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5:00 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have no idea what I'm looking at
You can obviously make your language more verbose than that
@Pavel Look at the Boolean:ArgumentsAreEqual It returns FALSE when the inputs are 10 and 10
I assume this is a bug :P
I'm assuming you'll fix this?
5:05 PM
@Zacharý I'm planning to add something like Java's public static void main when I get functions and classes (or even loops) working
@Zacharý Currently waiting for a pull on TIO
ಠ_ಠ the Fedora java-devel package has a Lue dependency
Q: What should be the minimum variable name length in Verbosity? I'm thinking ~10 bytes
that would exclude the use of verbose as a verbose variable name
@cairdcoinheringaahing Make sure to throw in a mandatory MetaFunctions:UseNameSpace<"VerbocityStandardLibrary"> as a counterpart to using namespace std;
How about MetaFunctions:LoadAllInternalTypesFromNameSpace<MetaFunctions@CURRENTLYLOADEDNA‌​MESPACE> instead? :P
5:12 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wouldn't CURRENTLYLOADEDNAMESPACE be the current namespace of the project? That standard library would be a different namespace.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I might make a competing language that only uses Objects, and only accesses them using object syntax
So changed CURRENTLYLOADEDNAMESPACE to VerbosityStandardLibrary?
@Zacharý Isn't that Python?
I have 678 bytes as a Hello, World! program
@Zacharý Joke's on you, Java will still be more verbose
No, I mean where to do 1+1 you'd do System.Math.One.Add(System.Math.One) in it. (I had the idea without being extremely verbose, so it could get worse)
It probably would be implemented in Python
Abusing the fact that you can have custom functions be called on member access
@Pavel *Verbosity
5:20 PM
@Zacharý It's only 9 in the morning don't make me spell things so early
This is just making me create longer names and more verbose methods of creating things in Verbosity :P
Q: Longer name for Loop?
Maybe use Loops:ForLoop ?
Or something similar?
As in the class for loops (for loops are Loop:ForLoop)
@cairdcoinheringaahing ControlFlow:Repeats:RepeatWhileConditionIsTrue and ControlFlow:Repeats:RepeatForEachVarInCollection
That works :P
5:25 PM
Have you ever thought of using underscores instead of camel case?
ಠ_ಠ How dare you. That looks horrible
Verbosity should be readable as well as long
One thing for sure change "Var" to "Variable"
5:28 PM
> IntegerConstantValues = enum(IntegerValueOne = 1, IntegerValueTwo = 1)
Fair enough hahahahah
@cairdcoinheringaahing you does a much fails?
@Zacharý but seriously what's wrong with this
looks fine to me other than the weird : syntax
> IntegerValueTwo = 1
@cairdcoinheringaahing everybody knows the best programming languages yield True for 1=2
5:29 PM
@Riker Lol I thought you were Riley by looking at the username and photo
@Riker Snake case is what's wrong with that, methinks.
:/ didn't realize that
@J.Sallé u wot m8
snake case is great
clarification: I don't agree with that variable name, just the snake case
Funnily, your usernames have a Levenshtein distance of 2
Who needs integers greater than 10? :P
@Riker If by 'great' you mean worse than camelCase, then yes!
@cairdcoinheringaahing 10 = IntegerConstantValues:IntegerValueOne + IntegerConstantValues:IntegerValueNine I guess?
Not sure if the sum notation is accurate
5:32 PM
This is for a verbose language, of course. Not designed for code golfing, precisely the opposite
Integer:DefineVariable<10; Integer:ArgumentSum<IntegerConstantValues@IntegerValueOne; IntegerConstantValues@IntegerValueNine>> would be 100% correct :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing -1 for designing an anti-golf lang
@J.Sallé Infix notation is too hard to parse :P
verbose is fine, see mathematica
@Riker That was me
5:33 PM
don't make langs just to be useless
@cairdcoinheringaahing fair enough. That actually looks nice though hahahahah
@cairdcoinheringaahing why use <> instead of () or []?
