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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Horray for bluetooth keyboards!
@EsolangingFruit I like the blue one, or maybe the first purple one
#5, #6
... nice one ... then #3! (factorial)
!! means double factorial, which is the product of all integers 1 <= k <= n where k is even
I know, but where are you getting that image from?
6!! = 24. That's the 24th image in the album.
Oh wait no it's 48
I'm a complete dunce and should be ignored
Isn't 6!! 48 though ... and you ninja'd me.
Bitcoin futures are here: cboe.com/delayedquote/futures-quotes
A few seconds ago up 390, now up 460. The launch also DDoS'ed CBOE for a few minutes.
... ... ...
I'd downgoat that one comment because it sounds like an advertisement.
It's going to be an interesting day when the Bitcoin bubble bursts
Yeah ... it'll be like a mego-insane rush for people to get their stock out of bitcoin.
The christmas selloff already happened two days ago. It's down almost 3k USD.
"Itz not a bubble, this is teh real thing!!!!1!!1"
^ said nobody never
I'd like to think Bitcoin is immune to the sort of Market flow that we're used to due to it's strange Cryptographic nature and illicit usage, but nothing is protected from the market.
Except you ...
You don't raise 1000% in a handful of months without bursting.
It's a currency, and moreover, it's a currency not backed by any government
@flawr i have it favorited actually, i've been lurking
So does that mean that it'll stay ... current-cy
@ATaco The only reason Bitcoin is so expensive is because of its rapid growth recently due to its recent explosion in popularity. Since it's not backed by faith in a government (like other fiat currencies), and there are other cryptocurrencies that do the job better (like Etherium), the only reason people are investing in BTC is for speculation.
Etherium? Ethereum maybe?
That's happened before - in 2008 (the US housing market) and in the 1920s (which led to Black Thursday)
@mınxomaτ Yeah that one
When the spectacle dies, so will the currency. People will be afraid it's going into a crash, so they'll sell, so it will crash.
I honestly say that we should Bring This Conversation to a close.
Also, cryptocurrency/blockchain usage has fragmented horribly
@Zacharý VTC BTC
Welcome to PPCG, Programming Puzzles and Currency Guesses
Because the German media is currently falling for the IOTA idiots, I want to re-iterate: Burn your cash before buying IOTA.
@mınxomaτ I have two hands. Can I do both in parallel?
What ⍳s so bad about ⍳ota though?
You're a penguin, you don't have hands.
You don't need two hands, because they're both the same action
@mınxomaτ Did you just assume my species? :P
Honestly ... this whole chat room seems a bit ... ESOTERIC.
@Zacharý if you could stop that would be great
@Zacharý You can stop now.
I've gotten my warning, time to stop.
@mınxomaτ can you tldr for those of us who don't really get what that means?
is it just a flawed BTC trading platform?
@Riker They rolled their own crypto, it broke, they denied it, they called their hash "curl" (so that google searches for "curl secure" turn up good results, they asked me to work on their hash algo and were not nice people about it (see my second link above).
IOTA has nothing (really, technically nothing) to do with Bitcoin.
oh, so it's a copycat bitcoin
Why is it named for either a very small amount, or the greek letter?
@Zacharý They use a branched directed acyclic graph (tangle) instead of a blockchain. Their current implementation is controlled by a centralized single master node. They claim that once some mysterious trinary computer hardware comes to the market, the tangle will be a better structure for IoT devices based on such an architecture.
And no, nothing about this makes any sense whatsoever.
Trinary? As in ternary?
@Zacharý Stop it.
Still though, does "trinary" mean ternary?
Balanced ternary.
@Zacharý More or less
A trinary computer operates on ternary logic.
Oh ... that system.
A ternary computer (also called trinary computer) is a computer that uses ternary logic (three possible values) instead of the more common binary logic (two possible values) in its calculations. == History == One early calculating machine, built by Thomas Fowler entirely from wood in 1840, operated in balanced ternary. The first modern, electronic ternary computer Setun was built in 1958 in the Soviet Union at the Moscow State University by Nikolay Brusentsov, and it had notable advantages over the binary computers which eventually replaced it, such as lower electricity consumption and lo...
Ι get it.
@Zacharý Presumably because it's intended for the Internet of Things (IoT)
@EsolangingFruit Duh, how did Ι not realize that?
Also, the smallest unit of currency in Iota is called an Iota.
... well that was to be expected ...
Do they represent it with ? Or just Iota?
The smallest unit of currency in Bitcoin is called a Satoshi
Why though?
@Zacharý Last warning. Knock it off. Editing your messages doesn't undo the annoyance.
@EsolangingFruit That's not widely accepted.
@mınxomaτ Oh, OK
@Mego I didn't mean that one.
@EsolangingFruit mBTC is common among traders.
(not the smallest unit though)
@Mego That was a serious question about the currency's smallest unit: I was typing Do they represent it with ⍳? Or just Iota?, but typed too early and forgot to remove it.
Technically, Iota doesn't use balanced ternary, depending on who you ask
@Zacharý it doesn't matter what you intended, being annoying will get you kicked pretty quick
Because some people might assume you're talking about the esolang, which uses * and i
So Iota uses balanced ternary, and Jot uses binary.
doubtful :p
Unrelated question: how would a modified version of Jelly that allows parentheses fare in golfing compared to Jelly? Would it have any real possible advantages over Jelly? And to @Riker, I think I've figured that out by now...
@Mego You seem to be confused about that, too. Maybe you're species-fluid ;)
Nov 16 at 7:52, by Mego
(or don't - I'm a penguin, not a cop)
@mınxomaτ The secret is, I alternate what I say every time to confuse people
not job-fluid at least
But then sometimes I confuse myself and don't alternate
@Mego Jelly, 15 bytes: ŒP,œ^⁸$$€S€E$Ðf (returns more than one)
@LeakyNun That gives me an idea for an alteration: return all partitions. Return nothing/null/None/an empty list if there are no valid partitions.
I did
Yep, I was just stating it explicitly for others
