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This is insteresting, strange, and beyond my skill level. Truly the best combination there is.
Also that's not compliant C
int main(void){return 0;}
But anyways you need to initialize the stack and call main from assembly
Oh yeah I was letting my golfing instinct get teh better of me
-ffreestanding doesn't seem to need that which is odd
Oh I am going to go to sleep now. This is a very interesting puzzle.
Scroll down a ways for the linking bits
@quartata I'm not writing a kernel in C. Does seem like a good read though
I was thinking about making a non-tarpit language
I was also thinking about making a koth
neither will probably happen
Have you made many languages before?
it's mostly the lack of ideas and inspiration that's the problem. plus lack of motivation
@Uriel That may actually be correct. The term was coined by Greg Bacon, who finished his Mathematics/Computer Science BS in '99. So he was probably born around '75. Well after APLers started shortening code, I presume.
ok so how about that koth idea I had with the factories but with manufacturing robot units rather than just explosives
I made a program that compiles Brainfuck into a horrifying Lambda-based Javascript.
For example, the output for ,[,.] is:
	// Memory
	var inpptr = 0;
	var out = "";
	var tape = [];
	var ptr = 0;

	// Compiled BF

	// Output
	return out;
That compiled BF will always be a single expression, and the whole thing doesn't define any new functions.
2 hours later…
@ATaco do one for ++++++[>++++++++<-]>.
@ASCII-only You read SRoMG too? BTW, I didn't understand your ASCII variable comment.
@Neil not really, that isn't really the kind of comic I read, it just gets mentioned write a lot here. What I mean in my comment is you can do assign (setvariable should work too I think) with a string and anything but a variable I think and that would assign to the given string key.
@ATaco how is this better than Dennis' transpiler lol
That's not the problem I was having, I wanted to do Assign(AtIndex(string, index), variable); but AssignAtIndex(string, index, variable) gives the same succinct code...
also, deverbosifier is broken on RotateOverlapOverlap(:UpLeft, 4, 6);
2 hours later…
Updated my reddit scraper to run on my remote server, self-repair, and store results in Mongo instead of a plaintext file
1 hour later…
Q: Window Problem ok k elements

BharadwajGiven a sliding window of size k print the maximum of the numbers under the sliding window. Example: Consider a sliding window of size k equals 3. Let the array be [3,2,7,6,5,1,2,3,4] the output should print 7 as the first output as first window contains {3,2,7} and second window contains {2,7,6}...

CMC: Given an String or array of characters, divide the number of consonants by the number of vowels.
Up to you if y is a vowel or not.
@AdmBorkBork No such thing as "aeiou".contains($b)?
There's a .IndexOf() but then I'd need to test whether it's > -1 .... it might be shorter
Nope, that comes out to 93 because .indexOf gets repeated twice
python, 60 bytes: def f(x):y=len(x.translate(None,'aeiou'));print y/(len(x)-y)
I tried, it has to be "None", a zero value doesn't work
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenAccordion Solitaire: how many moves can I make? code-golfgamecard-games Introduction: Unfortunately an Accordion Solitaire Solver challenge already exists (Solve a game of Accordion), so instead this easier related challenge. Let's start by explaining how Accordion Solitaire works: You star...

what's the correct answer for rhythms?
Oh, that's kinda similar to the Python answer
Q: Generate TeX to typeset Sierpinski Triangle Fractal

Vitaliy KaurovChallenge Write code that outputs TeX (LaTeX) math-equation code (given below) that will typeset Sierpinski Triangle Fractal of 5 levels. Shortest code wins. Details TeX (and friends like LaTeX, etc.) is a sophisticated typesetting system. It can render arbitrary nested complex expressions for...

