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Thank you ... terrible typo.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Christopher 2EZ 4RTZFactor in 7s! I like the number 7. A lot. In fact I can only read numbers in terms of seven. So to fix this I need you to write a program that puts the input number into terms of 7. Rules: All standard rules apply Input and output format is flexible and may be taken in any reasonable way You...

Any ideas on how to determine if a new thread was created in a threadpoolexecutor (java)
inside the running task is fine
it doesn't seem like there's a good way
@Poke Check if the current thread is the main thread?
I guess I should explain my usecase a bit more... I'm trying to measure the overhead of a ThreadPoolExecutor creating a new thread versus using one that already exists in the thread pool. This measurement will help me make an informed decision about what value makes the most sense for an idle timeout on that thread
The classes I want to inspect and possibly extend are in java.util.concurrent so I can't just patch in my own change
a(n) ~ 2/exp(2) * n!
what does the ~ mean?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ is approximately equal to
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ you're best of using taylor approximation on the gf of A058057
ELVM continues to amaze me. Generated brainfuck programs contain error messages such as Sorry this program needs an 8bit interpreter.
Dennis are you supposed to be working?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ yes, I know that
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Working?
@Dennis Yeah the thing that pays the bills
that sequence is the diagonal of the triangle described by A058057
(totally have no idea what you said)
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Not that it's any of your business, but my university closes in summer/January.
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ third row, first column of the triangle is the first element of the sequence, fourth row, second column is the second element, 5th row, 3rd column is the 3rd element, etc
Well i wrote a program but it doesn't output correctly :( khanacademy.org/computer-programming/new-program/…
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ಠ_ಠ why'd you ask that
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ <= instead of <
Didn't change anything
@Mr.Xcoder It is working hours where I am and iirc we are in the same time zone, (different hemispheres) and found it funny he was messing with ELVM
@NieDzejkob i don't understand the sequence do you know what the equation is trying to do?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ If you don't mind me asking, but how old are you?
under the legal drinking age in the US
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ the a(n) ~ 2/exp(2) * n! one? or the Sum(n!*(x*y)^n/(1+x*(y-1))^(2*n+1),n=0..infinity) one?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Because I see to remember you being in your teens, and am curious why you reference working hours as a timeframe quite often
Using work hours is a very simple way to reference that timeframe. I also have a job :P
@NieDzejkob the first one because I need to fix my formula :P
It looks like 1/2 *n! to my eyes but i don't understand why it would be written like that (hence why i think it is wrong the way I look at it)
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ it's $\frac{2}{e^2}*n!$
one sec getting mathjax
... PJS doesn't have E
To be more precise: ~ means asymptotically: f(x) ~ g(x) means lim[x->+Inf] {|f(x)-g(x)|} = 0
@NieDzejkob ahh makes sense
For example, Stirling's approximation is usually given as n! ~ sqrt(2*pi*n)*(n/e)**n
Also substitute f(x)/g(x) = 1 for f(x)-g(x) = 0 in my previous message, as it's more correct
@Mego Fascinating. TIL
@NieDzejkob i am getting decimals but the OEIS has whole numbers :/
Though I can't tell what the blue line is in that graph
@DJMcMayhem Gamma(n+1) ~= n!
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ because it's approximating. Of course you'll get decimals
AFAICS this formula is utterly unsuitable for use in the OEIS challenge
use the generating function
I fixed my math
@Mego Ok, this is a total noob question. But if Gamma(n) == (n - 1)! then why it Gamma(3) 6 in that graph instead of 2?
It's Gamma(n + 1). :|
TIL DJ can't read sometimes, so he is a bot coded by Geobits
only logical assumption
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ He doesn't _UNK often enough.
@DJMcMayhem what does that say?
Γ(n) is (n-1)! for all n in { n+1 : n∈ℕ }
ok dj that was right... now go power down for a little and let the grown-ups talk
drop table CHAT --;' guys DJ is a robot.
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ We knew that already.
DJ is a Geobits bot, I'm a Jon Skeet bot.
Well, I was a Jon Skeet bot. I went rogue.
Jon Skeet bots cannot go rogue
That's what Jon Skeet wants you to think
Shog9 is my responsible alternate ego.
I have proof
@Pavel Please stop questioning.
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ OK. Booting down...
I will silence you if yo- Ok, I heard it that time.
@DJMcMayhem Unbooting.
Got to go and remove some more remote access codes from my source code then recompile.
@wizzwizz4 );"\/
Makes just as much sense as "booting down"
Yeah, it's been raining and my boots are all muddy.
I really hope there's nothing baked into my neural net because I don't want to touch that.
Does anyone know of a very easy way to add a 1 px padding to a picture?
@Mr.Xcoder ImageMajick?
Hmm, assuming you meant Magick
I think Majick is just another esolang
@Mr.Xcoder Yes, I did. I didn't mean the esolang.
I could write a PowerShell snippet that would pad the image. $10
(mostly joking)
@wizzwizz4 Anyway... That's not too handy
Why do all online photo editors use Flash ಠ_ಠ
@AdmBorkBork write it in javascript, put it in npm, wait for everyone to use it, then suddenly kill it
wait it was leftpad not image pad
How to take down AWS 101: Write easy small code snippit, upload to NPM, wait a month, take down. Congrats you broke AWS
That would involve using JavaScript, though.
