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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PhiNotPiFour-Byte Bloom Filter Bloom filters are cool. In the words of that Wikipedia article: A Bloom filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure, conceived by Burton Howard Bloom in 1970, that is used to test whether an element is a member of a set. False positive matches are possibl...

I want to post this challenge.
But... I need to find a list of acceptable hash functions.
Also, other than that, do people think the challenge is fine?
Well, i may as well try something else. maybe do something with Opus Magnum (my favorite game as of recently)
I wonder if i can write a Hello, World! in it
"write" as in build :P
Wait hold up
TPLQ 2 is happening
no one told me
you should find out by being active on ppcg :P
@quartata what is that
the programming language quiz
A second Finnish language
What is it with the Finns and programming? It an I just thinking of Veli-Matti J. ?
* am I
What the heck!
I don't think it's a Finnish language
think it's obfuscated into a Finnish poem
{:}42718815 ... sandboxed for 2 years ...
@totallyhuman The ? should've tipped us off
@totallyhuman it's probably headsecks
I can't find where my interpreter is though
working on a pretty good one here, think y'all are going to like this
i just realised i forgot a single part of my answer. It needs manual activation because i'm a dummy who forgets things.
And now it seems a little late
I might make one as well, along with possibly finally getting around with a good answer to my own question (to revitalize it as well)
(I did manual activation to make sure it worked, forgot to put the tick in place)
@user202729 That's not breaking any records.
yeah phi usually leaves his challenges in for 4-5 years
... yes, because there are a lot of abandoned challenges too.
i can delete it lol
Obviously it won't be 3.14159... years
Tio doesn't have headsecks
@user202729 well he doesn't abandon them
he's just trying to get as much feedback as he can
I'm saying about other challenges.
sometimes that takes a while
I've been relying on tio for cracking but I realized it might not be
(... too bad the sandbox doesn't work well ...)
AFAIK most (... I only know Jelly ...) golfing languages don't have built in hash function so asking for SHA256 may be too hard, and not specifying at all is too exploitable.
@user202729 yes
@Mego 32-bit processes can access 3GB of memory on 32-bit Windows with the right flags set and 4GB on 64-bit Windows. Then again it could just have been a malformed font causing an invalid memory allocation all along...
So i can't run for moderator because I was suspended 6 months ago, now mind you I was suspended for something I admitted to doing and had done a month or so before I admitted to doing it (voting abuse). So I can't run (not like I would win) because I confessed. If i hadn't confessed I could run :/
@Neil I’m almost certain Word isn’t started with that flag
@Christopher No, the CMs would still have removed your nomination regardless
@Mego I removed my nomination myself
My point was if I didn't admit to voting fraud (100 rep) I could run. I was legitimately home free
Not saying I shouldn't have admitted it (glad I did) but i feel the irony of honesty punishing me @Mego
I honestly wonder if my cops challange was too evil
But whatever, I did what I did
@moonheart08 on mine?
No, on the programming language quiz
i made a new answer.
I'll try to crack it :P
Anyone know where I can find a link to the Dyalog APL codepage?
@moonheart08 why deleted?
First Google result
@MDXF Forgot to readd something i removed while debugging.
@Zacharý Or abrudz.github.io/lb/apl from the CPAs
Which made it not work
O rip
Dyalog... I think they added a few things.
Still doesn't display the codepage...
My solution may not win, but it'll prove a point i've been meaning to prove very efficiently.
Look at the top of the page...
That displays symbols that are not in the cp...
Like ⌺
Guess they're in the cp then...
A: When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?

Adám GNU APL and ngn/apl use UTF-8, so use a byte counting tool. NARS2000 only uses UCS-2, so 2 bytes per character. IBM's APL2 is the only modern APL that natively supports APL EBCDIC, so 1 byte per character. Dyalog APL uses any Unicode format, or the classic Dyalog character set (Table 1 below).* ...

Q: A challenge that comes with a judge program

ngnI'm thinking of designing a single-player game strategy challenge in which programs are fed lines on stdin, to which they respond on stdout. A program must respond to the current line before learning the next one. This is similar to how the popular Moby Dick challenge works. Ideally, I would prov...