@Mr.Xcoder SOGL, 11 bytes: l,æčøŗ⁄:h-/
@Riker 55 bytes using a slightly different approach: def f(x):y=sum(e in"aeiou"for e in x);print(len(x)-y)/y
@HyperNeutrino Hi! Are you up for some Jelly, or maybe later?
^ Maybe later; I'm in History class right now and the quiz might be over soon. I have a spare next though.
@HyperNeutrino Good. bleh, history (ping when you can train)
also why did caretreply not install rip; SE preview works
Caret reply is malfunctioning ಠ__ಠ
oh it still is?
@HyperNeutrino Test
I can't understand how y'all pay attention in school and also chat on SE
It works on Safari
^^ maybe this will work?
@AdmBorkBork and is the wrong term here
Hehe, it's just Chrome maybe?
@Mr.Xcoder that could be the issue
@AdmBorkBork pay attention in school - DO WE?
whats going on
not anymore apparently; I rebuilt tacoscripts
I think I had the old version back from when there was a caret bug about a week or two ago
btw not school here now meh
also I have nothing to which to pay attention right now; I'm waiting for other people to finish the history quiz.
@HyperNeutrino I usually do that too during the Physics class :P
yeah it's one of the most interesting courses I've had in HS so far lol
okay thats a good excuse to chat in class
@Mr.Xcoder Ah I see lol
brb updating computer
probably not
I think it is too closely related.
Dupe of Bifurcate Text IMO
its not dupe I guess
@HyperNeutrino I VTCed too
different shape boys
Yes but very, very similar
Huh. Not sure actually.
I nearly thought they were the same
I think code copied over would be too trivially modifiable.
agreed ^
It's closed now anyway, but maybe It will be reopened if future changes occur.
CMC: Given a list L and an integer Q, pad L with repeated copies of Q up to the nearest multiple of Q.
[1,2,3,4,5], 4 -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4]
[1,2,3], 3 -> [1,2,3]
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7], 2 ->[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,2]
Q ≥ 2 .
Jelly, 5 bytes: sz⁹ZF
Pyth, 3 bytes: .[E
:( Pyth < Jelly rip
In this case Pyth << Jelly :)
Is this a built-in?
.[ means pad A on the right with repeated copies of B up to the nearest multiple of C
ah I see
And it wasn't really biased at first, I realised after posting the CMC
I feel like Jelly should be 4, for some reason
lol prolly cuz im bad
No, not at all. Yours is actually quite nice
k thx :) brb then I can jelly in jht
edit: I think 5 bytes is optimal.
@HyperNeutrino sya there then
@Mr.Xcoder fwiw, I hammered it open. I don't see the code as being "trivially modifiable"
Ok then
Can't wait to have a hammer too (that doesn't imply I will abuse it in any way!)
Hammers are fun
(I think)
@Mr.Xcoder ooh nice
@Mayube Oh hey, Mongo! How do you like it?
@El'endiaStarman Coming from a PHP/LAMP background and being completely unable to get mongo working with PHP, it's eh. It serves it's purpose in this case though, as it's much faster to write to Mongo than MySQL, which is needed given I'm making 20-60 inserts per minute
in fact it's more than that, more like 3-5 inserts per second
Does the fact that it's a NoSQL database matter to you (with regards to what you're working on)?
@Emigna Re: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/143271/61613 I'm not familiar with 05AB1E, but wouldn't splitting on x and joining with y be the same as replacing x with y?
Not sure if that would save you any bytes.
One of the "other methods at same byte count" listed below does exactly that
@El'endiaStarman nah not really, either way I'm going to have to periodically migrate all the data out to hadoop anyway
unfortunately, the 1-byte replace in 05AB1E does infinite replacement, so we need a 2-byter there. otherwise it would save
@Emigna Ah ok
@El'endiaStarman if I can get PHPMongo working though, I'll likely use that for PollPCG
does 05AB1E have an operator to split a string into a list of characters?
ah, @EriktheOutgolfer just found the answer I was going to give for Python 2
@Neil maybe ¡
but i haven't used that language ever
/me shrugs
or Œ
@Neil S
@Neil :)
it was getting golfed gradually...
when I thought it's optimal, then boom another golf
Q: Am I an insignificant array?

