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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@ATaco 0-indexed or 1-indexed?
Test case is 1 indexed, either is acceptable
@ATaco 05AB1E, 2 bytes: ØØ (0-indexed)
Have you tried out ARBLE yet? (Or heard of it, for that matter?)
@ATaco J, 4 bytes: p:p: (0-indexed)
@Adám lol why are you still here
@LeakyNun Hard to fall asleep.
rip APL no prime built-in
That's actually kind of surprising.
@LeakyNun NARS APL has. Dyalog is contemplating adding it.
What's the shortest way to determine primacy in Dyalog-APL?
@ATaco Other that using the supplied model for the proposed primitive?
… namely pco
Just whichever method uses the fewest bytes to determine if a given n through any acceptable method is prime.
@ATaco 2=0+.=⍳|⊢
(two equals the sum of the equal-to-zero of the division-remainders for n and 1…n)
:40433491 Why? it has to calculate n division-remainders and compare all n of them to 0, then sum the n Booleans.
Yeah, it occurred to me that it's a perfectly fine solution.
@ATaco Problem is only if you want to find all primes below n, as then the shortest solution I've found is O(n²).
You can almost definitely improve that atleast slightly by caching the primes and only searching through the primes, instead of each number, for divisibility.
@ATaco Sure, but it costs bytes.
of course.
I've a pretty fast Prime Factorization algorithm, although it's not a particularly fancy one.
@Adám are you sleeping in the Sukkah?
@LeakyNun No.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EdwardEvaluate a Starting Position in a Partitioning Game code-golf sequence game math Two players play a partitioning game. At the start of the game, there are n stones, all in a single heap. When a player takes a turn, they must divide an existing heap into two, ensuring that every heap still h...

@HyperNeutrino pls dont let oeis die
@HusnainRaza I'm trying my best but I'm stuck on this one right now... Do you know Mathematica?
a litt
I really hope the newest Math.SE answer is helpful... I haven't looked it through yet but the Wikipedia link answer helps a bit and the other one hopefully explains it.
pls u only have till tuesday
@HusnainRaza Generating simple graphs is an easy algorithm but I have no idea how to do graph theory, and I have no idea how to Mathematica. I kind of want the PlanarGraphQ builtin because I am unsure how to implement it, though I may have to go with the minor isomorphism to K5 and K3,3 check
use that
then generate all adjacency matricies?
do you know how to do planarity checks for adjacency matrices?
first of all, how do you do graphs in Mathematica
I have no clue how to calculate A000109
i know how to
algorithm for calculating a000109
1. look at oeis page
2. be confused
3. ask @HyperNeutrino
why me
no the method goes like so for me:
1. look at OEIS page
2. be confused
3. ask Leaky
4. ask Math.SE after Leaky is also confused
generate all graphs
and then check if planar?
how though
I don't know how to do that in Mathematica
which part
generating all graphs?
but now the thing is that I don't care about the number of vertices (or edges, I only specify one)
loop over all values of the other one?
Q: The prime ant 🐜

Super ChafouinThe "prime ant" is an obstinate animal that navigates the integers and divides them until there are only primes left! Initially, we have an infinite array A containing all the integers >= 2 : [2,3,4,5,6,.. ] Let p be the position of the ant on the array. Initially, p = 0 (array is 0-indexed) ...

2 hours later…
Q: Expand Comparison Chains

MaltysenUnlike most languages, Python evaluates a<b<c as it would be done in mathematics, actually comparing the three numbers, as opposed to comparing the boolean a<b to c. The correct way to write this is C (and many others) would be a<b && b<c. In this challenge, your task is to expand such compariso...

