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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Mego Where I live, the record low is -41F and the record high is 103 F
-41F is about -40C I think?
yeah I think -40 is the crossover point
@DJMcMayhem Yikes
@HyperNeutrino And 103 is just shy of 40C
ah ok
so about the same temperature range as where I live ooh
@Mego Yeah, it's interesting how the highs are close, but the lows are super far apart
Wider range in general
I've overloaded a bunch of operators in ARBLE where there was no behavior, so where(range(1,n),~a%2) can now be range(1,n)&~a%2
ooh cool
CMP: Should B be sorted before or after a?
@cairdcoinheringaahing SE already has something kinda like that for code blocks, for detecting what language syntax coloring to use
I just understood the next OEIS sequence thanks to this helpful image
The problem is I have no Python versions left and I used Proton already for the last tricky one so I'm stuck with probably... Java... oh fun
I'm pleased with the fact that I could slip ARBLE in there :P
It conveniently falls under "Just because it might not finish before the heat death of the universe" rule.
This next sequence doesn't seem very difficult.
It is much easier than I originally thought.
Also, I just realized that to check if any vertex is disconnected, rather than DFS/BFS-ing the entire graph from a random node, you could just check if any vertices have 0 edges... lol
@ConorO'Brien do arrow functions create a functino-scope in JS?
From my experience, most things don't in JS.
But I think Arrow Functions are an exception.
@Downgoat Nevermind. They don't create a scope.
» (a=>{var s=a})(3);console.log(s)
« 3
> (a=>{var s=a})(3);console.log(s)
< ReferenceError: Can't find variable: s
Corrected again, I had already set s to 3 in earlier testing.
For some reasaon.
@Downgoat function:functino::neutron:neutrino? :P
@HyperNeutrino brb changing name to HyperFunctino
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GryphonInverted Quine code-golf quine We all know what a quine is. An inverted quine is a non-empty program that prints the inverse of its source code without reading its source code, and consists solely of printable-ascii characters. The inverse of the source code of a program is all the printable-a...

@HyperNeutrino *functiino
@Downgoat They shouldn't, but I guess they do with braces
@Downgoat yes but you already got your answer
CMC: longest output in 10 bytes of code
(stderr xor stdout)
@HyperNeutrino D: why bad tihng
Does output have to end?
Does output have to end anytime soon..?
See: Before the Heatdeath of the universe
@ConorO'Brien vsl: 1+1+1+1+1
Is there no way to make that any bigger...?
Because, literally 11111 is bigger.
finish executing with 10 seconds how about
Well that throws 999^^²Ap* in the trash.
wait stdout = compiler output or output of running compiled code
Which outputs the Alphabet $9^{9^9}$ times
@HyperNeutrino new Oeis thing?
@Downgoat any reasonable output suffices
124 bytes in output: abcdefghij JS
269kb of Output
wait what
@ATaco ^ how can you be so many thing at once
I have dissociative entity disorder.
Ataco is zombie confirm
Oh no! Now I'm another thing!
@ATaco actual output appears to be 77kb, and I don't know why.
@HyperNeutrino btw, in case you didn't end up checking (and i didn't tell you later): sunless sea is just an oceany area with a magic lamp hidden somewhere. the variations of the map can range from extremely deadly to really easy
1 hour later…
@Downgoat TehFlemonTaco
@Downgoat He is only one thing at once
@ASCII-only oic so like electron
@ConorO'Brien :| well isn't output speed a bottleneck then
@ConorO'Brien *finite output
Stack Exchange Jobs is like "Wanted: Back-end developers. In this role you will be creating User Interfaces..."
@ATaco Yeah? Depending on what exactly you do it may be still backend...
Judging by the fact that the description was talking about "Web Solutions" I'm 90% sure they just don't understand their stack correctly.
@ATaco >_> Well there are a lot of terrible companies
I'd say terrible companies are the majority
I'm not saying their a low quality company, I'm just upset with that page in particular.
*have terrible dev departments?
Whoever set up that page probably isn't on the stack. The ever evasive "Project Manager's Superior"
"Hi Cathy from PR, we need you to advertise on this website"
Is there a maze in which the "Follow the left wall" technique does not work?
@ATaco yes, one where not all walls are connected :P
1 hour later…
@ASCII-only bad recruiter =/= bad company
2 hours later…
@ASCII-only I think you may have left a debugging print in the deverbosifier - it's tracing all the Push commands.
@Neil :| oops
Q: Can anybody help me with this programming problem?

