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@Mego Me neither.
Just like you should use the "<Lang>, <N> bytes" header style, but it's not required
@SimplyBeautifulArt I bet you've seen worse as well :) Here is what I am talking about ;P
I'm personally bored to death, anyone up for a round of JHT?
@Mr.Xcoder Nah, that seems pretty clear of a question from my stand point.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Did I forget to mention I'm parallel with mathematics as well? :P
@Mr.Xcoder I suppose it was implied :P
Yay, my request for an Open Source JetBrains license has been approved :D Now I can be way more productive working on the C++ port of Actually
Well I am too young to understand all those creepy integrals :D
@Mr.Xcoder How old are you? If I may ask.
@Mego You port actually to Cpp :o Good luck with that
@Mego better fix the bugs on the python one first :p
in APL, Oct 5 at 11:55, by Mr. Xcoder
@Adám I decided to start learning APL. See you when you come back
@SimplyBeautifulArt 14.
@Mego I got a 1-year license for every jetbrains product last week because I have a university e-mail address
@Adám Oh cool, can you give me the "first lesson" now?
@EriktheOutgolfer No bugs; only features
@Mr.Xcoder Sure. Head over in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/52405/apl
the language isn't finished imo
@Adám I am there already lol
Hm... let's see... at age 14 I was just beginning my study of calculus I think
Honestly wish I started learning calculus in middle school.
@EriktheOutgolfer I agree. However, it's mostly feature-frozen right now while I'm working on refactoring and porting to C++. The port to C++ will be both for an interpreter in C++, and also a way to compile to C++ from Actually.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Me too. I didn't start studying it yet, because my professors and colleagues are quite slow.
I'm really fortunate I got to start learning interesting math earlier on because school here offers no interesting stuff (at least for me) lol
@Mr.Xcoder I studied it on my own, which I think to be the best option if one seriously wants to learn some topic to a decently advanced level.
@SimplyBeautifulArt in greece we do prime factorization starting from elementary school class D (i.e. 4th grade)
@EriktheOutgolfer Seriously though, if there are any bugs I'm not aware of, please open issues on GitHub. All 5 issues currently open are enhancements. I don't know of any bugs currently in the Python interpreter.
@HyperNeutrino :( That's how they all are.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I don't really want to learn very advanced mathematics. I am on the Physics side of the wall :)
@EriktheOutgolfer x.x In my 4th grade class, I remember the beginning of learning how to multiply.
@Mr.Xcoder Well then go study that :)
@SimplyBeautifulArt I do study that for ~3 years now :-)
That's great! Best of luck to your physics.
@HyperNeutrino Why are you implementing BFS that way??!??! Very inefficient... (I know this is not fastest code, but...) || Where do you find learning materials? I really want to know...
@SimplyBeautifulArt Thanks! Good luck with maths and moderation!
@SimplyBeautifulArt that was in second grade (class B)
@Mr.Xcoder :-) To be honest, I'd be very satisfied with whoever wins the election, out of those that are likely to be elected.
@user202729 I never learned how to do BFS well so that's just what I'm guessing :P || A university professor at UW offers time to teach me and a couple of my friends extra math outside of school
@SimplyBeautifulArt I just realized why I recognized your name! Good luck in the election!
Lol, thanks.
Anyways, cya everyone!
in fourth grade we do stuff such as $\frac ab\times\frac ba=1$
@EriktheOutgolfer Same here (fractions in grade 3-4)
@EriktheOutgolfer Really? We started fractions in like grade 5/6 if I remember correctly :(
Or maybe we started in grade 4 but kept doing the same things over and over so I can't remember when we started it.
...started? lol greek education system is very different (but horrible overall)
for me that was 3rd grade
6th grade was number larger than one billion, gcd, etc. 5th grade had lcm
Yeah 3rd grade here too
5th grade lcm and gcd
I think LCM and GCD were either 4th or 5th grade for me
btw 9th grade was lcm and gcd of polynomials
I am in the 8th rn :-(
Polynomial algebra was 10th for me
@HyperNeutrino And what's with int[length * ~-length * ~-~-length / 6] and combine(nodes, old, (x, y) -> x ^ y)? Are you going to obfuscate the code?
also solving systems was 9th grade too
Polynomial stuff was grade 10 though I'm not sure whether or not they started it in 9 because I didn't do grade 9 math.
@EriktheOutgolfer "6th grade was number larger than one billion"… wait what?
what is there to study on this?
Linear systems was 10th. 9th was geometry and proofs for me.
@user202729 Hm? What about it?
Yeah linear systems for grade 10 and since it was the pre-AP class we briefly did matrix stuff
We study both geometry and algebra from grade 6
@Fatalize like, handling them (mainly +, -)
Should it be length * (length - 1) * (length - 2) and (x, y) -> x != y?
@EriktheOutgolfer I don't get it. That's the same as for smaller numbers
@user202729 I personally think ^ is faster than != marginally though I'm not sure. And no, I apparently hate brackets :P
also in 9th grade I started testing equality of triangles and proofs in geometry
@Fatalize yeah didn't make sense
at least to me
WHAT? In the 9th grade triangles and proofs in geometry? :ø We do those in grade 7.
I can't even remember how grades 5 - 8 went for me because I was not in a regular class so my math education was entirely outside of school lol.
My high school math was: 9th (geometry, proofs), 10th (linear algebra, polynomial algebra), 11th (precalculus, limits, growth rates of functions), 12th (differential and integral calculus, sequences, series)
searches on google what's the link between grades and age
@Fatalize age - 5 = grade
there's a shift from K to 1st grade (from kindergarten to elementary), 6th to 7th grade (elementary to middle) and 9th to 10th (middle to high)
a bit different for people with birthdays during the school year but I forget the offset range
@Fatalize 9th grade is usually 13-15 in the US
All I needed to do for grade 7-8 math class (which was in my homeroom) was take the pre-test, ace it, and not do anything that unit :P In grade 5-6 it wasn't much different
13-15 is two years??
@Fatalize No, I mean the common ages. 9th grade is one year, and people in 9th grade are typically 13-15 years old
I don't get it
how are they not all the same age, besides exceptions?
I think he means what age range 9th graders usually are
@Fatalize It depends on when their birthday is in relation to the start of the school year, being held back or advanced forward grades, when they started school, etc.
People born in December might be 13 for the beginning of Grade 9. People born in January might be 15 for the last half of Grade 9. I think.
January-June: 14-15, September-December: 13-14
Also every school district (in Texas, at least) makes their own rules regarding when students start school, so transferring between school districts can lead to some outliers
And homeschooling causes even more headaches
@Mego horrible
Here, it's based on your year of birth, we don't care what month you were born in
@EriktheOutgolfer Freedom™ (some restrictions apply, see store for details)
that's the usual case
@Mego Too edgy for graph theory
also greece has "necessary education", i.e. grades you are required by law to complete grades K-10 unless you get stuck in any of 7-10 for many years
Yeah, 10 grades are mandatory here too
(although we have 13)
like, 13 grades?
that's unusual
I'm not exactly sure about Canada's requirements for which grades you must take. I think it's just K-8 but the entirety of high school is necessary if you want a decent career.
In the school district that I attended for most of my grade school education, the requirement is that kindergarten students must be 5 years old on September 1 of the school year in question, and that 1st grade students must be 6 years old on September 1.
We also have an optional 5th year of high school.
@HyperNeutrino like, K-14?
No it would be K-13.
Grade 9-12 is regular high school.
Huh. Apparently lean fish isn't a valid advancement from butterfly.
@Mego Kindergarten counts as a mandatory school year?
isn't grade 7-9 middle school?
@Fatalize Nope, but there are rules for enrolling
@EriktheOutgolfer We used to have 12, but our odd politicians moved the last year from kindergarten to school instead... We now have "Grade 0", which I unfortunately didn't take.
> last year in kindergarten
ok either our education system is very different or something not entirely normal is going on
In Texas, the law is that kids are required to attend school until 16, no matter what. They are required to attend school until 18, unless they already have a high school diploma or are in some sort of alternate education program (GED, high school/college hybrid studies, etc.).
In Canada we have JK/SK is kindergarten, 1 - 6 is elementary, 7 - 8 is middle, 9 - 12 is high, 13 is optional 5th year high school.
@EriktheOutgolfer Some places consider any schooling prior to grade 1 to be kindergarten. In the US, we usually refer to that as pre-school or pre-kindergarten (or both).
@HyperNeutrino How can your isomorphic function be correct?
It brute-forces all re-labellings of the nodes
But there are only n! relabel. The algorithm looks like it considers n!² different matrices.
Matrix 1
1 0
0 1

