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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

;-; the cure cat's gone again
@EsolangingFruit I think your nomination would be better suited for "Kansas City Shuffle"
@Mr.Xcoder cute*
@Mr.Xcoder It was the first answer to that question
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Heeby Jeeby ManHexcells is a game based off of Minesweeper played on hexagons. (Full disclosure: I have nothing to do with Hexcells. In fact I don't really like the game.) Most of Hexcells rules can be pretty easily expressed in Generalized Minesweeper (Minesweeper played on an arbitrary graph). The one that ...

How many times has wheat wizard changed his name and icon?
@Zacharý >9000.
I know what you're thinking.
> That's impossible!
However, there are enough SE sites to, if you abuse the rules, allow you to manage that in...
I meant the meme reference
Just no
I've only changed my name a few times. Usually for just a short while and then back. I've changed my picture many times
I estimate it'll take about 10.6 years, to make that, if you start now.
Assuming SE doesn't grow any more, 10.93 years.
And that assumed it doesn't die
Oh, wait.
I was out by a factor of 10.
Make that 0.1093 millennia.
Now my personal computer won't turn on, great.
You can always change your name if you have changed it in the last 5 minutes
@HeebyJeebyMan Really?
Is that a grace period?
If it were a resetting timer then it could be accomplished in under a day.
But as it's a grace period, it depends on how much the SE servers can cope.
@Zacharý rm -rf /?
@HeebyJeebyMan 5 min since the first change or last change? like change-wait 4 min-change-etc
@betseg Probably grace period, since that's how the rest of SE works.
No, Jesus I didn't do that!
@betseg I'm pretty sure it is last change
Actually, 2030 days.
About 5.56 years.
It's working now
@Zacharý Make a backup.
I estimate you won't have a computer in 6 minutes.
Then it'll be back again.
There's nothing on there I really need to back up
@Zacharý So, you wouldn't mind if it was all gone?
Too late, I remotely bricked it.
It turned on. It's back to the black screen. Now to wait for emergency mode.
If you don't care about the contents, just wipe and redo.
Delete that bloatware whilst you're at it.
I don't care about the contents in the Linux. Dual boot machine. Don't care much, but I do care a little, about the windows portion
In which case, put the Windows portion in a box where it can't break anything else.
I expected that you could delete that laggy bloatware, but -
Is this Windows 10 / Vista?
I expected you could delete that laggy bloatware, but unfortunately not.
My grandmother got me the computer with Windows on it for my birthday, so it holds some sentimental value
Even the windows
Oh, ok.
That makes sense.
The only reasons I keep Windows are:
1. It's a good OS.
2. It's Windows 10 but I can't configure the UEFI without it.
3. I don't want to remove it for some bizarre reason, despite it being Windows 10.
I should try Arch Linux sometime. Not today though
its so good
@betseg I've heard that.
i can configure uefi without windows
with only arch
I'm loyal to Debian, however, because it calls itself GNU/Linux and I can't work out how to use SEDE Linux.
Yeah, I might hate myself enough to have three operating systems
debian calls itself a gnu/linux because it doesnt have proprietary software
arch does
Isn't the Arch Linux forms sure really confusing? I heard that futon from a friend
no? wut
Or was it something you had to do to create an account?
nope, just a basic TTY installation
maybe thats the confusing part? no GUI?
I remember him saying there was a command you had to run in order to create an account on the Arch Linux forms. It was some time ago
@Zacharý That's the same with every OS.
Some of them have a GUI that does it for you.
@Zacharý oh that thing
captcha for arch forums
That is definitely it
That's easy to crack.
Pardon me for my ignorance
sha384sum of "[UTC week number]+Linux"
Ah, I think I remember him telling me something about it ... That might have been it
just a captcha that's easier for bots than humans ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Random question: is there a language that can utilize a main-like function or commands immediately in the source code?
Why did that send twice?
mobile site is great
just wait 5 more seconds to edit after posting the message on mobile
Ah,. That makes sense
