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11:03 PM
hi everyone
rewriting the interpreter for proton is more of a pain than I thought originally lol
I've been thinking about rewriting the core for Pyke but I really don't want to just for easier auto generating explanations
Re-writing languages hasn't ever ended well for me.
I started doing that with RProgN and now RProgN2 exists which is almost a completely different language.
11:12 PM
(^^ the story of Positron and Proton lol)
@ATaco 100% sure this would happen if I ever made a Charcoal 2
also kinda the story of Cheddar/VSL
Did you know by going from $\text{(-2)^x=4}$ you can solve for i and get $\text{i=0.47}$?
What. Where did $i$ come from.
11:14 PM
Wait what?
I have my doubts, but I'm no mathematician.
Can't read that at all.
Bad picture
11:17 PM
Perhaps you should write it in latex.
Q: Output the simplified Goodstein sequence

Simply Beautiful ArtA number is in base-b simplified Goodstein form if it is written as b + b + ... + b + c, 0 < c ≤ b The simplified Goodstein sequence of a number starts with writing the number in base-1 simplified Goodstein form, then replacing all 1's with 2's and subtracting 1. Rewrite the result in base-2...

@ATaco how do you do log base a number with that?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ \log_{-2}(4)
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ^
How do I add newlines to it?
To space out my math
11:19 PM
I like this Squared Pyramidal numbers challenge.
I believe your problem is your definition of $\log_{b}(a)$
Two backslashes.
You get the idea xD
And showing division?
I used Threead for the first time in I think half a year.
11:21 PM
$$(-2)^x=4\\ x=\log_{-2}(4)\\ x=\frac{\ln(4)}{\ln(-2)} \\ x=\frac{\ln(4)}{ \ln(2)+\pi i}$$
\div I think? You can also use \frac{num}{denom}
I believe this is basically what you did
Very close
Is it just me or is ln(-2) not a thing?
11:21 PM
Oh wait, complex powers?
But instead of x it is 2
Boop, Image.
Yeah and $\text{x=2}$
So yeah, the problem here is your definition of ln
And e^x
11:22 PM
They are both the normal definitions
Well that was easy
Think of it more simply like this
Also can I get the raw text for that mathjax?
11:22 PM
(-1)^x = 1
x = log_{-1}(1)
^ This doesn't work
CMC: Design a Turing Tarpit with exactly two operations, each of which are the inverse of the other and both of which are needed for turing completeness
Since x can be any even integer
@StevenH. Chat Mega Problem?
So as you can see, log at complex bases of complex numbers is generally ill-defined.
11:23 PM
Chat Mega Challenge. Jeez, get the acronyms right.
So then they'd have to be non-abelian operations
Does anyone have any good resources for learning the beginnings of LaTeX? I think it's something I should get to know
@ATaco can you send me the laytex you used for that image?
@NewMainPosts Say, does anyone think that adding in the example expansion for 1 and 2 would be helpful?
(-2)^x = 4 \\
x = \log_{-2}(4) \\
x = \frac{\ln(4)}{\ln(-2)} \\
x = \frac{\ln(4)}{\ln(2)+\pi i}
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ^
11:35 PM
Yeah, that's it.
11:54 PM
Hi, Python question: I want to override __getitem__, but I also want to be able to access self.ident variables set in the __init__ function. How do I do that without blowing the stack?
Properties might be useful instead of getattr
Can you elaborate on "properties"?
hold on nvm figured it out; I don't need to override __getattr__ but I did, which caused the problem lol
oh cool!
wait so @property does things lazily, not calling the function each time, right?
I'm pretty sure it calls it each time
11:59 PM
You can add memorisation to it if needed
Though that might be too much overhead

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