Matrix 2
0 1
1 0
@Mego in greece 4-6yo is kindergarten
Well yeah, it's really inefficient. It shuffles the adjacency matrix in both dimensions.
The first one consists of 2 loops on each vertices, the second one has a double-edge connect two vertices.
Not to mention that it only transpose once. It should be equal(transpose(P), b.l).
Huh. Wait how do I rewrite my isomorphic check then...?
I will try to rewrite it.
I could turn it into a list of edges and permute the edge labels instead. That's what I do when I represent the graphs as edge lists.
@user202729 ok thanks
I noticed that even though I prefer Python by a lot over Java, I'm more likely to write working code on my first try in Java than Python. Strange.
@HyperNeutrino That's one thing that java is very good at because it gives errors whenever possible on compication
The thing is I'm using TIO which doesn't give live compiler errors, yet after writing a long segment of code it usually works first try, whereas in Python it usually breaks with some sort of stack overflow, name error, etc. I don't know why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@HyperNeutrino Well that's what happens when you think TiO is an IDE :p
If you like Python and you're working with graphs, you might try NetworkX
@Mr.Xcoder Hey, you think of a better IDE for a chromebook :P
(Oh wait there are a million and three other online IDEs that have live compiler feedback)
(Such as repl)
@Mego ooh interesting, thanks!
Also that raises an interesting question in the context of the OEIS challenge. We usually consider lang+lib to be a different language than just lang - would that apply to the OEIS challenge as well?
Oh snap interesting question.
That would be awesome.
ask caird lol
@HyperNeutrino How could you embed the url into the message?
Just paste it.
anyway gtg for like 40 minutes, I have a math contest to go write.
@user202729 Shift+Enter.
Indeed. Should that be correct?
yes, it works here
Seems to be wrong.
Oh, too late for deletion already.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

