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@cairdcoinheringaahing i am currently winning for the bounty
i golfed to 44 bytes
3 languages
using CHIQRSX9+
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ That's not a programming language
Not by our definition
X runs the code as perl
The only interpreter known makes a random program out of the code and runs it as Perl. That's not reproducible.
X isn't deterministic, so it doesn't count - there's no way to consistently get it to add two numbers or determine primality.
what about HQ9+B?
HQ9+B is acceptable if you consider the input to be part of the program (which CS does for determining TCness)
ok changing answer
oh my god my physics teacher pronounces "phi" as "fee"
@Mego CHIQRSX9+ is now TC
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kelly LowderCode Golf Simulated Golf Given a list of hole yardages and green sizes and a slice angle and a max distance, compute a golf score. Assumptions: Earth is flat All greens are circular Slice angle will be between -45 and 45 degrees and will be given in degrees All distances in the same metric (y...

CHIQRSX9+ ? WTF is that?!
see above link
@Downgoat That's technically right. (And wrong, if you go off of ancient greek, it's "pee")
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Do you have an interpreter for that?
linked at the end of the page
What page?
esolang page
That's the exact same interpreter which isn't usable because of nondeterminism
there is a change
instead of adding a random int it adds 7
huh changes didn't commit
now it does
Ok, now that version is actually TC
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Esolanging Fruit Sandbox Notes: Better tags? Is this problem well-defined (i.e. is there any ambiguity in the panfix notation)? How difficult is this? I can't see any way to do this in sub-exponential time, so I might put out a bounty for that. Panfix to parenthesized infix code-golf string p...

I got a gold badge, woohoo
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Do you have an interpreter for HQ9+B? Because I doubt that it currently works in all 3 languages.
@cairdcoinheringaahing one seccith
@Zacharý Nice, what for?
@cairdcoinheringaahing i do not have the interpreter but it would work
it runs into H and prints hello world and then it hits B there is no input
I can't award the bounty until there is at least one interpreter that can run that code and produce the correct output, otherwise the answer is invalid per the site rules
ok it works in
and that has interpreter
Ping me if you find one, I need to go to sleep. 'Night.
@cairdcoinheringaahing i have a CHIQRSX9+ interpreter
and edited my answer and it works fine
So much for going to sleep.
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Two things: 1) It appears you haven't edited an interpreter into your answer, and second, what is your proof that CHIQRSX9+ is TC?
one sec
Makes the programming language Turing-complete. How this is supposed to be achieved is not clearly specified. The original interpretation just randomly adds a number to each letter and runs a perl. The updated one by ChristopherPeart (talk) Adds 7 to each char then runs as pearl making it TC
that is the X command in CHIQRSX
i think
yeah cap X
Then your program isn't TC in CHIQ... as there isn't a capital X in your code.
you do not have to run the TC part to make a language TC
I don't need a proof of TC in every post do I?
Sorry, brain fart :/
> then runs as pearl
also "and runs a perl"
Finally, there is this issue. If you edited the way that the CHIQ... interpreter worked after I posted the bounty in order to make it TC, that would count as violating the loophole. Is there not a sane language that you can add, rather than trying to prove/disprove the TCness of HQ9+ derivatives?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I've never heard of that language
CMC Given three positive integers S, N, M, output a positive integer k such that S + k = N (mod M)
Does the order the program takes them in matter?
@ConorO'Brien CJam: {-,=}
Stack should be M N S
can I have a TIO? I'm struggling to get cjam working >.>
@ConorO'Brien Pyt: -←Đ↔⇹+⇹%
Takes N,S,M
in that order
@DJMcMayhem It's a smellier version of bra*nfuck :P
And also the program should be {-\,=}, sorry
oh, I see
@ConorO'Brien for Pyt Try it online!
It's just defining and calling an anonymous function
I thought that didn't look right, but it took me way too long to find the mistake :P
The sad part is that I could have halved my CJam score if CJam weren't so dumb
There's no implicit input, so I waste 2 characters making a block, and then the modulo doesn't work for negative numbers so I use ,= instead (cyclic index into a range)
@ConorO'Brien Actually, 2 bytes: -% (input is N\nS\nM)
Q: Find the Missing Numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence Mod K

pizzapants184Inspired by this Math.SE question. Background The Fibonacci Sequence (called F) is the sequence, starting 0, 1 such that each number (F(n)) (after the first two) is the sum of the two before it (F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)). A Fibonacci Sequence mod K (called M) is the sequence of the Fibonacci num...