@Christopher You really think you wouldn't have gotten caught?
@Zacharý ^^
I linked a code snippet that generates it using ⎕AV
@Mego Honestly yes, it was over a month between the voting and when I realized what i had done. Again still glad I admitted it
Now the original intent was to test the boundary of voting correction, but i found the limit and kept the votes :(
@Christopher A month is nothing. It's entirely possible that the mods had bigger issues to deal with at the time. You would've eventually been caught.
Almost no one gets away with voting fraud
There, it's posted (Language Quiz). Anyone want to have a crack at it?
@Mego it really doesn't matter
You're not being punished for being honest - the policy is being applied fairly for something that you did.
@Christopher That's like stealing to test the limits of theft detection. Simply saying it's for science doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
Whether you admitted to it or you were caught doesn't make a difference
I know
@Dennis hence why I admitted to doing it, I know now how wrong what i did was
Ow, that's gotta hurt. (Know now how)
@Mego it just felt ironic
@Zacharý stop
@Zacharý I am willing to be honest, I was being dumb
I just went for the -ow, in all honesty
@Zacharý going at it now
also how did dennis get here? he just appeared
He's Dennis, just accept it
Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I'm not here.
Teachers with lives are very mysterious... to be honest
That makes sense
I just had this thought, I wonder if the SE community managers vote in mod elections ever.
@Pavel Probably not
@MDXF no luck so far i assume? :P
@moonheart08 oops got distracted
I get distracted too. Not unexpected
oops, deleted
Ya figure it out yet?
Clearly not or I would've posted it instead of giving everyone a hint
I didn't see it, so i have no idea if it was significant. Not that i could tell you if it was.
Do you have a script to check it or something?
You can't check EVERY one of the languages on TIO by hand, can you?
@Zacharý ...shhh don't expose
And anyway... I'm not going to give any hints...
nooooo it's starred my secret is out
Oh well, it really just weeds out the easy answers
Well, did you check all the output formats?
I'm checking the output by hand
(I think I might have a chance, LOL)
Well I didn't find yours so
OH, I forgot to mention that it's only counted with the APL CP.
That should get you on the right track
Don't know what that means
That means the characters aren't what you would type in, I'm putting in the hex now.
There, hex added, and I'm ready to be cracked.
Oh. ಠ_ಠ
@Zacharý xxd please
How to xxd?
xxd file
Thanks :)
I didn't xxd, I just copied the format :p
if you're feeling really fancy, you can use man xxd instead of tnb xxd
@Οurous Man pages are hard to read tho ;-;
It always did amuse me that man prints What manual page do you want? instead of opening man man
github.com/tldr-pages/tldr is a much more simplified version of man that provides quick examples/explanation. Do reccomend
\o/ can finally place bounties
Biggest problem with brute-forcing TIO's langs is the 60-second time limit
I wish there was a way to search a man page for a given flag. Like obviously there's grep, but that doesn't really work if the option's description is multiple lines.
@Dennis is there no way around TIO's 60-second time limit?
If there was, I sure as hell wouldn't make it public.
What if I pay you bitcoin or ETH
I'm already worried about server load as it is. 30% at this time of the night isn't normal. Let's see if the PLQ kills TIO tomorrow.
@Dennis I think it's mostly me, I'm running a script that checks every lang on tio
@MDXF maybe don't do that
I've been running it pretty much constantly since 3:45 here (3 hours ago)
@Zacharý I saw that language while finding a language to make an answer with.
@quartata but I want to win
Doesn't the TIO repo have instructions for how to make your own TIO? Which you could then use locally.
@MDXF O___o how often
18 secs ago, by MD XF
I've been running it pretty much constantly since 3:45 here (3 hours ago)
@MDXF you won't crack anything that way
@moonheart08 Which one?
@MDXF Then make your own server. Everything's open source after all.
at least nothing significant
@quartata I've cracked three already
@Οurous there's also a docker IIRC so it really can't take more than 8 seconds
I'll go post it.
@MDXF yeah, and they were first day solutions
@Dennis does TIO have an up-to-date docker?
@MDXF at least limit it to once every 5 minutes, for decency's sake
Is it the 4-byter? Or the 72?
@Οurous yeah idk why I didn't realize this was a problem
TIO's not invincible after all
how about just not do it :|
it ruins all the fun :|
@Zacharý the 72
Let's see if you get it right. Either way, I'll be happy as heck.
Yeah I suppose one could, you know, follow the spirit of the challenge.
fortress or d calling it
@MDXF There's a Docker thing, but I don't maintain it. Not sure how complete. github.com/TryItOnline/tiodocker
:| i don't want download fortress
But brute-forcing all languages kinda takes out the fun anyway.
> The image takes about 2 hours to build
oh wow ok
I should probably get Dennis to put Fortress on TIO some day.
@Dennis Well it's not all languages
Just the ones on TIO
but still :|
@Downgoat Which language is this?
also tio has 400 languages and most are gonna pick out of those anyways
@totallyhuman let me post it
Okay okay once I crack the most recent one I'll quit for tonight
i'm in the middle of posting the fortress crack lol
Off the top of my head, I can name several languages (heck, even just starting with B) that aren't on TIO
@moonheart08 oh it was fortress? Zachary's?
@moonheart08 oh sweet it worked?
haha called it
@MDXF Except for Dyalog and Mathematica since those require licenses.
@MDXF The 72 byte one that I recently posted.
@Pavel Didn't Adam give TIO Dyalog?
The 4-byte one is still up in the air
is this answer might as well be a butt, since it's about to get cracked inappropriate
@MDXF Right, but if you run a local instance you'll need your own license.
@Downgoat too bright. Give night theme or riot
It's free and it'll take a day to get a license, but you'll still have to setup dyalog manually.
yes no sane programmer wants a day theme :P
> day theme
yes day theme should be night theme
@Downgoat Very beautiful, but why are they stars at daytime?
@Pavel they are supposed to be goats but I have not made lots of goats yet so I've kept the stars from the night theme
There's at least one star at daytime :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PhiNotPiCompressing the Atomic Ionization Energies This is a new type of compression challenge. In a normal compression challenge, you are required to recreate a list exactly. Here, you are allowed to round the values in any way you wish. What's the catch? Your score is penalized based on how wrong ...