All partitions? Not just the ones that work?
@Zacharý The ones that work is implied
All valid partitions would be better, I suppose
I have officially been on PPCG for 1 year now
is starting my counter at -1 to count from 0 a bad idea?
writing a language
in python
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Is there a reason you aren't using range?
Oh, what is this for?
@EsolangingFruit yeah
If you're counting from a number, why not start at the number?
I am tracking at what point in the code I am evaluating
Never leave untouched code that you intend to edit later: I'm working on some APL code ... no idea what it's supposed to do. Well, bye!
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ code that you wrote once & figured it made sense, and you knew what it did
then you come back later and wonder what you were even working on
what is with the new pic riker?
i didn't realize who u were
winterbash is coming
prepare yourself
Just under 48 hours until hat madness begins
Am i ready?
@Mego how should I get ready?
I prefer whiskey, but I think you're underage
def loop1():
def loop2():
does that look like a bad idea for control flow in a language?
k sweet
My company will be called Fluff, the slogan It worked once
Why does that look like a bad idea?
@Mego ikr
hype is real
I need more hats
Tbh dota is about to have a battle pass which ends up being a hat bash
but longer and you can sell your hats for money
sometimes a few grand
That requires being good at dota though, which means I would've needed to start playing about 5 years ago
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ omy why
@Downgoat what is so bad about it??
@Mego Jelly, 14 bytes: ŒP,œ^¥€⁸S€E$Ðf
is my code so bad people won't even tell my it is bad?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ the condition in the elif is redundant
@Οurous makes it clearer for me
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ because programs using it would be like definition of spaghetti code
Does LocOfCode mean "Line of code of code"?
location of code
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ tha'ts literally what comments are for
Do you need ==True?
what's stakOrTac
stack based or tacit
python favors snake_case btw
you need to put spaces in too
also why make whitespace sensitive language
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ tha'ts heathenry
1 is bad enough
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ equal statements
@Downgoat becaue u mean
locOfCode = startOfLoops[whatLoop]
^ makes it 50% nicer
typing code without being able to see the keyboard makes me cut corners
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ theDisadvantageOfCamelCaseIsThatAddingAWordAtTheBeginningRequiresYouToChangeTheC‌​apitalizationOfTheSecondWord
@Riker I'd say more like like 81.5%
@EsolangingFruit 100% readable
@Downgoat go stick your hoof in a fan
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ hoof would break fan
o wait. you already have mic drop
btw, can anyone try to break: codegolf.vihan.org/post/2
i need limits of what i can do
console in bounds?
just using UI and no brute-force breakage (e.g. DOS)
@Downgoat the python has no run button
only 1 js answer shows up on side bar
oh, yeah, ignoore sidebar, those are examples that I haven't bothered to make dynamically-generated because no decent byte-counting system yet
CMP: Should I add classes to Funky?
@ATaco i would add glasses to make it more clear
Funky is fine aslong as the person using it has self respect.
@Mego I have only the best tastes in profile images. Thank you very much.
welp im out
@WheatWizard i object your honor
@Downgoat why does python claim TIO support but lack it?
because Python supports TIO but PPCG-v2 doesn't support Python TIO
Ok can we add text to answer post?
not yet
@Downgoat where is the css for dark theme?
I can't find it
This is me hacking classes into Funky.
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ what do you mean
it's called all.css
@Downgoat you know the code that when you enable dark theme gives you the dark theme
where is that all.css
it's all-dark.css
@EsolangingFruit Any particular reason as to no?
Where is the list of languages from? TIO / some other source?
anyways gtg bye o/
@ATaco Your way of doing things looks a lot like the JS way, which I prefer over classes
For the most part Funky is a blend of JS and Lua, with some of my own Flavour.
@Οurous PPCG-v2 has its own list of languages it supports defined here: github.com/PPCG-v2/PPCG-v2/blob/master/misc/languages.json
Yeah, well, in any case, the mokeypatching-properties-onto-functions method of doing things feels more flexible to me, and I like it
if you want to request language support you can submit a request here: goo.gl/forms/wqHczS3LXKf00Wwv2
@Downgoat Is "Language Source" equivalent to "Source code of Language", or "Place to find Language" on the form?
Place to find language.
EG. a github, or a homepage.
@Οurous source code so a github, bitbucket, git URI
it's optional so its fine if language doesn't have
99% of languages are opensource though.
COUGH Mathematica COUGH
You didn't hear anything
Is it a replacement or addition to PPCG? First time I've heard of it.
I suppose technically replacement, but I think that's a bad word.
@Οurous It's a replacement
there's been problems with ppcg vs se in the past, this is an attempt to fix it
kinda recreating PPCG externally
@Οurous ppcg but designed for and native support for code golf e.g. integrated TIO support, automatic byte counting, language specification, built-in leaderboard, etc.
What's SE's stance on it?
The main goals are to streamline the PPCG experience, because a custom site can do things that SE sites won't let us do.
@Οurous not known
it's not really SE's fault, PPCG just isn't the q/a format SE is built for
@Riker That's fairly apparent after being around for a while, but I meant more along the lines of: PPCG isn't a huge component of SE, and if (at least some) of PPCG is moving towards not using the SE site, are they likely to 'pull the rug out from under us'? Or play host until the ship sails? Is that something that's been considered?
anyone know C#?
@Pavel CC ^
I need a suggestion
Just post your question
Any alternative to read a file in C# (not streamwriter)?
What have been the problems between ppcg and se? @Riker
I read something of interface IDisposable or something like that but i dont know how to implement the code
Q: The Missing Number - Version 2