1 hour later…
Anyone have any experience polyglotting Ruby and Perl 6?
I just need a simple print statement to fail in one or the other
@ATaco tnb.a-ta.co is giving me 502 bad gateway, please fix.
@MDXF Fail like not print or fail like error
@Pavel what is at tnb.a-ta.co?
@Downgoat Redirects to tnb
Seems to be working now actually
@MDXF In Perl6, the same In Ruby
Both Perl6 and Ruby can use =begin comment for multi-line comments, ruby can end it with =end while perl6 requires =end comment. The perl6 parent is put inside a string for ruby, that it does nothing with.
print "hi"if 1=="1" will only print in Perl6, print "hi"if 1!= "1" will only print in Ruby.
The spaces are all needed because Perl oddness.
If an error is fine, just do say "hi" in perl6 and puts"hi" in ruby.
Note that if you need any statement to come after, perl6 will require you to add a semicolon.
@Pavel it’s been bugging all day, don’t have time to debug
Nice to see someone other than myself uses it atleast
Q: Let's start a "language-of-the-month" event

DLoscWhereas, there are lots of interesting languages out there that might be fun to golf in, and Whereas, many of us are the inventors of said interesting languages, and would like to teach them to others, and Whereas, learning and golfing in a language is more fun if other people are doing it with...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

kshishooObjective Given a 2D array (of x by x size), write a program or function to alternatively shift elements of the array along the diagonals. (diagonals are right to left, top to bottom). (first diagonal moves down second diagonal moves up with elements wrapping when they reach the end of the diago...

2 hours later…
Q: The n-th number without consecutive equal binary digits

Stewie GriffinThe sequence contains the decimal representation of the binary numbers of the form: 10101..., where the n-th term has n bits. The sequence is probably easiest to explain by just showing the relationships between the binary and decimal representations of the numbers: 0 -> 0 1 -> 1 ...

^ the above question
it only has esolang answers :facepalm:
(which is common for easy non-catalog questions)
Why doesn't H+Ḟµ<^‘µ$# work? Define 3 chains H+Ḟ, <^‘, $#, and the $ is supposed to catch the 2 previous chain.
sorry for noob question, but the command line flag -n for perl is +1, not +2 right?
@Unihedron We no longer count flag byte count.
(to avoid such questions)
(Mego's meta post)
so it's free? :0
I found this, which says it's +1
A: Command-line flags on front ends

MegoLet's solve the flag problem once and for all Rather than dealing with inconsistent schemes for adding flags, let's just consider each separate invocation of a compiler/interpreter/whatever a separate implementation (and thus a separate language by our rules). This comes with many benefits: T...

ah, this didn't come up when I was searching for it
Q: How to redefine a macro using its previous definition

jackhabSuppose I have the following macro: #define xxx(x) printf("%s\n",x); Now in certain files I want to use an "enhanced" version of this macro without changing its name. The new version explores the functionality of the original version and does some more work. #define xxx(x) do { xxx(x); yyy(x)...