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's why people use postfix
@J.Sallé To be different
@Zacharý I assumed so :p
@J.Sallé I like angle brackets :P
@Zacharý Done that so many times it's no longer interesting
@cairdcoinheringaahing What's the current if equivalent?
5:36 PM
Use {}
I actually like them too. Sadly Java doesn't use nearly enough of those.
@Mr.Xcoder It doesn't have if yet
Which ones, angle or curly?
<> are function calls, [] are blocks of code (if, for and while loops for example)
5:37 PM
@cairdcoinheringaahing Name Suggestion: ExecuteThisStatementIfTheConditionIsTruthy.
@Mr.Xcoder ExecuteThisStatementIfTheConditionIsTruthyOtherwiseExecuteTheNextStatementIgnor‌​ingThisStatement :P
Too verbose?
Fair enough
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think anything over ~30bytes would be too verbose
5:39 PM
And for output?
@J.Sallé The empty program (doesn't do anything), is 87 bytes :P
A fun one: DisplayToSTDOUT
@cairdcoinheringaahing but it uses "compound" commands I assume? (I mean commands with @ or :)
@Mr.Xcoder OutputMetaType:DisplayAsText currently
Perhaps OutputMetaType:OutputThisExpressionToStandardOUTPUT :P
5:41 PM
@J.Sallé Yeah. @ indicates a constant property (like MetaFunctions@FILE) and : indicates a function
I must take my leave now (homework). o/ All!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, I thought so. I meant that single commands (like OutputMetaType) over 30bytes would be too verbose.
Cya o/
Maybe I should add static typing to the list of ideas to out-un-golf cairdcoinheringaahing?
Is Verbosity designed to be practical, @cairdcoinheringaahing ?
6:00 PM
Are this and this dupes?
@DJMcMayhem Imma work on it now
in liberty study hall
@WheatWizard I'd say no.
Or let other with non-hammers decide, dunno
@Mr.Xcoder Why?
There are a couple of differences: 1) The range is different, you go from N to 2N (so you receive one input, not two) 2) You are not supposed to sum (some recursive approaches, for example, might benefit (or not) from this)
I agree that they are closely related, but not enough for me to hammer (I wouldn't reopen if it got closed, though).
Hm, I guess. The answers don't really look very different though
6:09 PM
I'll leave a comment
IMO the n to 2n is probably just a dupe of prime testing. Every answer that has an explanation or that I can read implements a primality test and then just filters a list.
@Zacharý Eventually
I decided to VTC
@Zacharý No one can outungolf me. Even my name is the least ungolfy
6:12 PM
@WheatWizard I edited the dupe list to include the other one too. I'm surprised Dennis didn't take any action, though.
If we would have been unsure, Peter would have clarified things up eventually :P
I could possibly make my System.Constants.LanguageName idea less annoying to use if I somehow hacked in some macro abuse
@Mr.Xcoder The fact that there are differences would probably stop a mod hammer. They're supposed to be really stingy with their CVs IIRC
That's one of the difference between dupe hammers and mod hammers
7:15 PM
Anyone familiar with the Scherer-Scott dual stack algorithm
trying to read through their paper but i keep zoning
hoping someone can give me the skinny
7:43 PM
CMP: We are trying to decide whether APL should sort numbers before characters or characters before numbers. 1) Any SE where such a question would be appropriate? — CXO is asking. 2) What's your opinion?
Characters or strings?
@Zacharý Strings in APL are just character vectors.
@Adám IMO, numbers before character, but I don't have any real reason why or anything
Numbers before characters, pretty much for the same reason as @DJMcMayhem
@Adám You mean, what should sort 'a' 1 'bar' 73 32 yield?
7:47 PM
@Pavel yes, should it be 1 32 73 'a' 'bar' or 'a' 'bar' 1 32 73?
@Adám In both cases, how would you sort: '1' 'a' 1?
Oh, ninja'd
@NathanMerrill either 1 '1' 'a' or '1' 'a' 1.
gross mixed-type collections
7:48 PM
why just numbers and characters? Aren't there more types than those?