Ranvijay SinghHere is the problem that I am trying to solve. You are given two number-strings A and B. A number-string is a string that contains only digits ['0'-'9']. The task is to make both the strings equal. The only operation that you are allowed to do is to delete a character (i.e. digit) from any ...

Q: Is my password secure?

JoeTask: Take a string as input and if it meets the requirements, accept the password. Input: a string e.g.(someString, asjk23t89h, 123456789abcdef) Output: a boolean e.g.(0/1, true/false, secure/insecure) Password requirements: In order for a password to be determined as secure, it must: Not...

Q: Maximum most frequent outcome

agtoeverIntroduction While cracking this cops-and-robbers question, we discovered that there were at least two different ways to use reach the same value by deleting characters from a mathematical expression. Your task Your program or function must take a string as input. For practical reasons the st...

1 hour later…
Q: The Binary Square Diagonal Sequence

LaikoniThe binary-square-diagonal-sequence is constructed as follows: Take the sequence of positive natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, ... Convert each number to binary: 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111, 10000, 10001...

Q: Alternative winning criterions for cops and robbers challenges?

programmer5000Sometimes the classic CnR winning criterion: Cops If your submission has not been cracked within a week, it is considered safe. The shortest safe submission wins. Robbers The robber with the most cracks wins. can be a bit boring. It also has the problem of hash functions. Wha...

morning everyone
Good morning.
i was looking for a challange that is basically 'sum of squares up to N' but couldn't find it
do you know if there is such a challange?
Hm. I can't seem to find one though I wouldn't doubt there is already one.
is there a way to search for a challange based that has an oeis link?
I think you can just search for the OEIS link, ID, or the first few terms of the sequence.
OEIS sequence: oeis.org/A000330
yes, there are two, but using those IDs i couldn't find a challange
i'll try sandboxing it
ono history test marks coming back ;-;
CMC: Given a string, return the number of (potentially overlapping) three-letter sequences in the form XYX (that is, the first and third letters are the same but different from the second letter).
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Felipe Nardi Batistacodegolf I couldn't find this challenge so I thought maybe the sandbox can help me find it if it exists... If not, I'll post it :D Sum of squares up to N A000330 - OEIS Task Your task is simple, given an integer N greater than zero, output the sum of squares from 1 upto N. Example: Input...

@HyperNeutrino Haskell, 41 bytes: f(a:r@(b:c:_))=f r+sum[1|a==c,a/=b];f _=0
@HyperNeutrino If I'm understanding the challenge correctly: Actually, 12 bytes: ╔2@╨⌠Σ;RNo⌡M
Oh it has to be a contiguous subslice lol
Also you're supposed to return the number of such, not the list :P but oh well, details¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can almost certainly be golfed down more
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Felipe Nardi Batistacodegolf I couldn't find this challenge so I thought maybe the sandbox can help me find it if it exists... If not, I'll post it :D Sum of squares up to N A000330 - OEIS Task Your task is simple, given an integer N greater than zero, output the sum of squares from 1 upto N. Example: Input...

@Mego I don't think that's right. It says e.g. 'HeH' is such a sequence but it never appears in the string?
@HyperNeutrino 05AB1E, 13 bytes: Œ3ùʒÙg≠}ʒÂQ}g
How to database management like a pro: Have an extra_fields column, containing a JSON object which contains any fields you didn't think of when you created the schema.
@Fatalize Oh, I misunderstood
@HyperNeutrino Brachylog, 8 bytes: {s₃↺b=}ᶜ
@feersum done that once to test a quick idea, but instead of extra_fields it was fields
(Don't beat 05AB1E every day…)
@Fatalize I don't think your solution takes X != Y into account?
It will probably beat me anyways though :P
should it though?
oh yeah it should
12 bytes {s₃L¬=L↺b=}ᶜ
too close
@Mr.Xcoder y+s[i:i+2]
@FelipeNardiBatista Does that work as intended?
Oh nvm, the chars are identical. Didn't read the CMC properly
you're concatenating 1 size string with 2 size string
I noticed
@AdmBorkBork You're definitely getting 20k before Socratic.
@Fatalize and then comes the jelly 11-byter
(cc @HyperNeutrino)
oh wait it's wrong
spoke too soon
wait brachylog beats jelly
@Erik It's the first time I ever outgolf you in jelly. You're definitely doing something wrong.
but you didn't even golf it in jelly yet?
@EriktheOutgolfer This challenge, not the CMC.
(I did solve it in Jelly)
who said I'm a perfect golfer
Q: There are known knowns

AdmBorkBorkFormer US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, famously popularized the phrase "known knowns." Here we're going to distill his remarks into a four-line stanza. Specifically, output this text: known knowns known unknowns unknown knowns unknown unknowns Capitalization doesn't matter (for exam...