Is it really impossible?
Why doesn't this work? (Jelly again)
Why doesn't Haskell like tabs?
CMP: How should we sort nulls? null < nums < chars or num < null < char or num < char < null, and why?
I think we already had CHIQ... long time ago?
Yeah, >The original interpretation just randomly adds a number to each letter and runs as perl.
So... isn't it already TC? Although it's certainly made-up.
1 hour later…
@user202729 Is the 5 intentionally in the Input and not Argument field?
@user202729 Since there are no arguments, the arity of the Ḥ_Ḃ‘ chain is 0. µḤ_Ḃ‘µÐ¡ sets it to 1, so the program works as intended.
Hey, can anyone tell me why is this challenge's third test case resulting in 34650? I'm getting 11!/(1!4!4!) = 69300
@J.Sallé Divide (11-1-4-4)! too.
(k_m is not in the input)
Q: List of Good Numeric Scoring Systems

Lyndon WhiteI suggest that we should have a list of scoring functions. When there is only one variable in the score for example: length of submission (code-golf) Portion of test cases passed (test-battery) number of languages (polygot) This is easy. When there is multiple such as any two of the above...

The "All code should run in less than one minute for n and m up to 1000." feels weird. On which machine?
(yes, all restricted-time challenges have that problem)
@user202729 ah, I see. I hadn't noticed the last element wasn't given
Q: Olympic Rings Sequence

Kevin CruijssenChallenge: Given an index integer n, either output the n'th item in this sequence, or output the sequence up to and including index n: 25,25,7,28,29,20,21,22,23,14,35,26,7,28,29,20,16,29,12,15,28,21,14,17,30,13,16,29,12,15,28,21,10,6,12,18,15,11,7,13,19,17,13,9,15,21,18,14,10,16,22,19,15,11,17,...

Is supposed to apply on all finite-input-set challenges?
(I think no)
Yeah it often is
There is a specific meta about this
@HyperNeutrino this is a disaster waiting to happen
unfortunately you can't have blank variable names (like `var ``` isn't valid)
how does one do that
@HyperNeutrino `var \`\`` looks like this: var ``
var ``
oh nice
`var \`\`
@HyperNeutrino cough
I like a lot of things Kotlin does, but their decision to use name : type instead of type name turns me off.
yeah I find that syntax really awkward as well
small sacrifice to not use java
@totallyhuman See, my solution is generally to use C#
...also does the tag wiki really use haskell for an example?
Also, does anyone know how to run diff against the output of two processes, not files?
@Pavel diff <(./a) <(./b)
@NieDzejkob Ooh, ty.
Forgot all about that syntax
@NieDzejkob Those poor Kirbys
@AdmBorkBork What?
they do look like furry round creatures tbf
@NieDzejkob <(*.*<) is an ASCII representation of Kirby. Your code makes it look like something bad happened to them.
@AdmBorkBork <(*.*<) is a valid (albeit meaningless) APL and J function.
Hehe, neat
@AdmBorkBork Come to think of it, most ASCII noise (non-alphanumeric ASCII) is probably a valid J function, as long as () are balanced — {} and [] need not be.
nah, it's not a valid APL function :(
@EriktheOutgolfer It is, and you can assign it to a name, but it has an empty domain.
@Adám domain? more like the first < being called monadically, and yes you can assign it a name but it would actually throw syntax errors won't it?
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes, because both < and f.g are dyadic only (for now…), and *.* can only be called monadically, even if you call the entire function dyadically.
Q: Compare Two Lists by Their Maximum

J843136028Given two different lists of numbers (not necessarily integers), return the list that has the highest maximum (e.g. [4, 2], [3, 3, 1] -> [4, 2]). If they both have the same maximum, return the list that contains more instances of this maximum (e.g. [4, 4, 2], [4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1] -> [4, 4, 2]). I...

CMC: Given the integers n and b, convert n to base b. Example: 40, 5 => 130
Q: Binary Substrings

J843136028Inspired by the fourth problem from BMO2 2009. Given a positive integer n as input or a parameter, return the number of positive integers whose binary representations occur as blocks in the binary expansion of n. For example, 13 -> 6 because 13 in binary is 1101 and it has substrings 1101, 110,...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JordanParse my ISBN-10 code-golf Given an ISBN-10 code starting with 0 or 1, extract the registration group, registrant, publication, and checksum numbers. Background We've talked about International Standard Book Numbers before, including converting them and calculating their checksums. Now let's ...

