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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

checked my dad's computer, he was complaining it was being really slow
google's phishing site database now has 7 new entries
@Riker :O your ip was added to google phishing db D:
@Downgoat >.> no
the 7 phishing sites I found are in tehre now if not beforee
I also failed the captcha like 3 times
Are you a robot?
I'm gonna use the Tokenizer I wrote for funky to compile Brainflak..
Welp, that was easy.
hey, I've got an (incomplete) KotH idea: Time travel. I'd require that submissions are completely deterministic, and submissions would have a device that allows them to travel X turns backwards in time
however, I'm unsure what to make the goal of the game
I've thought of "kill other players", but I'm not sure how that makes time travel more interesting.
Push a ball into a location.
If all bots move at the same speed, one of the only ways to take a ball from another bot would be to move mack in time and get the ball first.
but then everybody travels back as far as possible
and we're stuck in the same situation
Punish them for traveling back in time.
Traveling back in time makes them keep their location, but they move only every other turn for twice as long as they traveled back in time.
Similarly, the ball doesn't move.
Also, limit the amount of turns one can travel back, to prevent a player from traveling back to the start when they've just about won.
it still feels like it'd be a game of figuring out the optimal time to travel back. I'm more looking for a "travel back in time and work with yourself/others"
I still kind of like the idea of this time travel soccer. Even if it's not perfect with the idea you had.
similar to Braid or Chronotron
oh, soccer makes this interesting
I was thinking you had to move it 1 square at a time
but passing the ball is interesting
Have a single player, but travel back in time to allow you to have more players? How could you make this better than just traveling back in time 10 times and using all 10 actors?
well, I was actually thinking to only allow travelling back once
Unless an actor needs to travel back in time at the same time. So actor 1 does something, travels back, now there are two actors, after the time that actor 1 original spent, he needs to "return back in time" and thus be destroyed.
Ok, so I'm thinking that we have a 15x15 grid or something. The ball moves forward by 1 each turn. Players can travel back in time by exactly 10 turns 1 time. You start with 5 players and if a ball is on the same square as a player, they can choose a direction to kick it
ok but how do you solve paradoxes?
every time you travel back, you create a new timeline
To simplify the idea of this; You want a KoTH in which players must Cooperate with themselves, and allow the undoing of a mistake or unfavourable event.
also it doesn't have the cool bonus of stable time loops like the billiard ball hitting itself
@NathanMerrill but that new one might create a new timeline which itself does the same thing = infinite recursion
Paradoxes don't matter if you don't consider them.
And limit the time travels to 1.
but then the game will freeze up
@ATaco doesn't fix the problem
grandfather paradox only needs one time travel
Once again, just don't consider the paradox.
bah, sorry
You're not effecting "Your future", you're just moving the simulation back with a now changed state.
ok consider this:
you make a bot. the bot looks to the left.
if there is a future version of itself there, it does not time travel
if there is not, it travels back in time and goes to the left of where it will be
there's only 1 possible loop: A does a, B time travels and does b. This causes A to do something difference, which causes B to travel back and do something different
Once again, that doesn't matter, because this is assuming that the one that goes back in time has to be the same actor as the one who is back in time.
and if you say that that stops because there was only one time travel, just change it, but have them time travel back and go to the right instead of not time travelling
@ATaco It matters because when I "go back in time" I'm recalling the same functions on all players
but the map is different
I had sort of an idea for a koth: time police. except you'd need to solve the halting problem to find every possible loop
this is why I want players to be deterministic
anyways, there's a relatively easy solution for soccer: an overall turn limit
How is the time traveled player affected though?
@NathanMerrill San Dimas time? or what ever the tvtropes page was?
@ATaco after a player travels back in time, their actions don't really matter
I'm gonna write a controller for my original ball pushing idea and see how it goes.
what matters is if your actions change based on whether another player has travelled back in time
@Downgoat Do you have Bootstrap experience?
@NathanMerrill I don't understand
Going back to the soccer example: Lets say I have two choices: pass it to a friend, or shoot into the goal
you can definitely have a time travel koth if it's a "resume position in the past but with the current state of consciousness" probably
the other team decides to travel back in time and block the goal
which causes me to pass it to a friend
which then causes them to instead travel back in time and block the friend
how does their action not matter then
@quartata bootstrap is jquery of css. 0/10 do not reccomend
because the pass is happening before they decide to travel back in time
that's the problem
I think what he's saying is that a given player can rewind as much as they want, all that matters is their final actions after resolving the rewinds. The problem is the order you resolve each player if another player depends on their actions
yeah I guess
I'm actually limiting rewinding to 10 turns exactly 1 time
@Downgoat I'll take that as a no then
and it still has this problem
so like, time as a dimension to move in doesn't quite work, but time as a thread a bot's consciousness can move back on can work I think
except if two bots decide to time travel at the same time i guess
Have an explicit turn order, which for the most part should have no effect.
Well do it lazily -- if you cn tell if a player is trying to observe another player, resolve it first. You can have some sort of tiebreaker if bothare waiting for the other.
@NathanMerrill I think this basically a different version of the grandfather paradox thing I said made it that it won't work
how about if the bots make a time travel paradox they both lose?
yeah. The thing about the grandfather paradox is that its about literally preventing the starting position from ever happening
which isn't the case here
but then it becomes prisoners dilemma'y
@DestructibleLemon exactly, and its really hard to tell if you are in a paradox
@NathanMerrill the grandfather paradox covers anything where you cause yourself not to travel back in time, or travel back in time in some different way
I don't think that "the grandfather paradox" is really a category, just a useful example :P
it covers anything where: you cause yourself not to (this sentence)
> Despite its title, the grandfather paradox does not exclusively regard the contradiction of killing one's own grandfather to prevent one's birth.
it describes any time travel action that prevents itself. I think that's a better description
More signs that Downgoat wrote code: </dov> :P
keep an eye out for any Cheddar or ES2017
alternate time travel koth possibly: something that involves travelling forward through time
and where elapsed time is detrimental to a bot in some way?
that's just passing turns
otherwise there would be no reason to travel forward through time?
I'm not sure what the advantages would be, no
Removing the bot from existence for a few rounds is like being invincible for those rounds, but you're unable to think or learn.
also you can pass through "time walls"
basically anything that would prevent you being in that space during some is a time is a "time wall". example: a large weight or something is dropped on the space, and is then possibly removed, or a room is made in the middle of it?
@Mego aw h*ck...
I fixed it, don't worry :P
Well, I'm in the process of fixing it. Trying to clean up imports broke things.
yeah >_< sorry about the formatting. I ran a program to fix some formatting (because atom does not remove trailing newlines) and apparently it removed some lines and whatnot
And now I unbroke things :D
I just make PyCharm handle the formatting. I shouldn't let it touch imports again, though.
I guess I'm gonna learn c# or something
uh, because... it's used a lot?
ok but why does there need to be like 8 lines to print "hello world" though
because it's pretty much just Java with slightly more core language features but a worse standard library
but unity and stuff
unity is shit though
btw @Mego in JS it's generally better-style to use spaces inside one-line object e.g. { a: 1 } rather than {a:1}
that's true of any language with dictionaries tbh
@Downgoat Sure, but you're not writing JS: python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/…
I'm referring to the JS code here for example
Oh, I'm not sure which style guide PyCharm is following for JS
There's a good solution to the grandfather paradox: Something that is independent of time reversal. A couple of options: A remaining turns counter that doesn't go back up when you go back in time, or certain players don't revert to their old positions when a player goes back in time
@NathanMerrill doesn't sound like it would work? which player is assigned the timer?
you would have a team with multiple players. one (or some) of them would be independent of time reversal
yeah, but a bot can still just choose to ignore them
3 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Colera SuBuild an Electrical Grid fastest-code The Challange There are N cities aligned in a straight line. The i-th city is located at A[i] kilometers to the right of the origin. No two cities will be in the same place. You are going to build an electrical grid with some power plants. Power plants ...

