is completely unclear what is being responded to, no?
@Adám if they did, then I would have, yes, but unfortunately that's not always true
@EriktheOutgolfer "is that the case anymore [that tabs=4 spaces]?"; "is that the case anymore [that Vegetarianism is remarkably inactive]?"; "s that the case anymore [that tech writers isn't making it past private beta]?"; etc.
@Adám we tend to assume the reply goes to the latest possible message, and generally pings are avoided due to making a "ping" sound towards the owner of the message that gets pinged to, or it makes notifications
and some people don't like that when it happens many times in a short period
@EriktheOutgolfer pings make a sound?
@Adám it doesn't actually allow tabs normally
it replaces them with 4 spaces
I assumed you broke it and pasted a raw tab /shrug
@Mr.Xcoder yep it is quite inactive
I was gonna say that next but I took a snack break
@EriktheOutgolfer Uh, silencing chat pings (without silencing your device completely) is two clicks away.
@Οurous if you have your sound on yes :p
@Riker I do... I just... Oh the tab is muted. TIO pings make noise.
@Adám the situation isn't so simple here; yes, sometimes such a sound is needed if somebody wants somebody else's attention, but hearing ping ping ping ping... annoys them a tad bit
TIL my phone autocorrects TIL to TIO
@Οurous lol
TIL people's phones can actually autocorrect TIL to TIO
@moonheart08 it gets better. Sometimes it corrects words to emoji.
most probably Οurous just added "TIO" in the dictionary and slang terms like "TIL" are unrecognized
@Οurous that's horrifying
Someone is bad at designing autocorrect. It is terrifying
@Riker it's 🦆 annoying, that's what it is.
can we stop please...
@Οurous I have just one thing to say to emoji: 🔥
Mine seems to have learned what I type
It's scary
the government is watching you, beware...
Mine (On my tablet) thinks i'm a normal person, and trys to autocorrect, for example, C++ to see
Mine just knows all the ways possible to hug someone
I've learned to actually use autocorrect to type instead of fighting it. I used to triple-check everything I typed on my phone, now I'm mostly used to it.
I just disable it
now it's O(n log n) instead of O(n^3)?
I use swipe typing and never see autocorrect anymore
Swipe typing is such a foreign concept to me, the first time I tried to use it my brain just couldn't form the words
@Unihedron pretty sure it's O(n^5 log !n)
Completely accurate description of time wasted by autocorrect
Completely and totally offtopic from PPCG itself, but the factorio devs TOTALLY got their new custom rendering engine working first try.
@moonheart08 I saw that, it cracked me up lol
BTW, if you're a fan of factorio, we've got a PPCG gaming room where factorio is a pretty popular topic. You're welcome there :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Bolce BussiereThe Euler Masheroni Constant The Euler Masheroni constant is a very interesting number. It is defined to be and appears seemingly everywhere in number theory. Famously, it is unknown whether it is rational, irrational, or transcendental. The Challenge: Pretty simple one here: Given N, your pr...

I think this might make a good meta post if your intention is to see if you can ask about programming languages here (not their usage (SO) but other stuff), but otherwise I think this challenge is a bit too opinion-based to be on-topic for this site, unfortunately. It's a very interesting topic though! — HyperNeutrino Feb 11 at 4:26
> this challenge
I think you've been spending too much time on PPCG, @HyperNeutrino
Should this code work:
let a = 1.414
let b: Float = pow(a, 2)
i.e. not throw an error?
Yeah it should work. But if you’re using Swift... It won’t work :P
wait really
@Downgoat can you implicitly cast Int to Float, or is 2 a Float literal or does pow have a version with pow :: Float Int -> Float
why would it throw an error? Or is 1.414 a double?
If any, yes.
@Οurous sorry, assume I wrote 2.0
Then yes, it should work.
@Mr.Xcoder huh, I was referencing an example from swift doc page about type deduction :|
Actually, do you have Double and Float?
pow returns a Double so you must either make b a double or convert the result to a Double
assuming pow works for both float and double
Then yes.