I have discovered the joy of DIY git hosting. Lower latency, more granular security and no file size limits. And it can cron mirror other git remotes. Neat.
i'm jelly
(also is the border too big?)
@Mr.Xcoder Nice! JHT could do with some activity from people not us :P
Great, posting it!
@Mr.Xcoder Do you mean "ad?"
are room names changeable
That's pretty good.
@wizzwizz4 Yes, could you correct it for me using your mod powers?
@betseg Yes. ROs can.
I misread this as "How to divide 11 by 2" :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Posted! :-)
@Mr.Xcoder Upvoted :D
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ _UNK
Hopefully people will be incentivised to join JHT this way :)
30 mins ago, by mınxomaτ
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ He doesn't _UNK often enough.
minx beat you to the joke
But... Does the fact that the chat room is Gallery affect us or advantage us?
Incoming NMP spam :(
affect what
@Riker I was continuing the joke
@Mr.Xcoder Maybe add some Jebberish to it.
@Riker For completeness:
Dec 2 '16 at 19:35, by mınxomaτ
user image
@wizzwizz4 Jebberish?
@Mr.Xcoder aka Jelly.
@mınxomaτ Good times
@wizzwizz4 Yeah I understand that, but I'd appreciate some kind of example
@Mego without geobits, we're stuck graduating on april 1st :/
Anyway, gtg o/
I may be missing something, but what is _UNK?
unasigned long integer killer jelly hypermode
.... no
@cairdcoinheringaahing tl;dr; geobits made a markov chain chatbot, called it Marky Markov, ran it on se chat for a while. it had this weird habit of saying "_UNK" whenever it glitched out. geobits claimed he didn't know why it said _UNK but it's likely "unknown token" as a holdover from tenserflow-chatbot
Why does powertop measure power consumption in milliseconds per second
How does that even work
it is unknown token
@Pavel because of radians
                Usage       Events/s    Category       Description
             38.9 ms/s     1296.2       Process        [PID 11017] /opt/wine-devel/bin/wineserver
             19.3 ms/s     617.7        Process        [PID 11055] C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe
             10.5 ms/s     480.4        Interrupt      PS/2 Touchpad / Keyboard / Mouse
             25.7 ms/s     401.0        Process        [PID 11088] C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe
             14.1 ms/s     325.5        Process        [PID 1387] kwin_x11
mili(?) Samples per second
It is milliseconds per seconds, I checked.
I'm just not sure how that makes sense
think about the units for radians
meters per meter
@Geobits i asked a long time ago and wanted to ask again, Can i have marky markov's code?
didn't he say he wasn't going to give it?
no he just said he had to find it iirc
> Marky resides on a hard drive that's in an unmarked box somewhere. It may be a while.
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Well, Geobits and time estimates....
i expect the code in 6 to 8 weeks
new question >_>
17 mins ago, by Mego
Incoming NMP spam :(
Ninja'd :P
@totallyhuman ?
I don't see anything
The spam got nuked pretty quick... I wonder if that's causing issues with the feeds
ah ok
It's been deleted
I'm waiting for it to show up so I can nuke the NMP post also
@Riker Look at Charcoal HQ or metasmoke
ah true
hm, I could always just edit it to _UNK and we can star it
> 27*7 hours
@Riker Or just delete it
@Pavel unknown token
I was joking but yea that too
it is a meme
11 mins ago, by Riker
@cairdcoinheringaahing tl;dr; geobits made a markov chain chatbot, called it Marky Markov, ran it on se chat for a while. it had this weird habit of saying "_UNK" whenever it glitched out. geobits claimed he didn't know why it said _UNK but it's likely "unknown token" as a holdover from tenserflow-chatbot
damnit mego you ninja'ed me with myself
I remember when i thought that the RO'S were serious people who made sure this room was ontopic :P
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ This is more on-topic than it used to be :P
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Ah, the delusions of the youth :P
@Mego ninjanteau
Although, I don't think I'm much older than you :P
Iirc we talked about breeding hamsters at one point
We're here to chat and have a good time, just like everyone else. We just also have steel-toed boots to kick the party poopers with.
:( I am not a party pooper
> party poopers
non-humans = party poopers
how many humans are really here?
this chatroom in particular is for "general discussion" so unless folks are actively discussing a ppcg-related thing, most things are fair game unless they're 100 pictures of pokemon mashups
one sec
@Poke Was that ever a thing that happened
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Every account on PPCG is a bot except you.
@Pavel Unfortunately
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ 28 If I can count :P
@betseg well except for me
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ now imagine each of those as its own message in this chatroom
how about carrot.bat
@Poke o_o
tnb going back to its original roots, oldest message on the starboard is 6 hours old
we post a lot of starbait :P
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ yes '^'
as soon as people start talking about starbait you know something new is about to end up on the starboard
i win
@Pavel bash, 5 bytes: yes ^
@betseg I use zsh, and just ^ is some kind of glob.
Knock it off
Jeez and I didn't even mean to ya know.
jeez onebox much?
@Pavel wut
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ... it's not big..?
@betseg setopt extended_glob
@totallyhuman i know :( ...
@Pavel til nice

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