@Poke Python2 has an unhealthy obsession with being able to order absolutely anything.
Not really, I assume they have how arrays are going to work
@Mr.Xcoder @Pavel I also brought Python2 as argument for that, but it turns out that Python2 sorts numbers before strings only because 'float' and 'int' precede 'str'.
I like the way Python 3 does it:
Python 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 23 2016, 08:06:12) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AM
D64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> a = [1, 2, 'b', '1']
>>> sorted(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
@NathanMerrill In Dyalog APL, not really, other than objects and object representations, but they are not included in the Total Array Ordering, for now.
7:50 PM
@DJMcMayhem I'm going to have to agree with you there.
MySQL and PowerShell (and thus, by extension, .NET languages) sort numbers-before-letters
@DJMcMayhem That is basically Dyalog APL's current behaviour, but there are reasons why TAO is valuable.
I'm pretty sure Excel and Microsoft SQL do, too
What is TAO?
@AdmBorkBork Links?
@DJMcMayhem Total Array Ordering.
7:51 PM
@Adám then I'd argue that 1 < '1' because '1' < 'a'
@NathanMerrill I thought of that too.
it makes the most sense
just compare hashcodes
what are you going to do about Classic vs. Unicode?
@Poke Huh? You mean the actual binary representation?
7:52 PM
@AdmBorkBork Nonononono, that's just PowerShell. Other .NET languages don't just let you compare strings to numbers.
(1,2): error CS0019: Operator `<' cannot be applied to operands of type `string' and `int'
@Zacharý Classic sorts characters according to ⎕AVU, and Unicode according to ⎕UCS.
So they're equivalent ?
@Adám negative. was making a subtle shoutout to java
@Adám It means to compare the values of the actual object pointers.
I have a good idea: a system variable for determining which one comes first.
7:53 PM
in essence, you have two sentences to choose between:

1. Numbers precede characters
2. Numbers precede letters, but characters precede numbers
tell me which one is easier to understand and read :)
@NathanMerrill There's also the option of 'Error on string-number comparison'
@Zacharý No: Unicode vs Classic..
Like ⎕TAO or something
@Pavel I'm assuming that's off the table, considering that's their current implementation
@NathanMerrill I'm trying to argue that that should remain the implementation.
7:55 PM
@Zacharý No no, we already have way to many system variables that affect behaviour; ⎕IO ⎕CT ⎕DCT ⎕WX ⎕RL ⎕ML ⎕DIV. You just end up needing boilerplate before you can start coding.
Comparing everything with everything is bad, and there's a reason they cut it out of Python 3
the biggest problem with compiler/runtime flags is that often times you'll have server configurations of those, and they don't match development settings
Python 2's comparison is pretty shitty tbh, docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#comparisons
> CPython implementation detail: Objects of different types except numbers are ordered by their type names; objects of the same types that don’t support proper comparison are ordered by their address
ordered by type name
who the hell decided that was a good idea
@Poke 'int' is less than 'string', which is why numbers go before strings
@Adám what about arrays? How would you sort ['a', 1, []]?
7:58 PM
@Pavel mhm. you get into the real fun when you compare tuples and arrays
Javascript just returns false for all comparisons other than !=
or just arbitrary classes
@Adám Here is official Excel sorting methodology.
Arrays obviously go after scalars, I think
@NathanMerrill We are finalising that. Current model says they it is sorted as you wrote it, but I think we want [] before any content, and possibly 1 before 'a'. (This question.)
7:59 PM
ok, so there are more types
@Poke Luckily APL doesn't have tuples.
@Zacharý No, after major cells.
why are arrays before everything?
@NathanMerrill No, everything is an array in APL, even 'a' and 42.
@NathanMerrill Not arrays before everything; nothing before something.
But not like [42], that is totally different
8:01 PM
ok, let me ask a better question then
@Zacharý 42 would go before [42] because we use rank as tie-breaker.
sort([[1], ['a'], [[1]], [['a']]])
@Pavel Right, that's true. The underlying .NET allows sort comparisons between types, provided that the List(T).Sort method is overloaded appropriately.