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Q: Help me design my garden

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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

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2 hours later…
Q: Validate a producer consumer problem

RahulI created the Producer Consumer program without using wait-notify in java. I am not sure if it is correct . My program - https://pastebin.com/4bZxXCsv Program given on oracle website - https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/guardmeth.html Can someone tell whether these t...

Hey ya'll sorry I'm such a noob but how do you put a link in your comment? I've tried with the <a></a> tag and it doesn't seem to work.
@tfbninja [link text](url). It's called markdown and you can do other things with it too
@tfbninja Here is a list of all available commands: codegolf.stackexchange.com/editing-help#comment-formatting
Steam links are on sale for 5 bucks
get em while they're hot
@NieDzejkob Thanks!
I've been reading through my old deleted answers and hating my past self for posting them :/
@Poke You wanna know an even better deal? Sanctum 2 (FPS/tower defense) is free right now
aw i already have it
good game, though
Yeah, great game
@cairdcoinheringaahing Now that's a nice new identicon (the purple one)
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks! For some reason, it changed my blue one to this weird pink one, and I hated that, so found this on the internet :P
Lol 10/10 all are amazing 😂
@Mr.Xcoder Most effective solution :P
@flawr best method to generate a random string: ask a front-end developer quit vi(m)
I don't get what's so hard about exiting vim. Just press the red X in the top right corner
@cairdcoinheringaahing what if you need to save before quitting? D:
@J.Sallé Don't use vim
@cairdcoinheringaahing fair enough hahahahah
@J.Sallé Or, when it says "Save before quitting", click "Yes" :P
@xnor what "edge cases?"
@EriktheOutgolfer when you pointed out it doesn't work for 100, i thought it was an edge case special to that
@xnor oh, sorry I edited my comment later
@J.Sallé Vim replaces the status line with Type :qa! and press <Enter> to abandon all changes and exit Vim when you press C-c
@NieDzejkob I wouldn't know, I've only used Vim once or twice. I usually use nano to edit text in a terminal.
And I avoid even that, I usually just open stuff with atom or sublime or something.
atom... reminds me of this
Q: Student (undergraduate) developer contests - UK and global