3 hours later…
@HyperNeutrino Then use Mathematica? :P
Q: Another number theory

Alex K ChenIMO SL 2009 N7 problem reads Given two positive integers a and b, prove there exists a positive integer n such that (a n - 1)(b n - 1) is not a perfect square. Your task Given three positive integers a, b, k, output the numbers 0 < j <= k such that (a j - 1)(b j - 1) is a perfect...

hi. testing out this chat stuff
Run while you can :P there is no effective rehab strategy for chat addiction
Can confirm
@Mego *There is no rehab strategy
too late. IRC swallowed my soul long ago
jesus i'd never even heard of languages like J and K before coming across them on some of the pages
sick stuff
@jaytea Why?
why had i never heard of them?
@jaytea because you never discovered rosetta code, or TIO :P
by "sick" i mean "fucking cool". i have a great appreciation for anything that makes me say "wtf" when looking at it :D
@jaytea Though profanity is somewhat tolerated, please try to avoid excessive use.
ah sorry, will do
2 hours later…
woo, managed to save another 6 bytes
What are you working on?
A: Writing rational numbers as ratio of factorials of primes

Neil05AB1E, 54 53 48 46 40 bytes R1D‚[ÒsD¿÷DŠO3‹#PsDÓεg}Z<Ø1‚s`›iR}DŠ!*Š* Try it online! This feels long. Edit: Saved 2 bytes thanks to @ASCII-only. Explanation: R Reverse the input list, because I generate the answer reversed 1D‚ Push a list of two 1s representing the products of the o...

(still can't work out why I can't put code after my infinite loop)
@Neil Where is after the infinite loop? I don't see you closing it with ] anywhere.
oh, you close infinite loops with ]? I guess I didn't spot the difference
Yep. The new documentation seem to have removed that piece of information
oh, it's there, but the difference is so subtle I missed it
I'm pretty sure it used to say "close infinite loop" or something along those lines
εg} can be €g btw
@Emigna well that's definitely a documentation failure there, it's entirely unclear that € does that
Not entirely. It does state "for each".
It could certainly use some clarification though, along with a lot of the commands
Q: Primes in the prime factorisation

pbeentjeI saw another prime challenge coming by in PPCG, and I do love me some primes. Then I misread the introductory text, and wondered what the creative brains here had come up with. It turns out the question posed was trivial, but I wonder if the same is true of the question I (mis)read: 6 can be...