This sounds pretty confusing
@NathanMerrill Missing quote?
8:02 PM
thanks :)
*walks in* *slowly walks out*
@totallyhuman Since you reopened this post do you want t0 talk about why its not a dupe?
@NathanMerrill depending on the char-vs-num debate, but [1] before [[1]] and ['a'] before [['a']].
the same reasons xcoder had
2 hours ago, by Mr. Xcoder
There are a couple of differences: 1) The range is different, you go from N to 2N (so you receive one input, not two) 2) You are not supposed to sum (some recursive approaches, for example, might benefit (or not) from this)
I dislike my hammer though :/
@Adám sort by depth?
@totallyhuman Obligatory Grandpa Simpson gif
8:05 PM
@totallyhuman No, element wise. so [1] vs [[1]] becomes 1 vs [1] and then we tie-break using the rank, i.e. 0 vs 1.
@totallyhuman That's why Mr.Xcoder thought it wasn't a dupe of a different question.
whoopee three replies
@Zacharý Nah, better a weak argument than arbitrary order.
Does J have an equivalent?
8:08 PM
@Zacharý TAO or roll?
Does J have an equivalent to TAO?
I know what TAO is.
@WheatWizard primality test: plenty of challenges involve a primality predicate, don't see why this one is a dupe; prime sum: non-arbitrary upper bound for range, not summing, also least importantly the question's from 2011
feel free to disagree though
I felt that appying a predicate to a list is pretty much a trivial modification.
I guess this is just a disagreement.
@Zacharý Almost. Grade works on everything, but I found a bug where two non-identical arrays are considered the same in grading. Number precede characters, but only because their type number is less (kind of like Python2's int and float vs str).
@Adám I mean, if you don't want an arbitrary order: compare ord('a') > number
that's objectively bad, though :)
8:13 PM
@NathanMerrill Yeah, that's what K does, but I'm pretty sure we don't want that, since the Unicode value is arbitrary.
Funky’s ::sort just shuffles elements of different type
if you want to be PHP, you can try and convert it to a number before sorting it
Number before string, because strings/characters have a length attached to them
or maybe they do it the other way
Btw, K's grading is completely nuts, imho, it sorts [65,66,65.5], i.e. all ints before all floats!
8:14 PM
@totallyhuman I don't know about other languages, but the Haskell answers are pretty similar:
1, '1', 2, '2', 'a'
@Zacharý Not in APL, they don't.
f n=   [i|i<-[n+1..2*n],all((>0).mod i)[2..i-1]]
a!b=sum[x|x<-[a  ..b  ],all((<)0.mod x)[2..x-1]]
@NathanMerrill What if you throw in a two-digit number or a float?
@Adám PowerShell sorting -- Try it online!
8:17 PM
@ATaco That's horrible
@Adám ok, nevermind...php's sort is really bonkers
It was Javascripts idea.
PowerShell is unusual in that it's strongly typed but will try to dynamically cast things on-the-fly so you can do comparisons. Note especially that List(T).Sort isn't necessarily stable. For example, changing 1, '1', ... into '1', 1, ... results in the string being sorted first because the string is dynamically cast to int and then sorted.
Some nonnumeric strings go before numbers, and some go after numbers.
@Pavel I'm reasonably confident that's because the default IComparator is asciibetical when characters are not equivalent. Don't quote me on that, because I can't seem to find the .NET documentation right at the moment.
8:22 PM
@AdmBorkBork Ugh.
@Adám Ewwwwww
That's just gross.
Neat. camera click
@NathanMerrill /('s sort)|(really)//sg
The hyphen must be confusing the sort somehow. Removing that results in "proper" behavior.
It’s, kind of consistent?
8:27 PM
@Adám ok...so I think I figured it out. PHP's sort isn't stable, so it was doing weird things with equal elements
I believe that by default, it converts numbers to strings before comparing them
so 11 > '10' and 10 < '11'
@AdmBorkBork Do you have a link to MySQL documentation?
Hehe, yeah, it's definitely the hyphen. Mixing around the elements yields different sort results.