@EriktheOutgolfer Well you're most definitely much better than me in Jelly :-)
also, cmc 13 bytes: ṡ3µOI_/ȯEµÐḟL
@EriktheOutgolfer Your nickname, kind of
@Fatalize sorry, leaky said that first!
and it's kinda old
Apr 29 at 18:17, by Leaky Nun
Too old; doesn't count
13 bytes for known knowns is insane
@AdmBorkBork *12 :p
Wow, we have a close-vote reason called "don't ask for homework help here"? hm
@EriktheOutgolfer I was expecting low 20s, and maybe one of the golflangs to hit high teens, but that's just crazy low.
@HyperNeutrino probably custom off-topic vtc
@HyperNeutrino it was clear from the post (to me) that the OP wants the approach, but I do grant that it's technically well-specified since there's a winning criterion and it has some test cases...
Yes. If OP changes it to a general code golf it gets my reopen vote and upvote but otherwise just close vote
Q: Help for writing the shortest code in JavaScript?

Ranvijay SinghI am having trouble to come with a approach and code for this problem, can somebody help me out? The winning condition is to write the shortest code in javascript. Here is the question. Kahtras has a garden where plants are planted in a row. Each plant is represented by a character which ca...

Is there a meta post for somehow increasing visibility of less-viewed answers?
I know you can sort answers by activity but I'm sure many users do not do that
at least, not all of the time
hey, known knowns is already over hnq
Q: Finding a clear path between 2 points

Alp KeserI have two randomly located points and several lines between them. Is it possible to find if there is a clear path without any collisions?

@Riker Also thanks for the info on the Sunless Sea :D
@HyperNeutrino, also, check out what curses looks like :D watch me on hardfought really quick
you'll need a big terminal
I can't right now; SSH to that address is blocked by the school :(
can you see that?
nope :(
pasteboard works
but imgur is blocked
We got a pretty sky today with lots of dust and stuff
we got a pretty sky today
with tons of smoke
and a red glow on the horizon
ooh cool
wait what's blue lowercase o
and why are there so many of them
those are mordor orcs iirc
the named weapons in the inventory are all artifacts :D
sting (from LOTR) grants warning vs orcs and spiders, i.e. you can see them if they're on the same level as you
grimtooth grants warning vs humans
the other 3 are more standard, but it's basically a knockback mace and a beheading scythe
Dang, Rod's answer is very clever
I've come up with 3 34-byte Retina answers, so I'm glad I did eventually find a second 33-byte answer
bah, 1(Ø is 2 in 05AB1E, otherwise I could have saved another byte
@LuisMendo this is really cool, added a comment:)
@Neil ... which ovs then just golfed a byte off, sigh
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdmBorkBorkTriangular Numbers code-golf ascii-art number Given a positive integer n, output an n x n right triangle of the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... n. Keep one space between columns and all numbers are right-aligned in their particular columns. For example, for n = 5, output the following 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 ...

@LuisMendo there is no fft in MATL yet, is there?
^ Oooopss sorry sorry very sorry for the above ping.
Actually, just FYI, it's almost worse to delete a ping because then they'll get the ping in 15 minutes, but they won't be able to see the message.
(Well, Mego mınxomaτ, and Martin will, but the others won't)
Mithrandir is a mod right ?
Oh yeah. Mith too
@AlexKChen I mutht have mithed his name :P
Hey @Mithrandir nice puzzle on your profile pic ! Did someone work till the end ? I went upto this a couple of weeks ago. (and then got busy and forgot after that...)
@DJMcMayhem but if he edited it before deleting removing the pings would it have still been visible to the pinged users?
Yep, it's been finished.
@EriktheOutgolfer yes.
@EriktheOutgolfer The message or the ping?
the ping of course
But the message would not be visible (to most of the users)
never happened to me as a jht ro
As an RO, you can see the history of delete messages
@AlexKChen I̞̬̮͜ ͇̗̩̳̼͝H̵̰͈̮͚̘Ḁ͖V͎̭̳̪̩E̦̦̣͇͚ ̣͎B̺͔̲ͅE̴̬E͈͓͈̜̹̠N͉͡ ̭S̗̝̪̣̫̺͜U͚̰̺͞M̯͖̰̱MO̷͚̺N̝̪̯̞͇͎E͓̞Ḑ
(I'm currently on mobile so I have no idea what that looks like now :P)
@Mithrandir Terrible, but I've seen worse
(no that isn't an invitation :P)
Q: Find the greatest line

