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The main reason I'm working on a system of base numbers is Ascii art, surprisingly.
@ATaco O_o what.
base.to(base("compressedstringhere",254),2,"# ")
:| why not just implment compressed strings
*impalement :P
Base numbers also give a bunch of other usefullness and I don't understand compression well enough.
@ATaco You what. :|
Just get brotli
BRB re-implementing something I don't at all understand :\...
@ATaco brotli.compress(string) -> magic it's done
You see friendo, there's no Lua version.
> brotli
compression algorithm is vegetable confirm
All of these languages, and no Lua.
:/ oh well
deflate/zopfli/lzma maybe?
Or, Oooooor.
Here's an alternative.
I could keep working on this system for now :P
be like charcoal
use a million different compression methods
@HyperNeutrino rip i don't think you're doing it right
me neither...
maybe brute forcing isn't the best idea but I can't think of anything better at this point lol
@ASCII-only at last, managed to come up with my own 15-byte version: Try it online!
@Neil :D (my method is also 15 bytes with :UpRight with some slight motifications I think)
@ASCII-only You want :UpRight? Try it online!
(other directions left as an exercise)
:O wait it's not compressed
what is this sorcery
@HyperNeutrino help what should i use for string map command
what options do you have
unless it's already a command
lol my first jelly answer here is just a builtin + another builtin and has +0/-0 :P
hm brb opening charcoal wiki
what is normal map
fullwidth E (it's in operators >_>)
CMC: Prove a!=a
@ATaco what is !=?
(I've been writing too much lua)
Not equal to.
@ATaco ... this is not proof golf
oh hmm
Could you use ε?
(No I'm not talking to you)
My knowledge of mathematical proofs are lacking
(lol I meant @ASCII-only)
I'll just use Russell's paradox to prove a contradiction and then use ex falso quodlibet
Yep those sure are words right there.
is that the thing where contradiction implies everything
@HyperNeutrino yes
or rather, from contradiction deduce anything
or false implies everything
Also, my solution to the inverse function problem worked. @LeakyNun
@ATaco nice
It's a terrible solution, and would make most people cry, but it's the easiest to understand.
@ASCII-only say what
@HyperNeutrino :| that's a variable
@LeakyNun reference equality
Oh, nice.
That caught me off guard.
@ASCII-only darn lol
Which I suppose is the purpose of
so wait how does sigma for sum work then :|
@HyperNeutrino capital
also charcoal uses math sigma not greek sigma
Math.tan(Math.PI/2) in JS does not provide the answer I was expecting.
Apparently this is a common problem for implementations of tan, returning exactly 16331239353195370
The expected result is either Infinity or NaN
oh never knew there was a difference rip me
huh. I have no idea then :|
@ATaco JS: NaN!=NaN
what chars do you have free though
@HyperNeutrino actually I don't have any :| you might want to go to unicodelookup.com to look for an appropriate one
@ATaco golfier
Sadly reference equality in C is a little more obvious: &a == &b
import random
for _ in range(10000):
But, why?
@ATaco try making sense of it
Oh wait, I know that challenge!
(Also, I should probably give ARBLE a sign function)
:o my program for A000109 actually worked for input 7
It took about 6 hours lol...
is anyone here good at generating (simple) images from programming?
examples of "simple" images?
I dabble.
I mean, those that you can generate with a program
I mean the algorithm is simple
I kinda know how to do it with Java lol but not really
Could you (general you) generate a random walk in 2D?
where you either walk left right front or back in each step with equal probability
1,000,000 iterations would be nice
What output do you want
I could, yes.
Have you tried out Löve2D before?
@ASCII-only png would be fine
@ATaco I haven't
Oh 2d random walk
Just one color?
Wouldn't it look like a mess
@ASCII-only it wouldn't
I promise you
You can have one pixel as one walk if you like
Okay then
What dimensions
Let's try 1001x1001
1001? O_o that's oddly specific
it starts at the middle
it has to be odd
How large would you like each step?
