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Ooh, new thing in the top bar
Damn. No hat for getting a star.
They already made that mistake
@Zacharý All the hats take effort this year ;-;
Except the clockwork one
And the vote from the app one, but it means I have to install the app.
I prefer the site
Already got the app installed :P
Waffles may be difficult to get on PPCG
@Pavel What about Fascinated?
Ooh, good point
I just need to remember about it
The JHT challenge searcher will help with that :P
Java Hut Town
Jelly HyperTraining
> Werewolf Hunter
edit 5 old questions
@Dennis Is it ok if I make trivial edits to some of my posts for a hat?
Probably not
TIL ^Q is close all tabs.
Hehe, being 95/100 on Sportsmanship doesn't hurt for Identification Division :P
But given we're allowed to use updated language features for old answers now might help
@cairdcoinheringaahing See I have nothing like that ._.
My closest silver badge requires me asking 8 questions over 8 days.
Shame I got the 80 edits one 2 days ago
With alternatives including raising 42 helpful flags and editing 53 posts
oh geez the timing though
I got Fanatic just in time to get the hat for getting a gold badge :D
@HyperNeutrino Dang
@Pavel If they're not actually improvements, please don't.
Wait, did that count? If so, what timing :P
@HyperNeutrino 0/10 didn't already have Fanatic
@Pavel hey not my fault my account got deleted [citation-needed]
Hehe, I've been meaning to edit in explanations for my answers.
I am officially hatted now
@DJMcMayhem Hmmm don't see it
What hat?
a hat for getting hats
:D i finally have a gold badge though
took me long enough but I am no longer the highest rep user on PPCG without a gold badge
Perfect timing for my internet to go down.
I misread the title as "Mixed Rice Dolls" and I was very confused. — the4kman yesterday
I can't see any easy badges by just sitting there... Might have to actually post a challenge that's been sitting in the sandbox forever
@muddyfish You could flag a bunch of stuff if you don't have that yet
Wow, Jelly's over 2 years old.
@Pavel Yeah, and get Dennis stealing your hats as revenge for making him do more moderation :P
Happy belated birthday Jelly!
9 days too late :P
I'd have to flag over 400 things
@muddyfish Do It, and see how much the mods hate you afterwards :D
I might look at the review queues later to see if I'm close with them
\o/ That's two hats
@cairdcoinheringaahing They have to be good flags I thinks
> The fact that CJam is the language I'm most fluent in shows how much of a coder I am...

