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Q: Advent Challenge 8: Storage Cart Transport Planning!

HyperNeutrino<< Prev Thanks to the PPCG community, Santa now has balanced his storage carts. Now, he needs to move them into the transport docks so that they can be sent to the loading bays. Unfortunately, the tracks to move the carts around are a mess, and he needs to figure out how to get them all around w...

@Mego you can get cosmetic items even if you lose
@Poke s/even if/when/
well sometimes you get carried by your team :]
@LiefdeWen It's actually encouraged. Though there will be one overall winner, we encourage users to view challenges as per-language competitions, so they don't get discouraged by the extremely succient golflangs.
I'm struggling to find any of the relevant meta posts, though. My search-fu is off.
All my challenges are scored like that: overall shortest answer is the winner, and one winner per language.
Comparisons between solutions in the same language are much more meaningful than comparisons between solutions in different languages
`Isn't choosing the right language for the job a thing though too
Well, if that was the case, most of the solutions would be in Jelly
@LiefdeWen It is, but often it's fun to push more-or-less unsuitable languages to their limits
@Mego for example people awarding bounties for solving it in brainfuck, emoji, TrumpScript, or whatever else they think is interesting
If it wasn't fun to golf in unsuitable languages, nobody would use Java
java gives plenty of tools to golf things
it just has a disadvantage because it's verbose by default
@Poke such as?
Oh, compare to some minimal languages, it still has plenty of tools.
@HyperNeutrino Java 8 added a bunch of new functional programming features that makes golfing in Java slightly less unbearable
But IIRC it doesn't have permutations.
Q: Tips for golfing in Java

Rob Are there any useful shortcuts that can be used in Java? As shown below, import already adds at least 17 characters to a program. import java.io.*; I understand that the simple solution would be to use another language, but it seems to be a real challenge to shorten Java programs. Ti...

