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@orlp I've been playing around with this for a while, and its pretty interesting
its the intersection of two triangle waves, but the solutions are very non-trivial
u can get weird things like entire sides interecting
I suspect that ill need the fourier transform
is there like a symbolic solution?
Nice, Funky can now index tables.
@Maltysen Convolution might be a better option
@Mego how?
a fourier series gives me a symbolic representation that i can set equal to each other
Q: Create a universal integer sequence

DennisDefinition Let's call an (infinite) integer sequence universal if it contains every finite integer sequence as a contiguous subsequence. In other words, the integer sequence (a1, a2, …) is universal if and only if, for each finite integer sequence (b1, …, bn), there is an offset k such that (ak...

2 minutes? Wow!
@New Main Posts it's okay... I believe in you!
I'm almost comfortable with publishing Funky.
Which will make it my first non-esoteric programming language.
@Dennis can i run a submission by u?
cuz I tripped myself up wiht my first few ideas and missed some stuff
@ATaco but the README says An esoteric programming language that's all functional and things.....
n-th Cartesian power of [-n, ..., n]?
for all n
That should work, yes.
cool, posting
What I intend with a language and what it becomes are two entirely different things.
Anyone know place where I can paste in a bunch of RGB tuples and instantly see the colors? Like "(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 128),(0, 0, 255), (0, 128, 0), (0, 128, 128), (0, 128, 255)"
@HelkaHomba write a script! Also, no I don't! Yay!
@Maltysen Your algorithm works, but your submissions doesn't seem to use any of the three I/O formats.
@Dennis it prints all of them
the online link is finite
@HelkaHomba brb
Oh, answer and permalink code are different...
@ASCII-only It's ok, already scripted it with PIL
@HelkaHomba :|
Oh boy, Scoping Issues!~
Funky is ironically OOP rather than Functional.
@ASCII-only If you want a CMC, generate this list in this order: [(0,0,0),(0,0,128),(0,0,255),(0,128,0),(0,128,128),(0,128,255),(0,255,0),(0,255‌​,128),(0,255,255),(128,0,0),(128,0,128),(128,0,255),(128,128,0),(128,128,128),(12‌​8,128,255),(128,255,0),(128,255,128),(128,255,255),(255,0,0),(255,0,128),(255,0,2‌​55),(255,128,0),(255,128,128),(255,128,255),(255,255,0),(255,255,128),(255,255,25‌​5)]

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