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CMP: Should I add implicit casting to my golfing language?
@cairdcoinheringaahing depends on whether or not there are overloads
IMO overloads for functions are more useful than implicit casting
No overloads, but maybe casting string versions of numbers into the integer versions ("123"+5 => 128)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think that "123"+5 => "1235" would be more useful
That's "123";5 => "1235" (concatenation)
though you could make both be +. That case of joining a number to a number to result to a string (IMO) is rare enough to have an extra casting byte wasted
@dzaima I think "123"+5[54,55,56] or "678".
I could, but then what would [1, 2, 3]+5 be?
@cairdcoinheringaahing in SOGL that'd result to [1,2,3,5]
@Adám it's a matter of figuring out which of the options would be the most useful to be a one byte command. If that's useful enough, why not?
@dzaima Yeah, I've got vectorising commands in Levant, so I didn't think overloading + would be a good idea
Q: Reduce a number by its largest digit

Galen IvanovTask: Given an integer number in decimal number system, reduce it to a single decimal digit as follows: Convert the number to a list of decimal digits. Find the largest digit, D Remove D from the list. If there is more than one occurrence of D, choose the first from the left (at the most signi...

@cairdcoinheringaahing of course that could also result to [6,7,8] and overload only on numbers/strings
if you think that implicit casting is gonna be more useful than a couple more 1 byte commands, go ahead
@ASCII-only mind joining the ppcg game discord for d&d discussion?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrDraw the ☣ (Biohazard Symbol) kolmogorov-complexitycode-golfgraphical-output Draw the Biohazard symbol in an arbitrary colour on a distinctly coloured background. Details As output writing to a file (raster and vector formats are permitted) or displaying on the screen. The symbol itself shoul...

1 hour later…
Q: Should we reopen the "Tips for golfing in Befunge 93" question?

James HoldernessI'm referring to this question: Tips for golfing in Befunge 93 It's currently closed as a duplicate of "Tips for golfing in Befunge 98", but they're really not the same language - they're probably about as similar as C and C++. While there's obviously a fair amount of overlap, more than half of ...

@EriktheOutgolfer we use Greek alphabet in maths; what do Greeks use?
I think this tradition of using Greek alphabet began with Euclid?
he used Greek letters in the Elements
@LeakyNun hey how's it going
nice to hear
I implemented something cool over the past couple days (spent an hour here or there)
what is it?
@LeakyNun do you know what the hadamard product of generating functions is?
not yet
say I have two series a(n), b(n)
and their generating functions A(x), B(x)
then calculating the g.f. for a(n) + b(n) is simple, just A(x) + B(x) because the coefficients add up
now I do
but a(n)*b(n) isn't just A(x)*B(x), you need to multiply the coefficients of x
that's the Hadamard product
I wrote some code that given two rational generating functions computes their hadamard product
Q: Algorithm for computing Hadamard product of two rational generating functions

orlpIf I have two generating functions $A(x) = \sum_na_nx^n$ and $B(x) = \sum_n b_nx^n$ then the Hadamard product is $(A \star B)(x) = \sum_{n} a_nb_nx^n$. Now when $A$ and $B$ are both rational functions ($P(x)/Q(x)$ with polynomials $P, Q$) I've seen non-constructive proofs that $A \star B$ is a...

had to ask for some help though :P
but can you find the generating function for partial sums?
@LeakyNun partial sums of what?
of the coefficients of another generating function
can you be a bit more explicit?
a(0), a(0) + a(1), a(0) + a(1) + a(2), ...?
@LeakyNun that's stupidly simple actually :)
oh god
so no hadamard product needed for that :)
I love that identity though
somewhat blew my mind when I first saw it
can you prove $\displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n b_n z^n = \frac 1 {2\pi} \int_0^{2\pi} F(\sqrt z e^{it}) G(\sqrt z e^{-it}) \ \mathrm dt$?
I can't
I'm aware of that integral form though
that was my first attempt but it got absolutely nowhere
it lead to stuff like this @LeakyNun
that's exactly 65/252
what led to it?
I was talking about proving that identity
I know, I'm saying that my first attempts of implementing the hadamard product using that identity led to stuff like that
on which sequences?
A: Bitwise XOR of rational numbers

orlpPython 3, 193 164 bytes def x(a,b,z=0): l=[] while(a,b)not in l:l+=[(a,b)];z=2*z|(a<.5)^(b<.5);a=a*2%1;b=b*2%1 p=l.index((a,b));P=len(l)-p return((z>>P)+z%2**P*a**0/~-2**(P or 1))/2**p Takes input as Python 3's fractions.Fraction type, and outputs it as well. Fun fact (you can easily show...