BTW is anyone willing to do the next OEIS sequence A104?
@Mego oh yeah that's a good point. Still, that's only more golfable than old Java, most languages easily beat Java :P but yeah it's bearable now :P
@user202729 I'd be willing to try, but I still need to fix my program for the other OEIS one some time ago. By the way, do you think your solution would be adaptable to fix my program?
Wait a minute I need to prepare my message...
@user202729 Yeah, stats stuff is a strange omission from the stdlib. I remember having to use Java in a programming competition and getting to write Johnson-Trotter from memory under time constraints.
in One OEIS after another, 23 hours ago, by user202729
Yay!!!! 14 now!!!! @HyperNeutrino
FYI, I have a Python program (modify from yours) that can calculate exactly terms up to 14. (that is, 6 first terms 1, 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, others take too much time for me) --- If you use Py(th)on for this answer instead, probably others can use Proton in next answers? --- However, because this is your answer, you would probably prefer to work it out yourself. — user202729 1 hour ago
Cool. I mostly wanted to just see your approach because the ones I've tried so far don't seem to actually do the task correctly, though it's somewhat close to getting the right approach.
My approach is essentially yours, with some bugfixes.
Ah okay. I'll look at your Java solution then to try to find where my bugs are :P
Because you don't want to say "this code is entirely written by user202729, etc etc"
you may want to post your code
and I will point out some bugs.
@user202729 yeah that's true :P
SE chat bug: if you post a onebox to a chat message with an oversized link, there's no way to open the link other than to open the original message in the transcript and copy-paste the link into the address bar
Actually, SE chat bug: if you post an oversized link, if the link collapses, then the link will point to the collapsed location
Not updated?
(I mean, didn't you do anything with the code?)
Ok, one of the most elementary bug:
yesterday, by user202729
[Python 3] Is it true that variables in list comprehension and generator expression are always local (not modify variables outside of the list comprehension or generator expression)?
^ for loop variables are not local.
@Mego lol rip then :P yeah I'm pretty sure it's been pointed out on Meta already, but I don't know
@user202729 Variables in comprehensions are local in Py3. Loop vars are not. Neither are local in Py2.
@user202729 oh? that wouldn't be a problem if I name my variables correctly, but I probably don't. I'll look for related issues, thanks
Yes I know...
But Py2 was the result of a series of increasingly bad decisions so that shouldn't be surprising
for loop variables are non-local, not global, right?
One other issue:
@HyperNeutrino They have the same scope as whatever encloses the for loop
So they're global if the for-loop is in global code
Line 40:
		for i in range(len(graph)):
Line 54:
				for i in range(3):
^ See? Problematic.
The "other issue" is:
		i -= 1; j -= 1; k -= 1
while cycles and nodes are supposed to be already 0-based.
Oh right, I'm smart. ._.
That theoretically shouldn't cause any issues because then the entire matrix is just cycled, but I fixed it anyway
But yeah, thanks for pointing out the for loop thing. I think I found all of the variable overlaps and corrected them all
How long after the latest major revision of a Sandbox post should I wait until I post the challenge?
Another 24 hours?
In PPCG v2 hopefully there should be a "ready-vote", when a challenge receive enough vote it will be posted on main.
Ok, anyway, continue.
> That theoretically shouldn't cause any issues
@HyperNeutrino You realized the graph isomorphism problem?
Translated: "that will definitely cause issues"
@Mego I believe it doesn't cause any issue.
(that is, your (HyperNeutrino) graph isomorphism checking is wrong)
@user202729 I know it's broken, but I haven't fixed it yet. I will be fixing it soon.
@EriktheOutgolfer I think it's ready. Currently it has 3 upvotes.
when hats
o0 hats are back
oh almost a day nice
@HyperNeutrino Hats never leave. They're inside our hearts. Get to a cardiologist ASAP.
Hm... I remember something like this last year. Not sure what exactly it is, though.
@user202729 only mods or the owner can
That's why I'm asking for some mods here...
the answer has a positive score
if we mass-downvote it we can get it deleted /s
See? People don't test it, just upvote it. LARGE issue.
Ok, downvote. Everyone?
@Mego I certainly hope my heart doesn't have a hat inside of it... :P
@user202729 There will be various hats that you can put on your avatar, earnable on each site through some trigger. Public hats are known, and their triggers are stated. There are always several secret hats whose existence and triggers aren't known until someone earns one and the community figures out the trigger.
I downvoted it already because it's wrong but I don't recommend encouraging mass-downvoting :P idk, it's probably not illegal, but I don't think SE mods like it or something like that. I don't know
@DJMcMayhem too.
@HyperNeutrino something that need to be fixed in PPCG v2
As stated last year (as well as a few days ago): abusing privileges to earn hats will earn you a suspension for the duration of Winterbash. Additionally, inappropriate behavior in chat isn't acceptable, even for the purpose of earning hats.
of course :p it's one of the rules of WB
Hey, could I get some feedback on my question? codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14336/69481
BTW... What is the condition for an answer to be deleted?
score is negative
Still... will you solve the next OEIS? If no, I should start working on it soon, otherwise...
I'm working on the next OEIS, but offer no guarantees that I will solve it.
Sounds dangerous...
probably I should start working on it anyway.
I'm going to start working on it as well, but I cannot guarantee that I will finish or be decently close to finishing before time runs out.
BTW polyominoes use von Neumann neighbourhood right?
Yes, they do
Why don't just say sharing an edge... but yes.
BTW polyominoes use adjacency by sharing an edge, right?
It's longer
:P but yeah whatever close enough
Hey @doork long time no see.
Hmm... I wonder if they've changed how pings work.
@phinot Do you receive the notification?
@HyperNeutrino by 5 pixels (yes I just fired up GIMP to check)
@PhiNotPi So... they haven't.
@NieDzejkob ._. is there a charcount difference though? let me check
@HyperNeutrino and that's probably because you used a comma in the supposedly inferior one
4 char.
Ignoring the , it's 3 char.
okay thanks
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

sergiolThe 64 | 64 Color Selector All colour selector tools suck. Let us make another one that sucks also, but in a different way. Your interface will have: two squares, of 64x64 "pixels" each one. Pixels do need to be strictly pixels, but anything where the user can have 64 possible selections in e...

though really, the second one is better because a) more people understand it and b) it's easier to type because they're all common words and "Neumann" takes me about 2x typing time compared to normal 7-char words.
you just need to golf it a bit: "BTW polyominoes use adjacency by edge sharing right?" would be the same length
just posted the challenge you see above
how can I improve its enunciation?
@NieDzejkob Just say:
@user202729 I don't see your point
Anyway. Ignore it.
I'm not improving by compromising understandability, Hyper does it
BTW polynomioes' cells must be connected by edges right?
"cells in polyominoes"
oh well enough discussion with phrasing issues :P
just edited my challenge
@dylnan nothing that's SE's fault, just things where SE isn't built for a PPCG-like site
... and the design
what is that, 2 november 1sts that have come and gone?
@Riker do you know about PPCGv2?
that's what the convo back there was about :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CharlieThe working time calculator code-golf time math (More tags welcome) This is based on how my company deals with the monitoring of the working times for every employee. Each one of us has a card that can be passed in front of a sensor, so that a clock registers the times at which the employees ch...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ArthurStable modular exponents coge-golf math number-theory It is well-known that the final three digits of Graham's number are 387. This is because Graham's number is a ridiculously tall exponent tower of threes: 3^(3^(3^...))), and it can be shown that any such tower of height at least 5 has 387 as...

