Disposing of your females is not a good way to maintain your line. Guys have a hard time making babies with each other, even if they try very hard. This aspect of their eugenics scheme betrays a stupidness which bodes poorly for this group.
For animals, clearly selective breeding can and doe...
Given a positive integer N, output the innermost N×N square of an ASCII art spiral made of -|/\ that spirals clockwise inward.
The - is used for horizontal portions, | for vertical portions, and / and \ for corners. The first character is - and the spiral proceeds left and down.
Specifically, w...
def factorial(0) = 1
def factorial(n is int if n > 0) =
n * factorial(n - 1)
temp = range(10) |> map$(factorial)
for a in temp: print(a)
@ASCII-only But sometimes the C# interface pulls me out of the magical world that is F# syntax and back in to C# (not that that's necessarily a bad thing)
@cairdcoinheringaahing why? anyways, i do intend to (after 9 friggin days) but the name was mostly to keep track of pings during my suspension and a little bit of rebellion against the suspension :P
Not really... I mostly abandoned it to remake it with a better parser and object representation (so I wouldn't really change the specs) but never got around because school
But I had a bug with division where dividing a bracketed expression by something twice would cause the content between the slashes to become a regular expression
@HyperNeutrino If it's going to have the same spec can't you just call it a refactor of the Proton code base instead of arbitrarily increasing the TIO lang count?
Or just .... release a new version of the language
I thought about making Cubically v2 a separate language, but I didn't. Cubically v1 is vastly different from Cubically v2, but I didn't want to waste time and energy making a new "language"
Just use GitHub's tag/release system and mark answers as "Proton 2"
Or, if you're only going to be adding to the language, just add to the language :P if you're not modifying existing functionality but only adding new functionality, no need for another language/version...
Well only two users are currently participating in the challenge - there aren't any answers created by users other than those two for quite a while, and there aren't any comments underneath the answers
Domino somethingorother
code-golf ascii-art
Given a single digit 1-9 as input, output the domino face with that many dots (sometimes called pips). The nine possible outputs look like this (separated by pipes):
| o| o|o o|o o|o o o|o o o|o o o|o o o
o | | o | | o ...
Brain-Flak (a cross between Brainf**k and Flack-Overstow) is a stack-based esoteric language. Since this challenge was posted, the language has evolved and updated, but this first revision of the language is known as "brain-flak classic".
You must write a program or function that takes a string ...
Does anyone think this is objective enough that it would not get closed? (I don't want to put it in the sandbox yet due to the inevitable downvotes once people see it's a pop-con... but you can't downvote a Gist :P)
A Conc-urn-ing Problem
You have a mysterious urn, which contains 0 <= n <= 10 sets of k balls. Each set of balls shares a numeric label, from zero to n-1. You perform a repeated experiment, wherein you remove a ball from the urn, and note its number. If the number of balls in the urn with the sa...
@Pavel That would indeed be a better idea; once I've decided whether or not I'm going to continue with the idea of making a language all over again and whether or not I'm going to keep the specs from proton. If I decide to use the same specs then I'll probably just replace parts of the original code so I can keep it functional as I improve it, but if not, then I'd have to remake the whole thing and name it something different.
Design a One Instruction Set Computer language-design popularity-contest
Yes, it's a popularity-contest. Please read the entire question before downvoting or close-voting. The three headers make up the spec, and the bullet points below them make up the rules.
Your challenge is to design a o...