What do people think of this challenge?
@moonheart08 night theme is very-night though: i.sstatic.net/SSJZE.jpg
i was about to say
because my eyes just started bleeding (i have a style on that makes stackexchange night themed)
yea actual night theme is nice
Oh hey I can finally edit my name now. Or I missed the arrow before.
night theme will have penguin and ice but I'll have to figure out how to effectively randomize SVG penguin traits
@moonheart08 So how did you find out about Fortress>
@DJMcMayhem Ok really random question but do you have a large version of your avatar available?
I was looking through Rosetta Code about hello world, and fortress's odd 'export Executable' statement caught my eye
I do not lol
seeing your code made me remember it :P
Someone knows about Fortress, without knowing my obsession with it (at least what it was planned to be)!
neat cat
"403 Forbidden"
@ConorO'Brien It's a black and white cat wearing a Cat In A Hat hat
@ConorO'Brien Why do you need it?
I was planning on spending too much time on a joke
Now does anyone want to try the 4-byter
@Mego The Falcon Heavy core missed the drone ship.
"Two engines on the drone ship were taken out when it crashed" it sounds like it didn't miss the ship..
> it hit the water at 300 miles per hour
Well, I guess that depends on how you define "miss"...
@MDXF i'll assume you haven't figured it out and call it a night for code golf :P
Miles? In anything official that's even partially non-US?
I added another solution to the polyglot challenge I posted. This time it's 4 languages.
@moonheart08 yep haven't figured it out
night o/
@MDXF Which one?
@Zacharý mine in the cops thread. the 529 byte
@El'endiaStarman More importantly, is there an explosion we can watch?
I thought that was flawr speaking for a second XD
@Pavel Nope, the video feed cut out right before it was due to land.
1 hour later…
What is oeis.org exactly for?
@ManishKundu It's a list of every meaningful sequence of integers ever cataloged.
akward moment when it takes same amount of time to copy 2GB file as to download :|
hello! Does a code golf question have to be "solved" before it is asked? I have one in mind, but I haven't coded a solution myself yet (golfed or not)
@stanri Nope, that isn't required. Personally, I think it's generally a good idea, but it's certainly not mandatory
No, there is no such restriction. Just post it in the sandbox
I.e., Sandbox for Proposed Challenges. Welcome to PPCG!
I am a newbie in C++, and as per my book I need to install Visual Studio to code in on my PC. So do I need to install any additional things (Desktop Developement with C++, .NET desktop developement idk what those means) except visual studio core editor to code basic things in C++ ?
... command line also works, you don't need an IDE. (although it looks nicer)
No please answer my question. (Because my book uses Visaul Studio )
I posted my question in the sandbox
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

stanriIs My Swipe Pattern Legal? Most smartphones allow the user to use a swipe pattern to open their phone: Certain patterns are legitimate, and others are impossible. Given an input swipe pattern, return a truthsy or falsy indicating if the given input pattern is legal or not. Input The grid i...

complete noob, so any help is appreciated!!
... so... as long as you have the compiler it works.
You don't need to post it here. NewSandboxedPosts bot will do it.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

stanriIs My Swipe Pattern Legal? Most smartphones allow the user to use a swipe pattern to open their phone: Certain patterns are legitimate, and others are impossible. Given an input swipe pattern, return a truthsy or falsy indicating if the given input pattern is legal or not. Input The grid i...