Going through the archives is fun.
I'd love to say thanks to my mobile browser for that ping
Well, guess I'm going for electorate.
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's what I did last year :p
I'm going to do hats when I get up tomorrow
Stupid caching
Is there a way to search for comments I can delete for this is fine?
Maximum hats: post a decent challenge at 7pm, self answer, close, edit, reopen, accept own unscored answer. 5 hats
@Pavel In your profile, "all actions", "comments"
Boom, have hat
I'm trying to only delete useless comments :P
I theoretically should have gotten the "It's-a me!" hat because I deleted 10 obsolete comments from a post that got edited. Does it matter that the question was posted and edited well before Winter Bash started?
@muddyfish *maximum nonsecret hats
I have a hat :D
Hmm, can I lay the "This is fine" dog over my actual dog :P
Honestly the only thing I hope for in this winterbash is for HatsuPointerKun to get a hat
And I'm sorry to whichever mod deals with my number of flagged comments increasing by a sixth
Why do some of the hats are... weird?
star bait?
For example, Explorer - post an accepted answer that receives no other votes for 12 hours ... why?
"Vote on questions, they say. Prepare for upvotes everyone :P"
If it's a good answer, then there should be upvotes...
@user202729 Because it takes effort, maybe?
@Dennis congratulations
SO,,, post on linguistics stack exchange or some small site
;-; If I upvoted every question which I had answered, I'd still be more than half-way away from Electorate.
Amyway, it's almost 1am here, and I have 3 (1 pending) hats, so 'night, y'all o/
My pun got starred, just now realized that.
And one last piece of advice ... don't feed the troll(ol)s.
@Dennis So who did it hit?
> The winter bash has hit
Hm... What is tenure? A badge? A hat?
@Dennis That's awesome! I'm so happy for you. I like to think that I speak for all of us, when I say that i really appreciate everything you do for this site. From really cool stuff like Jelly and TIO, to all the things you do behind the scenes to keep everything running smooth, to just being a fun person to be around. It's cool to see that you're being acknowledged for your contributions IRL
So ... did it winterBASH somebody, or not?
@user202729 A semi-permanent professorship.
Oh yes, just look up the word in a dictionary...
@DJMcMayhem Thank you! :)
@Dennis I hear it means you can't be fired, but if one does something horrible like murder or something, I can't imagine them keeping their job, tenure or not.
@Pavel Tenure does not protect actions like murder but it does protect laziness, bad teaching (to a certain extent), etc. Not that I think Dennis will do those things
@Dennis DUDE! NICE JOB!, very well done on getting tenure
So you could just stop showing up for work and still be paid :P
@Pavel Not too much but you definitely don't need to worry about appearances as much
how do i get a hat ;_;
There are many ways to lose your job after getting tenure, but you actually have to do something wrong.
@EricTressler @Christopher2EZ4RTZ Thanks. :)
Yeah you deserve it
@LeakyNun delete 10 comments from 2017
@Pavel That's definitely not going to fly. They'd rather let you murder people.
Yeah, big gap in demographics of PPCG: the majority are highschool/early college students, then there's a profressor.
@Zacharý I'm not in any of those sets
Eh, there's people in the middle
someone replaced the mouse on this copmputer
Mego, Minxomat have actual jobs and stuff
and keyboard so forgive my bad typing
@Pavel i have job
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ An actual, full-time job
@Pavel o
Can't forget about Adám
Oh yes of course
I wonder what the chance is of a code golfer ever having Dennis as a professor ... eh, that's unlikely.
I meant to say TNB, not PPCG
@Dennis will you be my professor of tnb?
to prove him wrong :P
@Zacharý Dennis is probably the only TNBer who even lives in Paraguay.
Code golfer, but still unlikely. Unless they go to Paraguay for university for some reason (again, unlikely)
@Pavel I have an actual job and stuff
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Eh, at least the left side of your keyboard isn't BROKEN (using bluetooth keyboard now)
So ... how do people even find out about PPCG anyway?
I found it out while looking at other SE sites for a easier-to-participate than math or SO.
^^ CMP
@Zacharý HNQ
^ same
I think that's what I did, I can't even remember
@Zacharý googling "python programming problems"
@Riker ... context ? ...
none really
I wanted programming problems to solve in python
therefore I googled that
Oh ... I thought you had the problems
@Riker, whenever I clicked on your profile, the rooms took up half the page
no lol
@Zacharý :)
If I had a taco, /disapproval
I'm a taco. ಠ_ಠ
i was a so annoyed that my dad handed me a corded mouse and told me to stop complaining
... corded mouse? ...
those are a thing
What's wrong with this? ... (is that the same as wired? My English is bad...)
from teh 1980s
but a thing
@user202729 yes it is
but most mice nowadays aren't
So... what's wrong?
> from teh 1980s
Both teh teh and the fact that his dad had a cordless mouse lying around.
It's better than not having a mouse at all.
Q: Decode Factor Trees

Stephen LeppikIn case you missed Encode Factor Trees, here is the definition of a Factor Tree: The empty string is 1. Concatenation represents multiplication. A number n enclosed in parentheses (or any paired characters) represents the nth prime number, with 2 being the first prime number. N...

Q: Circles, where do you meet?

i..Given 2 random circle sections, return how many times they intersect. Rules/clarifications are as below. You are provided ~10 total values, The center (x,y) of the circle section Angles of the circle (i.e. (0,90) would be a quarter circle "facing" the top-right corner. The radius of the cir...