japhCheck algebra proofs in a ring The recent proof-golf to prove that (-a)×(-a) = a×a attracted a number of faulty submissions, because there wasn't a way to check the proofs. So, let's write some proof checkers. Your program should take a sequence of strings representing expressions in a ring. Va...

I was running a build to roll out to our staging environment and it errored because I guess I ran out of disk space... Half of my allotted storage was taken up by old builds dating back to 2015
fun morning
The permutation algorithm seems to be correct now. But I get even less graph.
Change a.r.length to a.l.length.
But the fish with edge BC is still missing.
@hyperneutrino [Does this support case-insensitive @ ?] Without knowing (I can't understand them from reading the code) how your addCycles, isValid, and the matrix structure works (the l is adjacency matrix, but what is the r?) I can't say anything more.
@user202729 I'm not sure which section you're referring to.
The elements in the pair.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Jonathan FrechAll the same digits code-golf number-theory integer Task For any integers n, b > 0 there exist infinitely many integers k > 0 for which n * k's representation in base b only contains the digit b-1. This challenge's task is to output the smallest such k for given integers n, b. Input Two inte...

I love Jelly (the language) for one reason only: the absurd program flow when doing explanations
@cairdcoinheringaahing J is even worse, with hooks and forks
Q: Give me some bits

0x45Problem Write a program that produces 128 specific bits of output. In the simplest case, output those 128 bits in a standard numeric(0,1) form such as sixteen pairs of hexadecimal digits(format as shown in output). Your program may not contain the 128 bits in literal form! Output 00001001 1111...

Q: Hopping numbers

0x45TASK print integers n, where 12 <= n <= 123456789, and all pairs of consecutive digits in n have the same positive difference between them (e.g. 2468 but not 2469). NO INPUT. Output: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 34 35 36 37 38 39 45 46 47 48 49 56 57 58 59 67 68 69 78 79 89 12...