@AdmBorkBork boink.
8:36 PM
@Adám No, just something I know off the top of my head. Unless you're strictly sorting numbers, though, and prepend a zero to each number, you get things like 1, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, IIRC.
@ATaco LOL
@AdmBorkBork Wait, that's just sorting strings ASCIIbetically. Doesn't SQL enforce a column data type, so you can't have mixed numbers and text in a single column.
not just string/int getting mixed up, funky places things like 2 > '1' > '2' > 1
@Riker Run it again
It shuffles the results
yea I saw that too
but it doesn't just switch around '2' and 2
swaps around 1 and '2' too
8:39 PM
@Adám As far as I can remember, that's correct. Disclaimer: I haven't coded in MySQL in 2+ years.
@AdmBorkBork So then MySQL does not sort numbers before characters, it (like Python3) doesn't allow you to sort mixed types at all.
Yeah, that's probably true.
I blame JavaScript
@ATaco Does JS shuffle uncomparable elements when sorting
8:41 PM
JS always returns false when comparing incomparable elements
And because Funky just implements Quicksort
The result is a shuffle
@Adám Yeah, but I think that's more implying what's the average of a VARCHAR column? Not that you can have mixed types in a column, but that a 1 in a VARCHAR column is automatically treated as '1'.
@AdmBorkBork Ah, I see.
And I know you'll get an error trying to put a string in an INT column.
@AdmBorkBork There is no agnostic or raw type?
@ATaco [fix-request] >_>
8:46 PM
@Adám Honestly not sure.
APL should run 20 iterations of randomized bogosort and return the resulting values. Every now and then you'll get lucky.
@AdmBorkBork :-D Stable TAO is valuable, though.
@Adám What's TAO? I'm not familiar with the non-philosophical definition.
8:54 PM
@AdmBorkBork Can I have some n00by Windows help please? I don't understand what it's doing.
Sure, I'll give it a go.
@AdmBorkBork Total Array Ordering.
A few days ago I disabled the Windows Update service and set it to run under an unprivileged user.
I also killed the Windows Update service.
That worked fine...
@Poke In a sorted array, equal (exactly matching) items are put adjacent to each other, thereby facilitating grouping, classification, eliminating duplicates, etc.
But it just deactivated my Windows, revoking the license.
I don't know why.
(It's Windows 10, by the way.)
8:58 PM
@Adám regardless of tao you'll be able to do that as long as equal items are next to each other
which they should be if your sorting works correctly
@Poke Well, you can only sort if everything can be compared to everything. APLers use mixed data types as a matter of course.
weakly-typed languages irk me
@Poke APL doesn't change types (except converting various internal numeric types as needed — in APL, a number is a number), characters are never made into numbers or vice versa if you don't explicitly ask for that to be done.
a list of mixed type is not something that typically exists in a strongly typed language
@Poke Python is strongly typed...
9:02 PM
@wizzwizz4 Are you using a Microsoft account or a local account? Did you do the free upgrade offer, or is this a separate purchase?
@AdmBorkBork Microsoft, free.
Have you encountered this before?!
@DJMcMayhem I guess my wording was weak. Let's go with statically typed instead ;]
I hoped, for Microsoft's sake, that it was my fault. But it wouldn't surprise me if it weren't.
Ah, fair enough
Any hardware changes? It could be a goof with the automatic activation that resulted a year and a half ago or so. Lemme find an article.
9:04 PM
> The sad truth is that when it comes to type systems, "strong" and "weak" don't have a universally agreed on technical meaning.
@AdmBorkBork No hardware changes.
I'm on the Anniversary Update.
The only thing that might have changed is the power connector (briefly) but iirc only Apple devices can detect which cable they're using.
that all being said dynamically typed langs are not bad
Yeah, then it simply sounds like the automatic activation goofed. You should be able to use the activation troubleshooter to rectify that, or you may need to call their activation support line.
just prefer the type safety of static
@AdmBorkBork Oh, ok.
Would you expect that to occur with no reinstallation?
It's the first restart since stopping Windows Update, if that helps.