@ATaco And teh á¹­ha
@user202729 Also it's worse than not having a mouse at all. Mice get annoying sometimes, annoying rodents.
@Zacharý So just remove the mouse...
But what if there are many mice, must I murder many mice?
("Mouse" is also the word for the physical animal, by the way)
Seriously, editing just for a hat? codegolf.stackexchange.com/posts/8461/revisions @Riker
@Zacharý I planned to fix the test cases too but they turned out fine
had a weird ugly break that I did remove
Yeah, maybe I should take a break and leave, so I guess I'll just remove myself from this conversation. I hope that didn't sound weird or ugly. Well, cya.
Hey, how often to you hyperventilate (imagine the v is a nu, and the e is a subscript)? (I'll stop now)
this no longer makes sense
I'm honestly getting too tired to tell when it's time to stop, and whether my puns are horrible.
I need to stop
I just realized where the nu symbol comes from when talking about a neutrino.
isn't it a lambda?
It's a nu, as in neu-trino.
ANd you misspelled your name, or you stole a pun.
no, it's because "hyperve".replace("v", "nu") == "hypernue"
(nu)(subscript e) is a neutrino.
oh ok
apparently it is nu (according to wikipedia)
why did I think it was lambda? maybe one of my friends said so and I thought they were right, who knows
Well, I'm out. СЯ
i want to work for linus tech tip
@Dennis I'm developing a golfing language that I can call my own and wanted to use the Jelly code page for it. Can I use that code page for this project, and if so how should I credit you?
Also, congrats on tenure! Just saw that awesome news
Thanks! Go ahead and use the code page. You can mention its origin however you want to.
Awesome! I'll make sure to give credit where credit is due.
@Riker they are better then wireless
cc @Zacharý @user202729
i play games to win
when I play dota nobody interrupts me. I get a bit intense when I am playing, i get close to cussing out my mouse if it derps b/c it is wireless so wired mice are a good choice
@Dennis I really like your view with the codepage, you let other people use it and rely on them to credit you however. really shows your charterer. You seem like you would make a good professor. (one who cares)
  let lexer = new (require('./vsltokenizer'))();

TypeError: require(...) is not a constructor
goat i am leaving, you break everything
Either node.js codebase is shit, or node.js is a troll
@Downgoat Both
Someone just today suggested a node.js http server as a lightweight alternative to Apache (to support a web service). Is that bad advice?
@EricTressler Yes
@EricTressler No
is there something smaller in scope than Apache that I could use? I essentially just want to launch a Linux program from a website and pass results back. Which I guess is what most generic web services do, so maybe my use case isn't atypically light.
@EricTressler I mean you could use Bash @Dennis does this for TIO
I think netcat is what program does the HTTP stuff?
Bash, Flask...
Okay, thanks; I've written components of this kind of thing, but I've never put the pieces together myself.
This is how dead-simple Flask makes running a server: tio.run/##XVBNa8QgEL37KwYvGyE1C72Usi69tNDb/gOxiZKw8QMdW0rpb0/…
Replace the command with whatever you need, and make templates/result.html with Jinja2.
@Downgoat I do use Apache; just the CGI scripts are written in Bash.
And then add nginx+uWSGI if you need something more robust
Q: N-bit Variation on Subset-Sum

MegoFor another challenge I am writing, I need to verify that test cases are solveable with bounded integers. Specifically, I need to verify the following, for an array of integers A and an integer bit width n: All integers a in A satisfy -2**(n-1) <= a < 2**(n-1) (representable with n-bit two's co...

@Mego thank you very much for the code. I'll need to read about all of this
I have started a blog so I can stop posting about my Funky stuff here
@EricTressler If you want a bigger example, check out the PPCG v2 project
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

user71546Make a Plain PIE! code-golfnumber Introduction There are lots of challenges asking for a shortest program to calculate mathematical constants. I saw some with restrictions like banning the literals 3.14 and PI etc. However, there seems no such challenges using the number of distinct characters ...