@Mego Might as well start now, or five years from today you'll still be wishing you started five years ago :P
Q: The struggling college student's GPA Calculator

DevelopingDeveloperGPA Calculator You are a stressed out college student during finals week. Instead of studying for your exams coming up, you decide it is best to determine what GPA you will have at the end of the semester. This way you have data to back up your decision of staying up all night to get that A in C...

@NewMainPosts I got a +1 on my Jelly answer, without them realizing that I had forgotten D from the grades :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing I noticed and submitted a comment correcting you the instant that the notification the answer has been edited popped up
(I've removed the comment)
@Pavel Must have removed it fast, I didn't get a notification :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well, yeah. I noticed it was redundant instantly.
Hang on let me crop that picture properly
user image
I'll be honest. This is terrifying.
@Sherlock9 We have a challenge for generating that brace style, named "Right-Hand Brace".
Q: Convert braces to Right Hand Brace (Sad Brace)

ATacoRight hand brace is a style of code bracketing in which curly braces and semicolons are all aligned to a single point on the right side of a a file. Generally, this is considered bad practice, for several reasons. The Challenge Take a multiline string through any method, and convert it's bra...

Good Lord
@Mego Wasn't there a hat given for achieving a certain amount of stars? I believe last year we had a chatroom to ask for stars.
Can someone handle this? I'm not sure how best to respond
Q: Clearly parenthesize APL trains

Erik the OutgolferIn APL, you can write tacit functions, called trains. How they work is irrelevant for this challenge. Here are the different ways they can be grouped, using ⍴ as the function: -> ⍴ -> ⍴ ⍴⍴ -> ⍴⍴ ⍴⍴⍴ -> ⍴⍴⍴ ⍴⍴⍴⍴ -> ⍴(⍴⍴⍴) ⍴⍴⍴⍴⍴ -> ⍴⍴(⍴⍴⍴) ⍴⍴⍴⍴⍴⍴ -> ⍴(⍴⍴(⍴⍴⍴)) ... The orde...

Hi boys, long time no see
I'm making an app this vacation
I've had this idea since this october
and it's gonna be great
btw its 3 at midnight here
Anybody knows what hach bằng binh bach tastes like?
> As you mentioned, the problem will eventually be solved by PPCG getting a full-blown design.
this hurts
Oh, and I also realized I'm still 13
@Adám sure, if I ever get to have an english result on my hands
@EriktheOutgolfer English? I don't get it.
@Adám well, try not to have a bunch of vietnamese results when searching that
@EriktheOutgolfer I suddenly thought a clone of myself was talking, 'cause you know, profile pics
@You there have been multiple times I thought that Erik changed his icon and name. :p
@dzaima I did in the past
before I settled...now the urges to change my name and profile picture are gone :p
btw I'm Nobody
well that sounds awkward
But I actually was Nobody
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh, you don't get the joke? Does it have shellfish?
@Adám if you're referring to the fish shell, dunno how that's related?
hm, that seems to mean "hach by soldiers bach"
@EriktheOutgolfer #!/bin/bash
@Adám that looked very vietnamese btw
also what is the "tastes like"
@EriktheOutgolfer A joke.
we need multilanguage bash, don't we?
sorry, I don't get it
@You that would be detrimental
it already supports different system locales
Yeah ikr
@Adám my vietnamese is rusty (never was fluent) but that means "___ of soldiers ___" or smth
4 mins ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
hm, that seems to mean "hach by soldiers bach"
binh is soldiers or something like that, I vaguely remember bang meaning 'of/by'
@EriktheOutgolfer ah missed that
@Riker It wasn't supposed to mean anything. My colleagues at the table just noticed that the pronunciation of #!/bin/bash sounded vaguely Vietnamese.
Speaking of shebangs, I found somebody named 'Joel Scherban'
TFW when you nearly solve a challenge but find a little bug, and then you realise the fix is easy but once you do it, you close the window without saving and exit Safari...
why did I dual boot android on my laptop
in Spyfall, 34 secs ago, by Mr. Xcoder
Anyone up for a game?
@Sherlock9 Award for worst screenshot ever goes to...
That feel when you take a critical piece of code that used to take up to 30 seconds to run and rewrite it to finish in 1.5 seconds.
That sounds beautiful :D
Calling for feedback on this challenge once more
Will probably ask again in 14 hours or so and then post
Q: Help me with my chemistry hw!

tfbninjaNear the middle of the semester in chemistry, we get problems like: Convert 1.283850057 to Scientific NotationandConvert 3.583•10^6 to Standard Notation This is just stupid busy work for people who already know how to do this. So... The Challenge Given an input in any reasonable, convenient for...