btw, i dont understand the question
Like, if python could have C's main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
@Zacharý ^ ?
mainish for python
I mean if you could do int a=2;printf("%d",a);int main(){printf("hi");return 0;} in C
@Zacharý You can do the first, just not the second
(global variables)
I know
btw, y tho
You can sorta fake statements outside of main in C++ by putting them in a globals constructor
@betseg just searching for weird things in languages.
@DJMcMayhem godbolt.org/g/sofMVu so GCC just calls list.push_back() 4 times (line 249)
(compiled with -O3 because otherwise it's thousands of lines long)
This emergency mode wait is going to take a while
@Zacharý how would that be different from a script language
It wouldn't, I'm asking if there's a script language that lets you do that with a function.
if __name__=="__main__":
    import sys
that's useful if you want to import that file to just get the value of a
The GUI on my Linux won't even pop up now...
@Zacharý startx?
I've done that before.
sudo startx works fine.
sudo init 5 worked last time.
can you login as another user?
su [username]
I logged in as self
I have no other users
I think you should run sudo init 4 instead.
oh, so not single user mode
init 4 is poorly defined.
Mego, you lied to me!!
It could do anything.
It might solve your problem.
It might start apache.
Didn't solve it
sudo init 5 usually puts it into "normal" mode.
# init 1
Excess arguments.
I have python... Somehow
@Zacharý Yay!
def f():
        return f() * f()
            return f() + 1
            return 2
In the emergency terminal thing
@wizzwizz4 eh?
> Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ^D to try again to boot into dafault mode. Press Enter for maintenance (or press control-D to continue):
@zac does it say this
@Zacharý What is the value of f() on your machine?
If the machine's set up right, it should be constant.
It might take a while to run.
Yes, and why did @zac ping me
first 3 letters
@Zacharý if yes, oh boy did your disk screw up
you need fsck
from a live usb
or just clean install
preferably arch linux
I officially blame Eclipse
Fsck, I need fsck.
you know how to fsck?
you know how to file system consistency check?
It's harder than tar!
fsck.ext4 /dev/sdxy
No, I do not want to know as of now, and no, I do not know how to file system consistency check
sdxy being your partition
@Zacharý just told before you posted that message :/
I posted late
How do I determine my partition
@Zacharý Don't.
yes > /dev/sda will wipe your drive just fine.
plz no
I'm not that oblivious
@wizzwizz4 ^
@Zacharý write lsblk and try to find
Efi or /?
efi partition should be fat32
/ should be ext4
Y to fix?
havent actually used fsck for, like, ever
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrSparse Protractor code-golf math Given some positive integer n, design a protractor with the fewest number of marks that lets you measure all angles that are an integral multiple of 2π/n (each in a single measurement). Details As an output, you may output a list of integers in the range 0 to...

Then do the same to efi partition?
nah it boots up fine
but if you still want to do it use fsck.fat / fsck.fat32 instead of fsck.ext4
Is there a command line way to reboot? I am afraid I'll screw it up.
Pardon my ignorance and precaution
init 6
shutdown -r
@Zacharý plenty
Different black screen this time
what does it say
A little bit before what it had before.
I might have to resort to Windows. Prepare for updates
Linux 💔you
Yeah, computers and hardware in general hates me
try running fsck.ext4 /dev/sda7 on a live usb
we actually unix.se now
why do up/charm/top quarks have half the charge of down/strange/bottom
codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/102378/56721 i dont deserve 27 upvotes just for being the FGITW
there are answers that deserve those upvotes more than me
All votes belong to QFT
Quest for Tetris
TIL that I can do recursion in my language :/ It took 6 months to discover though.
in your language as in..?
Which language
Isn't as++ supposed to be not tc?
No... Why do you think that?
I accidentally clicked "full site", any one know how to get back to the mobile version?
Click 'mobile' in the bottom left corner
Pas problem!
I don't give up just yet, but I probably will soon
select /dev/sda
rm 7
in case you change your mind again
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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