It works for both float and double, but it always returns doubles :/
And I recommend literals defaulting to Double, and having an implicit downcast to Float only when you need one. But only explicit upcasting.
Also, why are you asking?
this is why you should make a modern language based on a 32+ year old framework
@Mr.Xcoder for VSL
Oh a new programming language you’re making?
it's been there for a while
Ah yeah
I do recall seeing it now... Ninja’d kinda
originally I was taking a detour by making LLIR but that's another huge project so for now directly compiling to LLVM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BeefsterRGB to Xterm Color Converter code-golf mapping 256-color Xterm-compatible terminals add 240 colors on top of the usual 16 system colors. Colors 16-231 use 6 levels (0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255) of red, green, and blue, ordered lexicographically. Colors 232-255 are simply 24 levels of gray (8......

stack-based language with jelly-like functions: good or nah?
Good if you pop the elements in reverse order.
I cannot recall how many times I needed this in 05ab1e
@Mr.Xcoder what do you mean?
ab/ ≠ a/b, but ab/ == b/a.
Of course it's up to you :P
I am completely biased
oh you misunderstood my original message
jelly's newline separated links
Gaia does that already and it works pretty well
i'm essentially gonna number each function, using superscript numbers, will call the function on the 5th line, ¹² will call the function on the 12th line (if you every really need it)
@Mr.Xcoder hmm, i haven't given that much thought
makin strawpoll
Just have three stacks. One for left args, right args, and monadic args.
@Οurous but what about functions with more than two arguments?
@Mr.Xcoder for SOGL for the most often use cases of that I just made another function popping in the reverse order
@totallyhuman uhm. I just didn't have any in Dirty. Your desires may vary.
@Οurous does that help if the arguments are on the wrong stacks? :p
@dzaima it's preferential. So it grabs from left if there's something on left. Otherwise from center. Otherwise from right. Etc.
@Οurous but if items are on every stack you'd still have to waste bytes swapping the items around (or maybe your language does something smarter, idk)
@dzaima I have like 80 commands just for moving stacks and items on them
@Οurous well that's 80 instructions gone (and you still have to waste a byte every time one has to be used :p)
@dzaima It's not solely a golfing language, so I can live with that :P
@Οurous it's a bad suggestion for a golfing language is that I'm saying
@DLosc uh no I don't that was... uh... intentional
I think I came up with a great argument for APL's "right-to-left" (or right-associativity, as some prefer to call it):
Imagine a programming language that uses the syntax foo(goo(hoo(x))). Nothing controversial there, right?
@totallyhuman ;-;
@Adám Right...
Now imagine that the language auto-closes parentheses for you: foo(goo(hoo(x (like TI-Basic does, and like Excel will suggest). Still good, right?
@Adám good - no, understandable - yeah :p
Then maybe we could just omit the parentheses altogether: foo goo hoo x
But that is made much more difficult due to variable arity
OK, but I thought of that. So here we go again:
Imagine a programming language that uses the syntax A.foo(B.goo(C.hoo(x))). Nothing controversial there, right?
Now imagine that the language auto-closes parentheses for you: A.foo(B.goo(C.hoo(x Still good, right?
Then maybe we could just omit the dots and parentheses altogether: A foo B goo C hoo x
but what if C is a function
Also 0/10 should be foo((goo ∘ hoo)(x)) :P
@totallyhuman Not an issue, then it is A.foo(B.goo(C(hoo(x or A.foo(B.goo(C(hoo(x)))) when written in full.
right but then C hoo x is ambiguous
@totallyhuman Yes, you need to know the classes to parse it.
@Adám For me, the best argument was always "you don't need to memorize precedence tables".
@totallyhuman Many APLers will capitalise functions and not arrays (or the vice versa). Syntax colouring helps too.
@Zgarb but then the question of RTL or LTR arises.
@Zgarb Except for some binding stuff for operators, Although that is usually what you would expect
@Zgarb That's given, but I've been struggling with why APL needs to be "backwards".
