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actually one sec @Dennis do you know why the create room button is gone for me again?
hm. I mean I've done some things that could justify kicking but I've only been kicked twice, once slightly less justifiably but the other completely so
@Christopher means you've been chatbanned/kicked too many times. a mod can reset that so dennis would probably be happy to do so; he's done that a few times for people
@Christopher 'coz u ben kek'd
I know that
@Christopher I might as well ask @Dennis the same thing. (to readd the create room button)
IIRC i was kicked 2-5 a(at the most) times since he fixed it (first time it was when me and another user/mod were messing with kicks in a chatroom (mod was there in case we accidentally raised kick based flags))
I remember that one time you (Christopher) and I were testing a thing in chat and I kicked you as a test and accidentally raised a mod flag to everyone :P that was great
uh ninja'd basically
That was you
And trichoplax?
yes :P and it was trichoplax who was there
Yeah i am trying to find th emeta post
Q: Will I be negatively treated based on fake kicks?

ChristopherA few months ago I and HyperNeutrino decided to bug test kicking and moving messages. In the end we figured out that if you are kicked from a room YOU cannot move your own messages to that room but others can. However you can move other peoples messages to the room you are kicked from (I think th...

CMP: how insane would chess over R^2 be?
@lol lol
@HyperNeutrino Remember to implement |**> for dictionary splats
Ah yes, thanks for the reminder.
Would ***|> have to be a thing
@Zacharý what is normal chess over o_O
@Zacharý first of all |***> and second of all no
@HyperNeutrino Z^2
What would you even be splatting at that point
oh wait so you mean chess can be at any real coordinates
i like where this is going
I have a plan for it, I just need to code it
not this
too late it's on the starboard now
I need to be able to graph in the 5th dimension for my hobby math :| first world AP calc problems
Aug 13 '17 at 2:49, by Zacharý
On that note: I'm going to use sympy, obviously.
@Christopher Eh? 5th dimension for AP Calc?
@Zacharý no i just do hobby math and I have 4 variable graphs i need to graph
@Christopher It was more than that, which is why the restriction was reapplied.
Then why "first world AP calc problems"
@Dennis is there any way for me to see my own kick/ban stats?
because I am using calc
I don't think so.
aw ok. so only chat mods
"Why do you want to be mod?" To view my kick/ban stats. wins in landslide
@Dennis Would you to re-enable the create room button for me?
@HyperNeutrino Would [**[[1,2]]] be [1, 2] because [**[[1,2]]] => [*[1,2]] => [1,2]🤔
Wait, can you double splat?
@Dennis I don't remember being kicked much :/
@DJMcMayhem Not in Python, becuase that gets interpreted as the dictionary splat operator
I have tried my best to avoid being kicked for anything. Realized i was being a pain before
And how exactly would you golf HTML?
@Pavel you might have to make it [* *[[1, 2]]]. I don't know yet, it depends on how I parse it.
he he he
@Dennis <script></script>?
@Zacharý Done. Please try to not get banned again.
@Christopher That would make it a HTML + JavaScript answer.
I'l try not to get banned again
Ahh oh whell
@Dennis Isn't HTML TC now? Or is that just with CSS
I agree it's low quality (and I've downvoted it myself), but it's not invalid.
Ok I removed the flag
.oO(You can do that?)
lol yeah flags are retractable, you just won't be able to re-flag with that type of flag again
@Dennis You can retract main/meta flags, but not chat flags
I was kicked for using .oO :P
@Dennis I secretly work for SE ^_^
I sure hope not
@Pavel HTML + CSS is Turing complete. HTML is not even a programming language.
That can be taken 2 ways @Pavel
@Dennis Up for debate (the former one)
@Christopher I used .oO to indicate that it was merely a thought, a rhetorical question.
@Dennis makes sense. I wasn't kicked for the use of .oO just for the use of it like 5? messages in a row
@HyperNeutrino rip
@Pavel it worked after reload :P
@Christopher Undercover Boss
@PhiNotPi i actually work above Dennis, now i know why his productivity is down
@HyperNeutrino Which is good, because V1 isn't getting killed off until April
(despite the fact his work/teaching is off for break)
CMP: Who here cares about the fact that it's Valentine's Day tomorrow, who here completely didn't remember it, and who here doesn't really care and thinks it's just another normal Tuesday? :P
Okay. I'm going to create a Jagony room, since I'll actually have some difficulty programming that.
doesn't care, I have work,
for me the only significance is programming competition lol
@HyperNeutrino Forgot about. Who needs love when you have code golf?!
@HyperNeutrino Eh?