@ATaco one pixel
document.body.innerHTML='<canvas id=c width=1001 height=1001>'
Then right click -> save as PNG
This is only 1000 steps btw
That's 100000 steps.
In Love2D.
1m goes off the canvas >_>
100k works fine for me
thanks very much
could you colour the origin in red?
Hang on
@LeakyNun t.fillStyle='red';t.fillRect(498,498,5,5)
add that to the end
they're really beautiful lol
@ASCII-only thanks
Even though you're using the JS version, the Code I used was:
local img = love.image.newImageData(1001, 1001)
local x = 500
local y = 500
img:mapPixel(function()return 255,255,255 end)
local d = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}}
for i=1, 1000000 do
	if(x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < 1001 and y < 1001)then
		img:setPixel(x, y, 0, 0, 0)
	local x2, y2 = unpack(d[math.random(1,4)])
	x,y = x + x2, y + y2
Q: Fold up a matrix!

HyperNeutrinoGiven a matrix, sum its values up/down or left/right to form an X, fold it up, and return the list. I describe the algorithm here: Algorithm Your input will be a odd-sized square matrix of integers within your language's reasonable numerical capacity. Let's take the following matrix as an exam...

@ATaco thanks
I used 500k iterations here
Hmm you could scale it up a little if you wanted so you can actually see the line :P
oh no, that's fine :P
May I ask as to why you wanted the walk?
@ATaco for interest
Fair enough, it's fairly interesting.
contrary to popular belief, you don't expect it to visit the origin often
but in 2D you're guaranteed to visit the origin
Wait what
in 3D, that chance is 34% (according to Wikipedia)
@ASCII-only ?
100% chance for 2D?
A while ago we had a bit of fun with Prime Walks which may have interested you.
This was my favourite result.
goodbye everyone
hey, random walks
hi. what's up
not much, you?
(also I realized that that o/ was ambiguous; it could either be "hi eric" or "bye leaky" lol)
I was playing with an array of floats interpreted as audio
I made a bass drum sound
o/ and o7 are some of my favourite emoticons.
As is \o/, but I use it much less.
ooo cool audio
I found a question on stackoverflow or programmers a few weeks ago where a guy was doing something like this, and i replaced all of the guts of his code. it's kind of fun putting in different waveforms
I guess this is how you would build a software synth
@ATaco {-}7
@EricTressler You've almost got a Midi player :P
Swap out the wave you're using for a voice, and the array for a Midi file.
@ATaco almost. Need to hard-code the western scale frequencies
I don't want a midi player, though, i want to see if i can make spooky bass drum sounds
> However, software which reads MIDI files is required to honour the length field
You don't tell me what to do, random documentation!
I think you should write some software that reads MIDI files and specifically disregards the length field
and see if anyone comes knocking on your door
Redundant data is to be ignored, which means the CIA are probably using it to send secret messages.
Break free from their system, Viva la Buffer Overflow.
data preceded by "NOTHING TO SEE HERE" is required to be inaudible
If there's a good metric for audio distance, it might be fun to have a challenge like "replicate this guitar plucking a 'g' without using outside resources"
allstars.midi NOTHING TO SEE HERE The Eagle has landed in █████ █████ all operatives move in at 21:██ ██/██/████
you redacted the secret message, all of your operatives are dead now
That's fine, I'm not the CIA hiding messages in Smash Mouth's All star.
how did you do colored characters
Uhm... ChatPrettify.user.js?
It's wrapped in ``
that would be the reason lol those are just normal blocks
I've thought of making a userscript that would add a <color> tag, but it was a lot of effort for not a lot of reward.
you want to recreate IRC chat?
And also Discord chat
A lot of things my userscripts do recreate Discord.
maybe you could write a script that auto-capitalizes every other letter and replaces 'c's with ©
@ATaco Idea: /me command
Also, @EricTressler If you haven't already, check out my chat userscripts
i have no idea how to use those here. paste them into console?