Enter the APL ninjas…
I've been thinking about how useful would RTL APL expression entering be
"Right to left" makes totally more sense to me
@dzaima Yeah, be problem is that you'd want to enter identifiers LTR, no? I just use the Home (and End) keys a lot.
@H.PWiz At least in J, operators follow the same rules but left to right. I don't remember if APL is exactly the same.
@H.PWiz it does for me too, but it really didn't while starting learning APL. It took until I wanted to write a spec for a LTR APL for me to understand how useful it is :p
I think there is dome weird stuff with . although, I'm might just be confused because it is also used for REFs
@Zgarb Yes, APL and J are almost identical in execution. J is basically APL spelled differently, and with somewhat different vocabulary.
CMC: figure out how to achieve ` in GFM
@Adám APL has by far the coolest glyphs though.
I learned J after APL, and I remember that some syntax was different. Maybe it was just the weird function-operator duality of / and friends.
@Zgarb In fact, J was originally called APL/?. Compare to the various APL flavours APL\360, APLX, APL+, APL#,…
@J.Sallé That's true. I can barely parse J. I have to insert spaces to deal with the bi- and tri-glyphs.
@Adám btw, any good resources for learning APL Object Orientation on the fly?
@Zgarb Yes, most APLs have hybrid (or schizophrenic, as we prefer to call them) slashes.
@J.Sallé Other than the last two lessons and the next one or two?
@Adám I was looking for something in a pdf-like format, but the lessons will help, of course.
@J.Sallé Yes, there are two excellent pdfs. Hang on…
@H.PWiz Yes, . is way overloaded, but mostly does what you'd expect. That being said, J's . is even worse.
@Adám Yay! My Kindle and I appreciate it :D
@Zgarb Luckily we may be close to a cure for slashy schizophrenia: The atop operator. If is atop, then ⊢⍤/ cures the / and makes it be a normal function.
I have never understood the deal with / :p
@Adám Thanks a lot!
@Adám Looks like a person carrying a suitcase yelling for a taxi. :P
@Zgarb Aaaaaand now I can't unsee that.
@Zgarb Also 2-trains are different: In APL (f g) Y is f g Y and X (f g) Y is f X g Y. In J (f g) Y is Y f (Y g Y) and X (f g) Y is X f (Y g Y).
@dzaima In the early days, the concept of operators was not fully developed. Thus +/3 1 4 (gives 8) and 1 0 1/3 1 4 (gives 3 4) were established. Later it was recognised that the first / is an operator (it takes + as operand) and the second is a function (it takes an array as left argument, and at the time, array operands had not been considered yet, hence the special bracket-axis syntax +[1] etc.)
@Adám but now that operands being able to be arrays is normal, where's the problem?
@dzaima However, this didn't cause much ambiguity, only impurity (the slashes couldn't be classified properly), until tacit APL programming became a thing in J. What was the role of / in (f/g) Y ? Was it an f-reduction of g Y or was it the f Y compression of g Y ? Some decided that slashes should prefer to be operators, others made more elaborate rules. The issue still stands.
@dzaima Indeed, SAX (and thus APL/? a.k.a. J) redefined compress/replicate and expand to be monadic operators. However, this makes them awkward to use in trains.
@dzaima One thing is certain (for now at least): An operator cannot take an operator as operand (just like a function cannot take a function as argument), so you can never have DyadicOperator Operator and thus ∘. is unambiguous, and ⊢{⍺←⊢ ⋄ ⍺⍺ ⍺ ⍵⍵ ⍵}/ forces / to be a function.
ah so / decides whether it's an operator or a function based on context? The nicknames start making sense :p
@Adám Huh
@dzaima Yup, they are indeed a very sick family that needs a cure.
@Adám why can't it just be an operator always?
@H.PWiz Yeah :-( APL is super-lazy when parsing. Parsing is pushed off until the very last possible moment. For laughs, try parsing ⎕⎕.⎕⎕
@dzaima Because operators cannot take operators as operands. How would you do a replicate-reduction // ?

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