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Oh that one. Yeah that's alright. Thanks for golfing it down :D
btw: It seems you haven't visited of monads and men, so far, did you? ( also @xnor )
I was generating a few images to use as my profile pic (other than the one I'm using right now)
and I'm wondering which ones you like the best
@EsolangingFruit Pick whichever one looks least like something @WheatWizard would use for his avatar
I'd say it depends on what they look like when you scale them down! (but in this bigger format #2 or #5)
@flawr Yes, I was using one of the rainbow ones but the middle looked like this ugly gray when it was scaled down
@Mego this is accurate
@Mego picking the correct avatar is a matter of true importance
@EsolangingFruit None of the options include penguins, so it can't be that important to you :P
Or any animals with scales for that matter
@flawr I'm concerned that you think penguins have scales
@flawr I only just looked at your avatar and realized it was a snake
@Mego what do they have on their feet then?
I think I learned in this very chat room that birds have scales :)
@flawr Flippers
Honestly the fact that there is infact no tortillas involved in this sitation is disheartening.
@EsolangingFruit Look again and realize it is not a snake :)
@ATaco Clearly the only solution is a penguin eating a fish taco
@flawr Umm... is it a frog?
@flawr Those are clearly socks
Let's not let this escaleate.
Penguin feet get cold, so they wear socks
See that is the advantage of blind worms, they can still use all those single socks, where the other one has been eaten by the washing machine monster.
@EsolangingFruit 9/10 no fish taco
omg, you should definitely google penguin socks, cuteness overload!
@flawr I saw some at the store yesterday. My wife wanted to get them for me, but they were sized for womens medium, and my feet are considerably larger than that :P
oh no, now your feet are going to freeze!
CMS: does anyone here have a calculator with RPN?
I have RProgN :D
If we're allowing esolangs now...
CJam: 1 1.0 1e10 / + 1e10 #
(# is exponentiation)
1 1.0 1e10 / + 1e10 ^ works in RProgN for the same effect.
@ATaco I think many stack based languages are basically using suffix notation, right?
@flawr what???
Stack based languages usually implicitely use Post-fix (Reverse Polish)
There are a handful of exceptions, but that's normally done intentionally.
@flawr The term you're looking for is Post-fix Notation.
I mean otherwise the stack doesn't make a lot of sense.
As I said, there are a few exceptions.
@ATaco post-fix somehow sounds strange, but you're probably right!
One language in particular treats operators as quicks, so 1+3 would work, as it treats +3 as a single token.
I? K?
In most stack-based languages, most operators operate on the top elements of the stack, but plenty don't, such as ] in CJam (or & in Ly, which makes an operation apply to the entire stack)
@ATaco do you have docs somewhere?
I don't even remember the name of the language.
Found it
Me and Dennis had a race to quine in that language, with Dennis getting the winning quine a handful of minutes before myself.
A: Golf you a quine for great good!

DennisSimpleStack, 20 bytes «@171%@187»@171%@187 This didn't work in older versions of SimpleStack. Try it online! How it works «@171%@187» Push the string '@171%@187' on the stack. Let's call it s. @171 Print '«' (char code 171), without pushing it on the stack. ...

1 is a quine ...
Not a valid quine.
Literal Only quines are not considered valid by our definitions.
I think I still hold the shortest valid quine, but I could be wrong.
If a language has X be output top of stack followed by X, and W pushes W to the stack, then it can beat it. But that'll never happen.
@Zacharý Reminds me of Jelly's “ØV”ṘV
The benefit to this RProgN solution is it is expandable.
CMC: Given an array of positive integers whose sum is S, partition it into two arrays whose sums are each S/2. S will always be even. Examples: [50, 50] -> [50] [50], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] -> [3] [3], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] -> [14] [14]
If it's impossible to form the two equal-sized partitions, fail in whatever spectacular manner you wish
CJam, 8: {:+2/a_}
Wait I'm confused
It just takes the sum, divides it by 2, wraps in array and duplicates
Err, wait, I messed up the examples
[50, 50] -> [50] [50]; [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] -> [1, 1, 1]; [1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] -> [1, 6, 7] [2, 3, 4, 5]
Output does not need to be sorted
Failure example: [5, 3] -> sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
In other words, solve subset-sum :P
I see you're going for non-devious challenges :P
Input validation is bad.
@ATaco There's a reason for the input validation here: it's inspired by Fortnite Battle Royale's struggle to partition groups of 1, 2, 3, and 4 into two teams of 50.
@Mego Jelly, 16 bytes: ŒP©ḤS€iSị®,⁸œ-$$
I must be missing something obvious...
Now do it in polynomial time and claim all of the money in the world
What's an invalid input with S=100 where the elements are in [1,2,3,4]?
@Mego €$$©
i.e. an invalid input for Fortnite Battle Royale
@Sherlock9 S is not given
@Sherlock9 33x3 + 1x1
@LeakyNun I'm not asking for that. I'm asking about the Fortnite case.
With 33x3 + 1x1, the closest you can get is 51v49
@Mego it takes forever whenever I try :/
Well, you could do what CS:GO does and have the parties choose the teams independently
I've only done 1 50v50 game cuz of that
@Sherlock9 50v50 is massive though
Fair point
(this is the question I was asking earlier)
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