Need more info
@Zacharý yup :P
@Zacharý it's a canadian thing though it exists worldwide. i think your school needs to support it to compete though lol
Sounds dumb.(Antthing that schools need to sign up for, rather than individuals is dumb and pointless in my mind)
That is kinda closeminded
well it runs during school hours and it takes a significant amount of time and it needs to be supervised
Schools vary a ton
i mean all contests run by schools, math or cs or any others. they all need some sort of teacher supervision
I mean if you can't sign up if you don't go to a school that offers it, it's really dumb. Because some schools will refuse it no matter what for one reason or another.
@Zacharý The Technology Student Association hosts a competition you have to register for through your school, which happened specifically so that they can limit the amount of participants from Tesla STEM HS (my school) because we would always win everything every year.
you go to Tesla funded school?
Can i move in?
@Christopher It's just called that >_>
@Pavel Don't give me info... I WILL find everything out. even if it takes waffles :p
still awesome though
I will see you tmr. Get my room ready
@Christopher Cya
Pavel you may want to warn your parents
Tesla STEM gets an insane portion of the district budget for the amount of students it has, we have multiple 3d printers and a laser cutter that are there for student use and not actually used for any class.
Hey I lived near that school
I live in the flippin' sticks
You almost have ur mid winter break huh
@Zacharý i feel ya
@Pavel you realize I now know where you live to within a county
@Christopher Flippin' Tennessee.
@Zacharý VA
Virginia... guess a lot of <redacted pun, because I don't want to get trampled by a penguin<>
The only programming class was through this online crappy thing and the code you were supposed to examine was plain-text and the code you were supposed to copy-paste as the base program would be screenshots
@Christopher No you don't, choice schools of the Lake Washington School District allow for attendance from out-of-region.
And did you do that
@Christopher That's our CSE class
I know Pavel lives in the USA because he's openly said that in chat before :P
@Zacharý Feels bad man
And he is always free
@Pavel But you can take the exam w/o the course. :P got a 5 on CSA
I have to put together a resume because I may be getting a summer/fall internship in california :P
@Christopher Tesla is pretty much on the border between King county and Snohomish county, is all I can say.
@Pavel Dude i have the school website pulled up
that is not stalkerish at all
@Christopher Right. It's super close to Snohomish county
You know Seattle of course, I lived in Redmond near there for 7 years of my life (first ones)
bout an hour and a half away from Snohomish
I lived NJ for ~4 years, in a town called Hamburger Hamburg
Tesla isn't near Seattle though
it is in redmond
according to the website
@Christopher Yes. Redmond is big.
@Pavel You literally live in the same area i used to live in
Well, it is near Seattle. 25 minutes to Seattle, 20 minutes to Monroe, WA (Snohomish)
Where I live isn't a big secret, really. I think if you search chat history I posted a neat thing I found on Streetview next to my house one time.
So you realise
I can actually find you and attempt to move in without you knowing
just like break into your house and set up camp in a room and wait until you get home
@Pavel you do know Luka and co irl?
Well, kinda? I've met Luca twice. But the rest yeah.
I can bring a sign calling them
Well, I'm moving houses soon, so if anyone finds where I live/lived, it'll be useless :p
@Zacharý we moving into Pavels place for the school
@Christopher Apparantly no I didn't post anything too near my house, but I did post my dad posing for streetview in a ski mask: binged.it/2qNjjiQ
Bing maps? :)
@Christopher Not how it works. 100 students accepted each year by lottery
@Pavel i know
I mean I am graduating this year anyways :P
@Christopher You wouldn't think so, but within the US, Bing maps are actually generally better in my experience.
@Christopher AP Calc as a senior... wow, such lame :p
I'll be taking BC as a senior. I did take precalc in 9th grade and AP stats in 10th though
@Pavel I know, same here but there was a bug that bing wouldn't load
@Pavel forget i am older then you sometimes
@Pavel o_o. 9th grade precal gone to waste
I did factoring quadractic equations and drawing lines in grade 9 :/ (and that was grade 10 math)
@Zacharý Eh? Why?