UpgoatAn insignificant array is an array of positive integers, where the absolute differences between consecutive elements are all smaller than or equal to 1. For example, the following array is insignificant: [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4] Because the corresponding (absolute) differences are: [1...

ooh two originals and one outgolf in just over half an hour...
@Emigna naïve port of @EriktheOutgolfer's Python solution is 16 bytes: "{^_}"SÐÐ'xýýýýý
@Neil see my 05ab1e answer, it's shorter than that
there's F for that job
Braingolf has f to get deltas
but then I need a way to figure out if the result is significant
@EriktheOutgolfer yes, well that requires me knowing the language, instead of trying to scrape Info.txt
oh hey my rep is 4646
@Neil there's some sort of tutorial for the loops :p
@Mayube And mine is 12468
@Mr.Xcoder nah, you need to get to 124816
Not anymore :p
@Mr.Xcoder ooh seems my upvote broke your pattern rip
@EriktheOutgolfer I don't mind xD
I also upvoted your Husk solution
you didn't break any "rep pattern"
yeah, true
(btw it was also probably my upvote which bought you to that pattern)
CMC: given non-empty list of integers, return how many times you need to take deltas to make all terms equal
e.g. [1,2,3] -> [1,1] so return 1; [1,4,9] -> [3,5] -> [2] so return 2; [1,1,1] return 0
jelly, 7 bytes: IÐfE€ċ0
@LeakyNun Main challenge a couple of days back
(I think that's already done)
@Mr.Xcoder ;_;
Q: Nth Differences

GryphonIn math, one way to figure out what the type of a given relation (linear, quadratic, etc) is to calculate the differences. To do so you take a list of y values for which the gap between the correspondent x values is the same, and subtract each one from the number above it, creating a list of num...

yes that one
@EriktheOutgolfer s/f/Ŀ/
CMC: Given a non-empty list of integers, return the number of equal consecutive elements.
seems unclear...
[1,2,3,3,2,4,5,2,2,2,2,4,5] -> 6
It should be clear now.
Each element is counted
you mean the lengths of the runs of length > 1?
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes.
And summed
@Mr.Xcoder Husk: ΣẊ=
4 bytes
I count 3 bytes?
Me too, oops.
It's invalid too, just checked it. :(
I saw, just had the link though
There is a short solution in Jelly anyway
@Mr.Xcoder Husk, 5 bytes: ṁLftg
Seems like Husk is a better tool though :)
jelly is 7 bytes
that's long though not short
I mean, it's 9 bytes too long
@EriktheOutgolfer I like this one more though: ŒgḊÐfFL
fewer links, mmm
also husk's algorithm it seems
oh really? Didn't bother to check
g = runs
ft = filter by remove first
ṁL = sum lengths
@EriktheOutgolfer i wanna try it in 05AB1E, wanna solve it too? (to compare the byte counts)
05ab1e has different definition of truthy...
Oh really ಠ__ಠ?
yeah only 1 is truthy
i would still like to solve it though
@Erik Is there a filter-discard?
ಠ_ಠ 05AB1E
but you normally just append just before the filter's }
Anyway, I think I know how to solve it
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes, exactly what I was about to do
Currently, I have 8 bytes
remember, only 1 is truthy
may I reveal?
well it's here for when you wanna see
Mine: γʒg1›}˜g
ooh mine...
@EriktheOutgolfer If only 1 is truthy: γʒg_}˜g, why doesn't this work?
@EriktheOutgolfer o/
@Adám Python3, 180 bytes: Try it online!
outputs in all lowercase
turns out bcdijknqrvx are each programming languages as-is
unfortunately UNITY was the shortest language name I could find for u
yeah I didn't even think to do a lambda
you can use split to save a lot of bytes
@Mr.Xcoder -27 bytes
I was just about to do that >.>
I have written a script lol to generate the string
@Mr.Xcoder -12 bytes
Idrc about the actual string :p
@dzaima Thanks! -8 bytes
@HyperNeutrino to remind you of what?
like tasks
only if the bot can interface with my Trello boards
like you could do !!/remind me to get $27 dollars for French class tomorrow
or !!/remind HyperNeutrino to send teh codez tomorrow
I mean as long as I have the bot running 24/7 it shouldn't be too impossible
I suggest remind me every 5 minutes for a week "work on new golflang" :p
remind \s+ to .+
remind \s+ every \d [A-Za-z]+ for \d+ [A-Za-z]+ .+
@HyperNeutrino 41 bytes for your Proton answer.
o cool thanks :D
strawpoll died?
@Adám SOGL, 28 bytes using mostly Mayube's langs
also the problem with this is that you can't remind a user named "me" with this lol
@dzaima mostly?
ah you used az instead of a+
@Mayube replaced a+ with az (although now that doesn't save bytes :/)
I assume for easier dict compression
I'll work out the regex but I want to make it as English as possible
@HyperNeutrino if it sees me it could set it to the person who sent the command?
yeah that's what it's going to do
that's why you can't remind a user named "me" because it would just remind the command sender
I'll have to think of a workaround to that
anyway gtg now o/
if you want to remind somebody else use remind @user
@HyperNeutrino Please test it here if you're going to make it
@Mr.Xcoder I'm back
Why doesn't that work?
and _ means python not
means 05ab1e not
just like Ā is python lambda x:+bool(x) and Θ is 05ab1e bool
@EriktheOutgolfer What's the difference?
Arrgh homework
@cairdcoinheringaahing different definitions of truthy and falsy
in 05ab1e only 1 is truthy
in python it's not the same
@EriktheOutgolfer why? What's the point?
sometimes it has saved bytes
@cairdcoinheringaahing ask adnan
Q: Given a number N ,find all the numbers that have digital sum equal to their digital product equal to N