@cairdcoinheringaahing Emojicode, 7 bytes: 🔡n b
Make a valid answer and get -1
@cairdcoinheringaahing Isn't that a jelly 1-byter?
@DJMcMayhem Yes (b), but some languages can find it more difficult
For instance, BrainFlak or V
Honestly, that might be better in brain-flak than in V lol
Mod and int division repeatedly. Shouldn't be massively difficult in BFlak
Well and multiplication, right?
I have a language spec and no interpreter (old language)
It it a loophole to make interpreter according to spec and use that to win a bounty?
@DJMcMayhem No?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Pretty sure, yes.
@cairdcoinheringaahing param($n,$b)[convert]::ToString($n,$b) ... only works for bases 2,8,10,16
@cairdcoinheringaahing damn
Because i don't have a interpreter for HQ9+B
@AdmBorkBork That's dumb
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Is this for the Add++ bounty?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes
There's got to be one of the ~400 languages on TIO you can use
my solution was so elegant
I meant the other one, the one that was actually a valid competitor for the bounty
@cairdcoinheringaahing are there comments in jelly?
what are they?
I'll create an example, hold on
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ This
Damn, Conor beats my attempt by 2 bytes
I'm trying to remake Enlist (many improvements + better built-ins) using CP437 and I really miss all of the dotted letters from the Jelly/Enlist (customized) codepage D:
I really hate Add++
complains if i have invalid char
@HyperNeutrino They do make a lot of sense :P
yeah :p
now I have to find other characters to fit those builtins
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Yeah, it's not intended to be an esoteric language
@cairdcoinheringaahing it is mean
caps lock strikes again :P
rip in peace
@HyperNeutrino I'm kinda transitioning it from esoteric to actually sanely usable :P
D: wow
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's about as hard as polygloting Python IMO
wouldn't the t be doubled in polyglot[t]ing?
I don't think it's a verb
@cairdcoinheringaahing connor's answer is invalid
Prints Hello, World! not Hello World!
@cairdcoinheringaahing well it's being used as such so might as well pretend it is :p
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ also no it doesn't?
it doesn't do english at all >.>
yeah it does
in the final language
oh he changed it
> Hei Verden!
there's even remnants of comments from when that was pointed out >.>
@cairdcoinheringaahing does more languages get the bounty?
like more bytes but more languages
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Depends on how many. Four languages rather than three but 100 bytes longer would be a no, but 100 languages and 1 byte longer would be a yes
also, @Christopher2EZ4RTZ not cool to steal conor's langs
it's also wrong in hq9+b
everything brok
and i have to use Add++ :P
according to esolangs wiki hq9 does "hello, world"
tfw your bio teacher uses comic sans for the handout font
like the whole thing too smh
comic sans only sans
no there's other sans
when you take the joke seriously :|
@Riker You could find an even more awful font and use it for some homework, with a small font size, and add a note about how comic sans is horrible, maybe?
can't, teacher already marked me down for using heveltica
not trying anything else but times nr now
@Riker what? what's wrong with helvetica?
it's not times
Also, tell her that you can't use Timer New Roman because of ideological reasons - it's not available with a free(tm) license
*tm: totally monatanized
@NieDzejkob wait, it's not? til
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ikr montana is the best font-state
Q: As all the bytes in this answer are in the Jelly code page, and changing the Jelly characters to their ASCII counterparts, can I claim it as 43 bytes?
That is maturity right there guys :P
I am going to try and solve pop-cons again
Q: Code Golf: Is there anybody can (a ==1 && a== 2 && a==3) evaluate to true less than 32 bytes?

Aito ShiroshitaI read Can (a ==1 && a== 2 && a==3) evaluate to true? and try code golf! My answer is this! (Python2; 32 bytes) True=a=0;(a==1&a==2&a==3)==True Is there anybody try it?