@Pavel BC calc only calc
@HyperNeutrino Did calculus in class (not the class though, teacher gave it to me) in 8th :p
(well ok there was more to it like solving systems of 2 linear equations in 2 variables using sub/elim)
@Zacharý Same, though I started independently in grade 7 :P
@Pavel Just a waste, you could have AP Stats as elective, and then have calculus for 10th grade year, but cover the entire thing in one year, rather than do two at a flippin' snail's pace
teacher didn't give me stuff though (at least he didn't just give me extra worksheets... HATE those kinds of teachers who misunderstand the -gifted tag on my IEP. he just let me not do any in-class math and just ace all the tests), it was a private thing with a university professor who did it for fun and because he's a nice person :p
@Zacharý My middle school math teachers were crap. My algebra I teacher did not know what a dot product of matrices was. Matrices were in the curriculum.
matrices are in grade 10 pre-ap math lol i don't think they do them formally until grade 11
Why do you all feel the need to one up everyone :P
@HyperNeutrino Exact same. I was studying what the derivative via a definition in the dictionary
@Zacharý I wanted to but I couldn't fit that in my schedule
you think including I use PPCG on my resume would make me lose the internship chance?
@Pavel ...
@Pavel just to make sure I'm slightly less dumb, <P,Q>=tr(Q^T P) right
@Christopher Where?
@HyperNeutrino No idea. Still haven't been taught matrices.
oh lol :/
That's like the one basic thing I never got.
> matrices were in the curriculum
> still haven't been taught matrices
welcome to the school system \o/
@Zacharý Some company in California my uncle works for
I'm taking FOUR COURSES off campus next year ... fun
@Christopher I dunno. PPCG is great for Dyalog, at least :p
Yeah i mean really
@Pavel i mean the concept of a matrix is simple enough, 2D array, but some of the other things with it are rather tricky to understand especially abstractly. some things have geometric interpretations but other things are just purely abstract
All of them not the typical ones my school offers though
I'm also studying linear algebra right now, I'm livin' in the matrix apparently
@Zacharý I'm only taking one, and we get 7-period days starting next year. I think the curriculum will be pretty intensive though, including both AP Physics Mechanics and AP Physics Electricity/Magnetism in one period.
I feel like you guys are all smarter then me
@Pavel wait 7-period days? how long is each period and are you semestered?
@Zacharý Ooh cool actually same :D
@HyperNeutrino Yes semseters, one hour periods.
You don't have 7 period days?
@Pavel I WISH we had AP Phys C at our school
wait you have a 7-hour day
@Christopher Not until next year
@HyperNeutrino ^
@Pavel huh
we have 5 hours of instruction a day as our school board minimum lol
wait you have 14 course slots per grade
We also have to take APUSH and Civics in one period since we only start social studies in 11th grade
@HyperNeutrino yeah but most classes are year long
@HyperNeutrino We don't have any semester-long courses offered.
@Pavel wat
@Christopher You should meet my friend Daniel. He'll make ANYONE feel stupid. Finishes a year-long college course textbook in 1/4th the time, and understood it all
@Zacharý Reading wise that is nothing for me.
Oh huh ok. So you have 7 course slots per grade?
(Not to brag) but I can read 1000 WPM with 95% retention
It was a book on quantum chromodynamics. He knows it all
or is that just not how it works
@Zacharý wow
@HyperNeutrino Starting next year. Up to that, only 6.
Oh huh okay.
We get 8 slots :p
We have 8 a year.
why do I feel like Zachary is secretly my alter ego
There was also an option to take Biomedichal Engineering and Anatomy instead of both AP Physics Cs.
electives can be semester
@Christopher We don't have any like that
@HyperNeutrino fear me. Shog9 is mine
@Pavel true but stem doesn't have art classes i am guesssing
pretty much everything i've said in the last half hour is 10/10 true for zachary
@Christopher so you are secretly two SE employees?
@HyperNeutrino yeah
I have a link that proves we are the same person
@HyperNeutrino Nah, my alter ego is Daniel. Basically he's me if I had anxiety issues instead of autism.
@Christopher We have digital production (photoshop) and animation
I also have a friend named Daniel though he's not as smart as the one Zachary described but he is still very smart
I have a friend Danial. He has red hair and likes Doctor Who
oh huh. who read his hair?
I approve ^
my hands type
@Zacharý wait what?
not really pun just describing its grammatical correctness :P
@Christopher We both learned a bunch of stuff through isolation, albeit the isolation was from two different problems
@Zacharý I actually have no idea wtf to say right now.
one sec
It's been a sec
I hate it when one of my messages gets on the starboard because then I can't star it so then the stars aren't all yellow and it's inconsistent :/
I had a teacher named Hu
@HyperNeutrino Hahah revenge. Almost have a full yellow starboard here
But WHO is Hu? (You were asking for that)
I knew somebody would have to star that :P I'm not even complaining though, there's already a message of mine there.
Ruined it more for you
@Zacharý let me get back to you on that
@Zacharý My friends and I have been making that pun for like 4 years by now :P because I have a friend called Henry Hu :p
Henry Who?
Does he like Doctor WHO though?