user2390246You will be given a 2-D array A of integers, and a length N. Your task is to find within the array the straight line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) of N elements that yields the highest total sum, and return that sum. Example N = 3, A = 3 3 7 9 3 2 2 10 4 1 7 ...

@Mithrandir I, too, have been summoned. I had to read chat to figure out why, though, since I cannot see the ping.
I could actually see part of the message in the notification I got, though.
So I'm sure there were a bunch of people pinged.
I can see the message because my forward script doesn't do delete or edit
He listed all the people who's username began with 'm'
@flawr Yes, since yesterday. It's pushed on GitHub, but not in a release yet, and so not in TIO yet (I only ask Dennis to update with new releases)
If you want to try it use Suever's interpreter with version=dbb4bdca in the URL, like this
Out of curiosity: Anyone using Go in production?
Yeah, me. I Go to production everday :P
@mınxomaτ Literally only Google uses Go for production code
And docker, k8s, cockroach labs ...
CMC: Find the diagonal with the maximal sum, given a matrix of positive integers.
(you may optionally output its sum instead)
How many diagonals does a 2x2 matrix have?
@Mr.Xcoder Which version of "diagonal" do you mean?
[[3, 3, 7, 9, 3], [2, 2, 10, 4, 1], [7, 7, 2, 5, 0], [2, 1, 4, 1, 3]] -> [7,10,9] or 26
@Mego Any diagonal line in the matrix.
@Dennis 3.
@Mr.Xcoder What is the third one?
For [[a, b], [c, d]], there should only be 2: [a, d] and [c, b]
@Mego The diagonals of [[1,2],[1,2]] are [[1, 2], [2], [1]]
So only down-and-right diagonals?
@Mego No, the diagonal lines parallel to the main diagonal.
@Mego yes.
@Mr.Xcoder What if there's more than one?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JuanPotatoUsing the least amount of unique characters, create any program in a programming language. Inspired by jsfuck, I was wondering if a similar "hack" could be applied to other languages, and if so how many unique characters you would need. Like jsfuck, show that you can create any program in a lan...