SriniShineI'm trying to compile a list of undergraduate software developer contests taking place in Uk and globally every year or from 2018. I have found few. If there are more please share. Microsoft Imagine Cup Google summer of code Shell Ideas 360 International Collegiate Programming Contest The Tele...

Somehow just got an offer to moderate /r/gifs
Q: Build this pyramid

Misha LavrovYour pyramid The pyramid I want you to build is made entirely of cubes. It has 24 layers, and the Nth layer from the top contains N2 cubes arranged in an N by N square. The pyramid looks like this: To build the pyramid, you will need a supply of cubes. You are given 4900 cubes arranged in a 7...

For anyone who likes making languages, go free and spread your chaos
@cairdcoinheringaahing “Hello World” requires 186 billion lines of code pretty sure Unary is plenty over that
also I need a feed of new nonfree news articles :p
I need help golfing something in Jelly. Anyone willing to help?
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, I'me game. What's the golf (answer in JHT?)?
Q: Different ways of defining primes

Wheat WizardOne of my favorite definitions of the prime numbers goes as follows: 2 is the smallest prime. Numbers larger than 2 are prime if they are not divisible by a smaller prime. However this definition seems arbitrary, why 2? Why not some other number? Well lets try some other numbers will define ...

Q: BigNum Bakeoff Reboot

Simply Beautiful ArtSome of you may be familiar with the BigNum Bakeoff, which ended up quite interestingly. The goal can more or less be summarized as writing a C program who's output would be the largest, under some constraints and theoretical conditions e.g. a computer that could run the program. In the same spi...

^ Seeking feedback.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Well, it does have a CV for "too broad", which may be a place to start
Ah, didn't notice that.
Too broad hm?
Personally, I don't think it's too broad per se, but I don't think it's a particularly interesting challenge.
Perhaps. I don't mind people not taking it as interesting.
No reviews for hours, then 2 in one minute :P
>.> I hope its not my answer to my question.
Being the second one I mean
One was about closing your question, the other was a question by a new user
Wow (9999)... Next level
@Mr.Xcoder ?
You mean my silly program?
It is over 9 thousand...
@SimplyBeautifulArt You can remove f= from your answer BTW
@cairdcoinheringaahing ???
@cairdcoinheringaahing No he can't, it's recursive
Q: Calculate pi - With a twist

AJ123THE CHALLENGE: Calculate the value of pi, correct to as many digits as you can. HOWEVER: You can only use the mathematical operators + , - , / and *, and also only integers are to be used in the code. You have to do this in the smallest amount of bits that you can! Many outputs are allowe...