Joshua CrottsBackground: This question is a remix of the one that I made previously on this forum. The only difference with this one is: the range is significantly larger, AND dynamic. Details below! Also, I'm typing this question incredibly quickly, so if there are any grammatical errors, I do apologize an...

anyone can give me a hand ?
CMP: How many people still want to Advent Challenge to continue? I'm going to be very busy with teachers cramming assignments for all of my courses, probably exam review, and also another group project, so I don't know if I can keep up with making challenges, especially since I'm not a creative person and most of my ideas are already taken. If anyone would like to help me, that would be great (so far it doesn't seem to be the case).
Since I'm already 3 days behind, I doubt I'll be able to catch up and even if I could I doubt I'd be able to keep up, but if a lot of people still want it to keep going I guess I'll have to try my best to catch up to the calendar date.
My advice, don't write challenges just to write challenges
If you have an idea go with it, otherwise don't
I tried to write a challenge every day back when I was about to get socratic, not only was it exhausting but I don't think the challenges were of satisfactory quality
That's a good point. Yeah, I've already gotten two of the seven of them closed for unclear (but reopened) so I don't think writing a ton of LQ challenges just for the sake of having them is a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion!
o0 2 days for Fanatic badge
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pizzapants184Find the Missing Values in the Fibonacci Sequence Mod K (tentative title) code-golf fibonacci math number sequence Inspired by this Math.SE question. Background The Fibonacci Sequence (called F) is the sequence, starting 1, 0, such that each number (F(n)) (after the first two) is the sum of...