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J843136028Deducing Point Score from a Leaderboard In a contest, you can get any integer number of points from 0 to a positive integer n. For the top scorers, a list of names is put up in order of the point score. For example, if Cyril, Dave and Julie entered (and all got onto the leaderboard), Cyril did ...

@cairdcoinheringaahing Is there a single 43 byte file that works with all 3 languages?

 Neutrino Programming Language

General discussion, feature requests, bug reports, golfing tip...
I'm surprised people have been antifreezing it. I'd think everyone's forgotten about Enlist by now :P
@DJMcMayhem I haven't tried it yet. My parents think for some reason I need to eat :P
Food is overrated when golfing is the other option
I tried to golf "food" but the IPA won't let me.
@DJMcMayhem Yes, if you convert the code points to hex then back to ASCII, the programs work in Add++
@AdmBorkBork yeah they believe you shouldn't eat less
Ugh, I don't understand converting to and from different encodings. I'll just leave it as 61 UTF-8 bytes
@cairdcoinheringaahing OEIS A001597
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ o.o
@Poke yeah meta answer that I disagree with but had the most votes by a large margin
@DJMcMayhem why golf when you can have pain!
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ -1 doesn't use the PPCG graduation userscript :P
I am on a school computer :|
On a challenge i commented "looks like it's flak-time"
i used brainfuck but saying "looks like it is f*ck time" looks wrong
@AdmBorkBork You mean this IPA? Try fud, 3 bytes. (Apparently only valid in the US for some reason...)
I was thinking IPA beer
@EsolangingFruit I see ways of getting this down to 26 bytes (plus a flag); but I didn't think I should straight-up give you my suggestions because it wouldn't be fair to others trying to outgolf you. So: good answer, and yet there are still places you can squeeze more. :^D
CMP: what is your favorite Linux distro (if you have one)
Q: Code Golf Simulated Golf

Kelly LowderGiven a list of hole yardages, green sizes, a slice angle and a max distance, compute a golf score. Assumptions Earth is flat All greens are circular Slice angle will be between -45 and 45 degrees and will be given in degrees All distances in the same metric (yards or meters, doesn't matter) N...

@totallyhuman Ubuntu, although I don't really have any experience with any others.
@totallyhuman Fedora, although OpenSUSE's nice too
@totallyhuman What's yours?
@totallyhuman What is this 'Linux' you speak of? I only know of Windows and Mac :P
Yesterday I found out that ChromeOS is gentoo based
@Pavel kinda don't have one, 'cause I've only used Ubuntu in a chroot on Gentoo (lol no, chrome os)
that's really why I'm asking tbh, one day when I get an actual machine
Well, chromeOS is a Linux, so you could say ChromeOS.
Why do you ask? Planning a switch?
it's certainly not my favorite though :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing seriously though, try something Linux some time :P
...wait Mac os is technically something linux
@totallyhuman No it's not
Mac OS is a Unix
...huh NVM false memory
I wonder if Mac is on topic at unix.se
@totallyhuman Noobbuntu
Cause I am a noob
hmm no archers around here eh?
I'd be surprised if there were none though
I know nick clifford uses arch
@totallyhuman To be fair, I've really only used Ubuntu Server, generally from the command line. I can't speak to how Ubuntu would be for a personal computer.
Dennis uses Suse
@totallyhuman I recommend Kubuntu or Mint for a new user
wait to be fair, I do have Linux experience through a raspi also
Ubuntu again but it counts :P
raspi is an ubuntu based system
Q: Cyclic Weak Levenquine

Heeby Jeeby ManThis question asking us to make a "Cyclic Levenquine" has gone unanswered. So today we will ask a slightly simpler version. In this challenge we will define a K-Levenquine to be a program that's output is Levenshtein distance K from it's source. Task Your goal in this challenge is to write a p...