You install tampermonkey
Or greasemonkey
Oh, you need to-
What he said but with Jazz hands.
Get Grease/Tamper Monkey and install the script
You could also paste it into the console or create a bookmarklett, but that's too much hassle.
so you have a client-side mathjax for chat?
And serverside, but that's onebox only.
Nah, I am Typing is Serverside.
Well, half serverside.
that's pretty cool; nice work
Those latex images are stored serverside and generated by the chatcommands userscript.
Alternatively you can use my Live Editor
0/10 do this:
I have one of those
Ah, mine's just for SVG images.
I really need to update that site or tear it down, it's becoming embarassing
And using AceEditor was the best idea.
I wrote mine when I needed a lot of screenshots of LaTeX stuff for a powerpoint presentation, before I switched to HTML5 presentations
wrote == mostly stole from stackoverflow, I think.
My best idea ever was to make a chat entry that uses VIM keybindings.
You know something has gone horribly wrong when you're dragging little images of summations all around a powerpoint
anyway gtg o/
Please don't use the chatjax except to embed an image. It screws with people withouth the script or who are on their phones, and causes messages to weird out completely when there are multiple dollar signs.
> Stack Overflow на русском
Do you speak Russian?
That was not a reply to you.
(You can click the little arrow thing at the start of the message to see the reply target)
It's not my fault for misunderstanding you; you were speaking Russian
I see
Generally it includes the name of the user being replied to, but I used quote formatting and it didn't.
@EricTressler It's an incredibly useful feature of SE Chat. You can reply to a message by hovering over it, clicking the little down arrow, and clicking on "reply to this message"
(Carat reply > replyto)
And at times allows up to three conversations to happen simultaneously without people getting too unbearably confused.
@Pavel Thanks, but I know; I just didn't know about the arrow-reply
@ATaco did you fix the I am Typing XSS vulnerabilities or did people just kinda stop abusing it by themselves.
It's better now.
you're one of the few people who likes the change I think
it's received much criticism from this chat already :P
It looks nicer and important bits are near each other.
I think people just don't like change.
I personally think the style of the new bar would go better with sticky
but I don't like the new one personally; mostly like you said because I don't like the change. If it were always this way I'd be used to it
but like the inbox and achievements are on the right side and for whatever reason when I get upvotes, I can't actually see the +whatever green thingy unless I look directly within like 2 inches of it
like it used to show up in my peripheral but now not really anymore
When you say sticky you mean static? Yeah I think that would be better.
I think that might be the wrong term actually lol
oh wait nvm it's right
yeah just like TIO's header lol
@Pavel Nope. I just saw a vim question and had to answer it
@Pavel Nah yeah I fixed it.
Same deal with stack overflow em Português
@DJMcMayhem In russian..?
@ATaco Opens Australian dictionary to section on combining "yeah" and "nah"
@Pavel In this context, it compiles to 'Yeah, I've fixed it'.
But the Yeah is redundant.
(Read your "yeah nah" ordering, thought that's how I wrote it, doesn't matter either way)
(Is our usage of Yeah Nah and Nah Yeah really that confusing?)
Sometimes. (Not in this case, I was poking fun)
@ATaco i use it that way and i'm in the US
Translating it is easy, but it also carries a fair bit of meaning beyond that.
"Yeah nah" generally makes sense but "Nah yeah" is more ambiguous.
Depends on where you're from, I guess
Ooh are we speaking canadian eh
'Eh in an Australian accent compared to a Canadian one sounds completely different.
oh ok nvm goes back to lurking
The former is exasperated, almost a sigh. The latter is a question, or a request for confirmation.
Of course this is just from my experience.
@Pavel ... I really like answering vim questions
There are things I like talking about too but I don't learn languages for them. How did you even realize the question was about vim?
I find vim's hjkl movement keys a bit confusing
(I normally just use the cursor keys)
I feel like j and k are backwords
@Pavel Because Google translate is a thing
@Pavel You speak Russian, right? How's my grammar?
