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@MDXF what is the typo you corrected? I can't find the difference
@totallyhuman Regex all the way :P
After writing a tokeniser I usually see *+? in my dreams :P /s
question: how do you disable a blaze spawner without mining it
i tried increasing its light level to 15 and blocking it around but they're still spawning outside of the block shell and they apparently don't care about light levels
A: How do I stop a Blaze spawner from spawning blazes?

Orc JMRWhat blocks immediately neighbor the spawner is irrelevant, it will still try to spawn mobs across its area of influence.Spawners place mobs at three levels - one below, the level of the spawner, and one above, and can spawn mobs in the air. Horizontally mobs spawn anywhere (not aligned to blocks...

@Mego great, thanks!
@Mr.Xcoder I'll happily take Unique is Cheap
Oops didn't see the other chatroom -- I'm on mobile
@Giuseppe No problem, updated the gist :)
my simple PLQ answer is now my 3rd most upvoted answer O_O
@Christopher I really thought it would work in Brainfuck... but it doesn't
@Mr.Xcoder well i mean
there are no output chars for BF in the code
Wait a bit...
@Christopher There's .
@Mr.Xcoder there is?
Yes... ?
oh yeah there is
tbh i really hate BF
i really do
A milder cop, but golfier:
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

quartata???, 144 bytes $flags as spam void(string s)dprint=#25;string(float f)ftos=#26;void()main={local float j;j=1;while(j<101){dprint(ftos(j));dprint(" ");j=j+1;}};

not really
please don't actually flag as spam
> $flags as spam
you really think I the most esteemed member of this community would do that? </sarcasm> flags
16 hours ago, by Dennis
I just wish I could ignore people irl.
I never have agreed to anything more in my life
void()main=, ftos, dprint=#25... I believe this is a red herring
i just had a great idea
I just got a new idea for a TPLQ cop
PQL is how you say it
no need for T or cop
PLQ not PQL >_>
@dim nice job btw. You beat me in 2 different best of :P
@totallyhuman <_<
Hi! It seems you're missing people for bountying some best of challenges? I can donate.
@dim no, people just haven't responded
@Christopher thanks. And sorry at the same time...
@dim We're not necessarily missing people, but feel free to reward any post here. Long time no see, btw :)
@dim haha all good man. Figured it would happen, you just had way too good of an answer
We had 3 of the top unanswered challenges all answered in 1 year. Not bad
Atm there are 2 posts that need rewarders.
@quartata Dammit, beat me to it...
i found a python parsing tool that guido van rossum uses
@Mr.Xcoder i actually could tell immediately, it just took me 5 minutes to format the answer
has a ton of documentation too
@quartata Same ;-;
Except I was a bit late
@Mr.Xcoder but what if it's actually a blue herring
@quartata plot thickens
@Mr.Xcoder Yes, but honestly, apart from this epic post, I'm afraid you won't see me much. I have to admit don't feel very comfortable with golfing languages. All I see is cryptic characters in the answers.
it takes a while to get used to it
Hehe :) That's my forte.
I use languages like Brain-Flak that are simple but hard
@dim just noticed you have 10001 rep on electrical SE O_O
@Christopher Actually, I just have been serial upvoted, I think. Could it be one of you?
Definitely not me.
The votes have just been reversed... suspicious
Yes it has... Funny. Anyway, but still went past the 10000 so I keep the privileges.
wait what
ok everyone upvote me to 10k asap. then I can be the first 2k user with 10k privs
figured I should add that so i don't get in trouble :P
xcoder you gonna hit enter?
It was definitely one of you guys... Hehehe.
@Christopher No
@Christopher Don't get me wrong, but your activity on Electical-Engineering.SE reveals something pretty interesting: Month votes: 7 Week votes: 7 Day votes: 7... Just enough so that Dim can reach 10k... I'm not accusing you, but if you really did it, stop it.
I reverted all my votes, I wanted to see it be 10001 out of OCD.
I must admit it was funny.
Yeah ... that's a bit ... DIMENTED if he did it.
Though now I know that you keep 10k privileges if you drop back down :P
A: I double the source, you double the output!