See, like that ^
Related: Google for "site:codegolf.stackexchange.com pattern lock screen"
@stanri nice first challenge. One thing I'd say to add is if something like 16 is OK as it kinda sorta might cross over 2/5 but I think it's possible to do (not sure don't use android :P)
@Downgoat from experience, if you're delicate enough, you can do 16
I did search for swipe pattern but not for pattern lock screen
@Οurous try doing with hooves
@Downgoat I recommend using a tablet in that case.
I said "directly in line" intentionally, so 16 is ok
edited in any case
ಠ_ಠ I just woke up and found 28 notifications from TPLQ2
@cairdcoinheringaahing What's that acronym for? The Programming Language Quiz 2?
Oh. I mean it's obvious now. But it wasn't when I first saw it.
1 hour later…
hullo guys
adios amigos
@Zacharý SpaceX is a private US company, and the velocity report was from a US news report. Why wouldn't they use mph? I'm sure internally they use km/s (and they even used km/s on the stream for showing the velocity of the rocket).
@Mego yeah I guess most stuff doesn't (I know 32-bit Firefox does though)
Time to figure out the TIO API
pls don't brute Force
Github is still terribly slow for me...
Does anyone know of a proxy site that render Github properly?
Lol GH is faster than usual for me
G'morning, smart people. o/
I am making a programming language that knows how to solve definite and indefinite integrals \o/, thanks to SymPy :p
Smart people indeed ^
I didn't respond to ^^^ because I don't consider myself smart :C
Please, you're making your third (fourth? fifth?) programming language, for funsies. 'Course you're smart.
I am making my second programming language, but meh :)
@Mr.Xcoder Just from the code I've seen you write, you're a much better developer than some of the ones I've worked with
@Mego In what way? Lol
The biggest design flaw my Python interpreter has is that all function definitions are capitalised... Which is intended for Physica, but conflicts PEP conventions.
Q: Largest number in 512 bytes

l4m2Given a 2^n-bit x86, output the largest result when n is large enough. Your code should be at most 512 bytes. Note: The result should be constant when n exceed a constant. Decimal and unary(use the output.length) output allowed No infinity output, but infinite loop allowed if the loop doesn't ...

CMP: What do you think about type annotations in Python?
@Mr.Xcoder Your code works and is actually well-written and decently self-documenting. That already puts you ahead of 80% of the other developers I've met.
Haha, thank you! :)
@Mr.Xcoder Annotations in general are great, because they provide an easy means to extend the language.
Oh yeah, I started commenting my code... this year, even if I'm programming for few years already. So gratz
Annotations are completely optional and completely compatible with vanilla (where they don't do anything other than add data to an object), so they check all the boxes
I use them because it's easier to keep track of the intended parameter types.
80 rep in an instant o0
That happened when I answered "Make a Triangularity program valid" in Triangularity
Feb 2: 200, Feb 3: 158, Feb 4: 200, Feb 5: 200, Feb 6: 100, Today: 0 :(
I wish I could earn this amount of rep daily O.o
Someone please post a CMC
@Mr.Xcoder CMC: given a language name, output a CMC where that language is guaranteed to win (or tie for first)
trains a neural network that analyses posts and tags from PPCG and outputs a challenge name that is won by the given language :P
Test cases: Jelly -> basically anything, Actually -> Inverse Fibonacci, Java -> code bowling
What CMC stands for? Chat Message Challenge?
;-; I must implement list slicing in my language first... Brb
@labela--gotoa Chat Mini Challenge
Well, in this particular case:
Oct 14 '17 at 13:06, by Mr. Xcoder
I think CMC means Chat Mega Challenge here
@Mego APL → list integers from 1 to input.
@J.Sallé Also works for Actually: R
Or is it a 0-byter in APL?
Given that [ and ] get transpiled to ( and ) respectively, should I have a function that slices a list, or should there be some strange syntax?
@Mego nope, 1-byter.
@Mego but you did say "or tie for first"
Hmmm, ?
@Mr.Xcoder Both
@Mego I like your tastes! :)
@Mr.Xcoder yeah. ⍳<number> outputs 1..<number>
Or 0..<number-1> if ⎕IO is set to 0
What type annotation should I use for something that can either be a string or a list?
@Mr.Xcoder collections.Iterable
I'd have to import collections, right? Is that worth it?
I imported collections. Might use it later too. Thanks
@Mego Since I use len on that object later on, should I use collections.Sized instead?

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