mahender singhGiven N<=10^5 , I have to efficiently find number of numbers having the above property, where digital sum (of a number) is sum of its digits and digital product (of a number) is product of its digits and both of these should equal to N, i.e. N=digitalSum=digitalProduct ,find all such numbers with...

@NewMainPosts Huh? How does that have 4 downvotes, but 1 close votes?
@cairdcoinheringaahing it is already closed >_>
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, now. It wasn't when I said that
You'll notice I was the second close voter :P
or I was the 5th close voter even though it said "close (1)"
Same here, but third
and h.pwiz was probably 4th
> off-topic by Halvard Hummel, caird coinheringaahing, Mr. Xcoder, H.PWiz, Erik the Outgolfer 3 mins ago
^ That is the close vote order
yeah it says it on the question page
Why are we discussing that?
because more interesting topic doesn't exist...
CMC: Given n, determine whether the sum of n's digits equals the product of n's digits. n must be taken as a'n integer of a string representation of an integer
...which is pretty much a bit of a pity
@cairdcoinheringaahing closed as off-topic :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pyth, untested: q*FQs. Takes input as a list of digits
@EriktheOutgolfer ಠ_ಠ No its not, but ^ was written in a way that it looked like a plea for help, and off topic
> :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing jelly, 5 bytes: DµS⁼P (takes integer not list of digits)
@Mr.Xcoder Not valid, see edit
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pyth, untested: q*FKjQTsK
Brb finishing German hwork
@cairdcoinheringaahing PowerShell, untested -- param($a)($a-join'+'|iex)-eq($a-join'*'|iex)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Deorst2, 4 bytes: ,ΣΠE
Yay n-pair :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing thought that just passed through my mind: what if you really just need to do n < 10???
but then 22 fails
pyth, 9 bytes: qsJjQT*FJ
husk, 6 bytes: EmeΣΠd
Husk, 5 bytes: §=ΣΠd
@H.PWiz ooh
nice outgolf
§ again
I tend to forget of that thing...
brachylog, 6 bytes: ẹ⟨+=×⟩
@EriktheOutgolfer We tend to tie each other when it comes to Pyth, lately
actually that's pretty much the same as yours so I'd not consider it a tie
Oh yeah you have J instead of K
except that instead of b==a it checks a==b (i.e. the same thing since it doesn't involve list mutations) and instead of J it uses K
Anyone up for JHT?
wait up for a sec
cjam, 11 bytes: {Ab_:+\:*=}
opens tabs
now waits too
Q: 2 plus 2 equals fish!

TezraThank you for you help fixing my calculator's multiply function, but I've found another critical error all calculators seem to share. None of them understand that 2+2=fish. So now I need code to properly add 2 numbers. Challenge Take 2 numbers as input (Type doesn't matter, but only 2 items wi...

@cairdcoinheringaahing No bots in TNB
@HyperNeutrino "here" is a link going to the sandbox actually
@HyperNeutrino looks to the message above that :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's a feed, not a bot. Technically it shouldn't be given butter.
@Mego `Twas merely a joke, my flipper-bound RO :P
Who bound your flipper?? That sounds overly cruel.
I'm not sure what "flipper-bound" means in this context tbh
Basically I can't english
because if a ro is flipper-bound then I'm not sure if they should really be a ro :p

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