9:08 PM
i remember when i updated to win10... and then built a new computer. I was able to call microsoft and give them my old win7 key and they gave me a real win10 key instead of just the upgrade key you get when you update from a previous version
@Poke Well, APL has multi-dimensional arrays, and it is perfectly normal to have one data type per column, which if you ravel (flatten) the array would result in a mixed-type list.
@Poke Do you prefer 10 or 7?
I've seen all sorts of weird activation issues with Windows. Microsoft is usually really good about helping you sort it out, though.
@Poke Correct me if I'm wrong, but static means int a = 0; //explicitly state 'a's type and dynamic means a = 0 //implicitly infer that 'a's type is int
@AdmBorkBork Thanks for the help. :-)
Ah. Error code 0xC004F012, which I assume is related to Windows Update.
9:09 PM
@wizzwizz4 I use 7 at work and 10 at home. I usually don't notice that much of a difference. The main nuisance with 10 was how long it took to configure all the privacy settings and turn off telemetry stuff.
Plus activation is usually done automatically via the phone keypad. And it's free support.
All that being said, why are you disabling Windows Updates?
Windows update used to DoS me
@AdmBorkBork Mixture of paranoia and custom tweaks that won't survive an upgrade.
@DJMcMayhem Yeah basically in a statically typed system int a = 0; means that the variable a is and always will be an integer until it falls out of scope. It's something that can be checked during compile time.
9:10 PM
I've had infinite loops with regular updates; I doubt an upgrade would cope.
It would use all my download speed but whenever it finished, it errored and started again
@ATaco Could you access the logon screen?
@Adám I imagine it also contributes to bugs :\. I guess I don't see the value of something like that over just having some sort of structure (creating your own type) which contains the primitive types you need.
Huh. I guess I don't tinker with my machines as much as others do.
@AdmBorkBork You're a Windows person.
9:12 PM
@wizzwizz4 yeah, even if, this was a while ago, I’ve done a full reinstall since
I tasted customisability, and have failed to go back.
This was just downloading, not installing
@Poke Bugs can happen, but it is very easy to check the types of individual elements. APL isn't inherently OO; people will usually just use arrays to keep data rather than defining a new class for each use-case.
@wizzwizz4 True enough. I'm also old and crotchety, and want things to Just Work™. If it wasn't for gaming, I'd probably go MacOS.
If it weren’t for gaming I’d go full Linux by now
9:15 PM
@Adám I guess I'm just in a different line of work where classes often span multiple use-cases :]. I suppose APL is similar to languages like R which are good at solving narrower-scoped problems?
@AdmBorkBork The troubleshooter fixed the problem. Thanks!
If it weren't for my laptop's configuration system, I'd have put Debian on it. come up with another excuse as to why I can't do that just now.
MinGW makes my windows life easier
i've had a lappy toppy with linux on it. i remember having to compile my own sound drivers... i use windows when i want an interface now
9:17 PM
Linux convinced me to have a terminal/cmd hotkey
i just had a terminal as part of the desktop
don't remember how
@Poke Not necessarily. APL isn't domain specific (like R is for statistics). It is pretty general, but does have a tilt towards linear algebra. And don't get me wrong, we do use classes and (C# style) OO in general, but actual raw data is usually kept in (many-dimensional) arrays.
maybe it was just a transparent one that i kept open :\
Is Geobits still around?
Funky let’s you do OOP stuff, but you probably shouldn’t
9:23 PM
@wizzwizz4 He has come into chat a couple times semi-recently but seems to only stick around for a message or two :[
@Poke That's what the search results seemed to imply.
Ah well; perhaps Real Life™ happened.
9:36 PM
@Poke According to Wikipedia, R was inspired by APL.
(not to be confused with APL FTL, which is currently in alpha pre-release.)
@wizzwizz4 wtf pal!
@Adám that's neat
@Poke Wikipedia: APL was only inspired by mathematical notation, but inspired AntLang Go J K MATLAB Nial PPL Q S SAC Speakeasy and Wolfram Language.

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