@ATaco Is the blog running on a webserver powered by Funky?
@ATaco does your blog run on Jekyll or another thing?
It's running NodeJS, but I do have a webserver that runs on Funky.
@ATaco 0/10
Also 0/10 no hat
@NewMainPosts Apparently 1 minute after the hour is too much for the hat :(
The Funky Powered Webserver is here for those who are curious.
And I shall wear no hat besides the Taco Hat.
And this isn't using a framework for the blog, just NodeJS and SemanticUI
Is there a site for winter bash stats? Like how many people have what hat.
Geez, someone has 12 hats already
Request feedback for sandbox challenge. I will (eventually) add test cases.
Hats are for-each-site or for-all-site?
PSA: Secret hat drop for casting a close vote on a challenge that gets closed, and for the Good Answer and Nice Answer badges.
@user202729 Per-site
@Pavel 13 now
I wonder if I can hack dnf update to fetch and unpack the Discord targz
Or just run a given script in general.
Q: What should we do with challenges with incorrect information?

JungHwan MinSometimes, mistakes in challenges go overlooked, even after going through the sandbox. I've searched the meta, but there doesn't seem to be a meta consensus on this specific issue. Some examples of these questions are Simple State Sales Tax Calculator and Electron Configuration. In both cases, ...

1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

i..You've got a book to make! You work at a virtual, old-fashioned printing press. To help you arrange your monospace letters faster, you decide to make the shortest program possible to help you. Given a string of text and a page size, generate and output each page of the text. Examples For examp...

I wonder if it's possible to get the NSP/NMP bots to equip hats
@Pavel Probably not, since they don't have real network accounts
Though we could always just manually add hats
@Mego oh? You mean by changing the profile pic?
Actually that's not a bad idea. Bots shouldn't be left out.
They have to earn the hats, though, by actually posting on time
So what are hats?
@StevenH. Fashionable headwear
Perfect, that answers absolutely every question I had
@StevenH. it's an annual se event where by accomplishing certain tasks you can add a hat to your profile pic.
@StevenH. Glad to help! :P
I'll write up a feature request to mother meta tomorrow asking to enable equipping feeds with hats
Also Community should get a hat
I think the mods can set a hat on Community, though I'm not sure
@Mego How can this be helpful...?
Jokes don't have to be helpful
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Why bounty? For hats?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HAEMIs this a three-digit number ending in one? Given a nonnegative integer, return whether it is a three digit number ending in one, in any single-integer base. This is code-golf, so shortest answer wins. Examples: True: 5 73 101 1073 False: 17 4 22 code-golf number-theory

3 hours later…
Pretty neat: Interactive text elements: worrydream.com/Tangle
1 hour later…
fascinator: the most lame hat, literally just search for fascinator :p for three consecutive days
@EriktheOutgolfer :p is also included in the search query?
Q: You've got a book to make!

i..You work at a virtual, old-fashioned printing press. To help you arrange your monospace letters faster, you decide to make the shortest program possible to help you. Given a string of text and a page size, generate and output each page of the text. Examples For example, the inputs: Fruits make ...

Request feedback for sandbox challenge. Especially the "trivial answer" part. The problem is, when should an answer be trivial?
Even the Mathematica builtin can't handle some special cases, but adding a ` /. _RegionMeasure -> 0` works. (that is, whenever it remains unevaluated, assume the answer is just 0)
Q: First and last Prime numbers with prime digits of range

LamaDelRayChallenge : For a given positive integers range, find the first and last prime number entirely composed of prime number, including 0 and 1. Examples : For the range 1 - 100, the first prime number is 1 and the last is 73 (7 and 3 are prime number) For the range 90 - 101, the first prime numbe...

Hm... even when you have got a secret hat you are not told how to get it?
Well, that didn't take long. I wanted to see how long I could go in normal usage of the site and not get a hat, and it took me a whopping half hour.
@user202729 Right, it's still a mystery.
@user202729 I guess you're talking about Ooh, shiny?
I'll give you a hint: I also just earned it, in the same way that you did
No hat spoilers though - there's a chatroom for them somewhere


Winter Bash 2017! winterbash2017.stackexchange.com The hat lis...
Who is this penguin who's most definitely not Mego? :O
@user202729 If you want to know the exact trigger, there's a meta post containing the triggers for the secret hats that have been found so far
But we try to keep hat spoilers out of chat (with the exception of the secret hat hunting room which inevitably gets created every year)
Adám is hosting an informal APL learning session tonight at 18:30 UTC in https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52405/apl continuing the "APL primitive functions' marathon". See https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/41299896… … if you don't have 20 Stack Exchange rep points.
Q: First and last Prime numbers with prime digits of range

LamaDelRayChallenge : For a given positive integers range, find the first and last prime number entirely composed of prime number digits, exceptionally including 0. The range is inclusive, if no number is found, the expected output is 0. If there is only one number, the expected output is that number, twi...