@Pavel There's actually a reason for that:
A: Why does vim use hjkl for cursor keys?

nobe4From http://www.catonmat.net/blog/why-vim-uses-hjkl-as-arrow-keys/: When Bill Joy created the vi text editor he used the ADM-3A terminal, which had the arrows on hjkl keys. Naturally he reused the same keys and the rest is history!

(The only reason I know the movement keys is because my friend was trying to teach me how to play nethack lol)
Oh, Lua 5.3 removed math.atan2 and overloaded math.atan instead.
@DJMcMayhem It's good but it sounds incredibly technical. You know how some time you read a thesis and even though you understand all the words they're kinda complicated and hard to read? Your post is like that.
how do you cast spells in nethack
I can't find the keybindings anywhere
i think it's m?
apparently m moves down-right
wait nvm
n does that; I had my right hand misaligned
I googled it and apparently it's Z
m must have been from another roguelike, maybe ADOM or angband.
apparently z is zap (3.6.0)
@HyperNeutrino not zed, ZED
oh ok thanks
cool that worked thanks :D
are you playing nethack unspoiled?
Have you played it before / read any guides?
nope. just learned a few things from my friend yesterday lol
also how do you descend stairs lol I can't remember the keybinding
I'm going to guess >
CMP: Intrinsically worst production language you've ever used.
Personally, Mine's Dreammaker.
@ATaco Proton
@EricTressler oh there it is, thanks!
rip I died
@HyperNeutrino You're welcome. Good luck... I never played that game before I spoiled everything for myself
Ah okay, I see
		return n
	return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
Look at this syntax, this syntax makes me sad.
Does anyone know where I could go solicit a few puzzle game enthusiasts to try out / beta test my game without getting yelled at
@ATaco ew
puzzling.SE ..?
Or arcade
if you ask nicely and manage to convince us, some of us might be willing to try. ataco's suggestions are probably best though
Dreammaker is an ObjectOriented Whitespace Dependent sometimes-loosly typed langauge.
IO is handled with HTML4.
@ATaco I'm sitting in the puzzling chat room now, trying to gauge. Arqade is too much of a random mix of people. I may ask in Puzzling. Thanks
@ATaco What lang is that?
but ew, slashes there look SO AWKWARD
Dreammaker, as I said.
@ATaco Batch. Most tasks would be easier in brainfuck.
Can confirm, I have used batch before.
Hmm, I might answer some questions in Dreammaker
@ATaco I probably have to say Java. Not that Java is a terrible language, I just can think of a worse one that I've actually used.
How's that for a truth machine?
Wait, I can save a byte.
This is glorious. Why is this language not on TIO?
Because it is only on windows.
And it doesn't have a headless mode.
CMC Write a Dreammaker interpreter.
CMC': Find the Dreammaker spec
@ATaco I think JavaScript is the worst language that I've used seriously
That takes input via the mob's location.
> The DM (Dream Maker) language uses a syntax similar to C/C++
It lies, it lies through it's teeth.
dammit I just got crushed by a falling rock :|
@ATaco what on earth that is the worst lie I have ever heard
Are you ok?
Dreammaker is used solely to create games, usually 2D tile based ones, on the Byond engine. The most famous of these games being SpaceStation13.
@Dennis :P that was out of context :P I'm playing nethack lol
I love SpaceStation13
I tried to play it for hours and I only end up suffocating in space
Can you tell I'm a coder for a few servers :P
I played on goonstation or whatever it's called. One of the nicest communities ever, from SA...
I'd like to think my best work is on Yogstation.
@ATaco Byond download page has a Linux entry
Haven't touched Goon's source, it's for the best.
Welp time to start playing SpaceStation13. Wish me luck.
Oh yeah, the compiler is on linux, although it's still not headless.
@Pavel be careful, it's got a learning curve just short of dwarf fortess.
And atleast dwarf fortress doesn't have people complaining that you're failing at your job...

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