ChristopherNewline 3 bytes i\n Note: running newline in the one newline between operators Try it online

Why is that @ -1
@Christophe Yes. I knew that already. Because I went past the 5000 (~6900) on codegolf, and went back to ~4500 because of the bounties I offered and still kept the privileges.
no idea, but I have no clue what your description says
literally what it said
newline when enabled is not TC
@dim if you ever leave just remember I can hold on to your rep for safekeeping *</joke>
@Christopher it is 2 bytes though
@Christopher "running newline in the one newline between operators"
> Phi's New Language
@NieDzejkob an accident, it was wrong
@totallyhuman no it is 3
in Phi's New Language, 53 secs ago, by Feeds
Dennis has unfrozen this room.
it is \n not:

@Dennis It is new, as in every time the rooms gets unfrozen I start over from scratch.
@Dennis quick question, if a interpreter requires newlines to be typed \n does that count as 2 bytes or 1
@totallyhuman ^
@Christopher It would probably be worth stating the output. also The online interpreter is completely confusing. What is y,{,0,},g?
...but the interpreter doesn't
...you know what nvm i guess it's a special case 'cause it's not reading from a file
@MDXF thanks, I forgot to edit that part
@H.PWiz fixed the link
have you considered not using khan academy though
I would have to re-write an entire language that I wrote for a challenge
no point
I have work to pain-flak
I mean you don't have to answer
@DJMcMayhem pain-flak version 1.2 (not released yet): loops now run the code backwards and forward until TOs=0
@ConorO'Brien wat
bummer I can't edit my cop, realized I could have golfed it more because I was dumb
although tbf I'll be very disappointed if it isn't cracked
If it's one of your own languages and it doesn't get cracked, that's disappointing
no it's definitely not
none of my languages are that well structured
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Robbers

Johannes GrieblerBeatnik, posted by fergusq Output as xxd dump: 00000000: 0102 0304 0506 0708 090a 0b0c 0d0e 0f10 ................ 00000010: 1112 1314 1516 1718 191a 1b1c 1d1e 1f20 ............... 00000020: 2122 2324 2526 2728 292a 2b2c 2d2e 2f30 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0 00000030: 3132 3334 3536 3738 393a 3b3c 3d3e...

what the hell
I tried every Beatnik interpreter I had
it's the most obvious one
what a legend :D
;-; I tried Beatnik too
Btw I woah'd because it was by a new user
i tried beatnik too wth
damn they intentionally made sure it wouldn't work on tio
Holy crap, a new user did it. They were definitely a lurker.
cracked ;)
Now what's next? I'm mobile and the script lags my phone :p
man I've got a really good one (19 bytes) but I can't test it on this computer
Therefore, it must be a slow computer, or OS-specific
@Zacharý Probably a 2D language, I hope it's a 2D language, if not I'll just stay away from that language :D
It fits in a square, so probably
12 rows, how tf is it 659 bytes
All rows seem full
Oh the newlines
What. I got a segfault in a Befunge interpreter
pop from empty stack probably
Doesn't that give 0?
shoot i got pranked :(
oh, hm
still probably an error in the program, not the interpreter
I have a feeling it's some obscure Befunge interpreter
oh thank goodness
I don't know though
@totallyhuman lol
did you actually run it? I specifically used ID 25 and 26 for dprint and ftos so you'd need a real QuakeC VM
gmqcc uses 1 and 2
I didn't, that's why I wasn't sure
I suppose that would've been more fun for you :P
also how dare you call something Carmack made "obscure"
and no we're not talking about daikatana
Q: XMR mining code golf

Chad BrewbakerXMR miners seem to be all the rage in malware. Curious to see how small a code golfed miner is for research into detecting dynamically and to prove static detection is near impossible in general. https://github.com/cryptonotefoundation/cryptonote From what I can tell it is a 25 register finite ...

are we really only having 3 candidates for the election?
@quartata also I'm dissapointed in your lack of meme run /s
why would I
@Riker Unless someone runs in the next 20 hours, yes
@quartata I personally think you'd be a pretty good mod and at least worth nominating yourself
that's just like, your opinion, man
I thought @Mr.Xcoder said they were going to run
@quartata lol
plus, I mean
I did say this in a public room:
Aug 3 '16 at 17:15, by quartata
I'm so happy I didn't get elected mod. I think I would crack trying to keep this chatroom and comments under control
I choose to believe the reason we have only three candidates is because the ones that have already nominated themselves make it so no one else believes they have a chance at winning.
also said this one out loud:
Dec 10 '15 at 2:34, by quartata
I shouldn't really be yelling "PARAGUAY SUCKS LOL"
so that's just a no right there
Why is everyone so up in arms about having 3 candidates?
because activity

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