You should've specified that in the challenge :P
@Dennis You can output one of them, all of them or their sum.
Should be ≈5 bytes in Jelly right?
@Mr.Xcoder [7,10,9] isn't a diagonal of that matrix.
Also please ignore my first test case.
@Dennis ^
@Mr.Xcoder s/first/only
VTC as possibly the most unclear challenge I've seen
[[3, 3, 7, 9, 3], [2, 2, 10, 4, 1], [7, 7, 2, 5, 0], [2, 1, 4, 1, 3]] -> [3, 10, 5, 3]
@Mr.Xcoder Yep. ŒDSÐṀ for all diagonals with maximal sum, ŒDS€Ṁ for the maximal sum.
I have ŒDSÐṀ... Ninja'd
Note that the diagonals of the matrix in the test case are [[3, 2, 2, 1], [3, 10, 5, 3], [7, 4, 0], [9, 1], [3], [2], [7, 1], [2, 7, 4]]
@Dennis I have been meaning to ask for a long time. Why did you make Jelly output single-element lists as integers, and all the output behaviour it currently has?
Also does anyone have golfing tips for:
@Mr.Xcoder Because it saves the whenever you have to output an integer, but your algorithm generates a singleton list.
(talking about this challenge for ^^)
@Dennis Ok, I see.
(my code above seems quite redundant as it contains both µ and ³ next to each other ಠ_ಠ)
Can someone tell me what ՊՓԼՃՐՊՃՈԲՍԼ says in ASCII? They're just boxes on my screen
@Neil Your BATCH golfing skills never cease to amaze me
@Dennis That's Mama Fun Roll, right? :P
@HyperNeutrino Yeah I think so. He makes a few unprintable languages, makes sense that his same matches it :P
hello people
How are things going?
\o/ I started the development of Levant again :P
CMC: Given a matrix, return the 1D array formed by getting the maximum of each column.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Niece
ಠ_ಠ 3 bytes in Jelly...
@Mr.Xcoder I see you've moved on from deltas of a list CMCs :P
[[1,2,3,4,5],[5,4,3,2,1]] -> [5, 4, 3, 4, 5] (ZṀ€)
:40580840 wait I didn't read through the text xD
@Mr.Xcoder Two. »/
@Mr.Xcoder APL: ⌈/⍉
@Dennis ... For real... I didn't even know » existed
» existed long before did.
@Dennis Oh so you used to reduce by » rather then get max?
although I doubt that's the best way to do it
@Stephen Python 3: lambda k:[*map(max,zip(*k))] (28 bytes)
Python 2, 20 bytes: lambda x:map(max,*x)
And 25 bytes in python 2: lambda k:map(max,zip(*k))
@Dennis That's Python 2.
It is.
23 bytes in Python 3: lambda x:[*map(max,*x)]
Well, it works in Python 3 as well. I don't know why we wouldn't accept a generator as output.
@Dennis Because we can't visualize it :P
Of course it would be acceptable if this was a main challenge.
I have 5 bytes in Pyth >____>
CMP (for pet owners): What is the funniest thing your pet has ever done?
Swim. (Turtles aren't very funny.)
@Dennis you just made me go through help(map) and sit with my mouth open for about a minute
You have a turtle?
Yes, twice.
TIL Dennis has a turtle :P
My friend's dog (I don't have pets, unfortunately) has tried to pass thorough a mirror once.
Wait, [*generator] is a thing? Like, it makes sense but I didn't realize it was valid syntax
never using list() again
It was introduced in Python 3.5.
@StevenHewitt its practically like writing list(*generator) with arguments unpacking
@StevenHewitt * splats it into individual elements and [...] wraps into a list. Also it can only be used in python 3.5 or later
@cairdcoinheringaahing My dog ran into the box where we keep his toys, tried to get a toy out and missed 3 times, gave up and ran out the door :P
Works for me, I don't usually deal with 3.4 or earlier
@caird How about some Jelly challenges (the same thing we've done yesterday)?
@Mr.Xcoder Sure, I can do it for about and hour. See you in JHT?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I am already there.
@cairdcoinheringaahing My cat is not graceful, and he's missed the fact that there's a slight gap between the couch arm and the end table several times, causing him to faceplant into one or the other.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Attack the mirror (cat)
Yeah, my cats are quite stupid :P I think all cats can be quite stupid :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't own a pet, but my dog growing up chased a rat into the garage, knocked a shelve over, and a gallon of red paint on top of the shelf fell onto the floor. It broke open, and paint got everywhere (including over him). He kept chasing the rat, and tracked paint everywhere, not to mention that he was covered in red paint. It almost looked like blood
It was hilarious
Probably because I wasn't the one who had to clean it up
@DJMcMayhem The funniest things are the ones where you don't have to deal with the aftermath :P
@Mego As a kid, I can safely say, amen to that :P
Ooh, another funny one.
We had a lot of people visiting, having a meeting in the living room. The cat decided to bring my dad a bird he caught as a gift, right in the middle of the meeting
That was funny
+13/-4 ... no comments left. Sigh.
@AdmBorkBork Yeah, its really annoying when that happens :(
Is Luis Mendo responsible for MATL? If so, why does Suever have the official MATL Online IDE?
@MDXF Suever helped Luis build the online interpreter. Luis created most of the language, with help from Suever.
@Mr.Xcoder Oh ok cool, thanks
I'm just starting to learn Pyth ... how would string indexing work? I can't seem to find it in the docs.
Welcome to the club!
@IanH. What do you want to do? Can you give us an example?
@Mr.Xcoder For example, for the string "PPCG" get the element at index 2 (which would be "C")
@IanH. @"PPCG"2
BTW you might want to sort by "Any" rather than "Char"
@Mr.Xcoder Are you sure? "PPCG"2 just outputs PPCG and 2 for me ..
@IanH. You forgot the @ in front. @"PPCG"2.
@Mr.Xcoder Ahhh, lost that one, thanks
How would one create a string with a specific length in Pyth?
@IanH. Example
@Mr.Xcoder Repeat whitespace character N times
@IanH. Is N given as input?
Replace Q with number
@muddyfish Perfect, thanks. Didn't know you could multiply strings in Pyth, my C# habits are killing me.
@IanH. Pyth has tons of overloadings.
@Mr.Xcoder Yep, starting to realize that
Even python can do it
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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