@MartinEnder Do you want to Sandbox this challenge, given that you posted the original?
guess what, a little bit after tomorrow WB starts
6 hours ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
Just so long as they don't drop hats from lootboxes, we're good.
@cairdcoinheringaahing thanks for asking, but feel free to post it yourself (or whoever is involved with the revival)
Q: Reverse Concat time data into blocks

LeeishWe are currently trying to run some analysis on some data and have the current problem we are trying to tackle. Ideally using Excel or MSSQL, we want to take some data we have in a MSSQL database and extrapolate from it some information about usage in relation to time blocks. Challenge The inpu...

Q: Create a Python program that does the following

JamesWhat is a Python program that does the following: 1) Displays an input text box that asks for a student name. 2) Stores the typed input into a string variable. 3) Computes how many characters are in the student name. 4) Displays a user-friendly phrase about the length of the name and the len...

> Can you write one for me, please?
Q: New [Scientific-Notation] tag

tfbninjaI'm a bit new to meta, but I recently posted a question and it requires converting to and from scientific-notation. I almost created a scientific-notation tag, but I'm not sure if I would be justified in doing so. I did a little research and found around 10 other question that could be reasonably...

@Pavel The hat was to get just one star
I'm getting this increasing sense that a part of the PPCG community is becoming increasingly immature and toxic... I am not saying we need to make this very formal, but what I have observed is (1) some people are posting more and more aggressive comments, and (2) those comments get upvoted. I don't know how strict this community is supposed to be, but in some cases, those comments are just downright violations of the "Be Nice." rule.
Am I being paranoid?
@JungHwanMin Do you have any examples in mind?
I don't think I should post specific examples (I don't want accidental blaming), but some users tend to get defensive about their submissions.
In some cases I agree - people need to tone it down a bit. In other cases, what may seem like hostility isn't - remember that intent is hard to convey over text. And since we have users from all over the globe, you have to keep culture in mind, too - what may be perceived as hostile or aggressive in one culture may be the norm in another.
The best thing to do is flag overly hostile comments, and remind users to Be Nice.
Well, for example, I created my last meta question because I thought the comment chain was not acceptable for this site.
And I think mods agree as well; the comments were deleted
Probably I think this way because to me, SE is a formal website, and I'm uncomfortable with seeing a bunch of "me" and "you" in the comments.
PPCG is a pretty informal branch of StackExchange, probably because there's (mostly) no "professional" reason for participating here.
It's just that a lower formality sometimes leads to what people would flag as "rude or abusive"
Hence PPCGv2
I think that might be a culture thing - I don't see very many rude/abusive comments on PPCG (though I also don't scour new challenges and meta posts to look for them).
Anyone here know of any tools for formatting C or C++ code into shapes and figures? I've been looking at IOCCC but I can't find anything on what they use to make their cool looking source code. Any help is appreciated.
@ThePlasmaRailgun A sturdy spacebar
I guess they're not too frequent. However, all of my flags were marked "helpful," and the comments were deleted.
I believe it's more than just cultural difference.
There's one user that comes to my mind, whose comments I flagged on multiple occasions.
@Mego s/spacebar/tab key
In case people haven't seen, does anything need to be done about this answer?
@JungHwanMin Maybe I'm just not seeing them because of your due diligence.
@cairdcoinheringaahing My most recent non-PPCG post was last month, for a writing challenge on Writers Meta. Oddly enough, I have never posted on the Writers main site.
@H.PWiz it is valid
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ In what universe is that even remotely valid?
@DJMcMayhem he did it, in ascii
it is a physical computer
It doesn't take any input
human Turing machine?
i just noticed that it needed input
But even if it didn't, it wouldn't be valid because there's no way you could even score it
square inches?
Plus, the result isn't really an ascii art
Like if there was a to output a picture of something, I couldn't say my camera, 0 bytes
@DJMcMayhem i downvoted and flagged as NAA
The user could take an approach like this one and post the size of the 3d model.
However, the result still wouldn't exactly be the expected ascii art in the question
A: Are physical analogs of programming legitimate?

feersumTo be acceptable as a programming language, a digital simulator must exist. Photos of dominos are great fun and all, but by themselves they don't really meet the definition of programming language. The basic problem with programming languages 'implemented by the physical world' is that the resul...

We accepted Dominoes, soo...
Oh, that's what that answer is about.
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