Challenge idea: Enumerate all Sudoku boards
@HyperNeutrino are you still working on the OEIS challenge?
Not currently; I'm in a French lesson right now.
I still don't understand your schools attitude to phones :P
I'm on a chromebook right now.
I wrote my homework on it as well as like almost everyone else.
@DJMcMayhem next in line: enumerate all valid chess boards
Besides, the school really doesn't care because if you're not learning, that's your problem when tests, exams, and assignments come :P
@HyperNeutrino You clearly have nicer teachers than me :P
Some teachers would care but right now we're allowed to have chromebooks out :P
(Not always, but sometimes; depends on the current activity)
@Uriel Enumerating all valid chess boards where black is in checkmate would be much more reasonable :P
(Normally I'd'nt've used chat in class but you pinged me :P)
TIL that "Don't google google" doesn't have a Jelly answer
@cairdcoinheringaahing A new challenge to answer :-)
@Mr.Xcoder Not anymore D:D I just answered it
You beat me to it
@cairdcoinheringaahing That doesn't mean I cannot outgolf you :D:D
@Mr.Xcoder Have fun :P 10 bytes to beat
@Uriel next in line: enumerate all valid states of the universe
@Scrooble enumerate all valid states of the multiverse.
Enumerate all enumerations of all valid states of the universe.
Final one in line: List the type, mass and position of every fundamental in the multiverse
(I dislike the word "enumerate") :P
@Uriel Ha!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Dang.... L÷⁻“æ8Ụ»$prints inf instead. Anyway brb
DJ clearly missed the "chaos" he caused :P
anyway gtg o/
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, Jelly happily divides by 0. That's how good it is :P
@HyperNeutrino Bye o/
@cairdcoinheringaahing What now?
@EriktheOutgolfer I'm not sure I get your comment. 1) By you mean a literal newline, right? (you never can tell with Jelly :P) and 2) Why is that so much clearer?
@DJMcMayhem The constant enumerations of "Enumerate all..."
Oh, I missed that
2) because the way you do it rn is a bit hackish
Well, I'm not sure how or why, I just know that it works. I've never understood the logical and dyads, so it was pretty much CPP (Copy-paste-pray)
But originally, I had >0Ȧ$
will return the list of deltas if they're all equal, else 0
>0 will then return a list of 1s or a list of 0s if returned the delta list, else it will return 0
Ȧ will then return 1 if it's given a list of 1s, else it will return 0
I don't think that's how you intended it to work, is it?
No, I intended (Equal) && (>0 && ALL)
@cairdcoinheringaahing well, considering the multiverse is infinite, this is totally doable, given a fitting technology and over infinite time.
@Uriel How can something be greater than infinite?
@DJMcMayhem btw it would still work
so it's not invalid
Yeah, ik
@EriktheOutgolfer BTW, how exactly does logical and work?
short circuit
@cairdcoinheringaahing (And everyone else that wants to join) Have some time for JHT?
like, a if not a else b
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, sure :P
Oh. That's totally not what I expected
I was expecting 1 if a and b else 0
it would have been very inconsistent if it did what you expected :p
> The fat arrow => fart functions.
Now I'm going to think of the => as the fart operator.
@cairdcoinheringaahing There are multiple flavors of infinite. See: cardinality
@cairdcoinheringaahing well, different infinities can have different cardinalities
The real numbers and integers are both infinite, but there are (infinitely) more real numbers than integers.
@mbomb007 I feel a great disturbance in the force, as if a million souls snickered and then were silenced.
Not sure if typo, or a prank.
I don't think it's a typo?
because why call them "fat" functions?
Could be "for" functions
but r is close to t on a qwerty keyboard
@mbomb007 then the typo would be really massive
Q: Find the PPCG username

MendeleevInput A Programming Puzzles and Code Golf Stack Exchange user ID, in the format of a string or integer. E.g. 53551 Output This user's current username. This may be printed to the screen or returned as a string. Must have proper capitalization, spacing. Rules Standard loopholes are banned, ...

@EriktheOutgolfer Well it does call it a fat arrow.
but isn't that how it's usually called
but...fat functions? o_o
Maybe the author is just really not fond of lambda functions
Well, either way it's funny. I'm posting it on Reddit. reddit.com/r/funny/comments/770ng1/jslint_supports_what
r/programmerhumor would probably appreciate it more
too late :p
relevant: jsfart.com

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