My absolute favorite part of Ubuntu is the Ubuntu font
I've also looked at elementary os 'cause it's the only one that looks good (to me) by default
@totallyhuman ew
I mean, if you're used to a Mac, I can see the appeal, but still. Ew.
@totallyhuman Also, if you just want the look, you can install pantheon to any distro you want
also the fact that it's consistent
@totallyhuman In what sense?
the design is consistent through all the interfaces you interact with when you have elementary
I don't know how it is on GNOME, but the KDE people did a pretty good job of making all the bundled software follow the same design
very good title
:) wasn't my idea
@totallyhuman If you really want Pantheon, I'd grab Ubuntu and install Pantheon manually. That way you'll be able to switch to a different DE later without breaking your computer.
yeah I'll probably end up doing that anyways
Is kolmo tag appropriate for challenges with like 8 quadrillion possible inputs and outputs?
@totallyhuman I feel like I should point out that Ubuntu has a remarkably bad track record when it comes to accidentally bricking computers with updates
I was under the impression that it was only for challenges with no input and a fixed output, but it appears that the tag wiki disagrees with me. :P
@MDXF If it's realistic/likely to hardcode the input/output, then yes. Otherwise no
@DJMcMayhem so no then
Following Meltdown, ubuntu released two separate, unrelated updates over two weeks that destroyed the installation.
Unless there's no discernible pattern, and you have to hardcode them
One of them actually left many computers entirely unbootable due to corrupt Bios
@DJMcMayhem Referring to this
@Pavel Huh. When was this? Server or desktop? LTS or not?
I can't find the other one
Q: Of Dumps and Cubes, and Structured Nonsense

MD XFYour challenge is to translate a Cubically cube-dump to the format specified in this challenge. Input The input will represent a Rubik's Cube, formatted how Cubically prints its memory cube at the end of every program. This is a solved cube: 000 000 000 111222333444 111222333444 1112...

...I am seriously considering wiping chrome os off and installing something on this. Chrome os is tiring af
@totallyhuman what's it doing
being itself
@totallyhuman install Fedora
Does anyone see anything else that would work in the last program of this but nothing else
but I have to flash custom firmware which needs hardware write protection to be removed ;-;
@Pavel Hm, okay. Perhaps the moral of the story is "early adopters can get burned"? The news article is a couple months after the release of 17.10, but presumably the problems started sooner than that.
Why can't we see who starred our questions? Stars are public
Or favorited, whatever
there's also a custom Linux distro optimized for chromebooks :o
@totallyhuman Gallium?
I'm running that rn
how is it?
It's really fast
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mr. XcoderScore our custom Darts games My friend and I love playing Darts together. But since we find the classic scoring system rather boring (for non-proffessionals like us), we decided to customise it. A player has 3 attempts to hit any of the following: the bullseye, a double ring or a triple ring. ...

CMC: builtin function/keyword name where at least 2 substrings of it are also builtin functions/keywords in the given language
i.e. func "do_primes", if "do" is a keyword and "primes" is a func
Bah print is close... int is one :/
addendum: builtin variables work too, Mathematica is disallowed
Haskell, toInteger -> Integer -> Int
also, winner is length/(num_substrings - 1), lowest is best
@Riker Score: 5 / 1 = 5: print -> int (function) and in (keyword)
^ score 5, haskell is score 9
julia, sore 5.5: selectperm!
select!, select, selectperm
(exclamation point matters)
The first one I can think of in JS is instanceof (in, of)
I though that they had to be contiguous
@Riker yeah, is select! a valid substring of selectperm!?
@Riker is capitalization significant?
@ETHproductions oh, I wasn't thinking contingous
@ConorO'Brien yes
schurfact! -> schur, schurfact works too
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ don't make edits like "accidentally clicked vote". just don't. it's locked in for a reason. besides, it's only like +10 rep to the answerer, and +0 to you. no huge reason.
besides, your edit was technically vandalism, as you just broke a bit of formatting >.>
@Riker ...
That's a significant difference
yep, sorry for not specifying
@DJMcMayhem So true
@AdmBorkBork Eh? What does the IPA have to do with this?
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