1 hour later…
Anything that needs to be fixed on this? I'd like to post tomorrow
@byte96 @ASCII-Only is C#er
Pavel C#'s, 'member?
@ATaco seems to be gray text under and to the left of the colored text, I don't think thta is suppose to happen?
Screenshot? And are you using Safari?
@MDXF So we can use any 4 different characters, apart from 0-9?
Must spaces be included in output?
That is, is outputting 1s22s22p63s23p4 acceptable for 16? I guess not. If so which characters are acceptable for output separation? Can we have leading/trailing spaces/newlines?
1 hour later…
TIL that Babel, through three layers of dependencies, requires an NPM package called is-odd, whose whole purpose is to test if a number is odd or not.
The author of is-odd has also created "useful" libraries like is-even, is-number, is-array, etc. and uses these packages frequently. I believe he's about 50-70% of the reason why NPM is so shitty.
Isn't the goal of a widely-used package to include as few dependencies as possible? Not with this guy! He has a path-matching package which uses ELEVEN dependencies.
if you've got "is-odd", why do you need "is-even"? Can't you simply negate it?
@LucaH I honestly don't know at this point.
Correction: @babel/core uses is-odd through three layers of dependencies.
Also, is-odd has one dependency, is-number! WHY???
@Qwerp-Derp but his path-matching package, is that "match-file"? if yes, I only count 8 dependecies ^^
@Qwerp-Derp because letters can't be odd, obviously
@LucaH I think it was like micromatch or something
@LucaH Still doesn't make it any better IMO
@Qwerp-Derp no, 8 dependecies are totally fine for such a sophisticated package! /s
is-odd: "928,993 downloads in the last month"
sigh JS needs a more moderated package manager... this shouldn't be happening.
create your own one! Easy task! :p
wait... I don't know JS, but this looks totally stupid:
return !!(~~i & 1);
double negation?
@Qwerp-Derp I know now... "is-even" simply calls "is-odd" and negates it... lol
I'm not sure if he's just trolling at this point
I... I don't have any words... Random double negation, simply calling "is-odd" and negating it...
But he has 1k followers
you can't tell me that he's only trolling
This is why the JS ecosystem is so bad, people actively encourage the creation of trash
is that why everyone is using jquery?
At least jQuery isn't as bad as is-odd
i prefer is-even
but is-odd got that double negation going for it, which is nice
how many times do i have to get the first element of an array so that I start thinking "uh maybe there is a package designed to give me the first element of an array"?
maybe I am simply not advanced enough in programming to understand these struggles
return value of "is-number" after checking if it is not a number:
return (num - num + 1) >= 0;
he has to be trolling, unless I don't understand JS in the slightest...
@Qwerp-Derp I just learned that a double negation casts to boolean
@LucaH the beauty of JS
@Qwerp-Derp looks like it
3 hours later…
The JS ecosystem is really bad. It's a combination of JS being an insane language to use, JS not having good tools built in, and the widespread popularity of JS (due to its relatively low barrier to entry).
@Mego yeah I think the biggest problem is the lack of built in tools
There's a similar problem with the C ecosystem, though it's not quite as bad because C's popularity has faded and the stdlib has gotten better.
And large projects like GNU are making really high-quality libraries for C
@Mego started playing League of Legends like 7 years ago, still not pro
not bad, but not pro
At this point I'm wondering if I'll ever get my stickers...
@Mego what stickers?
Jess Pardue on October 16, 2017

Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast episode #119 recorded Thursday, October 12, 2017 at the Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Today’s motley crew includes VP and GM of Stack Overflow Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, me, Producer Jess.  Joining us are very special guests Michael Ludden, Director of Product at IBM Developer labs for IBM Watson, and SO Content Marketing Manager Rachel Ferrigno.

Special thanks to this week’s sponsors: Oracle and Digital Ocean.

Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle’s support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at oracle.com/developers. …

It's a bit concerning when a company as big as SO/SE can't even seem to handle sending stickers to a community member in a reasonable timeframe
But being a PPCG member, I've come to expect neglect from SE :)
did they even request contact information?
Just made a major edit to my Sandbox post here that removed the requirement for answerers to handle infinite sequences. Feedback?
Q: Calculate the Upper Divmod

RodTask Given two positive integers (dividend and divisor), calculate the quotient and the remainder. Normally it would be calculated as e = o*q+r where q*o<=e and 0<=r<o. For this challenge it still e = o*q+r but q*o>=e and -o<r<=0. For example e=20 and o=3, normally it would be 20/3 -> 20=3*6+2, ...

@LucaH Yep; a month ago
After sufficient nagging from me and Shog
@Mego In the end, they just want to maximize proft and are happy if someone forgets about his stickers
just saw that you asked them about it one month later... another month is over, just tweet them again and see what excuses they'll give :D
I sent a DM to the person who seemed to be in charge of stickers
then or now?
Two days ago
ok, let's see what happens... but I guess SO/SE has displayed their incompetence many times
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegoN-bit Variation on Subset-Sum For another challenge I am writing, I need to verify that test cases are solveable with bounded integers. Specifically, I need to verify the following, for an array of integers A and an integer bit width n: All integers a in A satisfy -2**(n-1) <= a < 2**(n-1) (re...

@NewSandboxedPosts "Real" subset sum problem are much harder. This one can be done in linearithmic time...
@user202729 Hence "variation"
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