ok, somebody please help me
what is the difference between ^^ the new challenge and the one it links to?
@SEJPM This one takes exponents of primes factors into account as well as the factors themselves.
@Emigna ahh, thanks, now I see :)
ok, so in 05AB1E, I've got a list of two lists of primes on the stack, and I want to add a prime to one of those lists. Currently I'm using 1‚s`›iR}sP*Ò but I don't actually need a list of 1 if it would help golf it down?
Good morning everyone o/
@J.Salle Good morning to you.
Can anybody prove that all primes >=5 can be produced by adding previous primes? I can't really think of a way to prove it, other than by checking primes until I'm reasonably sure.
A link to a site that says so would be fine, but I haven't been able to find one.
Are you only adding two primes or is any number of primes being added fine?
@Gryphon Adding 2 previous primes or more are acceptable?
Also, that's easy. All primes other than 2 are odd, so just take 5 and keep adding 2 until you have the prime. QED
If not, then only twin primes work
Sorry, meant at most one copy of each previous prime. 2 or more, but only 1 copy of each.
@Gryphon How would you express 11 then?
So basically you're asking if all primes p are expressible as sum q_i, where q is a list of unique primes
@Neil Not entirely sure what you want to do, but going by your explanation is this what you want?
@Mr.Xcoder Darn it, forgot that 11 also doesn't work. Other than that, I've worked it out up to 29. It was for a challenge idea that was to find primes that have that property, before I realised it was 7, and then from 13 up for as far as I went.
As @Mr.Xcoder said 11 is an easy counterexample. The only choices are 2, 3, 5, and 7, and it's trivial to show that no combination of them adds to 11.
IMO there are too many prime challenges lately
@Mego Yep, I forgot about that. Other than that though, it's all of them up to 29 (except 2 and 3 obviously)
Primes are interesting. Unless literally every challenge over the course of 3 days were about primes, I don't think we can have too many (excluding dupes) :P
@Emigna well, I had that, but it was too awkward because I need to choose which list I append to
@Mr.Xcoder I like prime challenges though. I agree with Mego
We must only have prime challenges on prime days of the month :P
@HyperNeutrino Aww but I was going to post one tomorrow :P
So, what I'm asking is: from 13 up, can all prime numbers be expressed as sums of unique previous prime numbers.
@Gryphon @Mego I like prime challenges too (if you haven't noticed I have ~3 or more answers on each). However, they become boring if they are repeated over and over again, with small differences from each other
@Mr.Xcoder Many of them have fairly large differences. For example, this was directly inspired by my challenge here, and the spec reads almost the same, and yet they require quite different techniques to solve
Your theory holds for 37: [[2, 3, 13, 19], [2, 5, 7, 23], [2, 5, 11, 19], [2, 5, 13, 17], [2, 7, 11, 17], [3, 5, 29], [3, 11, 23], [5, 13, 19], [7, 11, 19], [7, 13, 17]
I just want a proof so I can base a challenge off it.
I am not particularly good at writing proofs
Neither am I, which is why I came here instead of doing it myself.
@Gryphon Here's the issue: if we find another counterexample, then you can just move the goalposts for a new minimum. Proving a negation is hard.
That's true. If you find another counterexample, I'll stop bugging you. Deal?
@Mr.Xcoder Sorry, only just noticed your comment, because I was busy saving 5 bytes. Does it still apply?
@Neil Let me see
I've found this: quora.com/…
@Neil No you have changed that (the €g thing)
ah, @Emigna already told me about that in chat
you should improve its documentation though!
@Neil Yeah, I just implemented the Wiki, there are still bugs
(and the docs are mostly written by Adnan, you cannot blame me for that)
I feel this answer is almost at a reasonable length now, I just need a better way of concatenating a prime to one of two lists of primes
wasn't blaming @Mr.Xcoder, just wanted to encourage him to improve the docs
@Neil Yeah sure
@Gryphon Interesting. I didn't think to connect it to Bertrand's conjecture.
@Mego Neither did I. I just looked it up, and saw that.
@Neil I updated the docs: Map; Apply the next command to each element in the list. - What do you think?
sounds great thanks!
no problem
Progress Report for the OEIS Challenge: I currently have a program that implements 2 of 3 operations for expanding a planar triangulation, and the third shouldn't be too hard. However, its time complexity is probably something along the lines of O(n!^3). Should I try to finish my very much so inefficient Python answer, or try Mathematica instead?
Also, I am unsure of whether or not my program works anyway because it is impossible to test for values larger than 5, which gives me 3 test numbers...
CMC: Given a positive integer N ≥ 2, determine its prime partitions (i.e the prime numbers that when summed give N)
@HyperNeutrino You could try Sage (CAS built in Python)
hm I'll look into that, thanks!
20 -> [[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 7], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5], [2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3], [2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 7], [2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5], [2, 2, 2, 3, 11], [2, 2, 2, 7, 7], [2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 7], [2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 5], [2, 2, 3, 13], [2, 2, 5, 11], [2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], [2, 3, 3, 5, 7], [2, 3, 5, 5, 5], [2, 5, 13], [2, 7, 11], [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5], [3, 3, 3, 11], [3, 3, 7, 7], [3, 5, 5, 7], [3, 17], [5, 5, 5, 5], [7, 13]]
Jelly, 8 bytes: ŒṗÆPẠ$Ðf
What's the (a) rule of thumb on how long to wait before accepting the best answer for a code-golf challenge? A week?
Pyth, 10 bytes: f.AmP_dT./
@pbeentje We generally avoid accepting. If you do want to accept however, wait for at least ~10 days
@pbeentje I usually accept an answer 3 months after the last answer or around then. Anytime over a week or two sounds pretty good, though many users never accept answers.
@Mr.Xcoder Heh, I can answer the trivial case where N ∈ primes
oh, ok. That's easy, thanks
@HyperNeutrino didn’t you and @ConorO'Brien make a JSF subset with only 5 characters or something? Could you link me to it
:o what no I don't think so
@pbeentje If you're going to accept an answer, wait a while after the last answer (a week is usually good), and after several answers have come in (at least 3-4). But also consider not accepting.
@pbeentje I personally usually wait until I've forgotten about the challenge, and see it randomly linked somewhere or something. If I still remember it from the title, it's probably too early to accept an answer.
@ASCII-only what is your github account, if you still have one?
Sounds reasonable!
rn I can't see charcoal documentation
@EriktheOutgolfer Somebody1234 IIRC
Mathematica, 47 bytes: Select[IntegerPartitions@#,AllTrue[#,PrimeQ]&]&
@EriktheOutgolfer Charcoal disappeared from GitHub :O
@Mr.Xcoder ASCII-only disappeared from GitHub :o
@Mr.Xcoder his whole account
it would be sad if he deleted it
With how suddenly it happened, I'm wondering if it was a ToS violation or something
like, github tos?
Probably best not to speculate, though - they can clear it up when they show up here
but nobody was speculating anything
I pinged him to find out
I didn't say there was speculation. I said it was probably best not to speculate.
He's actually on Discord - I pinged him there
Charcoal... I don't want charcoal to disappear from PPCG :'-(
Well probably it's nothing serious
Um :| sorry everyone my account got autoflagged >_>
I think because of a suspicious repo I guess? (it was a redirect one like not-s.tk)
not-s.tk is 404
can you get charcoal back somehow?
or its wiki docs
@EriktheOutgolfer Messaged support basically as soon as I found out
they still haven't replied :(
gtg now o/
I have a question: how on earth do you write jelly efficiently when it has all those weird characters?
beats jelly so that dennis sees it
doesn't mean he'll answer
@NieDzejkob Download US International layout :P
I was told that that these two words were equivalent to a ping
where do you find that?
I guessed you saw the starboard :p
of course it doesn't replace a normal ping ;) it's just a joke
is it unclear that I said that as a joke?
@EriktheOutgolfer Actually Dennis could adapt DJ's script
Dennis probably wrote a script to notify him every time someone says "Jelly" or "jelly" on PPCG or any chat room (also possibly the rest of SE)
except that the latter can't be true
@ASCII-only but then how do I type my precious ąs and ęs and śes?
@NieDzejkob IDK how to actually use US International, pretty sure they have modifier keys
the US Intl keyboard layout has all accents as dead keys
> Copy and paste and pray it works - DJMcMayhem
Q: Smaller-Base Palindromes

