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What would the type of Stratos be? (ie stack based, functional etc)
@Mego so no chance of a corrected Actually solution? Or are you still working on that?
@Pavel I'm slow
Q: Consonance or dissonance?

RamilliesGiven two note names, you are to write a program that determines if the interval formed by these two notes is consonant or dissonant. Introduction In Western music, there are only 12 "different" tones. Their names, sorted from lowest to highest, are these: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, ...

We have less than 24 hours for OEIS
..why does something constantly add //<>// to the end of lines to my SOGL code..? (e.g. this)
just pushed changes to SOGL and now it has 4 more //<>//s..
can someone on safari or anything else something that doesn't support async/await verify that this doesn't work but going to compatibility mode when run it prints "Hello, World!"? I updated stuff and I'm hoping I didn't break the compatibility of compatibility mode :p
@HyperNeutrino Talk to Peter Taylor, he's developing a solution.
Also I want this chain to go on for as long as possible, because as soon as it finishes, I lose 100 rep D:
> WebAssembly (not supported by your browser)
:| I have Chromium...
Also hmm I'm not entirely sure all that text is needed :P
@ASCII-only Uh, try dcode.io/thinscript
:D great
Does this dcode have any relation to the cipher one
Hm. ThinScript seems to be superseded by TurboScript: maxgraey.github.io/Assembleash/#TurboScript
  print("Unknown target");
When would this ever happen :/
@PeterTaylor are you working on a solution for A87 ATM?
@Pavel wait what since when does California get hurricane
@dzaima safari has async await so only like IE but why not use babel if need compatibility?
Went to upvote a funny comment and realized it was mine :P It is 23
@EriktheOutgolfer piet i think is that
Q: Is optimizing for test cases a non-observable requirement?

Christopher 2EZ 4RTZI have seen in a few challenges "No optimizing for the test cases" is that a non-observable requirement? Calculate the number of primes up to n Kinda: Know a sequence by its subsequences

@cairdcoinheringaahing I wasn't actively working on it right then, but I had scheduled the tidy-up and post. Now live.
@Okx no documentation, so I can't really say
I may be going from 1.5 meg to 150 meg!
MB/s or Mb/s?
mega bit
Lol internet speeds measured in bytes
Down where I am it's more common.
Although it's probably very local.
It may be 20 up/down but still better
I've got 100Mb/s down now, and it's absolutely amazing.
Especially because I'm Australian.
You can leave now
A: When is first person okay in formal writing?

Lady MondegreenI hope that college will do you some good. You should at least have learned how to spell it by now. A "collage" is a pasting together of separate parts. It comes from the French verb "coller" which means 'to paste'. Also, of course you use the first person when writing to the college. They...

Geez people are salty about me mixing up one letter
@ATaco SE still thinks im bot
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ 0/10 I'm a spelling nazi (and I don't need to spend anywhere near an hour (well any time at all really)) spellchecking :P
I used the wrong word
also can't tell if it's a typo or you didn't know correct spelling
Both, used wrong word
ok so I had an idea for a koth
basically, you have to build a factory that will destroy a factory on the other side of a map
possibly the factory has to build part of itself
but it builds explosives and stuffs mostly
and then catapults it
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ so I want to flag this but I'm not sure which flag would be appropriate if any
@DestructibleLemon not answer or rude
it is sort of an answer
it has a small answer at the end
so rude
I have a better answer already
well it was almost a one line answer anyway

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