(that doesn't work as well in text lol)
@Zacharý his dad IS doctor who/hu
Alright, let's not be owls here.
please stop before we all get kicked
There are no Ro'S active rn
lets the puns be freee!
you think.
As long as teh penguin doesn't come here
but the penguin is always watching you
tbh mego is the pun based kicker
If teh penguin comes, we're screwed
@Christopher Hence I say teh penguin
welp :/ rip christopher
Of course he's jealous, penguins can't really PUN-t anything
Even though he is a PUNguin
Wait what the heck
btw in case you were wondering I'm pretty sure there is an active RO right now :p
Yeah I figured
I mean it shouldn't affect how you behave in chat but just pointing that out :P
Did you get kicked?
50 mins ago, by Dennis
@Zacharý Done. Please try to not get banned again.
Yeah did you?
No. I did not just yet...
@HyperNeutrino There are at least 2 :P
But probably more
Wait so why would I be kicked but not anyone else?
Who said V?!
"behave" has the letter v in it
it was me
Very valid.
3 mins ago, by Christopher
There are no Ro'S active rn
@Zacharý No one needed to say it to summon me. I was already here
"v" in "active" summoned DJ :P (except ^)
But still my point stands. I don't understand why I was kicked. We were all making puns and nobody else was chatting.
I have no idea how I'm going to implement Jagony ;(
@DJMcMayhem Ooh I see :P yeah I figured just because the icons are faded doesn't mean they're inactive :P
Hu started it
Note, that isn't a pun. The mentioning of "Hentry Hu" started it, IIRC
@HyperNeutrino menioning? Lol
ninja-fixed :P
how does SE mod election work? i see two possibilities; one is to assign 1 point to 3rd choice, 2 points to 2nd choice, and 3 points to 1st choice and take max points, and another is to eliminate whoever has the least first-choice-selections and then assign all first-choosers of that to their second choice and continue elimination
So the former almost
Except that votes over a certain threshold are transferred too
Ooh cool :D
C'est crème de la crème!
I can't believe that I make 1 joke about no ro's on and immediately get kicked.
!= is back!!
@HyperNeutrino So AFAIK, I believe the first candidate to get > 33% of the first votes will win. So if candidate 'A' got 50% of the first votes right off the bat, then each of those first votes will only use up 2/3rds of the vote itself. Then the remaining third of each vote will go to each persons second vote.
Will DJ stand for diamond joe?
@Zacharý yes
@DJMcMayhem I think you have a decent change at winning. At least 2/3
Guess you could say he's <redacted>
So if one candidate is hugely popular, than your second vote is more heavily weighted because the first candidate isn't really contested
I guess
@Christopher Gee thanks :P
@DJMcMayhem :P
I voted for you.
(get it, 3 votes 3 people, i voted for everyone)
@Christopher Here's a tip: If you ever say something along the lines of "There are no ROs around, quick do X" and then proceed to do it, you're basically asking for kicks, and will most likely get them.
@DJMcMayhem I didn't do X
Then HU did?
I said let the puns be free (no pun) and mego is the punbased kicker (he is)
@Christopher Still, "No ROs around, we can do whatever we want" is asking for kicks
@DJMcMayhem It was still a joke. :/
Forgot the </joke> (I use that to indicated sarcasm so I don't get kicked for stuff like that)
I deserved that
Let me guess. Kick?
What else?!
We do make a lot of puns areound here
Tide pod?
I wonder if the # of puns correlates to number of kicks?
Correlation != Causation :p
who knows (i really struggled to not make the Hu pun please notice that RO)
@DJMcMayhem can I make 1 more really good pun? please?
Making puns isn't the problem. It's not know what's enough and when to stop that's the problem.
Assuming that's a yes. What does the struggling math student say to his teacher? Notice me SINpi . The teacher says "you are nothing"
I've made the same puns as you two and I wasn't kicked because I only made them like once or twice and didn't keep making them again.
^^^ gold joke
Gtg 🌃!
Wth Android made night at emoji
I am definitely telling that to my calc teacher
Cite me
@HyperNeutrino Does Proton 2 do string interpolation?
@Pavel not exactly, NaN < 0 and NaN >= 0 both return false. Works with anything that can't be implicitly converted to a number (e.g. "a", [1,2], alert, undefined)
not yet but i'll add that to TODO
@HyperNeutrino I think Perl does string interpolation best, btw. "$var" or "$(2+2)
Hm okay.
I probably will do "${something}"
I actually think ${} looks nicer. I was mostly pointing out that interpolating variables with $var is nice.
Hm okay. I'll think about it
@HyperNeutrino Do you have like a hackmd I can stick ideas into
Or a room

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