GryphonFor the purpose of this challenge, a smaller-base palindrome (SBP) is a number which is palindromic in a base between 1 and itself (exclusive), and is not a repdigit in that base. For example, 5 is a SBP because it is a palindrome in base 2 (101). The first few SBPs are 5,9,10,16,17,20,21,23,25...

My account is back
it got autoflagged rip
I just realized that in Mathematica, if you have a single argument function f called on argument a using f@a, you can insert #&@ after the @ as many times as you want :P
Why are you using Mathematica?
Python is too hard and inefficient; PlanarGraphQ will come in handy
Haha, people still want to save that challenge :P
of course I do
I've committed too much time to it already, why stop now? xD
Well, you got a bounty last time for saving it, why not do it again :P
lol that's true too
gotta earn back that 500 rep
Sanity check: The maximum number of vertices a fully connected graph with e edges can have is e.
Can anyone tell me why this doesn't work? tio.run/…
@HyperNeutrino e-1. Vertices in fully-connected graphs aren't connected to themselves.
wait does fully connected imply no cycles?
It has to have cycles, because every vertex is connected to every other vertex
But they aren't connected to themselves
Also I meant e+1
well then my terminology was incorrect lol
ugh, concatenation is still too long: ¸¯‚s`›iR}‚øε`«}
And also that's not right because the number of edges is geometrically proportional to the number of vertices
@Mego by that do you mean all vertices are adjacent to all other vertices or can the connections be indirect?
@HyperNeutrino Direct
oh ok
wait is it assumed by default that a graph necessarily does not have two disconnected parts
There are n*(n-1)/2 edges in a complete graph (complete == fully connected)
@Neil 05AB1E?
@HyperNeutrino No
my question was intended to be what is the maximum number of vertices that a graph with all vertices indirectly or directly connected to each other with e edges can have is :P
Oh, then it would be e+1 - a straight line
Any more, and you have a disjoint graph
oh right, I forgot about straight lines lol. thanks!
now still why doesn't this work ;_;
(also I find TIO mathematica like 100x easier to use than sandbox 10/10)
oeis.org/A000109 says that one of the computation methods is "simple planar graphs with 3n-6 edges" but for 4 (6 edges), Mathematica says there are 30 simple planar graphs????
@HyperNeutrino I'd ask if you wanted to do any JHT, but I think I know the answer :P
:D I just realised that you have essentially 8 hours past 7 days to complete your program @HyperNeutrino
wait what ._.
so am I too late ._.
The last answer was posted at 1:08am at my time zone
@HyperNeutrino No, not yet
ok good
anyway gtg ;_; o/ hope to finish tonight
o/ Good luck :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing JHT? What's a JHT?
@HyperNeutrino good luck
@NieDzejkob Jelly HyperTraining. Where we learn Jelly :P
@NieDzejkob FYI, the way its going, if Hyper doesn't finish, you'll get the bounty for your TrumpScript answer :P
I know, but:
- the challenge is very good, like the best I've seen (OK, maybe except [Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/11880/build-a-working-game-of-tetris-in-conways-game-of-life))
- the bounty is worth 5 upvotes, which should take about 3 answers to get
does markdown really not work here?
Not in multi-line messages.
just, WHY?
@NieDzejkob Because chat is neglected
Because a consistent Markdown implementation for questions/answers, comments, and chat would be too easy to use.
@Mego No, this is actually by design. Let me find the meta post.
@NieDzejkob Wow. I'd say its alright, but there are definitely a lot better challenges (some by Dennis/Mego :P)
Q: Markdown in chat fails for multi-line messages

