hm. I mean I've done some things that could justify kicking but I've only been kicked twice, once slightly less justifiably but the other completely so
@Christopher means you've been chatbanned/kicked too many times. a mod can reset that so dennis would probably be happy to do so; he's done that a few times for people
IIRC i was kicked 2-5 a(at the most) times since he fixed it (first time it was when me and another user/mod were messing with kicks in a chatroom (mod was there in case we accidentally raised kick based flags))
I remember that one time you (Christopher) and I were testing a thing in chat and I kicked you as a test and accidentally raised a mod flag to everyone :P that was great
A few months ago I and HyperNeutrino decided to bug test kicking and moving messages. In the end we figured out that if you are kicked from a room YOU cannot move your own messages to that room but others can. However you can move other peoples messages to the room you are kicked from (I think th...
CMP: Who here cares about the fact that it's Valentine's Day tomorrow, who here completely didn't remember it, and who here doesn't really care and thinks it's just another normal Tuesday? :P
I mean if you can't sign up if you don't go to a school that offers it, it's really dumb. Because some schools will refuse it no matter what for one reason or another.
@Zacharý The Technology Student Association hosts a competition you have to register for through your school, which happened specifically so that they can limit the amount of participants from Tesla STEM HS (my school) because we would always win everything every year.
Tesla STEM gets an insane portion of the district budget for the amount of students it has, we have multiple 3d printers and a laser cutter that are there for student use and not actually used for any class.
The only programming class was through this online crappy thing and the code you were supposed to examine was plain-text and the code you were supposed to copy-paste as the base program would be screenshots
@Pavel Just a waste, you could have AP Stats as elective, and then have calculus for 10th grade year, but cover the entire thing in one year, rather than do two at a flippin' snail's pace
teacher didn't give me stuff though (at least he didn't just give me extra worksheets... HATE those kinds of teachers who misunderstand the -gifted tag on my IEP. he just let me not do any in-class math and just ace all the tests), it was a private thing with a university professor who did it for fun and because he's a nice person :p
@Zacharý My middle school math teachers were crap. My algebra I teacher did not know what a dot product of matrices was. Matrices were in the curriculum.
@Pavel i mean the concept of a matrix is simple enough, 2D array, but some of the other things with it are rather tricky to understand especially abstractly. some things have geometric interpretations but other things are just purely abstract
@Zacharý I'm only taking one, and we get 7-period days starting next year. I think the curriculum will be pretty intensive though, including both AP Physics Mechanics and AP Physics Electricity/Magnetism in one period.
@Christopher You should meet my friend Daniel. He'll make ANYONE feel stupid. Finishes a year-long college course textbook in 1/4th the time, and understood it all
how does SE mod election work? i see two possibilities; one is to assign 1 point to 3rd choice, 2 points to 2nd choice, and 3 points to 1st choice and take max points, and another is to eliminate whoever has the least first-choice-selections and then assign all first-choosers of that to their second choice and continue elimination
@HyperNeutrino So AFAIK, I believe the first candidate to get > 33% of the first votes will win. So if candidate 'A' got 50% of the first votes right off the bat, then each of those first votes will only use up 2/3rds of the vote itself. Then the remaining third of each vote will go to each persons second vote.
@Christopher Here's a tip: If you ever say something along the lines of "There are no ROs around, quick do X" and then proceed to do it, you're basically asking for kicks, and will most likely get them.
@Pavel not exactly, NaN < 0 and NaN >= 0 both return false. Works with anything that can't be implicitly converted to a number (e.g. "a", [1,2], alert, undefined)