You guys mind looking back at that reformatted q?
What if a language is type-strict - you can't output a pair or a number? — user202729 19 mins ago
@user202729 That's been clarified, right? "You are allowed leading/trailing brackets and newlines."
@user202729 clarified it again.
So for C and other languages printing is the only option.
@user202729 It's entirely possible to output a pair in C. You just have to roll your own struct pair. Now, BF is another story...
In C++ it's std::variant<std::pair<int, int>, int> which is overly complex in comparison with std::optional<std::pair<int, int>>.
Why don't use C++ with those built-in... Anyway you also need to return 0 in case of no solution.
@user202729 One could argue that 0 for both values is good enough
Of course, that's not valid by a strict interpretation of the challenge, hence why it needs clarification and improvement
@Mego The challenge states " - You must return 0 if there is no answer."
Q: Enumerate all files in a folder recursively in JavaScript

Gianluca GhettiniUsing JavaScript (ECMAScript 5) how to enumerate all the files in a folder recursively. This is something we have to do and we got stuck, many tried and failed. It well deserves to start a challenge on it. You can use JQuery and promises So, given a drag and drop event has been invoked and you ...

thoughts on this?
Q: Happiness is Mandatory

Stephen LeppikIf you're sad, that's wrong. We need to scrub out ALL sadness. This is a sad face, for reference: ...... .S..S. ........ ...SS... ..SS..SS.. .S......S. ........ Where S is a consistent pixel, . is any pixel other than S, and is any pixel. Note that the happy face is not a perfect squ...

also, belated congrats on fanatic @HyperNeutrino
Thanks :D
did you plan that to hit at WB?
Not at all. That was by sheer luck :D
nice lol
One day I was just like "hey cool I have 70 consecutive days, that means two things: 1. I might be able to get Fanatic :DDDDDD 2. i have no life lol"
tag badge?
lol I'm not anywhere close
close to silver but that's it
(deleted because i don't want to be banned for vote-baiting DDDDD: :p)
@Riker ooh cool. yeah idk how i have so much score D: :P
highest voted answer I have is only 58 so no way it's getting great answer
I have -5 score for code-golf tag on meta lol
I might be able to get anti-bronze at this rate
@HyperNeutrino is that even a thing
no :p
I have 303/200 answers for code-golf and only 987/1000 :p
@HyperNeutrino 80/80 for silver exactly :p
my highest voted answer is 29 lol
@HyperNeutrino that's because it wasn't stupidly trivial
Mine is 33.
mine was the infamous 'print a googol goat ascii art images'
@Riker nice :p so you just have to wait for enough upvotes to accumulate and you can have a good ratio :p
@Riker wait you remember which one i'm talking about or something?
@HyperNeutrino if I haven't gotten silver yet (which is 400 score) what does that tell you :p
@HyperNeutrino vaguely?
sympy, right?
@Riker tells me that that's probably going to take a while :p
yeah found it
my highest is 52 and it is pretty trivial >.>
@HyperNeutrino :p check the profile
Yes... trivial answers (for HNQ question) tend to have more upvotes.
(problem with the site)
@user202729 even better if you bring it to hnq :D
@Riker yeah, roughly. it was the "get last 1000 digits of 1000000000th fib number" thing and like 4 people hardcoded and all got massively downvoted and then I posted a non-hardcoded answer and everyone was like "ThaNK You FOr nO HarDCoDE UpvOTe!!11!!"
I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I got so many upvotes
Seriously need to improve my isomorphism checking for graph to O(n^2). (planar)
I mean, literally I just looked up the formula, implemented it using sympy for precision purposes, and PROFIT
but my next highest is 24 and that one took some work
xnor had a genius math solution though, I'm pretty sure (and I hope) it got many more upvotes than mine
@Poke holy crap that's a long answer
@Riker uh wat your profile only links to vegetarianism

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