if you write a rational number as the generating function of its binary digits
then A(x) + B(x) - 2*HadamardProduct(A(x),B(x)) is the generating function of the binary xor of those digits
I sense a root of unity filter
(referring to that formula I want to prove)
$$\int_{0}^{2\pi} A(r e^{it}) B(r e^{-it}) \, dt = \int_0^{2\pi} \sum_{m,n} a_n b_m r^{n+m} e^{i(n-m)t} \, dt = 2\pi \sum_{n \ge 0} a_n b_n r^{2n}$$
thanks, it's dank
thanks a lot
in that post he also links to a cool blog post: qchu.wordpress.com/2009/10/07/extracting-the-diagonal
I need to do something like this tomorrow, and if you weren't here, I would have skipped this part
it's hard to explain what I'm doing though
now you have to :P
sort of an informal lecture to an informal group
thanks a million lol
what are the odds?
somehow you popped up at the right time
it's weird how I can show something like this to you when you're much better at this stuff than I am :P
I'm more of an engineer than a mathematician
I didn't know this stuff
hadamard product
but now I need to know what your informal lecture is about
and how it relates to this
generating functions :)
@LeakyNun what this implies though is pretty cool
given any two series that can be expressed as a linear recurrence
the product of their terms can as well
proof via power form
well in my case via rational generating functions
e.g. $a(n) = 2^n F_n^2$ has a recurrence
and its generating function is (hold on one second)
$\dfrac{2x(1-2x)}{(2x + 1)(4x^2 - 6x + 1)}$
doing that by hand is a nightmare :D
can you tell me more lol
I may discover something useful
for tomorrow's lecture
often there's stuff about integer partitions in generating functions texts, right?
but only today I saw the full generic form
what do you mean?
so there's the number of partitions of n, right?
but you can also say the number of partitions of n, with k parts
or the number of partitions of n, with each part <= k
or we might want that the partition be distinct
so 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 isn't valid
from the book generatingfunctionology
with this you can derive all other formulae
page 101
@LeakyNun I used that to solve this problem: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2525536/…
(or well, a generalization)
is it hard to derive?
It's just convolution isn't it
you have $(1+x+...+x^8)$ for each variable
and take its fourth power
and find the coefficient of $x^{18}$
I mean isn't that what generating functions are often effectively used for?
as a convenient way to notate convolution
there's two sides to generating functions
one is the analytical side, with the infinite sums with closed forms
and the other is the combinatorical side
which basically abuses polynomial multiplication to get convolution
but since they're both using the same notation you can jump from one side to the other and use the power of both, making it very powerful :)
how hard is it to prove the formula?
I don't know I haven't tried
I mean, the idea of using $y$ to further generalize it in order to solve it is very dank
generalize it, trivialize it, and then specialize it
I'm not too familiar with the combinatorical side of gfs at the moment
honestly you should just read generatingfunctionology :)
great book
you see, $\sum p(n,4,8)x^n = (1+x+\cdots+x^8)^4$
so $\sum p(n,k,R) x^n = (1+x+\cdots+x^R)^k = \dfrac{(1-x^{R+1})^k}{(1-x)^k}$
@LeakyNun some more material
now, $\sum \sum p(n,k,R) x^n y^k = (1+x+\cdots+x^R)^k = \sum \left( \dfrac{y(1-x^{R+1})}{1-x} \right)^k = \dfrac 1 {1 - \left( \frac{y(1-x^{R+1})}{1-x} \right)} = \dfrac {1-x} {1 - x - y + yx^{R+1}}$
$1-x-y+yx^{R+1} = (1-y)-x(1-yx^R)$
hmm, this leads me nowhere
I'm sorry, can't be of much help here atm
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