sbiWe've come to rename Markdown to Letdown in the C++ chat room because it lets you down so often. I've now just found a pattern. It seems markdown fails for multi-line messages. That is, this Letdown can't cope with multi-line comments. Let's see code? fails to display code marked as co...

CMC: Output the unicorn shown here
Sounds like a job for Charcoal
@cairdcoinheringaahing Aww shucks
@cairdcoinheringaahing I DO NOT agree
Well, each to their own :P Thanks though!
@cairdcoinheringaahing indeed
@Neil Isn't there a concatenation builtin?
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's the «, the rest is just boilerplate to concatenate to the right sublist
Who here uses CodeWars?
It's not quite a rival to Programming Puzzles & Code Golf because they actually have a focus on good code, and language-agnostic challenges are actually accumulations of multiple language-specific challenges.
@wizzwizz4 Our code is plenty good.
wut? 2 little changes from mine deserved another answer? but the explanation was nice — Felipe Nardi Batista 11 mins ago
Strange how code golf has drifted from a competition to group-effort-by-default
Q: Is there a way to match an unknown number of lines between 2 delimiters? For example, a regex that matches this
@Lynn That's a side effect of public answers. If you post an answer that's very close to someone else's, it's going to look like plagiarism.
@Lynn People get on more :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Turn on the s flag
. doesn’t match newlines without it
Well, that worked :P Thanks
@Mego The funny thing is I beat them by three bytes, and then they copied that three-byte save over into their answer… T_T
Now that isn't cool
@Lynn Can you replace set(l) with {*l}?
Only in Python 3.
Which I can’t switch to, because reading input takes more bytes in it: int(input())
I still feel bad that in one of my challenges, I actually did plagiarize from Anders Kaseorg's excellent challenges (meant to just improve and didn't find much), he rightly called me out on it (and that it didn't work at first), and I don't think Anders has been in PPCG since
@Python2 ಠ_ಠ Stay up to date with Py3
I don't really know how to make reparations there. I just sort of left the challenge alone after that
> Last seen 9 hours ago
I mean posting
I think he just isn't posting
that sucks :<
I hope we don’t scare people off with our silly rules.
Yeah, it was fastest code, so I wasn't as familiar with it, but I really should have known better
I think Anders has been around for quite a while
Anders is super talented, too
For reference: this challenge
@Sherlock9 IMO, I'd delete the answer. I think dupe answers are OK, as long as they don't steal from each other
@Sherlock9 Do you need a re-timing?
I just hope that he doesn't do what ais513 did. That would be a real shame
@DJMcMayhem Thank you very much for the offer, but no
I'm going to rollback to my original answer
And tell Anders what my improvement is: just increment r instead of using Newton's method
@wizzwizz4 I've just signed up for CodeWars and I must say, the editor is FUCKING AMAZING. Guess why
Did ais523 disappear? :<

ais523's last conversation :(

Jun 28 at 15:13, 12 minutes total – 38 messages, 8 users, 4 stars

Bookmarked Jul 16 at 2:29 by HyperNeutrino

@NieDzejkob The horizontal scroll bar covers up the last line of code?
The "refactor your code" bar covers up the last line of code that isn't covered up by the horizontal scroll bar?
@NieDzejkob Wow.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ;'-(
I don't know. Does this apology comment work?