Also, think I did my breakdown in a good format?
ಠ_ಠ Stupid Ruby, using [] for both arrays and calling functions
Yeah, tbh it is sore eyes for me and those arrays
(x=9999).times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{‌​x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x‌​.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.times{x.‌​times{x.times{x.times... @SimplyBeautifulArt Are you sure are you a serios competitior?
and its [] for calling lambdas and procs
@cairdcoinheringaahing arrays are just functions
@Mr.Xcoder :D Yeah mate
I mean
@WheatWizard That doesn't make me like it any more
512 bytes is a lot
I needed some filler
@SimplyBeautifulArt Also if you have }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} in a code golf submission, you are most likely doing something wrong. :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why don't you like it.
:( Well what else am I supposed to do with the leftover 300 bytes?
I actually do have another program in the works that's crazy bigger than the current one.
But um
@WheatWizard I'd complain that it makes it more confusing, but if I complained when submissions confused me, I'd drown this room with complaints :P
I'm still trying to understand the math behind it.
@cairdcoinheringaahing btw, you can use parentheses for functions e.g.
@SimplyBeautifulArt At least you acknowledged the humour behind the program: }}};p :P
def f(x)
    print x
But it's way less golfy.
Is it just me or there haven't been any 05AB1E golfers around in the last couple of days?
@Mr.Xcoder All Americans, and it's Thanksgiving
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh dear
Adnan is Dutch :p
Oh tru
Haha, I've been working on my newest bignum program during Turkey day.
Hehe, while we are debating which languages are good/bad, I'm watching an ad telling me "Python is amazing, use Python 110% of the time" :D
@Mr.Xcoder He doesn't post as much as he used to recently
I just had a conversation with someone about Python the other day
... And I am watching the Voice :P
They found out Python doesn't support i++ and basically died.
@Mr.Xcoder English or Romanian?
What's that bad with i+=1
or Other?
@Mr.Xcoder It's a byte longer
@cairdcoinheringaahing Romanian, but I do watch English on the internet sometimes too
x'D They were complaining that every language should have an i++
Also that it should be very easy for the developers.
Anyways there are very good competitors this year (some of them :P)
@SimplyBeautifulArt I'm still confused about the difference between ++i and i++, so I believe that Python's solution is better
Yeah same
That was the other guy's argument. That ++ is much more confusing.
@cairdcoinheringaahing i++ increments i after the expression is evaluated, ++i before.
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, that doesn't help :P
Like ++5<6 is False, but 5++<6 is True IIRC (bad example!)
I've already had this conversation with people who use it regularly and they can't convey the different to me
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ok here is an example
Also, @Mr.Xcoder what is the key to your success? You've gone from no rep to a very high ranking user in just 8 months.
Hehe, gathering my tips altogether and responding in a sec
Plus 29/50 for Epic :P
hah yeah
(doesn't get noticed for how much rep he's gained on math.se)
@SimplyBeautifulArt I really noticed you, make sure of that :P
@SimplyBeautifulArt Well, this is a PPCG chat room :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing 1. While I am awake and have time, I check for new challenges every hour or so. 2. If someone outgolfs me, I don't get discouraged and struggle to outgolf them back. 3. I answer in many languages (and actively learn new ones). 4. I try my best to post clear, well-specified challenges with a task that lacks any trace of subjectivity.
1. a.k.a. being addicted to se?
@SimplyBeautifulArt No, not to se, to code golf. I kind of dislike SE's system but I think this community compensates that
@Mr.Xcoder 1) Check (when not at school), 2) Maybe I could do better at that, 3) What counts as many?, 4) After a short stint when I first started, check. Well, that's how I can improve :P
Lol, close enough
s/second 3)/4/
@Mr.Xcoder My brain can't maths after reading SBA's answer :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh and 5) (I am most definitely not very proud of this): Fastest Gun in the West Effect.
@cairdcoinheringaahing mission accomplished!
But tbh
The brackets x.x
are the worst
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, that's another problem with me. For some reason, I get think sick feeling when racing to make a functional answer and occasionally f*ck it up because of that
> For those who would like to learn how to use the fast growing hierarchy to approximate really large numbers, I'm hosting a Discord server just for that.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I have one problem with Maths.SE (well, two): I can't read MathJax without the symbol rendering, which makes it very hard to understand comments on mobile
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hahaha
Well I can usually parse what the MathJax is saying without it rendering, but yeah, it is quite hindering.
E.g. I have no bloody clue what $\lim \limits_{x\to 0}{\sin{42x} \over \sin{6x}-\sin{7x}}$ is saying, and I could be a genius regarding whatever it is
(sorry ChatJax users)
Hey, you borrowed that from a question I answered?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Bringing clarifications to 3): ~5-10: for medium-harder challenges: Python and Pyth and occasionally Swift, for medium challenges: Jelly, Pyke, (sometimes) 05AB1E, for easy challenges: All of the above, Husk, Ohm, Gaia, Pyke, (sometimes also Japt, MATL), etc.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yeah, I'm on your user page
Looking at the day you got +820 rep
Has anyone compiled a list of most popular languages used on PPCG?
@cairdcoinheringaahing x'D
That was an interesting day
Jelly, JS, Python, 05ab1e, would definitely be at the top, idk what else
@Downgoat I don't think so, but it'd probably be weighted since only GolfScript existed before 2014 (regarding golfing languages)
Fun fact: For a month or two (or three, idk), I managed to keep up with the amount of rep the top users on StackOverflow were getting.
@cairdcoinheringaahing There is another advantage to studying all those golfing languages: when you see a challenge you immediately know which would have well-suited features/built-ins
@SimplyBeautifulArt nice
@Downgoat Haskell.
No, it was absolutely horrible lol. I had no life. x.x
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I was being nice
Recommend no-one ever try that unless you're doing it on StackOverflow
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