I'd like to apologize for several things: 1) my plagiarism of your answer when I tried to find improvements; 2) not owning up to it properly and just trying to fix my answer; 3) that this apology has taken so long. I was so mortified that at first I just abandoned this challenge. In a small attempt at reparation, I suppose it fair to tell you that my main improvement on this answer was changing from Newton's method to incrementing `r`, as your initial approximation is already quite good. Hope to see you in PPCG once more, and sorry for everything.
@Sherlock9 No - it's multi-line so Markdown doesn't work.
@Sherlock9 I think that's the most you can do. Beyond that, its up to him if he wants to forgive you (assuming he hasn't).
Comment... Ok, that's fine.
Decided to also delete the answer
Thanks for reminding me that I still had that unfinished business, guys
@NieDzejkob Could you have a look at my impossible Kata?
(It's actually possible, but it's really hard.)
I would join CodeWars, but they don't have support for Jelly :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not yet...
But you can always put a Jelly interpreter in your solutions as a hackish workaround.
I'm a newb in python -_-
@wizzwizz4 Its 66Kb long, I don't think that would be welcomed :P
@NieDzejkob In what way? Golfing in it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing It can be golfed.
no, in general
@cairdcoinheringaahing Almost makes me think, "Let's make our own website for code golf!"
Python would be my idk... 5th language? something like that
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's without the 2.4 MiB dictionary.
Except I haven't the faintest idea how to build and maintain something like that
@NieDzejkob I think the CPython developers would have to think twice before managing to solve my puzzle. It's really a "how much can you abuse Python without breaking it?" contest.
Ok, its confirmed. "Jelly" summons Dennis :P
@Sherlock9 Luckily Jeff and Joel beat you to it (and know how to handle such a site)
Depends on what your opinion of how well-suited SE is for code golf, I suppose
I'd say that it does work, but could be much better
Fair enough
Also "Did you know you get a badge for deleting your account?". That just seems messed up
Hey, y'all! Would anyone be interested in playing a game with us Puzzling folks?
(I know that several of you have played with us before, such as @cairdcoinheringaahing and @Sherlock9 - maybe we can draw you back? ;))
Q: Least integer as a product of given factors

GiuseppeThere have been a lot of prime-/prime factorization-related challenges recently, so I thought it might be interesting to go the other way. Given: a positive integer n, and a non-empty list of positive integers f write a full program or a function to find the smallest integer i such that i >=...

@Mithrandir how "real time" are we talking
I'm working on stuff but I can take little minibreaks here and there
@Poke like, this chat real time
Would it be bad if I didn't respond to something for say... an hour?
ooo not this time for me, then
The entire game is usually over in about an hour....
Does this make any sense? I don't seem to be very good at explaining regexes...
A: How many unique primes?

DennisRetina, 31 bytes (?!(11+)\1+$)(?=(11+))(?<=^\2*) Input is in unary. Try it online! (includes decimal-to-unary converter) How it works Since the program consists of a single regex, Retina simply counts the matches. The input is assumed to consist of n repetitions of 1 and nothing else. The ...

@Dennis Primality testing with regex? No, it definitely doesn't make any sense.
Why would you do something like that?
It would be pretty hard in Retina without using regexes...
I felt a great disturbance in the Force...
@Dennis you can save at least a byte by counting overlapping matches: tio.run/##K0otycxL/…
@MartinEnder Didn't know about &. Thanks!
Q: A train crosses a labeled bridge

Mr. XcoderConsider a bridge of length B formed by tiles labeled with the digits of the positive integers concatenated. For example, if B was 41, then it would look like this: ----------------------------------------- 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 Now imagine a train of length T crossing the...

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